The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 09, 1961, Image 7

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    Page News
By Mr*. Boa Asher
Mrs. French
Is Honored
At "Coffee"
A coffee hour was held Wed
nesday at the h >me of Mrs. Mer
wyn French jr. with Mrs. Robert
Freis, Hersbey, as co-hostess, in
honor of Mrs. Carroll French.
The following enjoyed getting ac
quainted with Mrs. French, who
recently arrived here from the
Congo: Mines. Dale French, O’
Neill, Darrell, Kenneth, Richard,
Larry and Ivan Heiss, Robert
prill, Robert and Frank Beelaeit
“Bud" I ekes, Norman and Di k
Trowbridge, Marvin and Dale
Stauffer and Robert Van 11 in
Mrs. Orn Caskey was hostess
to 10 members of the Help-U Club
when it met with her Wednesday
beginning with a noon-day meal.
TIm- w< tnen prepared nut meats
i »r the hostess. Mrs. Clarence
.. Fin ch won a special price
Mr. Ervin Held will be the next
R.NA lodge met Wednesday
night at the IOOF hdl. There
were 14 members attending. Mrs.
Hester Edmin ten and Mrs. Lloyd
Fustic bn an were the hostesses.
Sixty-three children attended
the UNICEF party held at the
Methodist church Tuesday light
which was sponsored by the WSCS
and the King’s Daughters. Mrs.
J W Finch was chairman of the
planning committee and was as
sisted hy Mines. Frank Bet Inert,
ivini ni-iss an i itooen lunoer.
The d «»r to door canvass which
the youngsters participated in as
well as the collection at the
church amounted to $40. IK. The
following accompanied the young
sters on their tour: Mmcs "Bud"
'Jokes, Mt-rwyn French jr., Ivan
TIeiss, R"bert Nisstn, Kerne.h
Heiss, Fri nk Beelaert, Dal • Stauf
fer, Richard Trowbridge, Carl
Max, Robert Van Horn and Paul
Hartif’an. On their return to the
church two short films were
Is A 14% Protein Feed
w:th Vitamins and
AS ld)W AS
$53.00 PER TON
This Is Creep Feed Season
Book it now for 90 days at
Tompkins Livestock
Clarence (Bud) Hansen, Mgr.
Inman, Phone 225 or 11-W
stx/wn by Kenneth Heiss narrated
by Mrs. Marvin Stauffer. The
children received treat*.
Th* member* of the Help I -
Club entertained their husband*
at a party Tuesday night at
ihe Improvement club meeting.
Card* were played with prize*
going to Mr*. Sidney Faulhaber,
Frvin Held, Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Finch Jr. and Mr*. Ralph
Brook It aimer.
The county institute of the WC
TU was held Tuesday at the home
<f Mrs. Dora Townsend, with 22
ladies present. Mrs Lila boy,
O'Neill, institute director, con
ducted the Mrs. Carroll
French and her mother, Mrs.
D <gne Jensen, Copenhagen, Len
in.ik, were this honored guests.
Mrs French, wh > with her hus
band are missionaries in the
Congo, told about the African
Janice Crumly and Jess CUnt,
hi t i of Omaha, sf>ent the week
end here visiting her parents, Mr
and Mrs. A. T. Crumly.
Vrs. Hester E.lminaten accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. Calv.n Har
vey to O’Neill where she spent
the day visiting with Mr. and
Mrs, "Buck” Edrninsten. The
Harveys continued on to Atkm
s m where they visitid the Ken
neji Ashers.
The regular meeting of the
W.SC'S met Thursday afternoon
at the Methodist church. Due to
the stormy weather only 11 mem
b rs were present. L:i the absence
of Mrs. Norman Saltz, Mrs. John
St mberg had the lesson using the
"Upper Room” as her guide. The
bazaar was discussed. Lunch will
be served at noon and there will
be an evening supper. The booths
will be opened at no n. The King's
L/augmcrs wuuiu nice cjean usanie
cl thing, to be brought to the
church November 7. Officers re
p irts should be in by November
15. (Jet well cards were sent to
Mrr Alta Finch and H. J. Ste
vens. Hostesses were Mrs. Glenn
Stewart and Mrs. Raymond Heiss.
B II Asher accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield, At
kinson, and H< mer Ernst, O’Neill.
t > Columbus where the men at
tended an ACP meeting Thursday.
Olliers attending from this area
were William Miller, Bob Hill,
Mrs. Adolph Latzel and Peggy
Sullivan, O’Neill.
GGG and G club met Friday
with Mrs. Otto Matschullat. Cards
wore played by the 10 women
sr s nt. Prizes went to Mrs. John
Steinberg, Mrs. Ethel Waring and
Mrs. S ren Sorensen sr.
A large crowd was in atten
dance Friday night when the sen
iors put on th-ir play “Father
Be Calm." After the play the
volleyball girls served pie and
c ffee to help pay for their new
Dick Stewart arrive.’ here Fri
day night from Grand Island.
