Section Two RONTIER Four Paget "The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper Volume 81—Number 35 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, December 21, 1961 Seven Cents Emmet And Community Dolores Tunender Mr. and Mr*. Ray Tunender and family called at the home of Mr ami Mr*. Donald Marcellus and family last Sunday evening Ned Mullen returned home from Fort Ord, Calif., after serv ing six months of national guard training. South Side club met at the home of Mrs. Leon Price with a Christmas party. A gift exchange was held. The program was the reading of the Bible by the hos tess Roll call was answered by showing gifts made for Christina*. Mrs. Elmer Schaaf and family railed at tl*e home of Mrs. Larry Donlin and Lily'#, O’Neill, Satur day afternoon. Gilbert Fox. Mrs. Wayne Fox anil Mrs. Elmer Schaaf attended the school meeting at Stuart last Monday. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. l»nald Marcellus and family were Mr. and Mrs. Car roll Marcellus und Mr. and Mrs. D. iB. Marcellus, Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kentchler ami Randy, Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. James Mellor, Spencer. Vicky Schaaf and Rex Fox stayed at the home of Mrs. Gil bert Fox Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Schmitz and family called at the home of Mr and Mrs. Joe iBabl Saturday afternixin. The Schmitz children are spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl. Mr. ami Mrs Donald Marcellus an.i family called at the home of Mr ami Mrs. Anton Jirak, O’ Neill, Sunday and were dinner guests. Mr and Mrs. Louis Havranek and Larry called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek Wednesday evening. Mr ami Mrs. Ray Tunender and family called at the home of Mr and Mrs. Mike Bauer and family Sunday evening. Mrs. Elmer Schaaf stayed with Mrs. Ruth Barnes while Bernard, Gene and Ruth attended the bas ketball game between St. Mary’s and St. Joe’s Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family called at the home of Mr and Mrs. Louis Havranek an I Larry Friday evening. Elkhorn Valley d-H club met Wednesday evening at the school house in District 20 while they practiced songs for Christmas caroling. Victory Homemakers club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl December 13 with a Christ mas party and dinner. Ten mem bers answered roll call. Song leader, Mrs. Ray Conway, led group singing and the reading leader, Mrs. A1 Havranek gave two readings. Special went to Mrs. Joe Ramold jr. Games were played. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Joe Ramold sr. in January. Mr. and Mrs. Joe SoUkup, O’ Neill, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family Wednesday evening. A large crowd attended the Christmas party at the Church of Epitihany at St. Michael’s hall Sunday afternoon. Slides were shown for entertainment and there was singing of Christmas carols. Special prizes went to Johnny Schaaf, Jeanie Foreman and Chuck Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Jirak, O’ Neill, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family Atkinson, Friday eve ning. I Chambers News Hy Mrs. E. K. Carpenter “A Christmas Card” was the theme of the lesson for the meet ing of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service Thursday at the Methodist church. The leaders Mrs. T. E. Newhouse and Mrs. Charles Grimes took the group on an imaginative tour of Metho dist Institutions around the World Mrs. T. E. Alderson and Mrs. John Winter mote read the scrip ture. The president is Mrs. Gaius Wintermote. Eighteen answered roll call. Mrs. J. E. Grimes and Mrs. Raymond Beed gave re ports. The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Raymond Beed and Mrs. Glen Grimes. The Bethany Women's associa tion met December 13 in the home of Mrs. Wayne Stevens with an attendance of 12 women and 5 children. Mrs. Mark Gribble led the lesson, ‘"Gods Plan in Our Hands”. Several took part in the prepart'd conversation about work which has been accomplished in far away lands, emphasizing that there is much to be done by “Willing Hands”. These places were pin pointed on the World Map. It was voted to give $50 to “White Gift.” The meeting closed with the “Lords Prayer”. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be December 27 in the home of Mrs. Mark Gribble. There will be an installation of officers. The Valley Center Extension club met Friday at the home of Mrs. E. R. Carpenter with 17 members and several children present. The president, Mrs. Lloyd Wintermote, presided at the business session. Roll call was an swered by telling what each want ed for Christmas. The music per iod conducted by Mrs. C. V. Ro bertson was devoted to the sing ing of Christmas Carols. Names were drawn for “Mystery Sis ters”. The entertainment in charge of Mrs. Charles Grimes consisted of readings and games. There was an exchange of gifts with each member trying to guess who had been her “mystery sis ter”. Lunch, carrying out the! Christmas theme, was served by I the hostess, assisted by the co hostess, Mrs. Melvin Bell. The senior and high school choirs of the Memorial Baptist church