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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1961)
Eagles Win Over Burwell 62-44 Thursday O’Neill Eagles ran their win ning record up to five straight victories by defeating Burwell Thursday evening, 62-44 on the opponents court Defense played an important role in the win over Harwell. At one time in the first quarter, the seftro was 12-0 in favor of O’Neill and Burwell's fine basketball player, Dick Hahn, was held to six (joints the first half Denny Drayton, playing his first varsity competition, scored 9 [joints and had 10 rebounds Denny played the entire gainl and shows great potential. Kil coin, Schmeichel and Kurtz play ed aggressively on defense and scored 12, 11 and 11, respectively Rich Hill was high scorer with 19 points and snagged 15 rebounds. Hill also demonstrated that he could shoot a hook by firing one in during the fourth quarter from around the free throw line. The Eagles will play their next game at Neligh Janaary 5. B- >x score O’NEILL G F T Hill 7 5-8 19 Schmeichel 4 3-5 11 Kilcoin 6 0-1 12 Kurtz 3 56 11 Drayton 4 1-3 9 BURWELL G F T Hahn 9 3-4 21 Hoppes 5 0-0 10 Ashman 0 2-3 2 Roberts 0 3-4 3 Franssen 2 0-1 4 Mahn 2 0-1 4 Score by quarters O’Neill 16 35 45 62 Burwell 8 20 33 44 St. Ludger's Hand Cards Sixth Loss Of Season 69-50 St. Mary's Cardinals suffered its fifth straight loss Friday night in a game with St. ledgers, Creighton, on the home floor. The score was 69-50. Jerry Closter was the leading individual scorer for Creighton with 22 points, and Vogt was sec ond with 19. For St. Mary’s Nor man Mudloff, Owen Donohoe and Jim Spitzenberger scored 16, 13 and 12 points respectively. The reserve game also ended with Creighton the winner, 26-18. The Cardinals will play their next game with Butte at O'Neill, January 12. Score by quarters: Creighton 15 21 18 15 69 St. Mary’s 10 13 13 14 50 Spencer Pirates Down Verdigre 89-85 Friday VERDIGRE — It was a tough loss for the Verdigre Hawks Fri day night but a happy one for the Spencer Pirates when they won 89-85 in a close contest Fri day night at Verdigre. Ron and Len Kopecky were top scorers for the Spencer team, hit ting 41 and 31, respectively. Le land Timmerman was high man for Verdigre and made 35 points followed by Allen Boelter with 21. Spencer will host an Invitation al meet starting January 1. Ver digre will play in the Corntassel meet at Coleridge next week. Score by quarters: Spencer 25 25 22 17 89 Verdigre 27 27 13 18 85 Ewing Tigers Down Butte EWING — Larry Noffke col lected 25 points Friday evening to help the Ewing team defeat Butte here 69-41. R. Anderson led the Butte team with 17 points. Score by quarters: Ewing 22 17 23 7 69 Butte 2 14 12 13 41 Spencer Tourney Set Jan.1 thru 6 SPENCER — Berths have been drawn for the Spencer Invita tional tournament which will be held at the Community hall here January 1, 2, 4 and 6. Atkinson and Spencer are pair ed for a game at 7 p.m. the first night, followed by Springview and St. Joseph's (.Atkinson) at 8:30 p.m. The second night Naper and Lynch will play at 7 p.m. follow ed by Butte and Stuart. Championship playoff will be Saturday at 8:30 p.m. preceded by the third and fourth place game at 7 p.m. Atkinson Balers Nip St. Joseph's 46-45 ATKINSON — One point spell ed the difference in the cross town basketball game Tuesday night between the Atkinson Hay Balers and St. Joseph's. The Ba lers won 46-45. Both teams now have three wins and three losses for the season. Jim Johnson was top scorer for Atkinson with 15 points, and Mark McKay led for St. Joe with 18. Injured in Fall ROYAL — Miss Julia Streeter, high school instructor, was a patient in the Tilden hospital last week, having been injured in a fall in her home. She sustained back injuries when she slipped on a rug and fell to the floor. She expected to be released the first of this week. Delivers Mail Thanks to Ivan Novak, son of .Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Novak, VonHgre, II was a happy Christina* for many folks be rnliwn he helped the mail get through. ..Ivan, enroute to Verdigre from Omaha, spotted an object in the road about 10 miles east of Norfolk. I jam Investigation he discovered It was a govern ment mal sack filled with par eels. He brought the mail hag to Verdigre and turned It In to the l»ostmuster Harold Bruce, who saw It safely to Its destination, Creighton. (•aining a place in the starting lineup for the fhadron State Teachers College basketball team is an O’Neill freshman, Jerry “Jake” Dexter. fhadron State’s basketball coach Mark Peyton has been very’ well impressed with Dex ter’s performance on the basket ball floor, so much that in the last three games he has had him in the shirting lineup. The 6-2 freshman is a smooth ballhandler, good at defense, especially in rebounding off the backboard, suul has a soft set shot which helps build points for the fhadron Shite Eagles, whose record now stands at 7-2. While at O’Neill high Dexter was an All-Tourney player as well as All-Conference and All County. Capacity Crowd Attends Ewing School Operetta EWING — The school audi torium was filled to capacity Thursday evening for the pre sentation of the operetta. “The Lost Doll" by the kindergarten through the sixth grades. It was directed by the teachers, Mrs. Helen Grim, Mrs. Leona Shoemaker, Mrs. Neva Berg strom and Mrs. Fern Rexine. Cast members were Anita Parks. Mary Dougherty, Glenda Napier, Maurice Hahlbeck and Lori Lee Funk. Pianists were Judy Spangler, Sandra Tellan der, Joan Spangler and Glenel len McDaniels. Chorus members were Jim Schilousky, Roger Pelletier, David Rotherham. David Shra der. Maurice Hahlbeck, Lonnie Pelletier, Bob Black. Michael Dougherty, Barbara Vandersnick, Donna Steskal, Roberta Eppen back, Paddy Regan, Mike Regan and Kathy Tomjack. Specialty numbers were pre sented in costume for Christ mas selections by all the grade students. Concluding numbers w ere songs by the girls glee club and the triple trio. Involved in Accident Enroute to Nebraska ATKINSON—Word was received here that Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mc Daniels. White Sands, Tex., were involved in an automoble acci dent while enroute to Nebraska to spend the holidays with rela tives. Information was not sent re garding the location of the acci dent or if there were any in juries. Mr. McDaniel’s parents live in Scottsbluff, and Mrs. Mc Daniel’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Alois Mlnarik sr., in Atkin son. Miss Petersen Signs Teaching Contract Jane Petersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Petersen, has accepted a teaching position in the city schools at Topeka. Kans.. beginning September. 1962. Miss Petersen, wiio will be graduated from Hastings college in June, will instruct kindergar ten at Topeka. Verdigre FFA Holds Christmas Party VERDIGRE — There were 22 members at the annual Christ mas party held by the Future Farmers chapter in the voca tional agriculture room Sunday. Dec. 17. A business meeting was held prior to the gift exchange and lunch served by the instructor. Ted T. Ward. Discussed were the basketball tournament, the Sweet heart dance and completion of a shingling project. There was an awarding of prizes to Vernon Vakoc, Larry Viteraa. Richard Novacek Jerome Forman. David Vesely and Allen Wavrunek as top salesmen in recent projects. Vesper Service Held Sunday At Verdigre VERDIGRE — The Methodist Youth fellowship sponsored a Christmas Eve vesper service at the First Methodist church. Taking part in the program were Larry Vitema, Ronnie Wal ton, Ronnie Pavlik, John Famik, Frances Hildreth, Marlene Sou cek, Lavonne Hildreth, Betty Randa, Penny Jerman, Karen Jacot and Jeannette Marshall. Group singing, scripture reading, solos, candlelighting service and prayer were presented In memory of the late Judy Jacot, an MYF member, the church hell was rung. Verdigre K C's Hold Christmas Party VERDIGRE — Sixty persons were present for the dinner and Christmas party held Wednesday, Dec. 20, by the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus in St. Wenceslaus auditorium. A chalice and paten, in memory of a former member, Adam Stoural, was presented to his wi dow by the Rev. Charles J. Oborny from the Knights or ganization. The gifts will be pre sented to some missionary priest. Cards furnished entertainment for the evening with prizes going to Joe Jacot jr., Mrs. Frances Ebel, Edward L. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Jedlicka. L. H. Sandoz served as toastmaster for the evening. Guests included The Rev. Ed ward J. Hunkeler, Bloomfield; the Rev. William Lordeman, Os mond; the Rev. Francis Kenny Plainview; the Rev. Melvem Wiese, Creighton; the Rev. John McNally, Niobrara; Ixan Tajch man, Omaha; Lambert Poele, Grand Island; Mrs. Nellie Wag ner, Creighton and Mrs. Mary Stoural. Ronald Rotherham Receives Promotion EWING — At a recent cere mony at the Headquarters Train ing and Test Regiment Marine Corps School, Quantico, Va., Ronald Rotherham, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham, Ewing, was promoted to second lieutenant. He is a member of the 29th Officer’s Candidate Course. He and his wife live at Apartment 303. 802 Tennessee Avenue, Alexandria, Va. Teachers Plan Holiday Trips Instructors at O’Neill public school have announced their plans for the Christmas and New Years holidays during vacation. Planning to remain at home over the holidays are Supt. H. L. McCoy, Prin. Marvin Miller, Mrs. Florence Kersenbrock, Helen Martens, Clara Harley, Catherine Pease, Cleta Murray, Alvara Ramm, Eileen Seger, Lorine Smith, Grace Peterson, and Edna Jeffrey. Others plan to do some travel ling over the holidays and they are: Nyeulah Sanders, Creighton; Gerald Hawley, Burke, S. D.; Elizabeth Spelts, Kearney; Theresa Ernst, Norfolk; Donald Larson, Clearwater; Vernon Car penter, Hartington. Duane Miller, Fremont, Stan ton, Norfolk and Chicago; Nona Beckwith, with friends north of O'Neill; Vivian Bartos, Ewing; Chloris Van Nice, Iowa; Charles Smith, Sterling; Richard Van Va lin, Wakefield and Hooper; Don ald Kokrda, Omaha and Plain view; Stan Williamson, Stratton; Eleanor Hunt, Omaha; Bonnie Berger, Dakota City; James Luft. Wabash, Ind., and Alice Berigan, North Loup. Angus Cattle Sold By Arthur Hibbs Jr. Arthur Hibbs jr., O'Neill, re cently sold three Aberdeen Angus cows and a registered Angus bull. Purchasers were Merle and Kay Schleusener, Orchard. Doug Shrader Named Class President EWING — Doug Shrader, Ew ing. has been elected as presi dent of the freshman class at Wayne State Teachers college. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Shrader, Ewing. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris The Ewing Fire Department was called out about midnight' Saturday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham and about 6 a.m. to the John Boody home. Overheated chimneys were the cause of the alarm at both places. Mr. and Mrs. John Bollwitt went to Lincoln for the holiday weekend to be with their daugh ters, Mrs. Robert Hunter and Mrs. Henry Garman and their families. They made the trip by bus. A family gathering was held Christmas Day at the Ludwig Koenig home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. James Koenig and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sojka and family. Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. James Roth and family and Louis Koenig., Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thiele and fam ily. Clearwater, and Bob Koe nig, Beaver Crossing, who is home for the holiday vacation. Rose Marie Sojka remained overnight at the home of her grandparents. Mrs. Edna Lofquest was hos tess at a family party at her home Christmas Day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Lofquest and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mer lyn Meyer and son, Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Meyer and family, Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eaeker went to Sioux City. Ia.t Sunday to be honored g-tests of their daughter, Mrs. Gene Ruby and family on their 47th wedding an niversary. They also attended a Christmas cantata in which their grandson, Jan Ruby, participat ed. The members of the Eaeker family were entertained Christ mas Day at the Ruby home. Ot hers from Ewing present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eaeker and family. The- Christmas program Thurs day evening at the Riverside Free Methodist church was presented by the Sunday school. The Rev. Everett Keesler gave the invo cation. Children participating were Steve Anson, Kathy McDan iel, Linda Striker, Danny Miller, Donna Striker, Jane Anson, Car ol Ann Napier, Linda Anson, Jim Anson, Jackie Barnsardt, Sharon Mott, Tammy Mott, Glenellen McDaniel, Linda Larson. The fol lowing teachers were m charge Mmes. Grant Mott, Bert Fink, Walter Miller and Howard Mil ler. Walter Miller is the super intendent. