The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 16, 1961, Section Two, Image 9

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    Section Two B9h* p*9®«
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper
Volume 81—Number 30 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, November 16, 1961 Seven Cents
Page Methodist Church Bazaar
And Dinner Are Well Attended
La*t Tu«*sday the annual ba
zaar of the Methodist church was
held. Mrs. R. V. Crumly of the
WSCS and Mrs. Carl Max. King’s
Daughters, were co-chairman of
the kitchen and they reported that
2W) piates were served over the
noon and flapper hours. The fan
cy work booth with Mrs. Harold
Heiss and Mrs. John Steinberg tn
charge realized $152. The food
booth with Mrs. George Wettlau
fer and Mrs. Glenn Harris in
charge netted $fif> The candy
booth with the Sr. and Jr. MYF
in charge brought in $38.
King’s Daughters met Monday
night at the Methodist church
with 16 members present. The de
votion was given by Mrs. Carl
Max and the Rev. Mr. Linder was
in charge of the lesson by read
ing another chapter from the
book "The Meaning of Suffering”.
It was announced that more used
clothing is needed. Hostesses
were Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and
Mrs. Merwyn French jr.
Page News
Hy Mrs. Hen Asher
Mrs. Jerome Allen, who had
been a guest of the Bid or Bye
ckib several times, entertained
the members in return with Mrs.
Carl Max and Mrs. Gailen Mil
ler as guest, Mrs. Cordes Walk (
er won high score honors.
A belated birthday breakfast
was held Saturday morning with
Mrs. John Sternberg as the sur
prised honored guest Mines. R E.
Park, J. E Smith, Anna Thomp
son, George Clasey, Alton Brad
dock, Otto Matschullat, Lyman
Park and Jessie Cronk were pre
The Neighborhood club met
Wednesday with Mrs. Lee Fink.
All members were present and
Mrs. J. W. Finch won a special
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manifold,
Ainsworth, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Wettlaufer and family
were Thursday supper guests in
the William Sorensen home. They
all attended a Veterans Day pro
gram at the and re
turned afterwards for lunch. Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Asher and Rober
ta were also lunch guests.
Jon Cork accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Hahlbeck to Omaha
last week where they visited Leon
Hahlbeck who has been a patient
in St. Joseph’s hospital since his
accident weeks ago.
A party was held Wednesday
night for Ray Harmon in honor
of his birthday with the following
attending, Mr. and Mrs. William
Scheinost, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ste
wart, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Land
reth and Mr. and Mrs. “Bud”
Godel, Venus. Cards were play
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frels, Her
shey, Mrs. Carroll French and
Kirsten, Mrs. Dagne Jensen and
Mrs. Robert Frels and children,
Hershey, were Sunday noon
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn
French sr.
The Jr. and Sr. MYF held a
joint meeting Sunday evening at
the Methodist church. A debate
was held on the “pros and cons”
of going to Sunday movies Bec
ky Beelaert and Mickie Stewart
served lunch.
The class mothers of 15a# will
hold a post nuptial shower far
.Mrs. Glenn Miller Monday,
Nov. 20. at the Methodist church
at 8 p.m.
Diane Cork, a student nurse
at Sioux City, la., met her par
ents, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Cork
at Randolph Friday night and re
turned with them to .spend the
weekend here.
A Veteran's Day card party was
held Sunday evening at the Legion
club. Those winning prizes were
Mrs. George Wettlauffer, William
Simmons and Mr. and Mrs Don
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
went to Norfolk Tuesday for a
medical checkup.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alberts and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frels
and Mrs. Robert Frels and child
ren, Hershey, enjoyed a waffle
supper at the Merwyn French sr.
home Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Nissen and
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, Page,
spent Sunday at the William Nis
sen home at Plainview. This is an
annual get together of brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. William Plautz
and daughter, Lincoln, were week
end guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Clasey.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frels, Her
shey, were last weekend visitors
in the Merwyn French sr. home.
Their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ro
bert Frels and children, who has
been here visiting, returned to
their home in Hershey with them
A family sapper was held Mon
day night for the Improvement
club at the club building with the
following attending, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Roach, Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Stevens, Mr. and Mr*. Sorer. Sor
ensen sr , Mr. and Mrs. G alien
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nis
aen. Mr and Mrs Melvin Smith.
Mr and Mrs. Carl Max. Mrs.
Evelyn Gray and Mrs. Leila
Snell and their families.
In honor of Mrs Bertha Boel
ter's, Norfolk. 80th birthday her
daughter, Mrs. Arnold Tikaisky,
entertained the following last Sun
day, Mr. and Mrs. John Effle and
Mrs. Clara Groeling, Creighton,
Mrs. Edna Boelter and Mrs. Jo
sephine Groeling, Orchard; Mr
and Mrs. Adolph Kruse and fam
iiy, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Tikaisky
and T. E. Tikaisky, Verdigre;
Mrs. Rolland Miller and Glenn,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter.
