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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1961)
WA <$& m _FOR SALE $ALT FOR SALE K ana polls 116 50 a ton; American $20 50 a ton; white block 75c Izicated 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light. Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O'Neill. 51U FOR SALE Model 12 Winchester 20 ga. pump, nearly new. New case, 3 Ixjxos shells included, call 833 afte ■ 6 p.m. 34 tfc FOR SALE Ten Black Angus cows Lirry Prihil, O'Neill, Phono 586-J22 FOR SALE Registered and grade Angus bulls also herd bulls — .!’»■ Musil, O'Neill. 30-37p FOR SALE 1st and 2nd calf Holstein heifers, heavy springers. John Sojka, 1 Vi north, 4 East of Page. 15tfc SERVICEABLE AGE Registered Hereford hulls for sale. One or a carload from one of the nations largest herds. Dwarf free bloodlines. High quality, good color and hair, find top weight for age Gene Sundgren, Sun Ranch, Salina, Kan., Phone TAylor 7-2848 36-40c FOR SALE 1964 naa Ford trac tor, oquij>i>ed with new half tracks, heavy duty front end loader, rear blade and 2-bottom plow. A-l shape $1,450. George Courtney, Lynch, Ph. IjO 9-2816. 34 tfc FOR KALE IHC crawler w/bull dozer (Hyd.), good condition, cheap; Cat D-2 tractor only, good condition, cheap.—R. F. Pos pichal, Phone 265-J, O'Neill. 35- 36p OFFERED FOR SALE At the Neligh livestock Commission Co., on Friday, January 5, 42 head of cattle good milk cows and registered Herefords. - Ver non Hixson, Neligh, Nebr. 36- 37c FOR SALE Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O'Neill, Dercy A hart. Emmet. 32tfc FOR SALE Clarinet, finest quali ty.- Joe Edzards, Phone 110, O' Neill. 33tfc FARM LOANS, See R H Parker. 50 tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25<7 down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay Write or phone Contois Motor Co- Nellgh._ 30tl MOBILE HOME SALE We have in stock fifteen units in all sizes and price ranges. These units must lie sold before January 1st. We are offering them at prices so low that prohibits a listing. We Trade—Deliver—Finance Open everyday MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Albion, Nebr. Ph. EX 5-2170 34tfc IF YOU WANT A lower rate of interest than you are now pay ing, see me at my office in O’ Neill, Nebr. R. H. Parker. 50tf. SAVE ON INSURANCE- prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O'Neill. lOtfc I AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms I and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 50tf FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire boars, vaccinated and guaran teed.—John Sojka, m north and 4 east of Page, Nebr. 24-36c I SEMI-LOADS WISCONSIN Spring | ers and heifers, some fresh with I heifer calves. From Shores Wis consin Dairies. Fancy Holstein, Guernsey, Ayrshire. Jersey and Swiss springers and heifers. Fine Holstein bull, 5115.00. Rug ged grey-white young Swiss bull. Loads open, bred and weaned Wisconsin heifers. Shores’ cat tle “Pay Your Bills, Stop Your Worries.” Travel refunded Shores, Neligh, Phone TU 7-4060, 7-4850 . 29tfc FOR SALE -1960 Safeway mobile ? home, 55 x 10, code construction. T w o large bedrooms, front I kitchen, washer. Exterior white with black shutters, interior maple tone.—Phone 788 or 486-W, O'Neill. 32tfc FOR SALE OR RENT—A 1959 : 10x46 American mobile home in ; excellent condition. Jack and Jill bedrooms in rear.—Contact Duane Lindenberg. Gibson's Trailer Court. O'Neill. 33tfc TRACTOR AND THI C K INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE Buy Now and Save F560 Diesel F460 Diesel ! F460 Gas 1961 4-ton IH pickup 1961 Scout 2-wheel drive Used Case. Ford and Sears Ham mermills Tank heaters Comfort Covers Tractor chains New Bearcat 4A Hammermill See Us Before You Deal Maytag. Frigidaire. Admiral, Rhe „ em and Sun bean appliances 195S-A120 four wheel drive pickup IH 1956 4 ton Chevrolet pickup 1950 International 2 ton with 16 ft. box 1950 2 ton Chevrolet with 134 ft rack 1955 Farmall 300 1958 Farmall 350 Diesel 50 Years of Service WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Keating Implement Co. Atkinson, Nebraska 35-36C TOP ABERDEEN-ANGUS SALE GREGORY MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Gregory, S. D. 22 Registered Bulls and 4 Regi stered Heifers. SATURDAY, JAN 6, 1962 Show at 10 am Sale 1 p.m. For information write: J. Harvey Glover South Central S. D. Angus Breeders Burke, South I>akota 36-37c Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE Three liedroom older house, 106 E Adams street. Well preserved, outstanding location within block of schools. Efficient hot water heat. Cool in summer. Privacy, shade assured by 50 trees on lot 95x170. Garage, paving Shown by appointment only to legitimate buyers. Cal Stewart, O’Neill, Phone 226. 