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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1961)
A 250,000 BTU gas furnace, in a small room along the wall in the center of the building, insures a floor temperature of 90 to 95 degrees in the farrowing area and 80 to 85 degrees in the weaning pens. The heating system is composed of 4 sections and they can he operated as a unit or individually, a thermostat in each section allows a wide range of floor tem perature settings, the men pointed out. Anti-freeze was put in the lines so the freezing problem is eliminated if a sec tion is shut off during the winter. Air temperature and ventilation are handled by another system of thermo stats. Last winter the temperature held evenly at 60 degrees. In the summer it is about 10 degrees below that outside. The house is set on fill sand which was covered with plastic to serve as a moisture barrier. A 4 inch layer of concrete was poured over this and the heat pipes are about 2 inches under the surface. The interior of the frame structure is lined with corrugated steel and the walls and ceiling are insulated with filler glass. In order to turn out 1,500 pigs a year a strict schedule has been set up and is ! adhered to closely. Sows are iebred in the second heat period after the pigs are weaned. “We like to have them in good flesh and gaining when they are bred,” the younger Greiner said. “We self-feed them a ration of ground alfalfa, oats, corn and protein. In the summer they run on blue grass and in cornstalks in the win ter. We cut down on the com though when they are in the stalks.” About a week before farrowing the sows are brought into the house, which has been steam cleaned, and are scrubbed. They spend the next several days in a holding pen and then go to the farrowing stall 2 days before farrowing so that they will be acclimated to their surroundings when the pigs arrive. When the pigs are a week old they re ceive an iron shot and are castrated. At 3 to 4 weeks the pigs are weaned and go to the pens at the other end of the build ing and the sows are returned to the herd. During the 4 weeks the pigs are in the weaning pens, they are self-fed a com plete pelleted ration. These pens also are equipped with automatic waterers. At 8 weeks the pigs are moved to a 24 by 66-foot finishing house and feeding floor where they are penned according to age. In this unit they are self-fed ground com, oats and protein until they weigh 80 pounds. At this weight the oats are eliminated. I After being in the finishing area for P 2 to 2)4 months they are ready for mar ket, weighing between 200 and 220 pounds. The present finishing unit isn’t large enough to handle the volume and a new I 28 by 192-foot building is being planned and w'ill be in operation soon. It will be divided into 8 sections and should accom j modate hogs from the farrowing unit. I I w One man can clean, care for the sows and feed the pigs in the building in one hour. Wendler is shown filling one of the self feeders in a weaning pen. Two litters are confined in each pen and they are kept here for 4 weeks on a pelleted ration. Pigs in the growing and fin ishing lot get a ration of ground corn, oats ond pro tein until they weigh 80 pounds and then the oats are removed. Pigs are far rowed every month and aft er going through the feed ing cycle are ready for mar ket in AV» to 5 months. % HOW TO MOBILIZE AGAINST YOUR BIGGEST RISK TO HOG INCOME That risk is disease. This Coordinated, Feed-Health Program prevents diseases from establishing “beachheads” on your farm. It’s a practical program! Follow it step by step and you’ll see. Half-way measures are just not enough! Pork producers need to go all out ... to mobilize every resource to guarantee a profitable hog operation. This means selecting top-quality, blood-tested breeding stock. It means using good formula feeds, good man agement, housing and sanitation. It means being alert to sense the presence of disease even when you can’t see it. Disease, visible or invisible, is by far the biggest risk to profitable hog raising. It can smash you at any time. Why gamble? You can lick most diseases before they start by following a coordinated, step-by-step plan. This feed-health program is practical, easy-to-do and money making. It gives you this powerful double-punch: (1) Good formula feeds, and (2) the proper vaccines and medications. It shows you how to make them work to gether smoothly so that disease never gets a foothoid in your herd. Ask your feed man for a free folder on this swine feed-health pro gram. If he doesn’t have one, write direct to: American Cyanamid Com pany, Agricultural Division, Princeton, New Jersey. RAUREOMYCIN is Ameri can Cyanamid Company’s trademark for chlortetracycline. The label instructions on Cyanamid products, and on products containing Cyanamid ingredients, are the result of years of research and have been accepted by Federal andJor State Gov ernments. Always read the labels and carefully follow directions for use. COORDINATED FEED-HEALTH PROGRAM CYAN AMID SERVES THE MAN WHO MAKES A BUSINESS OF AGRICULTURE I_I __* i 1. Start fighting disease early. Blood-test for brucellosis and leptospirosis. One month be fore breeding, vaccinate for hog cholera with rovac* Hog Cholera Vaccine—for erysip elas with duovax* Erysip elas Bacterin and for lepto spirosis with lebac* Lepto spira Pomona Bacterin. 1 1 ilni' 2. Strengthen farrowing sows when they need ft Most. Al ways feed a good formula feed containing 200 grams of aireomycin* 7 to 10 days before farrowing and 7 days after farrowing. You will have healthier sows that far row more easily and produce more live, sturdy pigs. 3. Prwwrtiin baby pig wnwl« I* easy. You prevent anemia and obtain faster weight gains when you inject pigs with pigdex* Injectable Iron at 2 days of age. At the same time, give your pigs one dose of AUREOMYCIN PIGDOSER to help prevent scouring and keep baby pigs thriving. During lactation, your sows need plenty of energy, pro teins, minerals, vitamins and aukbomyctn to maintain the strength of themselves and their pigs. Feed AuraoarrciN in a well-fortified ration at 50 grams per ton of total feed to keep sows healthy.’ start. Your starter feed pro tects your pigs at the most critical stress periods of weaning and vaccination. Be sure your starter feed con tains AUKEOMYCIN at 100 grams per ton of feed to pre vent scours and save pigs, to keep them gaining fast. sryipalit. Make vaccination a “must”! Vaccinate (at 6 to 7 weeks) for hog cholera with KOVAC and—at the same time — for erysipelas with dt'ovax. KOVAC is a safe vac cine that provides long-last ing immunity. DUOVAX gives solid immunity to erysipelas. 7. Hmw to tom tom»t •■las la irasiai pics. Dur ing the 35 to 75-pound per iod, pigs can be retarded by enteritis and atrophic rhin itis. With AUKEOMYCIK at 50 grams per ton of total feed, your pigs use feed, not to fight disease, but to put on low-cost gains. avoid set-backs during this final period, provide a sup plement that will supply 50 grains of aukeomycin per ton of total feed whenever trouble shows up. This pro tects against diseases—keeps your hogs healthy.