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik had as their guests for Christmas dinner Mrs. Inez Siems and Joyce, Neligh, and son, A, 2c Gene Siems, Rapid City, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie went to Plainview Christ mas Day to join members of their family for dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austin. Mrs. Elmer Woeppel and son, David, went to Omaha Wednes day by bus where both will have physical checkups. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Grafft and family, Omaha, came Saturday to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eber. Grafft, and his sister, Mrs. Wil bur Spangler and family. Home from college for the holi day vacation are Sandra and Dounglas Shrader, Leonora Tuttle and Judy Tinsley, Wayne State Teachers college; John Wanser, Denver, Colo., LaRoyce Blunt, Jerry Black, Richard Mlnarik and Clifford Juracek, Norfolk Junior college; Mary Ann Bauer. School of Commerce, Lincoln, and Kittie Wanser, Assumption aca damy Norfolk. Mrs. Gertrude Davis and Ken neth Davis, Orchard, were guests at the Waldo Davis home Sunday for dinner and the evening. A Christmas candlelighting ser vice was held Christmas Eve at the United Presbyterian church. The Rev. Dr. William H. Ross left Christmas Day for Smith Cen ter, Kan., where he will be a guest of relatives until after New Year’s Day. The December 31 service will be charge of the ses sion. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris went to Plain view Friday for a pre-Christmas dinner with then daughter, Bertha Harris, and a girl friend. Bertha is employed as a senior nurse’s aid at the Plain view General hospital and was unable to be home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim spent Christmas Eve. at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Grim and family, Verdigre. Harry Potts and grandson, Richard Madsen sr., and Richard Madsen jr., Turin, la., were cal lers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris Thursday. Each of the grade rooms of the Ewing Public School had a Christ mas party with exchange of gifts and singing of Christmas carols Friday. The grades of high school also had an exchange of gifts. School was dismissed in the af ternoon for the holiday vacation until January 2, 1962. Coach and Mrs. Gary Tessmer and family left Sunday where they will spend the holiday vaca tion at the parental homes of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tessmer and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Marr at Rosalie. Coach and Mrs. James Kay and family left Sunday to spend their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ro land Kay at Pender and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tessmer at Rosa lie. Mr. and Mrs. George Kel ler and family to Herrick, S. D. Saturday to visit relatives until Tuesday. Lena Baker is spend in? hpr of- Knr Neiigh. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tessmer were hosts at a Christmas Punch at their home Friday evening af ter the Ewing-Butte basketball game. Present were Supt. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. George Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kay and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle. Mrs . Max Wanser returned home Sunday from Kansas City where she had been a guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cou fal, to make the acquaintance of a new grandchild. Brother Ivo Regan, Gilmore Academy. Gates Mills, O., ar rived in Ewing Friday to visit his parents in O'Neill and at the Sam Regan home and others in Ewing. (Last Week's News) A good sized crowd was in at tendance at the United Presby terian church Monday evening when the Sunday school present ed its Christmas program. Congregational singing was the opening number followed by the scripture reading and prayer by Mrs. Leo Miller, superintendent The welcome was given by Glen da Napier, Alice Shrader, Mrs. Alfred Napier. Mrs. Archie John ston, Marilyn Johnston and Mrs Lionel Gunter. Mrs. Wilbur Spang ler was accompanist. Dr. Wm. H Ross, pastor, gave the benedic tion. The congregation received treats and exchange of gifts in the annex of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and daugrters spent Sunday at the home of her parents. * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban called Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bollwitt and later vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bollwitt. Other guests at the T BUYERS BRAVED BITTER COED to attend the Boyd Boelter farm sale Dec. lit, four miles northeast of O'Neill. Here shown is |Kirt of the crowd as the auctioneers sell the farm machinery. Auctioneer Ed Thorin is visible above the crowd as he s<saks hlds on ’ff \ -J ' •** * »• >•. a tnu'lor. Hr* aim usslstod at tht* •*.»