Clearwater News Mrs. Charles (lurt right HCnter 5 52*0 Milton Smitli suffered severe injury to his ankle Saturday when he stepped from the bumper of a car at his place of business. He was taken to Neligh for medi cal treatment. Examination re vealed a tom ligament. There was considerable swelling, and he will be forced to stay off the foot for awhile. Mrs. Ray Maulding and sons, Norfolk sjient several days last week in the Glen Miller and El mer Maulding homes. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sparks and Terry, Alice Sparks and the Gor don Brittell family, all of Nor folk, and Dewey Brittell, Cham hers, were recent visitors in the Merle Sparks home Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Hemen way and sons, Fremont, spent the weekend in the William Grif fith home. Ed Moser returned from Ante kipe Memorial hospital Monday after undergoing surgery Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller and daughter have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ru ben Rundquist. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen and family left Tjesday night for Mis souri to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and Mrs. My ron Silvey and daughter. Mrs. Lillie Meyer is a patient in the Neligh hospital where she has been confined for several days. Her condition is much im proved at this time. Vf r and Ylrv !• Vi««l llalviti/ Sheryl, Crofton, came last Wed nes had spent u tew days visit ing his grandparents prior to Thanksgiving Day. Roy White, Lincoln, and Glen Stcthem, Burwell, were last Fri day evening dinner guests in the Wefso home. Mr. and Mrs. Denton Colfack were Sunday evening callers at his parents, Mr. and Mrs Emil Colfack. Mr. and Mrs. George Randol anj Mona Rae went to Ponca to spend Thanksgiving with his bro ther, Bill McKinley and family. George Randol sr. was also a guest in the McKinley home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, O’Neill, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth and son, Donald, at a birthday dinner last Sunday. It was Fred’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Fleming re turned Sunday night after being gone for two weeks to points in Iowa. At Lincoln, la., they visit ed Mrs. Fleming’s sister and family and also visited friends and relatives in Waterloo, la. Mrs. Kenneth Haas and son, Bryan, Valentine, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haas, Ainsworth, were Sunday visitors anti dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl. Thanksgiving day dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith in Atkinson were Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaMunyan and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Mor gan jr. and family. Mr. and Mrs Ronnie Frickel, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shane and family. ( apt. and Mr*. Norris John ■win and children, Kathleen and Bridget!, came Tuesday to spend a few days in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack. ('apt. Johnson will attend the School of Military Science at the Omaha Univer sity for a six months period. Ills wife and children will join him there as Win as housing U available. Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Schneider and family were Thanksgiving Day dinner guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Mack. Other guests were their son, John Mack, who attends school at Wayne and JoAnn Schaffer John returned to Wayne Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Dick Osborne and family spent last weekend in Co lumbus where they visited wi:h Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hickersom. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl drove to Valentine Thanksgiving Day where they were guests of the.r son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haas. Mrs. Violet Ashcroft returned to Atkinson last Friday after spending two weeks in California v.siting her mother who is ser iously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Marlie Feather stc.n and family and Mrs. Marie Wehrly and Richard were Thanks giving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnng, O'Neill. Thanksgiving Day guests in the Dick Osborn home were his folks, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Osborn, Wis ner. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha entertained relatives at a turkey dinner last Sunday at the home of Lawrence’s mother, Mrs. Mary Pacha. Those attending were Mr and Mrs. Ronnie Frickel, Lin Mr. UKl Mrs Carl Smith sr and Kay Ktx'Lhrr. coin, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Pacha and family, Mr and Mrs Will iam Morgan sr., Clifford Pacha, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth had for their Thanksgiving Day guests their children, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Roth and family and Doretta Roth. Valentine, and Donaid Ro:h O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg entertained relatives at a turkey dinner Thanksgiving Day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. War ren McClurg and Jim, Bassett; Mr. and Mrs. Max Tyler and son Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McClurg and Marcia, Broken Bow, Mr and Mrs. Glen McClurg and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haw thorne and family. Chambers News By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and family attended the wedding of her cousin, Donald Jones, Clear water, and Miss Elsie Jacobs, Neligh, at the Grace Lutheran church, Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes, Ft. Collins, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gustafson and daughter, Kristie, Eaton, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, Cherelyn and Terry, Atkinson, were Thanksgiving Day dinner guests in the Erwin Carpenter home. The Colorado guests came early Thursday and visited until Sun day. They and the Carpenters were guests in the Dean Stevens heme at Atkinson Saturday. Mrs. Harry Snyder, Atkinson, was a visitor also. Thanksgiving guests at the T.E. Aiders*® home were Hr. and Mrs. Clyde Klitz, Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sammons and boys, Amelia, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ro bak and children, Homer; Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Stahly, Mil ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Andersen, Newcastle. Mrs. An dersen is the former Jan Stahly. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson and grandchildren. Jerry and Janice, and Mrs. Charles Spann were Thanksgiving dinner guests in the Delbert Robertson home in O’Neill. Mr. anti Mrs. Loy Fluckey and family were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chns Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gartner and children drove to Elgin to spend Thanksgiving with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Elvin Hutchinson and family. Alvin Johnson and sister, Alice Johnson, moved Sunday from their ranch to the home they purchased recently in Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis, Grand Island visited at the Louis Neil son home Saturday on their way home from Rapid City, S. D., where they had spent Thanksgiv ing with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens and s n were Sunday afternoon vis itors in the Bernard Hoffman home. Thanksgiving Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott were, Mr. and Mrs. John Harley, Grand Island; Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and girls, Ew ing; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott and Cindy and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sargent, O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson, Mr. and Mrs Er nest Durre and sons and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rockford and fam ily, Chambers. Mr and Mrs. Gaius Winter mote and Mrs Lela Grubb drove to Omaha to spend Thanksgiv ing with the former's son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs El don Welke. Weekend guests of Mrs Ralph Blair and Mrs. Whuiden were Mr und Mrs. Frank Sasek and Mr ami Mrs Jack Vaocaro, Omaha Mr and Mrs. Jim Messenbrmk and girls, Fremont, spent Thanks giving with fur parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wilkmsen Thanksgiving Day dinner guests of Mrs A. B Hubbard were Dr and Mrs. C. M Eason and Mr and Mrs. Chauncey Porter, O’ Neill, Mr and Mrs Steve Shav lik and Pam, Mr. and Mrs. H W Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs Edwm Hubbard and Mrs. Charles Fau quier and son, Charles jr , Cham bers. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hertel, Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bishop, Mead; Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard (Bos) Clouse and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clouse and family and Mrs. Helen Clouse, all of Bartlett, were Thanksgiving Day dinner guests of Mr anil Mrs. Cecil Clouse, Bartlett. Mr and Mrs. Lyle Hanna spent Thanksgiving with her father, William Riecks, Chambers. Dinner guests Sunday, Nov. 19, in the Lyle Hanna home were Mr. und Mrs. Dale Plunver and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hadden. Primrose; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Prudy, Grand Island; Mr. and Mrs. John Buhlman sr. and Mar ilyn and Mr. and Mrs. John Buhl man jr. and Dean, Bartlett, and William Riecks, Chambers. Faye Blair, student at Nebras ka university in Lincoln, spent Thanksgiving vacation with his mother, Mrs. Ralph Blair, and grandmother, Mrs. Whidden. Mr. and Mrs Alvin Hankins, Stanton; Irvin Peltzer, West Point and Dun and Judy Smith, Cham ben. were Sunday dinner guests in the A. A. Walter home They were ail evening visitors In the Wayne Smith bume. Mr. and Mn. E M. Jarman and Douglas were Thanksgiving Day guests cJ their sunin-luw and daughter, Mr, ami Mrs. Jim Ringie and Karne in Omaha Mrs. Jarnuin stayed In Lincoln to spent the week with her son, Douglas. Mr. .iiiit Mm. Mitten (irlme* and family, Kansas Illy, Mu., have moved recently to Fre mont. Mr. Urimes Is a son of Mrs. James urg. S 1)., Mon day of last week to attend the funeral of her brother, Thanksgiving Day dinner guest* in the William Turner home were Mr ami Mrs Jim Coventry ami Bill, Inman; Mrs. Mary Tomlinson, O'Neill; Mr ami Mrs. R. C. Nolle, lioelies, Mr and Mrs Willard Thomson and family amt Dole Adams, Chambers Mr. ami Mrs I eo Adams, Atkinson, were Sunday dinner guests In the Turner home Mr and Mrs Jack Sharp amt son. Rodney, Twin Falls. Ids., apent Thanksgiving week with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. A l». Miller and uncle and aunt, Mr nml Mrs Ray Miller and family. J W. Walter, Chamt>ers, who has i*een a patient at the Luthe ran hospital In Norfolk following surgery, was dismissed for Thanksgiving and stayed at the home of his son and daughter-in law. Mr. and Mr*. Lyle Walter in Norfolk, until Monday when he came home. Mrs Walters was with him St. Paul's l.utlirran Cliurrh Chambers Wm E. Raton, Pastor Friday, 8 00 p.m Sunday School teachers meeting Saturday, 9 30 a in. to 11 30 — Confirmation. Sinilay, 10 00 am. — Bible class and Sunday School ; 11 (10 a m. Holy Communion; 8 00 tun Walther League, Mr Paul Mr Kt*ever, six moor. ami family moved here Friday from Mradiiw Grove Into their newly purchased home that for merly belonged to the late Hat tie Smith. Mrs. H. M. Wintz and daugh t«sr, Trudy, took the Wintzs’ son, Donnie, back to school at Elk horn Friday. They also visited in Omaha at the home of Mrs. Wintz’ sister. Cyril and Jeanette Schrage spent the Thanksgiving holiday with their parents. Cyril is in school at Elkhorn and Jeanette is a nurse in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patras and family. South Carolina, have moved to Clearwater and will re side in the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patras. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Maulding spent Thanksgiving at Kearney with the Donald Maulding fam ily. Atkinson News Twenty members of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary answered roll call November 15 when they met at the Legion club room. Several birthdays were honored with Mrs. Ellenwood receiving the gift. Mrs. Alta Campbell won the attendance award. It was revealed that $204 - 35 was received from the Vet erans Day lunches. The Christ mas party will be December 20 at 6:30 p.m. with a covered dish dinner at which time there will also be a gift exchange. The Christmas assignment is two dolls and five aprons. The dolls were given by Mmes Minnie Shaw, Car rie Keating, Don Skrdla, Elmer Olberding and Ed Schmuecker and were dressed by Mrs. Eugene Hickok and Mrs. Mary Gilg. Mr. Patterson, Stuart, spoke to the . group and his wife, Mrs. Patter son, was also a guest. Lunch was served by Mrs. Joseph Bouska, Mrs. A. G. Miller, Stella Slachet ka and Mrs. August Troshynski. Thanksgiving guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer McConnell were Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer West, Mr. and Mrs. Eli McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas and family, North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cearns spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Head. Mrs. Brice Braziel, Kent and Blaine and Mrs. Alfred Kazda visited Saturday evening with Mrs. William Wefso. Mrs. Emma Colfack and son. 'Dennis, were in O'Neill on busi ness last Saturday. Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Ziska and family were { Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaup and family, Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. ; Marvin Ziska, O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Liable have mov ed onto the Charles Ziska farm southwest of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska have moved to their home in west Atkinson. Gene Livingston, Arthur Pacha and Carl Smith helped Robert LeMunyan Monday run a cement floor in the new garage which was recently constructed at the LeMunyan farm. Warren Collins, Bntte, has gone to Rochester. Minn., where he is a patient at the Mayo clinic. Mr. Collins is a brother* in-law of Donald Putnam in At kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slaymaker and family went to Alda last Wednesday where they spent the Thanksgiving weekend with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKay and son spent the Thanksgiving va cation in Atkinson with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter jr. and family, Fremont, were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Putnam and family. Mvrl Cady, Mrs. Rose Hull and Pearl Smith, Ainsworth, and' Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnson. Maoleton. Ia., were last Satur day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kazda. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Carlson and _ iiiififia . Iff 4 . ?MC DONALD’! \ J. M. MCDONALD CO. O'Neill, Nebraska Thursday, Friday Saturday -C l - 1 Sofa Pillows • Luxurious acetate covering. Kapok I i filled. Round, oblong and square I • styles. New colors. I * Men's Vinyl Toilet Kit I | A Practical Gift I ^ What every man needs . . . soft I *• marshmallow vinyl plastic toilet kit, I J handy zipper pocket on one side. I ^ Light tan. I Brittle Candy - jj Peanut or coconut. Sophie Maem> I J quality. Thinner, tastier and fresher. I * hoz* 3 Boxes I Ladies' Acetate QUILTED ROBES Sizes 10 to 18 38 to 44 Your robe is your companion to easy living leisure. Made of 100% Estron<*> Acetate, choice of two styles. Hand washable pastel colors. —--—_V Ladies' Bulky Sweaters Values up to 7.95 ^ Wonderful wide choice of newest 5 W fashion colors, styles and blends. ^ A 2TS ^ ^A £ Holiday Candies ^ Brach's Delicious Assortment ¥*. For your Christmas table or use as Stocking stuffers. any way you o •• obcose they'll be favorites with every- 3 £ Printed Pillow Coses {j Assorted Patterns jj Stock up now on these fine primed P^Uow cases. Assorted patterns are ^ , poly-bagged in pairs. Makes an ideal I k - # 1 • * ----- 4 f Breeze-away Luggage For Her ^ I Deluxe 3 Piece LUGGAGE SET Overnighter • Pullman • Cosmetic Case i- ■» - _ 3 i l • Strong one-piece veneer frame construction with stylish dome top and heavy duty vinyl 1 [ bindings. Reynolds aluminum dust closures, tone-on-tone rayon silk lining. A perfect 1 Christmas gift for the lady of your choice. Fashion colors of blue, tan, off-white and 2* [ charcoal. * .m : +6X&*:****. > Make Any Little Girl Happy! jjj New Born BABY 3 So Realistic l-1 * > As pink and pretty as a new-born baby. Stuffed with foam rubber, has floppy arms and legs and is easy to wash and rooted hair. Ideal playmate for any lit tie girt. Dimity dress, knitted bootees. 14*' tall. i » Ladies' •j L cot acetate, choice of six *j styles, assorted lace and em- kp broidery- trims. White, pink. S * mint, lilac, black, red. I . A | King Size Patterned ’f TV TRAYS • With Legs ► ■ > i i ir • terns, Black Floral, Wood f Tone and Butterflies. Bay | a set now for a Christ t mas gift or extra ones for • yourself. • >- -. \ r r/ 7 - ; Men's 2-Pc. Jewelry Set Something for Every Man's Taste ^ We are offering an outstanding as • sortment of men’s Jewelry sets in L txith stones and inluys. Tie bur and J cuff links are gift boxed. ( Hassocks ii £ Covered with durable upholstery t plastic. Choice of two styles. Round r i f or square. Stands 14” high. Detach able wooden legs. Several colors. '• ____.. \ Ladles' Nylon Hosiery • McDonald's Silhouette" A i • Silhouette1*' hosiery, seamless dress ^P L sheer. Reinforced heel and toe. r Average length In sizes to 11 » Pf. t Colors beigetone, blushtone Pol* • Ladies' Floral Pattern ROBE and GOWN SET Misses' Sizes S-M-L Individually gift boxed, waltz length gown with matching dus ter In nylon-dacron-c o 11 o n. Choose from two styles. 1 Girls' Bulky Sweaters Special Purchase for This Event Classic cardigans in bulky orlon knit, solids and jacquards in newest fashion shades. Buy now and save’ Sizes 4-14. White, hot pink, blue and green. Quilted Hosiery Case Assorted Colors f Just the place to keep those Silhouet te1*- nylons! Why not buy them both at the same time? Made of quilted satin, assorted colors. Sosheen Ribbon Brighten Your Packages Christmas ribbon assortment Plenty of ribbon makes package wrapping 1 easy . . . bright and gay as Christ mas itself, buy yours at this low price