I I I_ _ ___ - Pi' I I I I ..■■■■ .. ..■■■ — I ..'■!■■■■■■ Ml 1 i CONTEST RULES To be eligible to win THE FRONTIER'S 15th annual FIRST BABY CONTEST, the little mister or miss must be born within the boundaries of Holt county after midnight Sunday, December 31, 1961. Parents must fill out the following blank and mail to THE FIRST BABY EDITOR, THE FRONTIER, O'NEILL, NEBRASKA. Baby's Full Name . Sex: . Boy .Girl B right: Pounds Ounces Date of Birth . Hour of Birth . M Physician’s Name . Physician’s Address . Signature of a Parent . Parent’s Postoffice Address . Will Present One PAIR OF SHOES To 1962's FIRST BABY To the Parents of Holt's 1962 Derby Winner! Be Our Guest for an M & M Special Steak Dinner ... at your convenience! WE'VE RACKED our brain to choose an appropriate reward for baby. We’ve decided to entertain the lucky parents who, after all, figure prominently in this con ~V & M CAFE AND BAKERY " DONALDS | J. M. MCDONALD CO. Full Dozen GAUZE DIAPERS Our gift to 1962's first arrival! Perfect for Every Baby 2.98 Value We proudly present . . . One Dozen CURITY DIAPERS to the 1962 Baby Derby Champ if 21” x 40” FOLDLINE ★ WASH EASILY ★ ABSORBENT if DRY QUICKLY if NO HEMS ——pw?^n»|ig«?lVlv,l=faWrA«*UMP^«illl >ili —— PATTON'S O'NEILL, NEBR. CONGRATULATIONS \ Here at McIntosh’s we feel the first I9(E! bab\ to be born in Holt county is a special child and is entitled to something especially nice. So we have set aside a— 10 Karat Gold Baby Ring McIntosh JEWELRY O'Neill, Nebraska ONE CASE OF POP . . . directly from our factory— our gift to the proud POP of the 1962 Baby Derby Champ! First Baby’s beaming Dad will be entitled to pick his choice of flavors—with our compliments! MERRI DR. PEPPER , BOTTLING CO. O'Neill, Nebraska Happy New Year, Everyone! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE First Baby of 1962 .And what better gift than a case of Safeway’* own CHERUB EVAPORATED MILK It’s perfect milk for every baby. Canned under the requirements of Safeway’* own rigid specification* Si ~) JOHNSON DRUG Bill Petsche, pharmacist Our Prize for the first baby of 1962 A $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE Redeemable on the Purchase of Your Choice Greetings 1962 — at — Devoy REXALL DRUG Our Gift to His Majesty (or Her lIlKluimi BABY TRIO Includes Vaporizer — Bottle Warmer — Feeding Dish Combination Congratulations to First Baby of '62 from ... O’NEILL PHOTO CO. One Dozen 3x5 Photos Mounted with our Compliments WHETHER THE Itiiliv Derby laurels go to a single baby, twins or triplets . . . we’re standing by ready to photograph the CHAMP (or champ*). COAST TO COAST Your headquarters for: Farm, Home and Sporting Goods IS HAPPY TO PRESENT TO 1962's First Baby A $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE Redeemable at DALE & JO WILSON, Owners offers CONGRATULATIONS to the '62 Baby Derby Champ We're pleased to present to the first-comer of the New Year f GERBER'S BABY FOOD