!«• by lt<>> Hlrwiui iuiiI Chink Mitkoiiy. This was unothrr marmuiful (arm sal«> ndlI'rllmnl thrmiKh Th«' Kmnllw'» unr atop wi-ni Imr-lnsuml larm milr wnicr, Bollwitt home were Mr. anil Mrs. Victor Bollwitt anil family. Mr. and Mrs. Urban and Mrs. Alfreda Pruden went to Neligh Monday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bollwitt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cloyd, Ar lington, Va., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham took their son, David, to the Children's Memorial hospit al to Omaha Tuesday where he will undergo surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hintz, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp, Mrs Gail Boies and Frank Bohn, win ners of a series of games in the Ewing-Clearwater Pinochle club, were entertained by the losers at a dinner at the Hi-Way cafe in Clearwater Thursday evening. La ter the members went to the home of Roy Stevens for the Crristmas party. Score winners were Mrs. Hintz, Mr. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Knapp. Guests Sunday at the Stanley Davis heme were Mrs. Davis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Crea ger. Meadow Grove. All attended the Christmas Sjnday school program at the Methodist church in the afternoon. The Davis fam ily plans to spend Christmas Day at the parental home in Meadow Grove. Sunday evening luncheon guests at the Earl Billings home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lucas and Lisa who were enroute to their home at Clearwater from Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Billings plan to go to Hastings Thursday where Mrs Billings will have a physical checkup. They will remain to spend Christmas at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert D-inaway and family. Mrs. Fern Pollock and Mrs. Ed na Lofquest sent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler trans acted business in Neligh Tuesday. Rickie Tucker spent the week end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker. His par ents Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tuck er, O’Neill, came after him Sun day and remained for the eve ning. Other evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and son. iswing. Mrs. William Johnson and her daughter, Mrs. Edna Black, Seat tle, Wash., were visitors Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Finley spent Sunday evening visiting at the Reed Mummert home in Clearwater. Mrs. James Good and family and her mother, Mrs. LaVern Fin ley, made a combined business and pleasure trip to Neligh Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latzel and children, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Doud and son, Paul Doud, Seattle, Wash., went to Clearwa ter Wednesday evening to visit at the home erf Mrs. Lillie Mey ers. Mrs. Earl Wright and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. David Wright, were Norfolk visitors Monday. Guests at the Earl Wright home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bartos, O’Neill, and Mr and Mrs. David Wright. Mrs. Dewitt Gunter, who has been convalescing at her home from a recent illness, was taken again to St. Anthony's hospital in O’Neill Monday afternoon. Mrs. Anna Pollock has been as sisting in the Gunter home. Lloyd Black, called to Ewing because of the death of his fa ther. Lloyd Black sr., left Mon day to return to California. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larsen. O'Neill, visited his mother, Mrs. Amelia Larsen, at the C. C Hahlbeek home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle made a business trip to Omaha Saturday. Their son, Jim, was a guest at the home of his grand parents, Mr and Mrs. J. L Pru den, fur the day. Mrs. Pruden was a Neligh visitor Monday. Mrs. John Angus accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bergs trom to Orchard Friday afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lewis Orney held at the United Brethren church. Mrs. Edna Black, Seattle, Wash., her sons, Ronald, from Fairbanks, Alaska, and Donald stationed in Germany, were guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Angus. Paul