Page, Mrs. Edna Kruse, Winne
toon and Mr. and Mrs. Verne
Sprague and son, Lodgepole.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trowbridge
were Thursday dinner guests of
the Elmer Trowbridges.
Mrs. Hester Edininsten, ac
companied by Mrs. Calvin Har
vey, left Saturday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Kate Beam, sis
ter of Mrs. Edininsten, at Riv
erton, la. Sunday afternoon.
They returned home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen
and family, Roy Wilson and Mr.
and Mrs. William PJautz and
daughter, Lincoln, were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Classey.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Malschullat,
Page, attended a card party Sun
day evening at the Jay Trease
home in orchard.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
Leila Snell entertained nine mem
bers of RNA kensington. Cards
were played.
A last Sunday dinner and sup
per guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jes
sie Kelly was Adrian Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cripple and
family, Norfolk, were Wednesday
supper guests in the Elmer Trow
bridge home in honor of Elmer’s
Dirtnaay. Alter supper guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trow
bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Mrs. Allan Gross had a coffee
hour Wednesday morning with
eight women attending. Mrs. Ro
bert Linder won a special prize.
Twenty-six members answered
roll call when the American Le
gion auxiliary met Monday night
for the regular monthly meeting.
Initiation of new members were
held with Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr.
acting as initiation officer assisted
by Mmes. Harry Thomsen, Keith
Kennedy, Ray Harmon, Otto Mat
schullat and William Simmons. It
was announced that the Page Le
gion and Auxiliary will hold a
party at the Veteran’s tvjspital in
Grand Island the first Tuesday
in February. A “thank you” letter
was read from the Nebraska’s
children home for the $50 sent
them. It was voted to send ad
ditional funds. The annual Christ
mas party will be held December
11 starting with super at 6:30 p.m.
There will be a gift exchange. On
Monday the county meeting will
be held at Ewing, and the winners
in the County Government Day
essays will read their reports, it
was voted to have a soup supper
December 2 at the Legion hall.
Mrs. Harry Thomsen and Mrs.
George Wettlaufer won special
prizes. Hostesses were Mrs. Milo
Landreth. Mrs. Ray Harmon and
Mrs. William Scheinost.
Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs,
Clearwater, were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Mrs. William Simmons left
Tuesday for Allen where she will
spend a few days visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Ron Bovill and
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gross and
Arden left Friday night and spent
the weekend visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hervie Thomas,
Grand Island. On Sunday the
Grosses, Thomases and Mrs. Dick
Payne and Stevie visited Mrs.
Florence Bathokaiew at Shelby.
The Grosses returned home Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon and
family, Mrs. Felix Hendrich, O’
Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aim
and JoAnn, Lynch, were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Milo Landreth.
The class mothers of 1959 will
have a post-nuptial shower Fri
day night at the Methodist
church for Mrs. Wesley Blain.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher
were Thursday night guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, At
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Goeke, At
kinson, were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyndley
The Frontier—
Venus News
By Mrs. Ralph Hiuukkooirr
Mrs. Hamilton's
Shoulder Cast
Is Removed
Mrs. Gordon Hamilton had the
support east removed from her
shoulder November 7. She re
ceived a fractured shoulder three
weeks ago in a fall. She is un
able to use the arm at the pre
sent time.
Mrs. Lilia Pospeshll, Orchard,
and son. Harold, Sioux City, la.,
were working at their farm
home in this area this week.
Mrs. Vernon Boeder visited at
the Dale l>orr home Wednesday.
Mrs. Fred Uhlir entertained the
Work and Fun club at her home
Wednesday, Nov. ft with 12 mem
bers and one visitor, Mrs. Ver
non Boeder, present. The after
noon was spent in quilting for the
hostess. The six members ab
sent the most times will furnish
tiie entertainment at the Christ- (
mas party which will be held
December 7 at the home of Mrs. [
H. J. LeMasters. Mrs. Uhlir'
served lunch at the close of the
Monday evening visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryon
Finch were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Suellyn and Joan, daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey,
' Norfolk, are spending a few days
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Caskey.
