Stuart Nows By Mn. Herb Skate Mrs. Loots Foltz Is Honored on Birthdsy Ten members and one visitor, Mrs. Tom King, helped Mrs. Leo ta Foltz celebrate her birthday Monday Nov 27, at the home of her daughter. Mrs Ernest Green field. Prize winners in cards were Mrs. Bud McClurg, Mrs. Lloyd Thurlow, Mrs. Harry Cadwalla der and Mrs. Elgie Irish. Mrs. James (Doc) Newman and son, Mike, spent from Sunday until Thursday at Sioux Falls, S. D. While there Mike had ear surgery. Joe Coufal returned Sunday mght to Hayes, Kan., after hav mg spent the Thanksgiving holi day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coufal. Joe attends St Joseph academy at Hayes Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Myers and family were Mr and Mrs. Don Kaup and family, Newport. Sunday guests d Mr and Mrs Dwaine Lockmon were Mr and Mrs. Joe Schmadenj and family and Mr and Mrs. Gary Lockmon and family. Mr. and Mrs Dwaine Lockmon attended th* funeral of R. P. Jones at Spencer Friday. Tony Steinhauser was a caller at the Frank Steinhauser hpme Friday evening. He attends Wayne State Teachers college. Visitors at the Stuart Rest Home Friday, Nov. 24, afternoon were Mrs. Lena McRoberts and Mrs. Frank Steinhauser. Recent guests at the Francis Steinhauser home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan, Bea Morgan, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Davis and family, OTieUl, and Mr. and Mrs Frank Steinhauser Mr. and Mrs Ed Cuufal and family and Mary Coufal visited with Sister CarmeJa at St. Fran cis., S- D recently. Mrs. Bessie Greenfield enter tamed the Birthday bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. A dessert luncheon was served and the evening spent playing bridge. Prize winners were Mrs Dwame Lockmon, Mrs. Wilbur Moon and Mrs. Anna Ramin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wewel, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield and Mrs. Leota Foltz were Son day evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wewel and fam ily. Mrs Carrie Keating. Atkinson, was a visitor at tbe Frank Stem hauser borne Sunday afternoon and evening. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs Kasper Harley were Mr and Mrs Blain Garwood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick McConnell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Har ley and family. Plamview. and Mr and Mrs Arthur Harley and family. Leo Dean, Fort Knox, Ky., arrived home tor a few days furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Deun. Paula Sue Babl and David Wayne Kaup were honored at a dinner Sunday on their fourth birthday at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Vic Kaup Those present were Mr. and Mr* Paul Bab I and family. Newport. Mr, and Mr*. Ernest Greenfield Mr* Leota Foltz. Frank and Robert Schneider Mr*. Ernest Green field baked the birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwalia der accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor and Dennis to Mar tin. S. D , Sunday where they attended a horse sale. Kay Newbanka, Ainsworth, was a Sunday afternoon caller of her parents. Mr. and Mr*. Tam King Her daughter, Kim. returned home after a week's visit with her grandparents November 26 supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kasper Harley were ^ ~ " Mr. and Mrs Joe Serck and Stan ley, Missouri, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sereck, Emmet; Mr., and Mrs. Bill Jutte, Chambers, and Mr, and Mrs Walter Brown and Pete Brown. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs Kasper Harley were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs Arthur Harley and fam ily at Atkinson After dinner Mr; and Mrs. Kaxjier Harley and Ar thur drove to Wood Ljake on busi ness and also visited Mr. and Mrs Harry Lars« n. Mr and Mrs. Keith King en tertained four tables of pitch players Friday evening at their home Prize winners were Bob L'adwallader, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ska la, LaVonne Dvorak and Le nerd Kuig Mr and Mr* Jo♦ Colson will have the neat party December 17. Minnie Haskins entertained the Hi Five *'lul> Friday afteriwn at her home with three tables |J SLICES LB* Vv DELL BROOK NO. 1 CAN J NfcbILfcb tHUCULATfe IHIP5 2 I NORTHERN BATHROOM COLORED \ 4 as $100 Libby’s Van Gamps j Butter Kernel I PUMPKIN PORK & BEANS KIDNEY BEANS RAISIN BREAD 2 303 cans 29c 4 2u, cans | ^ 300 cans 59c J 2 loaves 49C ■ North Dakota rOTITOES 29 North Dakota POTATOES 25Lb- Bqg 69c Pink Juice GRAPEFRUIT 10 40 ORANGES 'V -I' _ FREE AQUA RIPPLE GLASS WITH THE PURCHASE OF I FREE FREE " GLASS GLASS With the purchase of With the purchase of Jersey Cream — 50 Lb. Bag Delicious all flavors—4 Lb. Can Flour 3.59 Jam 89c free free free I GLASS GLASS (HASS With the purchase of With the purchase of With the purchase of Staleys Sweetose — 4 Lb. Jar Hunt Club — 10 Lb. Bag English _ 8 oz. Jar Syrup 69c Dog Food 1.49 Walnuts 69c FREE FREE - GLASS GLASS •:~v > * __ ‘ ' With the purchase of With the purchase of Contadina — 2 Pkgs. Sunshhie — 2 Lb. Box Pizza Mix 79c Crackers 59c