Doud returned to his home at Seattle Wash., by train Thursday after attending the fun eral of his father-in-law, Lloyd Black sr. Wednesday. While in Ewing, Mr. Doad was a guest at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. John Black and family, Seattle, Wash, who have been visiting relatives in the Ew ing community, are now guests at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hurtig, at Creighton. Lyle Omey, Mr. and Mrs. Hor ace Omey, and Mrs. Florence Aucker left Monday for their home at Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Michael, Clearwater, were supper guests at the C. C. Hahlbeck home Sun day. They called to visit with her mother, Mrs. Amelia Larsen, who makes her home here. Waldo Davis attended a county commissioner’s meeting in Oma ha Thursday returning to Ew ing Friday. Mr. and Mi’s. Dean Pofalil were O’Neill visitors Monday. Mrs. Waldo Davis attended the funeral of Mrs. Polly Austin held at Battle Creek Friday. Mrs. Austin was the mother of Mrs. Davis' brother-in-law, Walter Austin at Plainview. The Past Matrons and Star Kensington held a Christmas party at the home of Miss Ina Bennett Saturday evening. Eight members were present. The hours were spent informally. There was an exchange of gifts and a no-host lunch was served. Mrs. Louise Beal returned to her home in Orchard Monday af ter spending the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Waldo Davis and family. She attended a no host dinner at the First Metho dist church, also the Christmas program presented in the after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and Mr and Mrs. Robert Bartak asd their families were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Laura Spit tier. Allan Pollock, Ewing, is a patient at St. Catherine’s hos pital in Omaha, room 350. Mrs. Pollock is a guest at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Bob Crosby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk made a combned business and pleasure trip to Norfolk Tuesday. They visited at the home of Dr. Leo Spittler and family. Mrs. Everett Ruby was pre sented a 20-year membership shield at the Christmas party of the American Legion and Auxili ary, Sanders Post No. 214 Thurs day evening at the Legion Club. Other charter members with a 20 year membership but not present were Mrs. Harriet Welke and Mrs H. R. Harris, Ewing, and Mrs. Alice Crellin Cramer, Albion, j Mrs. Eula Eppenbach, secretary, made the presentation of the shield. Contest games provided entertainment for the Legion and Auxiliary members, followed by an exchange of Christmas gifts. 24 HOUR CAFE OPENING * Saturday, Dec. 30 We will open the 24 Hour Cafe across from the New Outlaw store Saturday. Serving regular meals and short orders. MR. & MRS. RICHARD FORNEY -■ Lunch was served by Mrs Eppen bach, Mrs. Jerry Rotiterbnm and Mrs, R. H. Sham. The Young Matron's Pinochle club was entertained Thursday evening at the home «>( Mrs Ai cine Tuttle. Due k> the road con diUons not all members were present. The evening was spent socially w;th a gift exchange for the Christmas season. Mrs. Tho mas Eacker received a special prize Lunch was served by Mrs Tuttle. “A Christmas Card” was the theme of the December meeting of the Womens Society of Chris tian Service field at the parlors of the First Meth idist church Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Ray Sidivy conducted the worship ser vice and presented the lesson as sisted by Mrs. Lester Spragg, Mrs. Fred Bollwitt, Miss Hazel Ruby, Mrs. Anna Pollock, Mrs. James Tinsley and Mrs. Willis Rockey. The Rev. Spragg gave the benediction. Mrs. Rockey was in charge of the business meeting. Mrs. H Van Horn gave the see retary’s report and Miss Ruby the treasurer's report which in huiktu a un uic «iimu*u bazaar. Other report* were given by Mrs. Henry Fleming, Mrs. Earl Van Ostrand and Mrs Tins ley. The Christmas parly for the Society was held Wednesday, Dec. 20, with a covered dish luncheon and exchange of gilts. The Society will purchase a plant for the Church. Cards were sent to Mrs. Earl Billings, Mrs. Mil dred Bergstrum, F. Black, Mrs Edith Black and Mrs. J. Angus Lunch was served by Mrs. Wel don Alexander and Mrs. Spragg Donald Black in the 1). 