The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 16, 1961, Image 7

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    Fort Randall News
Jnnloc Klrwmn
<I,ast Weeks News)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dennis and
children. Bristow, were Monday
evening visitors at the Harry
Hausmann and G. R Kirwan
Russell Anderson, Bristow, Ol
ga and Mauritz Bengtson, Frie
dolf and Clarinda Pearson, Mr.
and Mrs. Walt Nyquist and
Charles, Mrs Harry Mostrom and
Elmer, Mr and Mrs. Clarence
Olson and Waldon. Dave Lund
stom, Mr <iml Mrs. t>on Olson
and family and I/>ren I>ean Ol
son gathered at the Melvin An
derson home Sunday afternoon to
help Joey Anderson celebrate his
10th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorenzen
and Debbie, Storm Like, la.,
General Repairing of
Licks of All Kinds
Cars - Homes - Businesses
— See—
Joseph P. Shanner
112 Ho. 4th O'Neill
were Sunday dinner and supper “
guest* at the G R. Kirwan home.
Mr and Mrs Harry Hausmann (
attended a family gathering at
the Verlon Moos home in Fair
fax. S. D., Saturday evening
Mrs. Dan Kirwan spent Satur
day night in Lynch, where she •
helped care for her mother. Mr*.
Louie Storm, Bethlehem, S. D.,
was a Sunday dinner guest at
ti»e Melvin Kirwan home
Tom Novotny, I,ake Andes. S.
D., was a Thursday overnight
guest at the G R. Kirwan home.
Mrs Frank Novotny and Tom
visited there Friday afternoon.
Friedoif Pearson and Elmer
Mostrom returned Monday from
a weekend visit to the Leonard
Olfon tome in Custer, S. D.
Kenny Soulek, Ravenna, was a
Sunday dinner guest at the G. R.
Kirwan tome.
Some of the high school stu
dents attended a party at the
Pickstown school Friday evening
.sponsored by the freshman class.
Mr. and Mrs Berl Stallard and
Cynthia and Sandra, Miles City,
Mont., returned to their home
after spending a few days visiting
relatives in this community. Mrs.
Stallard will lx* remembered as
Helen Scanlon, niece of G. R.
Kirwan, Dan Kirwan, Phil Kir
wan and Mrs. Bill Jonas.
Mrs. G. R. Kirwan and Janice
accompanied Mrs. Harry Ilaus
rnann and Jill to Burke, S. D.,
on business Tuesday afternoon.
Folks from all over know there’s nothing like a
good Nebraska steak. Raised on the lush grasses
of Nebraska west, finished out in the feed lots of
eastern and central Nebraska ... prize beef cat
tle furnish steaks that are juicy, tender and full
of flavor. Eating like this is a symbol of the
good life. And so is a glass of good beer.
But more than that, beer is an example of the
freedoms Nebraskans hold so highly ... a free
dom to choose what YOU, as an individual,
want. It is this sort of freedom, this sort of right
which should belong to every man, everywhere.
Orchard News
Mrs. Wilbur Mubeod
Phonr TW S 3183
The WSCS of the Evangelical
United Brethren church met
Wednesday afternoon with 40
members and eight visitors,
Mmes. Tina Werner, Freemont
Curtis, Cora Clifton, H. Bright
Bay Reed, Blanche Fletcher.
Wayne Henderson. Harry Holl
brook jr., and Gladys Rifer, pre
sent Mrs. Leon Mitchell, vice
president, in the absence of Mrs.
Harold Mitchell, president, pre
sided over the business meeting.
Mrs. Wayne I-autenschlager had
charge of the devotions. A special
thank offering was in charge of
Mrs. I-iutenschlager assisted by
Mrs. Carrol Clifton. Mrs. Hoyt
Sirek and Mrs. Vernon Munger.
Mrs. Glen Miller was soloist. A
report of the annual turkey din
ner and bazaar held October 24
was given; $796 was the net
total after expenses were paid.
