The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 09, 1961, Image 5

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    • Holt County
Board Proceedings
O'Neill, Nebr.
Sept. 29, 1961
11 00 A M
Holt County Board of Super
vuors met as per adjournment.
AU members present. Meeting
called to order by the Chairman
Minutes of previous meetings
were read and approved as read
The Finance Committee report
ed that the fees of the various
County Offices have been remitt
ed to the County Treasurer, as
required by law.
Motion by McConnell, seconded
by Davis that the following War
rants be cancelled Motion car
Kerseh Rest Home for
Harry A. Snyder, Old Age
Assistance Fund $125 00
Victor H. True, Disabled
Fund $ 60.00
Motion by Davis, seconded by
Ernst, that the following Bonds
be approved. Motion carried.
Nora Mullen, Deputy County As
sessor. County of Holt
Clyde Widman, Treasurer, Cham
bers Rural Fire Protection Dis
Motion by Ernst, sec< sided by
Flood that tlie following Resolu
Hon For Lease Agreement with
Fehrs Tractor & Equipment Com
pany be approvid. Motion car
Resolved, that Holt County en
ter Into a County Lease Agree
ment with Fehrs Tractor & Equip
ment Company, of Omaha, Ne
braska, for a period commencing
on the 29th day of September,
1961, and ending on the noth day
of June, 1962, on the following:
One Allis Chalmers HD-ll-EC
Tractor S/N 6735- Engine No. 11
6884-with: Gar Wood 261 P. C. U.
No. 1010 11 -CS Cable Dozer No.
585, upon the terms and condi
tions contained in a proposed
draft submitted and considered
by the members at said Meeting,
and I further certify that the
within County Lease Agreement
was executed by the County
Board at the County Court House
of Holt County, and that the
same was signed by a majority
of the members of said County
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
and Bonds
Phono I0«Holden Bldg.
Real Estate Loans
On Farms and Ranches
Boyd, Garfield, Holt Wheeler
Through Federal Land Bank
Lyle P. Dierks, Mgr.,
O’Neill, Nebr.
Complete Visual Care
Contact Lenses
By Appointment Phone 2101
Spencer, Nebraska
Electric Motors
Rewinding — Rebuilding
Call 248-W — 24 hr. Service
Northwest Electric
Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted
Contact Lenses
Phone 167 — O’Neill. Nebr.
Hours 9 3—Mon. thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday
Paul Shierk
Insurance of AH
New Fall Samples
By the yard or
Custom Made
—also —
Discon,,~"“d Samples on Sale at
108 N. 4th O'Neill
Phone 195
I Hereby Further Certify, that
the budget adopted by the Coun
ty for the current year contains
an appropriation for payment of
tlie rentals due under and pur
suant to the wltbui County JLease
Agreement and that the fol!'*w
ing M. V. Landreth, Harlan A.
Dierking, Edw, N Flood, Walter
A. Smith, Clarence Ernst, Waldo
E Da via and Eli McConnell, are
the duly elected members of the
County Board of said County and
that a copy of the foregoing
Lease was filed with me this
29th day of Sept. 1961, at 11 o'
clock A. M , and duly recorded
in the Official Records of this
County, as provided by law.
Kenneth Waring
12:00 Noon. On motion the
Board adjourned until 1:00 PM.
O'Neill, Nebr.
Sept. 29, 1961
1:00 P. M.
Holt COonty Board of Supervi
sors met as per adjournment.
All members present.
Motion by McConnell, seconded
by Davis, lhat the Petition filed
by Francis D Lee for abandoning
a Public Road between Sections
34, Township 31 and Section 3,
Township 30, North Range 14,
West of the 6th P. M., in Holt
County, Nebraska, be accepted.
Motion carried.
Motion by Dierking, seconded
by Smith that Floyd Butterfield
be asked to inspect and report
within 30 days on Road Petition,
pertaining to abandoning of
road lying between Sections 34,
Township 31, and Section 3, Town
ship 30, Range 14, West of the
6th P. M., in Holt County, Ne
braska. Motion carried.
