The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 28, 1961, Image 3
Page News Bjr Mn. Ben Alter On Christmas Eve Mr. and Mr*. Bert Fink, Ewing; Mr. and Mr* Abe Paul* and family, Mc Pherson, Kan.; and Mr and Mrs William Fink and family, Engle w<¥<d, Colo, were guests of Mr and Mrs. Lee Fink Mr. and Mrs. Don Prill and family, Spencer, la., Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fischer and family, Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs Robert Van Horn and Alan and Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Prill and boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Bertha Prill Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper ac companied William Jackson Thursday to Oklahoma City where they spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs. Gordon Harper Tuev day they attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Miss Jean ette Harper. Mr and Mrs. Anton Nissen and Mr anti Mrs Lemm Webb and Jack. Mitchell, were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby, O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Lemm Webb and Jack, Mitchell; Mr and Mrs Ray Eby. Mr. anti Mrs Bill Eby O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs David Eby and Tami, Omaha. Jeanette Fricke, Mitchell; Mr and Mrs Don Nissen and girls, Page, and .lames Nissen, Omaha, were Sun day dinner guest* of Mr. and Mr*. Anton Ntsaen Mr and Mrs. Robert Beelaert and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Ro bert Prill and boys and "Grand ma” Beelaert. Ewing, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Beelaert. On Saturday evening the follow - ,ng were guests of Mr and Mrs. Bert Finley, Mr. and Mrs. be hind Fmey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Finley and Turn, Mr and Mrs. Jim G<*xl and family, Ewing; James Nissen, Omaha; Mr and Mrs Walt Finley, Clear water, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Allen and Eric. Mr and Mrs Richard Stewart and son, Grand Island, were weekend guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Sorensen. Mr and Mrs Milo Landreth and Mrs F W Hendrichs, O'Neill, and Mrs. Finn Landreth were Christmas breakfast guests of Mr and Mrs Ray Harmon. At dinner besides the above were Mr. and Mrs. William Aim and Joann. Lynch. JoAnn remained as an ov ernight guest. Mr. and Mrs Lee Fink and family, Page, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Schrader and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family, Ew ing, were Christmas Eve guests of Mrs Kittle Fry, Ewing. Mr and Mrs. R V. Crumly and boys were Saturday evening guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. A T. Crumly and Alvin, Janice Crumly, Omaha; Meyer's Midwest Furniture and Floor Covering Offers CONGRATULATIONS to the first baby of 1962 Our prize to the lucky parents— $5.00 IN TRADE on the purchase of a crib or high chair AIJ. I'll KOI t.ll the year make .Meyer’s Midwest Furniture and Fluor Covering your headquarters for fine furniture and beautiful floor coverings. MEYER'S MIDWEST Furniture and Floor Covering Phone 526 West O'Neill COYNE HARDWARE Our Gift to the 1962 Champ $3.98 BABY BATH I THIS BABY HATH can’t rust. chip, dent or break be cause it's made of Polyethylene. It’s safe, sturdy, warm to touch. Engineered for Baby's Comfort and Safety! mtLMmitgm Proudly Presents to the BABY DERBY CHAMP Hardwood Nursery Training Chair Regular 4.95 Value! Natural Birch finish . . . roomy plastic tray . . . joints screwed (and glued) together . . . plastic chamber. Hus from our juvenile Furniture Dept., Furniture Floor. Donna Crumly, Wayne; Mr and Mrs Clayton Goeke, Atkinson and Mr and Mrs Ed Walker. Cairo, were sapper guests Sat urday night of Mr. and Mrs Lyndley Crumly. Mr and Mrs IAck Cunningham and family and Mr. and Mrs Bob Cunningham and son, Nehgh. were Christmas guests of their mother, Mrs. Laura Cunningham O’Neill. The Dick Cunninghams were Christmas guests of her family, Mr and Mrs. Leo Van dersnick, Ewing. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs John Sorensen were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stewart and son, Roy Wilson and John Cronk Afternoon visitors were Mr and Mrs. Floyd Wilson, O' Neill, and Rath Murphy, Sioux City, la Mr. and Mrs Charles Wegman were Christmas Day guests of Mr and Mrs, Harvey Spangler Also present were Mr. and Mrs Blain Ewalt and Don Spangler, Creighton. Sunday dinner g-lests of Mr and Mrs. Roy Ze*Iers were Grace Zellers, Mr andfMrs. J. C. King and daughters, York, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and sons Peggy and Susie O’Brien are spending Christmas week visiting relatives in Norfolk. Mrs. Roy Zellers accompanied the Kings to York Monday eve ning. On Tuesday they all visited relatives at Unadilla. Mr. Zeller met her Wednesday at Norfolk and brought her home. Mr and Mrs N D Icke*. Mr and Mr*. Soren Sorensen Jr and family. Mr and Mr* Don Malm berg and family, Gordon, and Dennis Icke*. Lincoln, were Sun day dinner g jests of Mr and Mrs "Bud" Icke* Mr and Mr*. Boyd Boyer and family. La Puente, Calif. armed at the Ed Eggen home Tuesday night and spent Christmas week with them. Mr and Mrs. "Bud" Icke* and family, Mr and Mrs William Park anil family, O’Neill, and Mr. and Mr*. R. F. Park ami Kelley spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs. Ron Park. Mr and Mrs Bert Fmley were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs Walt Finley, Clearwater. Baptismal services were held at the United Presbyterian church Sunday for Jill Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink. Dr D. H. Ross officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trow bride and family, Mr and Mrs Elmer Trowbridge, Mr and Mrs Jerry Summers and family, Mr and Mrs. Lewis Copple and fam ily, Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs Will iam Fink and family, Englewood Colo.. Mr and Mrs. Forrest Hen derson and Eldon, Orchard, Mr and Mrs. Carroll Marcellus, Stu art, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cobum and family, O’Neill, and Mrs. A. O Weber were Christmas din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Cunningham. On Christmas Effie Stevens and Mrs. Laura Cunningham and Den McCARVILLES CLOTHING SHOES for the Entire Family Once again we’re pleaMHl to herald the arrival of the First One of the New Year with— A Pair of RED GOOSE SHOES From cradle through college its RED GOOSE SHOES P NNEY'S Are Happy to Present One Dozen Penney's Toddlertime GAUZE DIAPERS 21” x 40” Size — Reg:. 2.98 To The First Baby of 1962 HARDING CREAM takes great pleasure in welcoming the First-Born in the New Year of '62! !*iiiiiffliiiiiii.iiji I FOR IRE PARENTS of the lucky one we'll happily present . . . 5 POUNDS OF OUR FAMOUS HARDING BUTTER Manufactured in O'Neill—the Butter Capitol erf the Sandhills ms, O'Neill; Mr and Mrs Hen ry Matoct* and arm. Niobrara, Mr». Mary Stevens, Belvidere, 111.; Mr and Mrs Bob Stevens and sun, Neligh. and Maude Mar tin. Page, were guests of Eva and Dick Cunningham In the evening Mr. and Mrs Richard Cunning ham and family joined the group Mr. and Mrs Ed Eggen spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soulier. Tilden Other guests included Mr. and Mrs Boyd Boyer ami family. La Puente Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ernst and son. Richard and Mrs Luella Parker, O'Neill and Mrs. Emma Kemper. Page, were Christmas Day guests of Mr and Mrs. Or ville Kemper Mr and Mrs William Neubauer and Mr. and Mrs Leo Noubauer were Christmas Day guests of Grace and Nell Woods. Candlelight services were held Christmas Eve at (he Metho dist church. Baptismal services were also held with the follow ing youngsters taking part. Bussell IJovd, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher; Bobbi Jo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dar rell ileiss; Lee Wendell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Ickes Jr., Jane Lenea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Summers; Nells Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll French, and Melanie Rachel, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Don Malmberg, Gordon. The Rev. Robert Linder official I'd. Mr. and Mrs. N. D Ickes joined the E. L. Miner family Monday for Christmas dinner. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miner and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Meier and children, Ravenna; Mr. and Mrs. Norm Klasna and Tanny, Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Russ Miner, O’ Neill. Several of the guests visit ed Mrs. Floyd Whittaker, a pa tient at St. Anthony's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch and Randy spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerdes, Osmond. Sunday dinner and supper g ests of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr were Mr. ami Mrs Ken neth Tyler, Fremont; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gentzler, Tilden; Mr. and Mrs. Art Sufficool and family, Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch sr., and Mrs. Al ta Finch. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Asher and family, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kemper and fam ily, Dennis Ickes, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer, O’Neill, and Mrs. Frieda Asher were Christmas dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ash er. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and family, Mrs. Alta Finch and Mrs. Ethel Waring were Christ mas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Don Malmberg and family, Gordon, were from Friday to Monday visitors in the N. D. Ickes home. Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon and family, i Mr. and Mrs. Gene Deao and family, Richmond, Va., Mrs. F. W. Hendrichs, O’Neill and Mrs. Finn Landreth. Christmas Day g jests of Mr. ami .Vila. naiijr n^it-vy wtric Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ron, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Appleby and son, O’ Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Appleby and family, Norfolk, Christmas Eve guests of Mrs. Ethel Park were Mr. and Mrs Walter Asher, Woodbine, la.; Mr and Mrs. D. Asher and boys Lo gan, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill and children, Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher and family, Powell, Wyo., arrived here Saturday morning to spend an indefinite visit with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss and Mrs. Frieda Asher. RNA lodge met Wednesday night with 19 members present. There was a Christmas gift ex change. A covered dish luncheon followed. Next meeting will be in stallation of officers. Mrs. Milo Landreth was hostess to 13 members and one guest, Mrs. Finn Landreth, Thayer, la., when the NOK club held the an nual Christmas dinner and par ty. There was a revealing of “sec ret pals” and picking new ones. Election of officers were held with Mrs. Keith Kennedy as the new president and Mrs. Art Grass, secretary and treasurer. Golden Rule Extension club met Tuesday with Mrs. Dale Mat schfullat beginning with a one o’ clock luncheon. All members but one were present and Mrs. Carl Max was a guest. The members enjoyed a Christmas gift ex change and the singing of Christ mas carols. Mrs. Harrison Hall man won a prize. Mrs. Louise Heese. Wayne and Harold attended a family dinner at the home of Mrs Elsie Heese. Laurel Also there were Mrs Mary Uppolt. Laurel, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Heese and Mr and Mrs. Herman Schk*e, Plain view and Mrs Lena Volierson. Hart inffton Mr and Mrs. Gerald Wetllsufer and Gary, O’Neill, ami Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Wettfaufer ami boys were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. amt Mr* George Wettlaufer Mrs Bessie Wanser, Fremont; Fred Crunk, Wayne, and Mr and Mrs. Larry Hetss and Nadine were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Cronk Mr and Mrs Larry Hr is* and Nadine, Mr and Mrs Richard Heiss and boys and Mr and Mrs Richard Asher and family apeiit Christmas with Mr amt Mrs Harold Heiss Mr. and Mrs Dan Troshynski left Sunday to spend the holiday with their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Powell and family, Alliance Chi Saturday night Mrs. Louise Heese. Wayne and Harold attend ed a Christmas program at the Lutheran church In O'Neill ami then joined Mr and Mrs Harlan Spath and family. Laurel, and Mr and Mrs Gus Spath, Inman, at the Alvin Heese home for an oyster stew Clearwater News Mm. Uutrte* Gurtrtght II In ter & £»0 Mrs. John VanVleck and Boyd were Sunday dinner guests in the Howard L-iben home Mr. and Mrs. Guy Miller leit Thursday for Arizona where they plan to spend the remainder of the winter. Mr and Mrs. Victor Schlecht were hostesses 10 the neighbor , hood card club in their home; Thursday night Prizes were won by Mrs. Walter Westerhoff, Bob Siems and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moser. Lunch was served by the hostess. Pamela Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, fell Thursday while playing and suffered a broken left arm. She was taken to Antelope Memor ial hospital in Nellgh for treat ment. Pamela is seven years old. Doyle Anderson suffered a bro ken rib and cracked one when he fell on the ice at his home here Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Prater and family left Friday for Texas to spend the holiday with the Jack Corder family. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Barrett and family, Omaha, visited the Ted Barrett family the past week end. Mr and Mrs Walter Snider went to Omaha Saturday to meet ! the plane bringing the Wayne Snider family from Chicago, who are spending the holiday here. .Mr. and Mrs. I.loytl Himes were surprised Friday niglit when their son, Tom. walked in on them to spend the holidays. Tom, stationed in Germany, was thought to be in Germany, and the family had no idea he was planning a trip home. Mrs. Lyle Haake and pupils of District 70 presented their Christ mas program Tuesday evening. Dec. 21, to a full house. Santa arrived with treats, and lunch was served by women of the Dis trict. Mrs. Randall Hixson and pu pils of District 16 gave their pro gram Friday night and Mrs. Terry Peterson and students pre sented one Tuesday evening All had good crowds and visits from Santa. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Michael left for Minnesota to spend Christ mas with their daughter, Mrs William Schwink and family. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Jaeke and Steve are spending Christmas in Texas with Mrs. Jaeke’s par ents. ROYAL THEATRE Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Dec. 28 29-30 SAIL A CROOKED SHIP Robert Wagner Dolores Hart Carolyn Jones Frankie Avalon Ernie Kovacs Sun., Dee. 31 Mon.-Tuea.-Wed.-Thurs. Jan 1-2-3-4 COME SEPTEMBER Rock Hudson Gina Lollobrigida Sandra Dee Bobby Darin Walter Slezak Fri. Sat. Jan. 5-6 POSSE FROM HELL Audie Murphy John Saxon In Eastman Color THE FRONTIER, O'Neill. Nebraska. TlmmUt l^«nl»r U. IMI iffip Frontier HILL RICHARDSON. Publisher BRUCE J RKHBEKC, Editor Terms «l libi rtpllus; In Nebraska. El Si) per year, elsewhere in the Untied Slates, S3 per year, rate abroad provided upon request AH suhaertp tions payable In advance Entered at the pnatulllce in O'Neill. Holt ooun ly Nebraska as second-class mall matter under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1KT9 This news paper is a member of the Nebraska Press A«m> •i at ion. National Editorial Aaant-tation am] the Audit turcau of Circulations NATIONAL EDITORIAL Mr and Mr* Floyd Miller left the latter part of the week to spend the holiday* with their sons, Lonnie and Jerry Miller, in California. Mrs Milton Smith entertained member* of the Elkhorn Valley Home Extension club in her home Wednesday. Mrs. Lyle Medcelf conducted the meeting which op med with all singing a Christmas carol Mrs Melvin Jacubctn cull ed the roll which was answered by each telling <»f a surprise Christmas gift from her husband Nine members answered roll call Mrs Marvin Kouizuri became a member of the club Several mem bers worked un cherulle Christmas trees A gift exchange was held Lunch was served Next meet ing will he January 24 Mr and Mr*. Stanley Wmid ami daughter*, Weeping Water, *|K>nt Christmas with Mrs Wmid'a fa ther, William Lufeen amt other relatives Mr and Mrs lion lasben. Weep mg Water, spent the Christmas holiday with Ihe Howard 1. aliens ami the F D. Brandts at Nrhgh Locksmithing tlenerw) Ke pal ring of Isieks of Alt Hinds Cars • Homes ■ Itanlniwwa See Joseph P. Shanner 112 So. <Ut O'Nelli Modern Woodmen yik<; i*ai imkn 0f America <»» smith f __ • o - — VIRGIL LAURSEN AGENCY O'Nflll, Ni<linuiki INCOME TAX SERVICE For assistance in making out your 1961 Income Tax Return, see— FLORENCE PONTON Golden Hotel Corner Phone 106 - O'Neill REGULAR SALE Monday, Jan. 1 SPECIAL CATTLE SALE Monday, Jan. 8 SPECIAL FAT CATTLE SALE Monday, Jan. 15 The sale of December 18, we sold over 950 hogs with a top of $17.50. A I I the butchers brought over $17.00. Cattle were lower but we look for a much better market from now on. Let us try your next consignment and join our growing list of satisfied customers. We appreciate your business We wish everyone a Happy New Year. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Terry, Larry and Max Wanser Phone 1# or 70 Ewing A Nationally Certified Market we are HEADQUARTERS for ^2! RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BADGES “ 1 AND OTHER MARKING DEVICES THE FRONTIER Phone 788 114 N. Fourth St. O'Neill, Nebr.