8. Air Force stationed in Alaska, arrived in Ewing Saturday. Hi ts a guest at the home of his aunt, Mrs. John Angus, and his grandmother, Mrs. William Johnson. He is the son of Pa late I.loyd Blaek sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black left for their home in Seattle, Wash, after a 10-day visit with rela tives in Orchard and Ewing They were called home due to the seri ous illness and death of her mo ther, Mrs Omey, at Orchard Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood transacted business Thursday in Neligh and O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey. Randy, Eddie and Edie left dtir ing the weekend for Florida where they will spend the holi days at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. G Rockey. The youth group of St Peter’s church had u Christmas party Sunday evening at St. Dominic's hall with a good crowd in attend ance. Films for children were a part of the entertainment Santa arrived to deliver treats to all Coffee and cookies were served to all by the women of the church The Try and Do Home Exten sion club met Thursday evening at the home of Mis Gary Trie, mer. Thirteen members wen- pre sent and two guest* Mrs. James Kay ;jnd Mrs terry Wanner. There w.i* an exchange of Christ mas gifts which revealed the names of "sis'ret sisters". Names were again drawn for "secret sisters" for IMS2 The dub will fill two buskeis which will be j*re .seated to two families in Kwing as n Christina* gift A social hour was enj ye.l Mrs Willis Hockey was refreshment hostess The January meeting will !»• held at the home of Mrs Merlyn Meyer* wilh a covered dish supper. Mr tad Mrs Dean Pofahl and family w>-re Friday evening guests at tie* Willis Hockey home. Mrs. Edwards' Sister Dies in Washington AMK1JA Mrs Delbert Ed wnrds was notified Saturday morning of the death of her sis ter, Mrs. Ira Goodwin, Ismg Pine, Mrs Goodwin was in Washington state at the time of her death. Her mother, Mrs Rosa Sriel son, and another sister, Mrs. Charles McMIllen, reside in At kinson. Infant Daughter Dies After Brief Illness EWING The three month old daughter, Mary Teressa, of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Steskal died Christmas I>ay at the Antelope Memorial hospital. Nellgh, after a brief illness. Funeral services were held Wednesday. Dee. 27, at St. Peter's church In Kwing Mary Teressa was the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wil liam Hobbs, Kwing, and Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal sr.. Inman, Services Held At Columbus for Mrs. Van Every A former resident of Holt county. Mrs Glen Van Every, Columbus. Mont., died Wednes day, Dec. 20. at a hospital in Hillings, Mont. Funeral services were held Sat urday in ColiimlMis. Mrs. Van Every, the former Edith Nichhls, was rained In the Inman community and lived in this county many years iiefore moving to Montana. She is survived by her hus band; three children, Mrs. Ix-o Anderson, Wauneta, Bernard Van Every, Absarokee, Mont., and Mrs. I*>n Burgess. Odum bus. Mont ; seven grandchildren, and one sister. George Van Every, O’ Neill. is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Van Every. The Frontier— FINAL SALE OF THE YEAR IN VERDIGRE . . . Friday, December 29, 1961 Hog Sale 10:30 a.m. — Cattle Sale 1:00 p.m. BUYERS WIM. BE HERE FOB AM. Cl .AH* EH (If those butchers are ready for market, bring them to Verdlgre this Friday). This will be our last sale In 19<tl—A lew listings lor this sale include: 15 Bred Ollts to farrow the last id January and 1st of February 50 Hybrid pigs, 35 to 40 lbs. 1 Purebred Hereford bull, 5 yrs. old (a real Big Bull) 1 3 Year old Hereford bull, guaranteed 12 Mixed stock cows 8 Crossbred calve* and yearling* 14 Holstein heifers, coming yearling* 20 Hereford mixed calves, weaned and vaccinated 3 Holstein springer heifers 150-200 Mixed cattle of ail classes RFC (EAR MONDAY HAEE on JANUARY 1st. NEW YEAR'S DAY. Bring those hog* in Monday—the buyers will need hogs to fill their orders. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5 1500 to 2000 Cattle expected for this big one CHECK THE BIG RED AND WHITE HALE BILLS OOV ERING THIS SALE. If you have cattle lor sale, contact us with your listing in order that we may include it in both our newspaper and radio advertising. SOME OF THE VERY FINEST CATTLE LISTED FOR THIS SALE OCT OF KNOX. BOYD, HOLT AND ANTELOPE COOTIES. VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Don Jensen, Mgr. Phone 86-W in Verdigre Phone 86-W for more information on any of our sales.