A rummage sale was the pro
ject for the afternoon. Hostesses
were Hmes. Carl Nelson, Har
old Mitchell, D. Ix*nz and Glen
Tht Orchard Garden club met
with Mrs. D. L. Fletcher Monday
afternoon with 14 members and
one visitor, Mrs. Olive Bennie,
Clearwater, present. Mrs. Hoyt
Sirek, president, presided over
the business meeting. Plans were
made for a Christmas dinner
December 4 at Mrs. Hannah
Johnson's and to have names
drawn for exchange of gifts. The
president appointed the following
committees: Menu, Mrs. Henry
Drayton and Mrs. D. Lenz, de
corations, Mrs. Hannah Johnson
and Mrs. E. Bruce and program,
Mrs. Gordon Drayton and Mrs. J.
W. Mahood. There was a round
table discussion on plants
diseases and remedies. Mrs. D.
Lenz had a display of plaques
made out of dried weeds, pods
and flowers. Mrs. Fletcher
served a lunch.
Pitch club met with Mr. and
Mrs. James Clifton Sunday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Lautenschlager were guests.
James Clifton, Mrs. Wayne
Kautenschlager, Gurney Drayton,
Mrs. Gordon Drayton and Ted
Berry won prizes.
Octette bridge club met Tues
day afternoon with Mrs. Wendell
Wilson. Mrs. James Clifton and
Mrs. Cecil Lee won prizes.
Mrs. Lyle Jackson, Neligh,
visited her sister, Mrs. D. L.
Fletcher, Tuesday.
Gertrude Gribble spent Tues
day and Wednesday in O’Neill.
Mrs. Olive Everhart returned
Monday morning from Sargent
where she had spent several
days with her son, Harold Ever
hart and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Payne
Richmond, Calif., Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Payne and son, Mrs.
Mamie Payne and Mrs. Mary
Mahood, all of Neligh, were din
ner guests in the home of Mrs.
J. W. Mahood Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Payne visit
ed in the home of their aunt,
Mrs. J. W. Mahood the last of
the week.
Phone Your News to
The Frontier
Phone 788
Inman News
B* Mr*. Junn M«M*ku
(Last Weeks News)
Mrs Anna Smith and her bro
ther, Earnest Trowbridge, return
ed Saturday evening Mrs. Smith
visited her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs Myrle Caster
and daughters, at Sterling, Cok>.,
for about three weeks. Mr. Trow
bridge has been m Ephrata,
Wash., with Mr and Mrs. Cur
tis Smith and family for several
Mr. and Mrs Larry Sawyer and
daughters, O'Neill, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer and
Mick 9mday.
Mr. and Mrs. A W. Kopejtka
sr. have moved from the Albert
Anthony property in the north
west corner of town to the home
that they recently purchased in
the west part of town.
Mrs. C. W Alexander has gone
to Waterbury where she is visit
ing her brother-in law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noe and
Mrs. John Buhlmann and son,
Bartlett, visited Monday after
noon Mr. and Mrs. James
Banks and Roger.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South vis
ile 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Conard
at Emmet Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Retke and Mrs. Anna Smith
visited Mr. and Mrs. South Sun
day evening.
Mel Gardner and Bill Brix, Om
aha, spent from Friday until
Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Reynolds, and also deer
hunting. The group was join<>d by
Jack Mainquist, Wausa, Saturday
evening and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rosen
daal and Mrs. Bert Reynolds, Ne
ligh, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Reynolds and family Sunday eve
Monty Fleming and Lloyd Gail
braith, Storm Lake, la., spent
the weekend here taking annual
inventory at the Finkbine Lum
ber Yard. Clifford Sawyer and
Mis. Albert Reynolds, also help
ed with inventory.
MUrl Keyes, Phoenix, Ariz., and
CWO Lorin Keyes, who is sta
tioned in Hawaii, came Sunday
to visit their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd E. Keyes.
Mrs. Leon Tompkins returned
Sunday from Waverly where she
visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Tompkins and family.
David Sobctka, Norfolk Junior
college student, spent the week
end visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Sobotka and family.
Keith Kivett and Ned Kelley,
Wayne college students, spent the
weekend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Vaden Kivett and Mr.
an 1 Mrs. W. E. Kelley.
Mrs. Ray Siders visited Wed
nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Hibbs and family at O’Neill. In
the afternoon Mrs. Siders and
Mrs. Snyder visited Lizzie Car
son, Mary Wolfe and Carrie Hunt
er at Lynch.
