The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 28, 1961, Section Two, Image 12

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    Dorsey News
By Mm. lUrold Oabora
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosen
krans met their daughter, Mar
ion, Saturday. She came from
Springfield, Mo., to spend the
holidays with her parents and
friends. Miss Kosenkrans is at
tending college there.
This community received
around three inches of snow
Monday. It was followed up by
very cold weather, with another
addition of snow Saturday, bring
mg the amount to around seven
or eight inches. Fortunately we
haven't had too much wind or we
would be having difficulty in
getting around.
Joe Madura entered the Lynch
hospital last week. The neighbors
have been helping with the
Betty Mashino arrived home
from Chadron to spend the Christ
mas vacation with her parents
and brothers and sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar are
not feeling well this time. Gor
don Barta helped feed the cattle
Sunday. Friends hope the Cih
lars will soon be feeling better.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson
and Mrs. Mary Wolfe were Lynch
visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn
were Thursday evening supper
guests at the Buss Greene home
in Lynch. After supper Harold
attended a telephone meeting.
June Carson arrived home from
Hastings where she attends col
lege, to spend the holidays with
her folks.
Roger Rosenkrans and John
Derickson were O’Neill business
callers Thursday.
Callers at the Harold Osborn
home Sunday were Robert Zach,
Terry, Nancy and Wesley, Mr.
*»ii a. jvuiijr V.1J1KU tmu XLiiuu
A shower was held at the Gay
Hull home Thursday evening for
Mrs. Kem Leukens.
Paul Drobny was a patient at
the Lynch hospital a day or two
last week He is now at home.
Mrs. Paul Drobny, son, Otto,
and grandson, Kenny, were O’
Neill visitors Friday. They called
at the Osborn home on their way
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells vis
ited at Howard Slacks Sunday to
get their boys, as they had been
staying with their grandparents
the past week.
Services were held Sunday eve
ning at the Dorsey church. The
message was given by the Rev.
John Hart, O'Neill.
Mrs. A. W. ALm took her mo
ther, Mrs. Felix Hendricks, to
her home in O’Neill Monday. Her
daughter, Virginia, expects to
spend some time with Mrs. Hen
(Last Week’s News)
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka
spent the weekend of December
2 in Omaha returning Monday.
They were visiting their son,
Frank and family and making
the acquaintance of their new
granddaughter, Tresia.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ellis left|
Monday by bus to spend the win
ter with relatives on the west
Clayton Bennett was an evening
caller at the Gordon Barta and
Pat Osbom homes Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta
were Verdigre visitors Monday
at the William Kalal home.
Happy New Year to all the
readers of The Frontier.
This community has been
having very changeable weather.
Saturday morning a light snow
fell after the temperatures drop
ped Friday. It was so pleasant
here Thursday that was thawing
but it soon changed. Nebraska
Joe Oihlar, due to ill health,
sold his herd of Hereford cows
to one of the Nelson brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta
visited at the William Kalal
home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar were
O’Neill visitors ThnrsHav
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Barta attended Mrs.
Vilas Braun’s school program
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn
were callers at the Fred Svatos
home Wednesday and were coffee
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alder and
children and Mrs. Grace Alder
visited at the Otto Ruzicka home
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Guy Hull had a Christmas
party at her school Friday. The
children then went to attend the |
free show and see Santa Claus.
Ruth Osborn came home from
Wayne Thursday to spend her
Christmas vacation.
Ben and Bud Miles visited at
the John Derickson home. They
took John to O'Neill and stopped
at Lynch on their way home.
Callers at the Osborn home Fri
day were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunningham
and Tommy, Lyle Wells and Mrs.
Orton Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull called
at the Carson sisters home Wed
nesday evening.
Curtis Miller came home with
Leslie Graham Thursday evening
after attending the Christmas
program held by Mrs. Braun. The
boys then attended high school
Friday until 2 p.m. when the
Lynch public school dismissed for
Christmas vacation.
Complete Visual Care
Contact Lenses
By Appointment Phone SIS)
Spencer, Nebraska
Electric Motors
Rewinding — Rebuilding
Can 24S-W — *4-hr. Service
- Northwest Electric
tt^dngjwneefol I
Dn<m 1
vii JJ
O 61
All prices effective
thru Saturday,
December 30, in
O'Neill, Nebr.
