Smooth the way RjHvfW CRISCO For Christmas baking a 3 9c MR. CLEAN All fnicet effective thru Saturday, December 16, O'Neill, Nebraska Right Reaervod to Limit (^u&ntitiM Safeway Gives Gold Bond Stamps with your purchases r *a »i *a ss i sa* sw w* ®ji joa jbjs k« »*m««kV mmictw S sour 1 ;; French Rolls \ Skylark jb w Brown n serve ~M Jtto m a J i*kK.of u ; E <"5t off" [HM'ki, l.j. nl for || holiday fruiting ft * B*i*o r."“'"iw.i"' if;:,i9c i 8 J Golden Corn Whole Kernel .. 3 Cana 43c Raspberries SJ5TJ2T;. 2 ££ 45c Satin Mix Candy Roxbury.Pkg. 35c Fresh Yeast Christman baking 3 Cakes 17c Pillsbnry Flour S3ES SI-05 Bosco amplifier 67o...“£ 30o Vanilla Wafers .*££ 33c Dale Nat Cookies 8uprm..49c Devil Food Sqaares s*bT«. Pk, 39c PAJMIlftw Franklln—ahallad and 9Vk*o*. gft. ■ *■■■■• aaltod, froah and flavorfui ..Jar 05JC Paper Napkins S5£ftSt.JS 26o Wesson Salad Oil.56c Tiny Talers SS5X. 29c LArd Id<‘“1 for cn"p’ ('hrlaliiuw( pie 2 lb criiatil. f.*.Kl for frvlnK too i 'f, &9C I h Raps Ze‘‘ p,rfwt for 9 rh^- ot. I H OagS kiddicrt lunch*** C „f 20 N.DC Colored Plates EKK*.72 35c Niagara Starch J55*,.,. "rk“ 21c For Christmas Cleaning 15-OZ. A 1 Bottle 4 | C lS«Wi3StR:i5K:tSSJ>aHS35S;jS3SaT53S551BI FAB DETERCENT Whiter washes 19-oz. BkK- J JC »ds«55fll*.V3a.t^.t5s«»3ia}3)BajasnaB AJAX Removes stubborn stains 214-oz. Cans ^ C VEL LIQUID Leaves hands soft 12-07. +\ /> Bottle J7C .<»«.t5&3»A»J»3W3»A5saw5S«*e ZEST BAR Leaves skin fresh 2 Regular -f Cakes £ | C « se* sss $=» ssss jassj SPIC & SPAN Easy to use 1-lh. «% A Seven■up Plus Deposit Bottles 39< HA.Ikcherub-fl,quality Tall ^^00 |H H|^Pn I of 11 I ideal for cooking or preparing baby's formula Mil Cans ui I ^1^1 MAM m Lucerne—Egg Nog, Peppermint Candy, %-gal. | III Holiday Fruit and 10 other delightful flavors .Carton ^ 2 BA AM CRUSHED, or LaLani—fanty quality, yjE No. 2 ^ 00 • 11 ||^^nl |l| ||H Hawaiian; ideal salads or gelatin desserts.^ia Cans I Seedless Raisinsxr- % 39< JellBO Gelatin 4 ■ 2 9« PkR O I C ^ #*«^^^W5S5>53»X»3S555SaJ0fiUi POWDERED VEL _ Gets clothes clean 1! ' | pC35c fij» LARGE EGGS ;j i^Ba^s»s«j8as«SRj5aaw«»s* j! Breakfast _ C9|K^I AD DETERGENT G€ms “ oz O®C Ideal for automatic washer* Haro-armn Sunny bank— a l-lb. 24_ojr_ ym «% margarine quartered .» Ctns. *fwC PkR* ^ j! Cottage Cheese Lucerne; Grade-A Cta. 25c JELL-WELL GELATIN, assorted flavors.... 4,3-ox. Packages 19« ★ CHRISTMAS TREES Assorted Painted Green, Silver, White, Blue and Flocked ★ SAFEWAY GIFT CERTIFICATE Available in $1, $5, $10 & $25 denominadona. Redeemable in Safeway Korea anywhere. (jpso Extra stamps — with the purchase of Safeway Instant Coffee A blend of the finest coffees wv 2-oz. Jar ^ /j C Axjfi*50 Extra 4 Gold Bond Stamps | ™ — with purchase of 10-lb. Bag U. S. No. 1 Grade | RED or WHITE iPOTATOES | Green Cabbage .5c 5 AvaPaWaC New °°P' delicate i« MTUvOttWO and full meated, delicious ..Each IUO 1 Oranfroe New “^P Navf! variety. £ aa | VI Bllgn medium to lax^e «ize, Calif., Sunkist. .0 for vOC | Green Peppers S3V -m,.^ 5e Cold Medal “| FLOUR i ss *1.05 I S- *2.15 | Hey kids! Enjoy a Deluxe I Reading Toy Set for Christmas! I JUNGLE | HUNTER TOY SETS I Each $6.99 | PLAYMOBILE TOY SET | Each $11.88 PORK LOIN ROAST LOIN HALF — the preferred part of the loin cut from |^B Safeway Superb richly-flavored pork ... ^HBH SLICED BACON.1£ 49c PORK RIB CHOPS.Lb 49c 1 First Grade. Swift's Premium or Safeway Center cuts, Safeway Superb Pork I COUNTRY-STYLE RIBS u 45c CORNISH SAME HEH3 E„h 69c f Fresh Pork, lean and meaty Frozen. U.S.D.A. Grade-A, approx 22-oz. each BEEF LIVER.Lb 39e BRAUNSCHWEI6ER .. ^ 39e \ | Young, first quality, delicious fried with onions Safeway full of flavor, ideal for sandwiches \ ^SBCSMsauHCsatsacsacxaaMTaaKsaKSfitxsKSssssKSttEssEa&aasa sasssss sssssa ss* gst ssa tsx