31tfc FOR SALE Homes and Business Properties 6 room home with 3 bedrooms, good condition. located 702 E. Benton St. Reasonable priced. 5 room home with 2 bedrooms and a completely finished liedroom in basement. Owners have moved. Immediate possession. 129 W. Everett. The former Frontier building on South Fourth St. Floyd DeLongs residence and tavern at Inman. Priced for quick sale as he is moving. For further information on other homes listed see: VIRGIL L. IAURSEN, AGCY. O’Neill, Nebr. 34tfc REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home, Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Real Estate Broker Ph. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. 38tf — FINE LARGE HOME On 125 Gant Clay 8t. New Gas Furnace and Garage. Good Income Property, Priced right and terms. Phone 324-R or see Herman J. Janzing i— . . WANTED HELP WANTED Male and fe male. Steady income averaging $75 weekly and up possible for man or woman. Sendee Watkins customers in the city of O’Neill. No investment. Full or part time. Write Watkins Products Inc., D-57, Winona, Minn. 36-39p WANTED- Waitress and cook. In quire at 24 Hour Cafe across from New Outlaw store. 36-37c WANTED- Waitress for short hours. M & M Bakery and Cafe. 35tf WANTED—Waitress and kitchen help.—Segerwood Cafe, O’Neill 15tfc CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker. 50tf L. GUTHMILLER Halt Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALL MAKES Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. 9tf Thinking of a Building? | Behlen Franchise, Sales and Erection UDEY CONST. CO. Gene J. Udey, Ph. TU 7 4869 NELIGH, NEBRASKA 14tfc WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf "WE" DON’T WANT “ALJL” THE BUSINESS We Just want “TOUR8" PATTON’8 BEN FRANKLIN 23tf NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O'Neill Phone 14 Nebr. ZLtfc ’ V1AKE PATTON S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters Always fresh. 27 tfc I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R H Parker, O’Neill. Nebr 50tf WELL DRIIJJNG and well and windmill repair 403 N. 1st St Phr,ru> «VI SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 blks W St 3Vi blks. N stoplight WANTED: Serum pigs: Ixadiru days, Monday, Tuesday and Duo-day each week—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf FOR RENT "" TOR RENT 6 room modem home. Gas furnace January 1 possession. Phone 150 or 218-W 36tfc FOR RENT Modem 2-bedroom farm home with garage. 2Vi miles from oiled highway in high school district with bus ser vice.— Harevy A. Tompkins, In man, Nebr. 28tfc LOST & FOUND FOUND Wednesday on street in O’Neill a billfold containing! pictures and money. Owner may [ claim by identifying at The j Frontier. 36c. MISCELLANEOUS WAS IT WORTH THE FEE ? ? In California 12 CURTISS heifers from 5 days to 8 months old averaged $390 00. In Missouri 2 CURTISS yearlings sold for $1,025.00 and $800 00 In O’Neill, Nebr., your CURTISS technician is Duane Gray. Ph. 470. 30tfc AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O'NEILL ASIIIU'RN MONUMENT CO. P. O. Box 6, Tilden, Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect. FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASHBl'RN, Prop. 21p MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles. Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil Laursen, Mgr. _38tf CARDS OF THANKS WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS our thanks to the hospital stall. Doctors and nurses for their thoughtfulness and to our many, many friends for flowers, food and memorials during the illness and death of our beloved husband, father and brother. Mrs. Ella Porter Capt. Allen Porter Mr. and Mrs. Ned Porter and family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Porter and family Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Porter and family Mr. and Mrs. Loa Hubbard and family 36p MR. AND MRS. CLIFFORD Hahl beck wish to express their heart felt thanks and appreciation to all who donated to the hospital fund for their son. Leon, who was severely injured in a one car ac cident in September. A special thanks to those organizations which sponsored benefit programs, games and other events for the fund. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Halbeck Ewing, Nebr. 36c I WISH TO THANK my relatives, friends and neighbors for the cards, flowers, gifts and visits during my illness at St. Anthony’s hospital. A special ‘‘Thank You” to Rev. Hart. Doctor Carstens and the nurses. May God bless you. Mrs. John Grutsch 36p TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ALL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 718 O'Neill. Nebr. Range Cubes and 36% Protein Blocks TOMPKINS LIVESTOCK HEADQUARTERS Clarence (Bad) Hansen. Hgr. Inman. Nebraska Phone 2S5 or 11-W Monowi News By Mrs. Mike Plklapp M>cuat » 2S20 • Last Week's News) At this time Raymond Mc George is doing quite well in an Omaha hospital where he under went major surgery last week Mrs. McGeorge, who had been with him, returned home Friday evening Herman Heiser spent several days in Omaha on business the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis and Orval and Mrs. McGeorge and Bob were Niobrara callers Sat urday afternoon. Anna Wells spent the weekend with Sharon Ertz. Mr. and Mrs Rudy Eiler were business callers in Butte Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rihanek and Mrs. Elvin Hrbek were visiting in Yankton, S. D., Friday. Mrs. Dayton Sieler entertain ed a group of little girls Satur day afternoon in honor of Vickies seventh birthday. Mrs. Stu Stringfellow and Mrs Rudy Eiler and Jack were Ver digre and Niobrara visitors Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heiser were business callers in Lynch Monday afternoon. Mrs. Richard Christensen and girls and Mrs. Rudy Eiler and children visited in the Robert Zach home Saturday afternoon. Bohus Svatos was a business caller in Lynch Monday after noon. Orchard News Mrs. Wilbur M&hood Phone TW 3-3185 Mrs. Rouse Elected As Worthy Matron Sunset Chapter 300, Order of the Eastern Star, held election of officers Thursday evening: Mrs. Riley Rouse, worthy matron; Gordon Johnson, worthy patron; Frances Blackmore, associate matron; Elliot Blackmore, asso ciate patron; Mrs. Art Ert>, secre tary; Mrs. Carroll Clifton, trea surer; Mrs. Dale Greenamyre, conductress and Mrs. Gurney Drayton, associate conductress. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wilson and three children, Mrs. Agnes Bear inger, Orchard and Mr. and Mrs Cletus Sharer and three children. Wayne, left here last night for Temple, Ariz., to spend the holi days with Mr. Wilson’s and Mrs. Sharer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Wilson. They expect to be gone two weeks. The Orchard public schools pre sented a Christmas program Thursday evening. School board members played four numbers and the high school girls chorus sang two members. The Grades presented the operetta “Merry Christmas Mr. Snowman”. Mr. Cowling was accompanist. Roy George is band director. The pro gram was presented to a capacity crowd. (Last Week’s News) Mrs. Lester Withee is serving as The Frontier correspondent while Mrs. Wilbur Mahood is vis iting in California. She will ap preciate receiving news items. Couple Pitch club met Sunday night at the Wayne Lautenschla ger home. Prizes were won by Jerry Maple, Mrs. Dick Knapp. Marvin Nelson, Mr. Hoyt Sirek and Mrs. Marvin Nelson. Christ mas gifts were exchanged. The hostess served lunch. Next meet ing will be with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Mrs. Wayne Lautenschlager was hostess for the Tuesday eve rung bridge ciuos Christmas par ly. Gifts were exchanged. Mrs James Clifton and Mrs. Gail Brodie in January Octet bridge club met with Mrs. Gordon Drayton Tuesday. Gifts were exchanged Prizes went to Mrs. Cecil Lee and Mrs Gordon Drayton. Mrs. Ted Berry will be hostess January 2. The EUB church Sunday school presented a Christmas program Sunday evening Group singing opened the program and then Wayne Walmer. Sunday school sujienntendent, read the scrip ture All of the classes presented readings and exercises. An of fering was taken for the homes supported by the EUiB churches Treats were given to all children Mrs. Clifford Erb served as ac companist. Pitch club met with Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Drayton Sunday eve ning The group had dinner at the Town House in O'Neill, then returned to the Drayton home for cards. Prizes were won by Allen Hill, Mrs Gurney Drayton, Mrs. James Clifton, Gurney Drayton, Mrs. Cecil Lee, Mrs. Gurney Drayton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Drayton will be hosts January 7. The Kozy Korner Klub held the annual no host Christmas din ner Monday at the Leon Mitchell home. Contests were led by Mrs K Bruce. Mrs. L. Withee furnish ed the entertainment. Gifts were exchanged revealing “secret sisters” for the year. Mrs. George Hamill conducted the business meeting. Hostesses in January will be Mrs. Hoyt Sirek, Mrs. Homer Barton and Mrs. K