1 CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY...plon, shop ahead! tSUXlILIl
Egg Nog Lucerne Ctn 49c ^Ctn. 79c
Potato Chips
Hi-Ho Crackers flavorful_Pkg 29c
Chunk Tuna BJlSSi 2 69c
Peaches r.,,. 4 $1
Homo. nkgsr....:.S3S4h
Lueerne Sherbet flavors . ...Ctn. 49c
Grade-AA Batter quartered .. Ctn. 69c
Busier Mixed Nuts.’V". 77c
Sour Cream ISTW.xZ 25c
Onion Soup ,S£ 28c
Pretzel Sticks £££■ .vVZ 29c
7-UP (plus deposit).uZz Btls. SI-69
Beverages Cragmont ... 2 Bottles 25c
Tom Collins Mix, Lemon-Lime, Ginger Ale or
Sparkling Water, (plus deposit)
Baking Gups 2 X 25c
Liquid Linil Starch.... ‘SS 27e
NuSoft Rinse 49c
Hormel Ready-to-Eat Ham
Whole or 14 *“ ,'bw
shank llali Half r r
IVr Lb 49C
Tide Detergent
A washday miracle
20- oz. Package 35c
Cheer Detergent
Blues as it washes
21- oz. Package 35c
Liquid Joy
In handy squeeze bottle
12-oz. Bottle 39c
Liquid Ivory
Leaves hands soft
12-oz. Bottle 39c
i Snack Crackei‘s:::',u:.;<::.^:25c
Hpf^^pH BM |b ^Bk^^k Kraft 8-oz. ^^P
^kBI H B I ■ IW9V creamy, makes dip Pkg. BHI J^r B
^9^%Hfli|f BH Van Camp's in tasty tomato 300 1 B C
B^ HH B HAL AML Vvli H H sauce with pork, serve hot or cold (on B H ^
| M|M|M1, y|| ...■irirM)[..r. - - HT— r mill I Mill m IHB MU III !■■■■——■
Tomato Juices Orange
or Grape Drink
(Your 46-oz.
Choice) Cans |
Town House or Libby’s Tomato Juice ... Hi-C Orange or Grape Drink
Libby's Beef Stew or
Chili with Beans
r (Your Choice)
I 24-oz. Can
Loaded with flavor and quality that will delight your whole family!
Comet Cleanser fi™BBSBBBB™^
Removes stubborn stains
2 c.„s 33c L7. A. Choice Qrade, Safeway Superb Aged Beef
0—u rn n il f M ru < >■ 0 11 s 11 w i> »
Ivory Snow _ _B —_B_
for ^b^p ^^p
12%-oz. Package 35c
Oxydol Detergenl tlJS^A? ^Ut *or
Contains safe oxygen bleach / rHfllrF \ SwiSS Style ^^^^k
19-oz. Package WvC l Fi LJIL lL J •# • ■
if you wish
V \
~ ~ " ... ~ ' -------- --~>- .- ■
Safeway’s patient aging assures you of Supreme eating^ _
4||i|-1 LUNCH MEATS.3 Pkg*. 79c
|UU Extra ! Braunschweiger Chubs . .. Sliced Large j
]1 Bologna, Pickle & Pimento, Variety Loaf,
I Gold Bond Stamps ' or Macaroni & Cheese ... all first quality
— with purchase of 2-lb. Pkg. j Canned Hams boneless ... .Can 32.39
Safeway or Armour Star QIcvicmm Trophy Brand— i%-ib qq.
onrimp breaded, frozen.Pkg.
SLICED BACON Boneless Roast.u, 87e
Rump or Sirloin Tip from Safeway'n
Superb Aged Beef
Enjoy Safeway’s famous^quality golden
Filled with golden ripe sweetness, for salads or munchin’
RaiHckae Waldorf Brand— 8-oz. E, Taaialaa# Waldorf Brand— 13-oz. ML.
nailDIICa fresh and clean—Cello Fkg. I VHIfllwV* large size, Juicy ....Tube aV«
Annlae WINESAP, Waldorf 4-Ib. Aft. Parral* Crisp and Juicy, 2-Ib. I A.
Hppi6« Brand; extra fancy . .Poly Bag VWl 019 Texas-grown.Poly Bag ■ arw
Safeway Gives Gold Bond Stamps
54 Vi-or. Package 43c ' I
or Rye Bread
Skylark— ^ ^
16-oz. Loaf | jy C
(Your Choice),
save 6c on each loaf
Sugar Donuts
Package 4% _
of 12 Q Q
Mrs. Wright’s—
(“5c off” pack)
With free (Hnnerware piece
23-oz. Package 59c