3:00 P. M. On motion the Board
adjourned until Oct. 16, 1961 at
10:00 A. M.
Kenneth Waring
M. V. Landreth
O'Neill, Nobr.
Oct. 16, 1961
10:00 A.M.
Holt County Board of Super
visors met as per adjournment.
All members present. Meeting
called to order by the Chairman.
Minutes ot the previous meeting
were read and approved as read.
A representative of the Farm
ers Home Administration appear
ed before the Board concerning
the subscription to the Daily Re
ports. After consideration, mo
tion was made by McConnell, sec
onded by Davis that the County
refuse the subscription. Motion
Motion by Dierking, seconded
bp Flood, that the following
Claims be allowed and Warrants
ordered drawn on the General
Fund in payment of same. Mo
tion carried.
Bernard Allen, spraying
yard at courthouse _ 60.00
Clark Bros. Transfer,
freight charges . 2.25
Connie Coufal, salary 250.00
Frank Cronk, salary 360.00
Waldo E. Davis, salary . 137.50
Harlan A. Dierking, salary 137.50
A. B. Dick Products, of
fice supplies . 3.03
Lyle Dierks, mileage for
attending Veterans Ser
vice meeting . 3.60
Dudleys, cleaning supplies
at courthouse . 4.00
Edw N. Flood, salary 137.50
J. R. Freeman Chemical
Co., supplies for court
house . 114.10
Alice L. French, postage 11.71
John R. Gallagher, servi
ces for special attorney 175.00
William W. Griffin, salary 283.33
J. Ed Hancock, salary . 383.33
Esther Harris, postage 5.50
Alvin H. Heese, salary 358.33
E. V. Hickok, mileage for
attending Veterans Ser
vice meeting . 3.20
House & Home, office
supplies . 8.00
International Busines Ma
chines Corp., repairs &
repairing office equip
ment . 25.50
Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas
Co., gas serice for
courthouse & annex 45.81
M. V. Landreth, mileage &
expenses to convention
at Norfolk, Nebr. . 44.30
M & M Bakery, meals
for jury . 63.90
Howard D. Manson, Clerk
of District Court, court
costs . 55.81
Howard D. Manson, Clerk
of District Court, court
costs 15 no
James Mullen, mileage 31.50
EU McConnell, salary . 137.50
Ted McElhaney, court re
porting services MOO
Norfolk Office Eqpt. Co.,
office apment 424.15
O’Neill Transfer, freight
charges _ 8.46
Redfieid & Co., office sup
plies . 18-00
Carole Reed, salary ... 168.75
Servall Towel it Linen Sup
ply Co., towel & cabinet
service for courthouse 12.85
Sheridan County Treasur
er, quarterly funds to
meet expenses of Dis
trict Probation Officer 44.60
The Atkinson Graphic,
publishing fees 2.50
John L. Blair, salary • 226.54
Coyne Hardware, repairs
it supplies for annex
and courthouse ... 72.73
Frank Crunk, County
Judge, postage . 8.70
Waldo E. Davis, mileage 34.80
Harlan A. Dierking, mile
age St expenses to con
vention at Norfolk, Nebr. 79.60
Dudleys Laundry, clean
ing supplies at annex 14.05
Clarence Ernst, salary 137.50
Clarence Ernst, mileage
it expenses to convention
at Norfolk, Nebr. 49.40
Alice L. French, salary 383.33
Alice L. French, mileage 68.32
The Frontier, publishing
fees 49.92
Norman Gonderinger, ser
vices for special attor
ney . 75.00
William W. Griffin, post
age . 25.00
Esther Harris, salary 300.00
Ann Hawley, salary . 125.00
Alvin H. Heese, Service
Officer, mileage & of
fice supplies 1.94