Mrs. Stewart and baby had been
here all week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen.
They left for home Saturday
The members of Chatter Sew
met Friday with Mrs. Milo Lan
dreth. The women present en
joyed a social afternoon.
About 30 women attended a cof
fee hour in honor of Mrs. Dagne
Jensen, Copenhagen, Sweden, Fri
day at the Merwyn French sr.
:- i
on#//4 sides/
I 1 ^
I the versatile, new
- |
I 1
,... Mark III .
I New heating comfort -«*»■' 1" ^ **
for homes, restaurants, offices, shops, anywhere!
Wall furnace comfort without costly installa
tion. Stand it flush to wall or recess it. Pours
heat out front and can be piped to rooms at
side or back.
New season selector
Operates on low fire on mild days, high fire
in cold weather. Perfect automatic heating
on lets fuel!
New trim styling
Always looks built-in. Vent cover hides the flue.
Finished in 2-tone cordovan and beige. j
on display now at
For Dependable GAS Service
home with Mrs Robert Frols.
Hershey, as co-host ess Mrs. Mer
wyn French jr. was in charge of
the kitchen Out of town guests
inclided Mrs Nell Storm and
Mrs Ek»t Black more, Royal,
and Mrs I. O. French. O'Neill.
Carroll French left Wednesday
for Stromberg to start his itiner
ary in the Nebraska Conference
He will be gone for the month
of November. Mrs. French and
daughter remained here.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith.
Ainsworth, were Sunday after
norm callers at the William Bux
ton home.
Mr and Mrs. Dan Troshymki
left Sunday to take their grand
children, Mary Jo and Larry,
back to their parents, Mr and
Mrs. Lloyd Powell, Alliance. Mrs
Troshynski remained to spend a
few days there. He returned Mon
Mrs N. D Ickes spent a few
days eisitung with Mrs. Floyd
Whittaker. Chambers.
Mr and Mrs M L. Harmon,
and Mr. and Mrs Ray Harmon
and children were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs Milo Lan
dreth. Page.
Mr and Mrs Kenneth Asher
and children, Atkinson, Mr. and
Mrs Jerry Asher and children.
Mr. and Ms Ben Asher and fam
ily and Mrs. Frieda Asher were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr and
Mrs. C. H Switzer, O'Ne.ll The
occasion marked the birthdays of
Ben Asher and Mrs Switzer
Mr and Mrs Car! Matschullat.
Cleveland, 0. and her mother,
Mrs Katy Havel, Davkl City,
were Wednesday and Thursday
guests of his parents Mr. and
Mrs Otto Matschullat. Or Wed
nesday night the Matschullats, Ot
to and Carl, Mrs. Havel, and the
Al Anthcmys, Inman, were guests
in the Dale Matschullat home
Mr and Mrs Bud Godel, Ven
us. were Friday callers at Ray
Mr and Mrs Edgar Woods.
Milford, who were here for the
weekend, Mrs Hester Edminsten.
Mrs. Frieda .Asher and Mr and
Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family.
Atkinson, were Saturday night
•upper guests of Mr and Mrs -
Calvin Harvey
Mr and Mrs A1 Anthony and
family, Inman, Mr and Mrs. Let
Lemke and family. Bloomfield
and Mr and Mn. Otto Matvhul
lat were Sunday afternoon gueuts
of Dale Matachullats.
Saturday night cailera at the
Ray Harmon heme were Mr and
Mrs. Ai Vurce and Sherry. O'NeiU
Kenneth and t.eorgr Wettlau
fer aocompunted Uie4r dad, An
drew, to Sioux nty where he
was admitted to St. Vincent's
Charles Soren-en, Grand Is
land, was a Wednesday and
Thursday overnight gi'est of hu
parents, Mr and Mrs Soren Sur
enam ar
Sr. MYF met Sunday night
Caroline Mas, Connie Nisaen and
Dick Under gave a talk on Camp
C'otneca which they attended dor
ing Teacher* convents*. Juanita
Ragland served lunch . Each
MYF'er is to bring a double
hatch of canity to sell at the ba
zaar. Council meeting will be
heid with Darrell Hcisa at 8 p ni
Friday Neat Sunday there w 11
be a discussion concerning Sun
diy mght slaws.
A surprise party was held at
the Edd Stewart home Sun!ay
evening in honor of Ben Asher'i
birthday Thoee attending were
uir Tony ModMn. Calvin Har
vrya. Allen Grsaeea. Gw Mud
l<df«, Hamid Aaher am) Urn Akb
era Cards were pUjml am) pri
*ea won by Hamid and Hen Arfv
er, Mr* Tony Mjdleff. Mm lien
Aaher am) Mr» One MudkiH.