Karon Brown, Marilyn Siders
and Gene Butterfield, students at
Grand Island Business college,
spent the weekend with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown,
Mrs. Ray Siders and Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Butterfield.
Dallas Robinson, Laramie,
Wyo. visited Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. Ray Siders.
Mrs. Leo Harte, Joe and Donna
and Mr*. Kenneth Coventry and
Bob, Inman, and Mrs Emma Ax
berg and daughter. Spencer, were
visitors Saturday in Norfolk.
Charles Young has returned
from Sutton where he ha# been
Joe Peters, Norfolk. visited a
few days last week with his fam
Mr and Mrs Les Lemke and
family, Bloomfield, wen Sunday
dinner guests of Mr and Mrs.
Albert Anthony ami family.
Mrs. Sherman Grazier, Tipton,
Mo., and Mr and Mrs. George
Grazier and daughters, Columbia,
Mo , visited from Thursday until
Sunday m the homes of Mrs.
James McMahan, Mr. and
Mrs. James Coventry ami
Bill, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Cov
entry and Bob and Mr. and Mrs
John Mattson. Mrs. James Me
Man an who had visited three
weeks in Tipton, Missouri return
ed home with them on Thursday.
Stuart News
By .Mrs. Herb Simla
(Last Week's News)
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Schmaderer and
family were Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Lockmon, Kathy and Bobby.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Miksch
entertained friends at their home.
Prize winners were Gary Lock
mon, Mrs. Paul Wewel, Warren
Mitchell and Mrs. Gary Lockman.
The next party will be in three
weeks at the Don Butterfield
Dick Keidel and a friend, Vic
ky Lyman, Wayne, will spend
the Veterans Day weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lockmon
spent Wednesday to Friday in
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brewster
spent Sunday evening visiting the
Dale Hendersons, Valentine.
Thursday overnight guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon
was Mrs. May Jones, Lake City,
la Recent guests at Mr and Mrs -
Lock moo were Mrs Louie Julius,
Kenny and Rodney, Rapid City,
S D.
Mrs. Katie Papke, accompanied
by tier brother, Albert Kir stead,
Norfolk, and her imter-in Uw.
Mrs. Emma Kirsiead, Gregory,
S D, returned home Saturday
from a two week trip They visit
ed Mr. and Mrs Gerald (Bud)
Papke and family at Newcastle.
Wyo., Mr and Mrs. Myron Pap
ke and Lloyd and Mr and Mrs.
Lester Pafike and daughter, Bii
lings, Mont., Frank Clarks, Child
ren and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Johnson and family, Burke, S D
Sunday dinner guests at Mr
and Mrs Vie Kaup and family
were Mr. and Mrs Ben Kaup sr.
A "pink and blue" shower was
held Sunday afternoon honoring
Mrs. Gary Hitchcock at the home
of Mrs. Ralph Shald About 13
guests were present A lunch was
served by the hostesses, Mrs.
Ray Greenfield, Mrs Don Shaki,
and Mrs. Ralph Shald.
Mr und Mrs. Albert Halbrook
entertained four tables of pitch
players Sunday evening at their
home. Prize winners were Earl
Cadwallader, Hamid Butler, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader and i
Mrs. Earl Cadwallader. Mr. and
Mrs. Elgie Irish will have the
next party.
O. O Figge, Los Angeles,
Calif , son in law of Mr. and Mrs
Mark Nelson, arrived Monday to
spend a week hunting.
Tuesday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs Earl Cadwallader were
Mrs. Percy Mule, Hillsboro, Ore ,
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gibbson,
Ponca. Mrs. Miile is Mrs. Cad
wallader's sister-in-law
W.-ekend guests of John Hytrek
were Dick Hytrek end two friends
from Omaha. They spent Satur
day plieasant hunting. The visit
ors and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hy
trek were Sunday dinner guests
in the John Hytrek home.
Timmy Friedel, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Friedel, spent the week
end with his grandparents, Mr
and Mrs. John Friedel.