Holt County Extension
Service .... 614.21
I. B. M. Corporation, re
pairs & repairing office
equipment 29.45
Helen Ann Johnson, salary 275.00
Lawrence J. Kramer,
bond fees . 2.50
M. V. Landreth, salary . 137.50
Joanne Langan, salary . 287.50
Hazel Lorenz, salary _ 250.00
xuswuru u. aaanson, sa
lary . 366.66
Howard D. Manson, post
age & office supplies 27.64
Virginia Morrow, salary 287.50
James Mullen, salary 285.00
Nora MUllen, salary 287.50
Eli McConnell, mileage
and expenses to conven
tion Norfolk, Nebr. 49.72
Mabel McKenna, salary 240.00
Northwestern Bell Tele-'
phone Co., telephone
services for courthouse 265.00
Redfield & Co., office sup
plies . 67.65
Redfield & Co., office sup
plies . 3.12
Charles Richter, salary 285.00
Ophelia Sessions, salary 287.50
George Shald, mileage for
attending Veterans Ser
vice meeting . 7.20
Walter A. Smith, salary .. 137.50
Stephenson School Supply,
office supplies . 31.14
Leo S. Tomjack, salary 308.33
Leo S. Tomjack, mileage 99.40
Leo S. Tomjack, postage
& box rent . 41.50
Kenneth Waring, salary . 383.33
Kenneth Waring, expen
ses to convention at Nor
folk, Nebr. 14.00
Wm. F. Wefso, salary .. 38333
Wm. F. Wefso, mileage &
office supplies . 14.05
Western Publishing Co.,
supplies & books for
county law library . 204.00
Western Typewriter & Of
fice Supply, rent on of
fice machine . 10.00
Ailene W'ilkinson, salary 28730
Walter A. Smith, mileage 53.92
Stephenson School Supply,
office supplies . 23.92
Leo S. Tomjack, jailor fees 42.00
Leo S. Tomjack, prisoner
board . 84.40
Joyce Waller, salary ... 162.50
Kenneth Waring, salary
for county registrar of
births and deaths . 50.00
Kenneth Waring, County
Clerk, postage & express
charges . 52.76
Faye Weidner, salary 250.00
Western Auto Store,
blinds for district judges
office . 128.64
George Wettlaufer, mile
age for attending Vet
erans Service Meeting .. 3.20
12:00 Noon. On motion the i
Monday, November 13
We have some fine cattle already listed for this sale but can
use a lot more as we sure have been getting the buyers.
At the sale last Monday we sold over 600
cattle on a higher market especially medium
quality cattle. Steer calves looked a good $1
higher. Butcher cows were also in very good de
mand. By next Monday a lot of the feeders will
be done picking corn and will be out looking
for cattle of all classes. If you have some to sell
why not give us a try. We are sure we can satisfy
Sold over 800 hogs last Monday on a lower
market. All the buyers were in the market but
just too many hogs at the eastern markets. Top
on butchers at $15.50 and went to Bud Bartak
of Ewing. Most of the butchers from $15.25 to
$15.45. They want hogs but they want to buy
them cheaper. Hog sale starts at 12:00 noon.
Let us try your next consignment and join our growing list
of satisfied customers.
Terry, Larry and Max Wanser
Phone 13 or 70 Ewing
A Nationally Certified Market
Board adjourned until 1 00 P.M
O’Neill. Nebr.
Oct. 16. 1961
1:00 P. M
Holt County Board of Super
visor* met as per adjournment.
All members present.
Motion by Flood, seconded by
Smith, that the following Claims
be allowed and Warrants ordered
drawn on the Road Fund in pay
ment of same. Motion carried.