While baling hay Tuesday
James Podony stiffen'd a pain
ful injur)' when a grain hull
got in his eye. He wits tuken to
Verdigre for medical attention.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch
were Tuesday supper guests at
the home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lon
Pitcher and family. An oxygen
tank fell on Mr. Pitcher’s foot
recently, causing a painful in
t ;<> >rge Heggi-mever helped
P« ter Mott with cattle thia week
I .a Vain 1 lines was a Sioux City,
la , visitor Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs. Lavern Caskey
and family spent Veterans Day
and Sunday with their parents,
Mr and Mrs Harry Caskey and
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Held
Mrs. Rosooe Grueling operated
the Walnut switchboard Novem
ber 5 while Mrs. Edna Boelter at
tended the diruier given in tumor
of Mrs. * August" Berths Boelter,
Norfolk, at the home of her
Son-in-law and daughter, Mr and
Mrs. Arnold Tikalsky, Page It
was Mrs B liter's 80th birthday
Motoring to Broken Bow Thurs
day to attend a school meeting
were Mr. and Mrs F. E Pierce,
Mr. and Mrs Max l.eMasters,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dorr, Her
man Dorr and C O. Evans
Lexter C'hrlsUanwn. Mm Mar
tha Shear and Mr* Fmter. Plain
view, called at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Ralph Ilmkhttiser, Sat
Dale Hamilton called at tlie
Evans (tome Tuesday
Mr and Mra. Henry Wellman
visited “Grandma" Kvana Sun
day Mrs H. J. LeMaaters vsatt. <1
her Tuesday ami Mrs R Brook
tHHiser called Saturday
Mr. and Mrs Ralph Bmohhou
ser visited at the home <rf Mr
ami Mr* Ora Cajdtey Thuraday
evening !
Phone Your News to
The Frontier
Phone 788
Closing Out
Farm Sale
Because I have mild my farm I will sell the following d<*scribed
personal property to the highest bidder at public auction at the
farm UK ATKI) . . , from Stuart, 1 Vi mile#* cast on Highway
20, then I miles south . . . OR . . . from Atkinson, 6 miles west
from the north edge of town and 3/4 mile south (Watch for Farm
Kale Arrows) ON . . .
SAT., NOV. 18
In case of bad weather, sale will be held
Kale starts at 1 p.m. Lunch by Haydettes Club
34 Head of Hereford Cattle 34
1 — Two-letter Registered Brand and Irons
2 — Hampshire brood sows
Complete Line of Machinery
Some Ear Corn
Some Household Goods
TERMS: CASH. No property removed until settled for.
Mr. & Mrs. C. Ziska
Elmer McClurg and Dean Fleming, Auctioneers
First National Bank, Atkinson, Clerk
Up To 60% Of Purchase Price
$10,000.00 COVERAGE — ONLY $29.00 PER YEAR
See Al Gaskill
Insurance Agency
Phone 710 O'Neill, Nebr.
“No Membership Fees to Pay”
Yule Window Unveiling
Unrelated Item Contest
Friday, Nov. 24th
Sponsored by the
$50 in Prizes
1st Prize. *20.00
2nd Prize. *15.001
3rd Prize. *10.001
4th Prize. $ 5.00
Contest windows will contain one unrelated item of the merchant's choice. Contest window
will be posted. Persons competing must be 18 years old or older. Pick up entry blank at either The
Frontier or The Holt County Independent office starting at 7:00 p.m. Friday, November 24. Par
ticipating C. of C. members and their immediate families not eligible to compete.
View the contest windows, pick the unrelated items. Return contest blanks to either news
paper office between prescribed hours. Entries will be judged on correctness and time of return.
Pan] Shierk
Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted
Contact lenses
Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr.
Honrs 9 j—Mon thro Saturday
Closed Wednesday
will provide
For your dancing pleasure
at the
Tropical Gardens
Beginning Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday at 5:30 p.m.
Better quality dresses. New this-sea
son-styles. Assorted f a br i c s and
Quilted acetate rayon dusters. As
sorted colors. Sizes 10 to 18.
Each $0
Cotton outter shell. Warm quilted
■nings. Attached hoods. Assorted
•tyles and colors. Sizes 7-10 and 12.
Each $4
'ress style coats. 100% wool. New
"* .s®ason styles. Only 11 at this
serial price.
ashable cotton dresses. Prints and
sins. 3-6x and 7-14.
$2 an<* $3
Wash 'n wear cotton print skirts.
Broken sizes 10 to 16.
Each $2
Leather suede. Nylon knit cuff and
waistband. Zipper front. Reg. 14.95.
Each $1088
Only 15 pairs. Assorted styles and
sizes. Values to 9.95.
Each Pr.
Women'* end Girls'
One group assorted styles, fabrics
and colors. Broken sizes. All reduced
for clearance.
*2 »3 *4
Assorted yarn dyed cotton fabrics.
One yard lengths 54" width. Zipper
Each $£50
One group assorted odds and ends. One of a kind, etc.
Hurry and look these over.
* Ap ■* * s • ,■ *