Mel Engler, Omaha, spent the
weekend visiting his parents. Mr
and Mrs B C Engler. and went
I die as am hunting Saturday
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs
Katie Grunke were Mr and Mrs
Francis McKenncy and family,
Mills, and Mr and Mrs Kasper
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
amt Mrs Earl Cadwallader were
Mr and Mrs Mrl Carr, Mr and
Mrs. Mike Cadwallader. Judy,
Roy and Tami.
Howard Deseive and Bob Kra
mer, Millard, were weekend
guests at the Frit* Desieve home
Mr and Mrs. Clrttis Durr were
weekend guests of Mr and Mrs
Virgil Luursen, O'Neill.
Monday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Ward Dyer were Mr
ami Mrs Al Berner. Washington
Slate They are former resklents
of Stuart.
Sunday afternoon ami aupt>er
(fiesta of Mr and Mrs. Frank
Stemhauscr were Mr* John
Steinhauser, Mrs. John Fnedrl
The John Friedel's spent Tuev
dap in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs Harold Butler
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Raymond ■ Util > Hoff
man ami buy* at Naprr. Thry
hrlpod 1HU celebrate his birthday.
Sunday dinner guest* of Mr*
Karl Chancy were Mr and Mr*
Neal Hamilton and family.
Sunday supper guest* id Mr
and Mra Harry t'adwallmler were
Mr and Mr* L H ( adwaliadrr
and buy*. Atkin* m
Kivtra J Smith returned b«*w
October 31 after a va.ut.iai trip
with Dr and Mr* P M Jillan®.
Klfin They vnoted Lyman JtU
*au in Detroit, Mnh , am! were
tn Nortliem Michigan *t«l Can.,
Mr ami Mr* Art Hutmela at
tended the funeral services of
Fred Kir*aland in Amherst, Oi
tuber 34
Mr ami Mr* Gleiui CnthraUa
der entertained four table* of
pilch players Friday evening at
their home PrUr winn.. »<-i,
Hob Cmlwallrtder, LaV.‘fine l>vts
ak. Leonard King. Mr* Hob Cad
willader and Joe Colson
Try The Frontier Went
Ads — It Pays !
Modern Woodmen
vbolainw0f America
All Kind a
of Inaurum r
O'Ni'ill, Ni'hrn>iki(
I Because of the death of my wife I am leaving the farm and will sell the following described personal ^
property to the highest bidder at public auction at the farm LOCATED ... 1 mile south, 2 miles east
and 2 miles south of Bartlett. . . OR ... 18 miles northwest of Spalding on the old Spalding-Bartlett !
Highway 101. Watch for Farm Sale Arrows ON
Monday, Nov. 20
Sale starts at 1:30 p.m.
6 - Milk cows 3-6 yrs. old. 1 just fresh, other to freshen soon
7 - Black Whiteface cows
6 - Yearling heifers, coming 2
1 - Part Brown Swiss heifer to freshen soon
8 - Late spring calves
3 - Fall calves
1 - Polled Hereford bull, 2 years old
2 — Work horses, gentle White sow to farrow soon 9 — Feeder pigs
1945 Farmall "A" tractor, good Hayrack on rubber-tired gear HOUSEHOLD GOODS
Single row tractor cultivator Some shop tools ...
_ . , . . . Phonograph and records
2-section harrow Dehorning clippers 2 Rockin chairs
16-in. mounted tractor plow 3 — Rolls slat cribbing _ ,
_, , 3 Zenith TV and antenna
7- ft. power mower and extra Vise .. . .
. !_|_ Electric washing machine
sicxies Some old iron « ~
8- ft. disc 2 — Feed bunks , ,
Single-row lister for "A" tractor 3 _ Hog troughs ' V^ C a,fS
Sweep head for tractor ““”””___________ 00 case
12-ft. hay rake FEED AND GRAIN Cream separator
12-ft. hay rake for repairs Some ear com Cream Cans
Buzz saw to mount on tractor, About 200 bu. oats ® ectr'c ^eater
with extra blade 5 — Stacks of alfalfa hay 14- . at
"A" haystacker Feeding privileges on 40-50
Rubber-tired wagon with box acres of com stalks 12 x 12 Brooder House I
TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for
Lawrence "Bill" Edwards, owner
Ed Thorin Auction Service, O'Neill, and Chuck Mahoney j