Ray Allaway. machine
hire 33225
Big Sioux Tractor Co.,
parts . 30.58
Boies Conoco Station,
supplies . 9031
City of Atkinson. Water
Department . 3.00
Consumers Public Power
District, electric service
for county shed . 2.00
Continental Oil Co., sup
plies . 195.83
Construction Ser. Equip
Co., parts Sc repairing
ing eqpt. .. 217.05
Dens Oil Lubricant Co.,
supplies. 34.81
East End “66" Service,
siijpplies 47.59
Fehrs Tractor Sc Equip
ment Co., parts 68.21
Fehrs Tractor Sc Equip
ment Co., parts . 172
LaVern Finley, labor 334.13
First National Bank, ma
chinery payment 467.25
First National Bank, ma
chinery payment 319.44
Foree Tire Sc Supply Co.,
supplies 39.80
Gambles, O’Neill, supplies 3.44
Gills Service, supplies and
parts . 202 92
Ronald Haake, labor 111.41
Hilco, Inc., parts 12.10
Hi-Way Station, supplies 39.35
The Island Supply Co.,
parts . ... 85.95
Paul Kaup, labor 375.30
Wm. E. Kelley, labor 315.90
Wm. Krotter Co., supplies 101.06
Missouri Valley Machin
_ . _a _
I 4 J U 4 -
ing eqpt. 324.04
Nelson-Brayton, supplies 1U0.49
Northwest Bell Telephone
Co., telephone services
for county shed . 39.05
O’Neill National Bank, ma
chinery payment 635.00
O’Neill National Bank, ma
chinery payment 380.56
Fred Roberts, labor 310.50
Robertson Motor Co.,
Pickup for District No.
3 1537.00
Safety Metals Co., signs
for roads . 117.96
Calvin Seger, labor . 330.00
Shelhamer Eqpt. Co.,
parts . 53.54
Sidles Co., parts . 28.90
Spelts Dumber Co., sup
plies . 15.49
Stuart Light Plant, elec
tric service for county
shed . 1.35
Ronald Watson, machine
hire . 153.00
Western Auto Store, sup
plies . 6.00
Delbert Anson, labor 309.15
Big Sioux Tractor Co.,
parts . 35.10
Ed Brandt, labor . 298.35
Glen Cobb, supplies & re
pairs . 91.08
Consumers Public Power
District, electric service
for county Shed . 2.00
Construction Service Euip
ment Co. parts . 81.44
Coyne Hardware, supplies 12.84
Earley Oil Co., supplies 179.20
Don Elsberry, machine
hire . 152.00
Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt.
Co. Parts . 94.97
Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt.
Co., parts . 2.40
First National Bank, ma
chinery payment . 513.01
First National Bank, ma
chinery payment . 430.50
Galyen Motor Co., supplies
& repairs & repairing
eqpt. 186.64 I
„ i ty'/* »I o_•_
wiuiiumj W WJU1 liVC,
supplies . 83.83
Wheeler Lumber Bridge
& Supply Co., snow
fence . 108.00
A1 Holbrook, labor . 340.20
Island Supply Welding Co.,
parts . 24.34
Keating Implement Co.,
parts . 21.85
D. A. Kersenbrock, sup
plies . 108.91
K. & M. Telephone Co.,
telephone services for
county shed at Cham
bers, Nebr. 5.00
Tony Mudioff, labor . 348.30
Niobrara Valley Electric
Membership Corp., elec
tric service for county
shed . 1.00
O’Neill Auto Supply, lac.,
parts . 122.02
O’Neill National Bank, ma
chinery payment . 557.95 j
Paper Calmenson & Co.,
blades . 252.99
Platt Oil Co., supplies .. 379.001
Robertson Motor Co., Pick
up tor District No. 2 . 1480.00
Robertson Motor Co.,
parts . 7.88
Safety Metals Co., signs
for roads . 270.64
Servail Towel & Linen
Supply Co., towel & cab
inet service for county
sheds . 4.80
Standard Oil Co., supplies 136.80
Stuart Oil Co., supplies . 127.76
Frank Tracy, labor . 269.37
Ivan Wayman, labor _ 332.10
W. J. Whelan, spraying
trees . 72o0
Motion by Ernst, seconded by
Davis that the following Claims
oe allowed and Warrants ordered
drawn on the Mail Route Fund
in payment of same. Motion car
Ray Aiioway, machine
hire . 2152.50
John Bonenberger, hauling
gravel .. 745.50
Floyd Gettert. labor . 359.45
Tom King, hauling grael 519.75 j
Wm. Kro.ter & Son, gra
vel . 667-50
Eugene Norton, hauling
gravel . 519.75
Frank Schaaf, hauling
gravel . 420.00
Erven VanCIeave, hauling
gravel . 519.75
Ronald Haake, labor _ 183.65
Ray Allow ay. machine
hire . 923 SO
Ekleo Butterfield, hauling
gravel . $47.75
Edwm H. Hubbard, haul
ing gravel 6c6c gravel 444.96
Wilbur Miller, hauling gra
vel . 516.25
Herman Oratourn, hauling
gravel. 49.00
C. W. Trobaugh. labur 278.40
Ronald WjU4i, machine
hire . 637.00
Bala were opened on Air Con
ditioners for the Courthouse and
Annea. After examining bids, mo
tion was made by Ernst, sec
onded by Davis, that the low bid
of Consumers Public Power Dis
trict be accepted. Motion car
Motion by Snnth, seconded by
Ernst, tnat the following Claims
be allowed and Warrants order
ed drawn on the Road Bridge
Fund in payment of same. Mo
tion carried.