presented a Christmas cantata Sunday evening. The Sun day school program will be Sun day evening and a Watch Night There’s still time to have a Philco GAS Clothes Dryer - installed for CHRISTMAS! It's the perfect gift for her. A PHILCO GAS CLOTHES DRYER will take all the work out of washday. Whatever the weather her laundry will be sunshine dry. m All models on display at your local KANSAS - NEBRASKA STORE are tagged with new low, low prices. You'D get easiest terms ... low down payments on your gas bilL Trade in your present laundry equipment . . . and make this her happiest Christmas. ^ For Dependable GAS Service Service will be held from 8 p.m to midnight Sunday, Dec 31 A Christmas program is being prepared for the evening of I>ee. 23 at the Bethany Presby terian church The public is in vited to attend. Mr and Mrs. Harold Micanek and Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Mi canek, Lynch, and Mr. and Mrs H r.ry Wood, Chambers, were dinner guests in the Dale Wood home Friday evening Santa Claus was in town with treats for the children following the show. “Adventures of Robin son Crusoe” at the theatre Sat urday. Mr and Mrs J. E Grimes left Sunday (or Montrose, Colo., to *=pend the Christmas holidays with her daughter, Mrs Lela Ccn ley and sons, Robbie and Steve The teacher and pupils of Dis trict 107 presented a Christmas program at th? schoolhouse Thurs day evening. There was a very goo 1 attendance. There were 15 children in tlie program Mr Marie Butte, is the teach er. Lunch was served following the program. There was Christmas program in the Gleed District Tuesday eve ning presented by the pupils. The teacher is Mrs. Joe Da as. The regular meeting of the Beautiful Valley Garden club was held December 5 at the home of Mrs Georg? Thomson with 16 mem tiers anti a visitor present Tins was the Christmas party Roll call was answered by telling of ?hnsimas erst ms in other lands The president read the program for 1SW2. There was al so installation cf new officers and an exchange of gifts A special prize went to Mrs Merlin Gross nicklaus The next meeting will oe Jf H 'srv 2 at the home of Mrs Mark Cribble Gueits of Mrs. Char iot.e Honeywell were Mrs Er nest Durr* Sr and daughter Ruth. Mr anti Mrs Tom Papke ami family were visitors recently in the Ralph Wright home Mrs Celia Christianson spent the past weekend with her daugh ter, Mrs. Bill Hubbel ami fam ily Sunday guests of Mrs, Alice Johnson and brother, Alvm. were Mr and Mrs Dellie Fauquier, Mr. and Mrs Erie Dankert, Douglas, and Dale, Mrs. Paul Harley and Gerald, and Mrs Vernon Schmidt and daughter Cokie The Junior MYF of the Metho dut church went on a Christmas caroling trip around town Sunday Mr* LaVern Hoerle accompanied them. Mr and Mr* C V Rolterlaon visited her brother in law ami am ter, Mr and Mra Chrt* Hauasler, at Holbrook, a brother am! am ter m law. Mr amt Mra It C Walter ami family at IVWitt and other relative* in that area. lent mg here Wednesday. Dec 6 Thr Hauaalera accompanied them bark to Chambers Friday ami via itrd Iter father, John Walter, ami other relatives until Wednesday when the Robertson* took them back home _______ I ' ' .— 11 .. _ 20- AND 25-INCH £3ffi^A“DRINK AND WET” LIFE-LIKE DOLLS 2.88 Reg. 3.49, 3.98 2 life-like vinyl-and-poly dolls that DRINK and WET, have moving eyes, movable arms, legs, cry “mama.” 20" cuties with rooted hair, bottle, sun suit. 25" baby doll dressed in cotton shirt and pants. i ? * . FIRE CHIEF 35" PEDAL CAR 1088 Red enameled steel body — goes like mad, has adjustable pedals! Rubber-tired 8' wheels, bail-bearing axle. CHILD’S ROCKER Will not tip over, safe. Sturdily built of tubular steel; light blue. TUBULAR VELOCIPEDE 10' size; red and white. Rubber tires, grips and pedals. Oilite bearings. JUNIOR TRIKE 2" steel tubing frame, 12' ball bearing front wheel, puncture proof tires. MARX “3 KEYS TO TREASURE” GAME 4.44 Mrs. list 7.98 New idea of a bagatella game. Shoot marbles into proper pockets, door of prize wheel opens. Fine embroi dered hank 'faa. Three in ■ giitbvL BATTERY OPERATED MARX-A-COPTER 9.99 Mrs. fist 16.98 ' Thrilling new Louis Marx toy—a battery operated helicopter that really flies, takes off and lands. SHAVING SET Travel set. Handy bottle cKavo Intinn LEE STORES LOW PRICE GOOSENECK STYLE GRASS DESK LAMP Decorator gooseneck style in polished brass finish with Danish mod em wood handle. Base is completely felted. small talc. Plus tax YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT HEADQUARTERS FOLDING METAL TABLE, CHAIRS sale 9.99 M( regularly 12.95 Bright metal with plaMtlc doth top. table is 251 3 ' high, 18x24*. Set comes with two folding chairs. 27-PIECE PUNCH SET Kent her dt ■ iK>> crystal Itlass 74 qt bowl; 12 ft or cups; hooks; plastic ludl«. G. E. AUTOMATIC TOASTER 14.88 i Famous for sturdy, da pendahle operation. Snap out crumb tray, 6 position control, eitra high toast lift. TIMEX WATCHES FOR HER and HIM 6.95 to 11.95* America’s favorite Shock resistant,waterproof, dust proof, 8<*lf winding Dress, sport styles. •Plus Pad 1.1 4 % The Whole Family Will Enjoy A STEREO OR HI-FI FOR CHRISTMAS DECCA Full Stereo 4-Speed Phonograph With 45 Spindle ! ».