The Junior MYF met at thr
church Sunday evening The lea
• >4i and devotion were given by
Hi -yvan Ragland and Marilyn
Maa Tlie baianr was dumuaied
and il waa decided to m.ikr candy
to seit. A xk ding party waa ilia
cuaved to b«- held Uil* month la
Nrligh Lunch waa served by U
Ann Nltsw
All /*ri« «•» eff retire
lliiu Wiiuluv, Nuitmliir II,
- Mi.
/ MU ^ ^
Enjoy Safeivciy’s Better Quality
Safeway promises you better, richer flavored Ground Beef
because it is made fresh daily from lean, tender chunks of
fine-eating beef. You can depend on
its fine quality time after time. HH XS
So sure are we that we say; it must ^B ^Bg^^
completely satisfy you — or your
money back! That’s our guarantee! BB^P^R
m " '
Safeway, Armour Star, Cudahy Puritan, or Hormel Dairy Brands.. Pkg. JM
\/ ‘JX ' izrr'm. "7 ,, - : ^ jwwjmmmmm
D Cirt_I,r US n A Choice Grade, 7/),
IVID jreOKS Scientifically Aged. IJ.. f.Lb / VC
Cut-up Fryers USDA Grade-A chicken ..Lb. 29c
CrNeiraviUe Kreah pork, email alee, tender and *1 O
jpareriDS Juicy, Ideal with sauerkraut.Lb. JVC
Fish Fillets.til 39c !
t/.S.D.A. Choice Grade, Aged Beef. Includes: Standing llib Boosts,
Rib Steaka, Short Ribs, Round Hone Roaata and Steaka,
7-Bonc Roasts and Steaka, Blade Roaata and Steaka,
Stewing Beef and Ground Beef.
(T MM M l%AMMU SAUCE, Ocean Spray- No. 300 1
■ ^E whole or jellied ......Can E
Miracle Whipc 49<
El All V Ki,chen 25-lb. 49 10-lb. 7
E ■ EE EE B quality, ideal for all baking.Bag H .Bag ^E JBr E
Shortening xxx...£ 5$*
I■ I k Luceme“,ow Vi-gal. ^ 3
Ifllllm dessert in 7 tempting flavors Cartons E
Quantities Juicy, delightful Indian River Brand
Florienl ■
I Aerosol
Deodorant •
5H-o*- Can 130 3
Beauty Bar
2 Regular Oft.
Cakes WWW
Use Safeway*s handy, popular
An easy answer for those
problem names on your
gift list. Now available
in $1, $5, $10 or $25
denominations to suit your
every need. Redeemable in
any Safeway store anywhere.
Sandy Saver says:
g Save now for
those Christmas
— from Safeway!
Serve some to your family for breakfast, they’ll
enjoy all the delicious eating that’s
in this full “meated” first quality fruit.
Pascal Celery SS*. 2 29c
Golden Yams 3 *.39c
ftrano* M Emperor— « 8A.
(Ildpcs Sweet and Juicy ..... fc Iba fcW
Crisp Apples i*. IDs
(“7c off’pack) ftjU
3-lb. Can OOv
22-os Bottle 67c
12-os Bottle 39c
(“10c off” pack) 75c
Gets clothes clean OE.
15-oz. Fkg. W®
lS-oz. Pkg 35c
Ideal for automatic* MM,
24-ox. Pkg. W
<• -0*&*&*0-'-0-*0*&*0*&*0*0*
Blue* *■ it waahe*
22-ox. Pkg. <WC
Handyman Encyclopedia
Volume No. 4
Now on sale for Only 99c
-* . .
.•—mBBBRR ;sse .
Lorna Doone Gookies !0,i" 39c
Sunshine Butter Cookies 29c
Potato Chips !SgSSv".;69c
Cake Mixes S"1S JSSSr%, 49c
Instant Cocoa K*gsr^..££ 45c
Maxwell House Coffee SC;...a 75c
Mazola Oil Mude from 1**1. to no
iw,a pure com oil.C*n
NuSoft Laundry Rinse.^ 89c
Waxed Paoer Waxlex id,,ai *«• ioo it
“ ® I apci wrapping sandwiches. Roll ZJC
Toilet Tissup Norlh,’n’ lnwhit« <-ron 97.
W,,CI or paatel colors.I>kg 3 1C
^esh NUTS I
Lb. 49c
Medium Walnuts, Pecans, Almonds, j
Large Filberts, Chestnuts or Brazils I
Ppanilfc ®#a*^ and waited In m i
recinUIS me shell, ttcllcloua.Lb39C i
Peas, Corn, I
Green Beans I
or Tomatoes I
4 Mi;"349c
| Gardenside Brand—standard quality I
I extra stamps I
I — with the purchase of LUCERNE I
Cottage Cheese I
j 25 extra stamps {
| 16-oz. Carton J
50 extra stamps ■ ^ |
32-oz. Carton | C I
Mixing I
I White-glass I
Set of 4 # 7C I
j So efficient for mixing, serving and storing! I