L Rri iro The WSWS of the Orchard EUB church met Wednesday Decem ber 13. Twenty nine members an swered roll call. Mrs. Claude Elliott was lesson leader, assist ed by Mrs. Sirek, Mrs. Stevens Mrs. Miller, Mrs. L. Michell and Mrs. H. Mitchell. In lieu of a gift exchange a collection was taken for the Norfolk Opportuni ty Center. Lunch was served by Mrs. Gordon Drayton, Mrs. Hen ry Drayton, Mrs. Thoo Hurtig and Mrs. Lester Withee. Seated at the birthday table were Mrs. Edna Holbrook, Mrs. E. Bright and Mrs. Archie Walton. Business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Harold Mitchell. Mrs. Wilbur Ma hood led the group in singing Christmas carols. Mrs. Lenz gave two readings and Claudia Mitchell and Jan Withee presented a vocal selection. The Thursday Bridge club was entertained at a luncheon at the Lester Withee home. This was the annual Christmas party. Gifts were exchanged. Bridge winners were Mrs. D. L. Fletcher, Mrs. Gordon Drayton and Mrs. Allen Hill. Miss Gertrude Gribble was a guest. Mrs. Allen Hill will be hostess January 11. Mrs. Wilbur Mahood left Or chard Thursday to fly by plane to Livermore, Calif., for an ex tended visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmond Holbrook and family. The Christmas party for the P L and T club was held in the Raymond Stevens home last week. There were 17 members and a visitor present, Mrs. Har riet Jensen, Buena Park, Calif. A luncheon was served. The Christmas gifts were distributed and the “unknown sisters” re vealed. Business meeting and election of officers followed: President, Mayola Curtis; vice president, Doris Odom; secretary and treasurer. Tillie Stevens and reporter, Olive Everhart. Next meeting will be in the Robert Odom home January 30. The employees of the local post office held their annual Christ mas party at the Raymond Ste vens home Saturday night. Cards furnished the entertainment for the evening with Mrs. Lester Raff. Dick Knapp, Mrs. Minnie Robert son and Lester Raff winning pri zes. Those present were Mr. and Mr*. Lester Raff. Glenn Warm* Mr ami Mr* Marvin Nelson Mrs Minnie Robertson and Mr and Mr*. Dick Knapp Mr and Mrs Marion Shipman were recent (f iesta irf Mr and Mrs L O. Wickland, Dakota City, and in the home of Mr ami Mrs. Duane Hagedon, Sxnnt City, la. Stuart News Hy .Mr*. Herb Skull Mr. and Mrs. Norris Coats spent Sunday ami Christmas at Holdrege with Mr. and Mrs. Art Clatissen. Mr. ;uid Mrs Fred Coats and Pamela arrived Christmas day to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Coats Christmas eve guests of Mr and Mrs Wesley Cobb were Mr and Mrs. Darrell Cobb, Mr. and Mrs Terry Cobb and family all of Grand Island; Mr. and Mrs C. F. Gillette, Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jansen and family and Mrs Jane Cobb. Christmas eve guests of Mr and Mrs, Don Engler and family were Mr and Mrs. B. C. Engler and Mrs. Mary Laible. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield and Mrs Leota Greenfield and Mrs. Leota Foltz were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thurlow. Christmas day guests of Mrs. Katie Papke were Mr and Mrs. Myron Papke and Lloyd, Billings. Mont., Mr. and Mrs. “Bjd” Pap ke and family, Newcastle, Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Papke and family. Chambers. Mr and Mrs Joe Wallinger and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman, Darlene and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wal linger and son, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hoffman and Bob Hoffman, Naper and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Augustus and Larry. Christmas evening callers of Mrs. Katie Papke were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson and family, Burke, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Au gustus and son of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Prescott, Atkinson. Tuesday caller of Mrs Katie Papke was Alberta Hoffman, Bas sett. Alberta Hoffman, Bassett, was a Tuesday caller of Mr. and Mrs Jim Hoffman. Christmas Eve supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huffman and boys, Naper, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Butler and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Butler and boys and Alberta Hoffman, Bassett. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler were Al bert Hoffman, Bassett, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoffman and boys, Naper. ! Christmas Day guests of Mrs. Bessie Greenfield were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and Mary Lynn, Jerry Heyne, Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greenfield and family. Christmas eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Huffman and Danny were Mr. and Mrs. Myron Papke and Lloyd, Billings, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Bud” Papke and fam ily, Newcastle, Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson and family. Burke, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Dud ley Halligan, Bassett, Bob Hoff man, Naper, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman and girls, Bobby Hoff man, Darlene Hoffmam, Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Keith Augustus and Larry and Mrs. Katie Papke. Christmas evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cadwallader and family were Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Gurney and boys. Bassett. Saturday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Danny were Mr. Myron Papke and Lloyd, Billings, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nelson and Joyce, Bertrand, arrived Christ mas evening to spend a few days (YEAR-END SPECIAL! I Costume Jewelry '/2 to Vz Off THURSDAY-FRIDAY SATURDAY ONLY | McIntosh Jewelry j visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nelson Christmas guests uf Mr. ami Mrs Clifford Nelson were Mr and Mrs Chris Walker and family, Winner. S D Christmas eve callers uf Mr and Mrs Joe Colson were Mi and Mrs Myrnn Papke, Billings Mont , and Mr and Mrs Herb Skala. Christmas day guests of Mr and Mrs Earl Cadwallader were Mr and Mrs Mike Cadwallader and family and Mr and Mrs Herb Skala and family B<jb Cadwallader. Joe Colson and Joyce drove to Minneapolis Mum.. Friday evening to get Jess Colson, who returned home with them. Jess is recovering from surgery. < Last Week's News I Hi Five club met at the home of Noma Hall Friday, 1 *n 15 Prize winners were Theresa Le vi, Mrs. L. H Steinhauser and Mrs Anna Olberding Lunch was served by the hostess. The next party will lie at the home of Mrs. Martha Baum December 29 Mrs. Jack Smith met her mo ther, Mrs. John Za ikie, Burwell at Norfolk last week Mrs Zaul da is spending a few days with the Smith's. The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs William Gilhspie December 13. Nine members and one guest were present Games were played and a Christmas gift exchange was held Noma Hall will have the next meeting January 10. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nelson entertained the Pitch club Sun day evening at their home. Prize winners were Mr and Mrs Frank Johnson, Katie Paipkc and Mrs. Leota Foltz Mr. and Mrs Vernon McClurg will have the next party m two weeks Mr. and Mrs Tom King spent Thursday and Friday visiting re latives at Murdo, S. D. The Stuart Garden club held a Christmas party December 11 at the home of Mrs. Bill Wewel with a gift exchange. Mrs. Jane Cobb and Mrs. Jack McGrew had charge of the games. The next meeting will bo January 15 with Mrs. James "Doc” Newman. The members of the Sand Creek Improvement club met at the home of Mrs. Herman Kram er December 12 for a noon luncheon and Christmas party Christmas songs and poems were presented by club members. Cos sons for the coming year were discussed. A committee was ap pointed to see about the annual benefit party to be held in Jan uary. "Mystery sisters” were re vealed and new names drawn. The lesson was given by Mrs. Dale Gilbert and Mrs. Dick Wadsworth on M.war tiling The Card party wdl be January U with Sir .uid Mr* S E Tun me r man* Cot tee wa» served by ttie huateae at the end of the meet ing The next meeting wilt tie Jan jury t* witti Ntr* Dug Wad* worth. Mr* Carroll Maix-ellu* a* co-boat es.% Sunday dinner gueals of Mr and Mr* G L Obermire were Mr, and Mr* John Henning, Car o| am) Hill, Alkmaon, and Mr and Mr* Richard Helming ami Tmimy. O'Neill !>>ug Cobb arrived home Sal urdiiy to • petal the holiday* with parent*. Mr and Mr* Stan Cobb and other friend* l>»ug is a *tu dent at Hasting* college Mr amt Mr* Joe CoImiii i tertained friend* at a pitch party Sunday evening at their home Prize winner* were Herb Simla, Mr* Hub Cadwallader, Mr ami Mr* Keith King and Don Cadwal lader Mr and Mr* Herb Skala will have the next party New War'# Eve The Frontier— | .-— INCOME TAX For assistance in filing your self employment and tax reports, call on «.EO <’. ROftKKTttON. Agency We work for your interest and appreciate your famines* Downey Building, O'Neill, Nebr. Ph. .1SI — Re ph. Ifll W Jan-FVb-Marc I 5 l I I ; I A i As the clock strikes New Year, may we ] add a note of thanks to our many friends \ for their much appreciated kindness. MEYER'S MIDWEST Furniture & Floor Covering O'NEILL, NEBRASKA i