Construction Ser. Equip
ment Co., parts 6c re
pairing services 212.60
Fehrs Tractor 6c Eqpt. Co.,
machinery payment 6000.90
Joan M. Keogh, welding
labor . 6.40
Van Vleck Motors, Inc.,
repairing eqpt. _ 16.70
Construction Service &
Equipment Company,
parts . 19.98
Floyd Gettert, labor 114.70
O'iNeill Auto Supply, Inc.,
parts 10.96
Shelhamer Eqpt. Co.,
Parts 24.79
Ronald Watson, machine
hire . 434.00
Motion by Ernst, seconded by
Smith, that the following Claims
be allowed and Warrants ordered
drawn on the Bridge Fund in
payment of same. Motion car
Joseph Burda, labor 270.00
Coast to Coast Store, sup. 5.90
Coyne Hardware, supplies 23.63
Edw. Humpai, widening
bridge . 791.30
Elgie Irish, labor 267.60
The Island Supply Co.,
parts ... 40.84
Mid-West Lumber Co.,
lumber . . 3490.75
Ernest Smith, labor VI 60
Smith Motor Co., pickup 1114 27
Wheeler Lumber Bridge A
Supply Co., nails 12 M
Chicago A Northwestern
Railway CO., freight
charges on lumber 1564 48
Eugene Holbrook, labor 279.60
Daniel Hurlay, labor VI60
Frank Johnson, labor 545 80
Keating Implement Co.,
parts . 49 27
Platt Oil Co., supplies 225
Smith Motor Co., parts 5.12
Wevtern Auto Store.
P*ru .... 3.79
Motion by Dierking, seconded
by Flood, that the fallowing
Claims la- allowed and Worrants
ordets-d drawn on the Medical
Fund in payment of same. Motion
Aid to Disabled Fund 84 90
Dr. S. A. Blattspieler ... 6.00
Bowen Drug 7.25
Sadie Iierickson 53)
Dr. D. L. Fletcher 12.00
Dr W. W. Graham 5.00
llallocks Pharmacy 15.90
Susie Haynes ... . 4 00
Johnson Drug . 1.80
Agnes Kopejtka . 2089
Dr. Donald Marples 20.44
Old Age Assistance Fund 658 00
Leon Sargent 16 88
Mabel Smith 14.47
Dr. Kenneth Stout . 7.00
Anna Thompson 11 29
University Hospital 31.50
Drs.W ilson and Waters 8.00
Rov Wilson . 1 00
Thad E. Saunders 23 66
Atkinson Clinic . 27.00
Blind Assistance Fund 97.69
Dr. George Carstens 23.00
Devoy Drug . 33 87
May Fraka _ 6 83
Hazel Gunter 9.26
Rosa Harding 6.25
House Drug . 9.85
Carol Kohl 16.00
Henry Krier 5.41
Mrs. Charles McMillan 18 00
O'Neill Drug 11.14
Schultz Drug . 4.85
St. Anthony's Hospital 11.50
Alma Tegeler 8 70
University Hospital 28.10
Celestine Williamson 14.81
Wilson Drug ... 92.11
Yellow Cab Inc. 13 85
Addie Woeppel. 2.65
Motion by McConnel, seconded
-'ll 4* A ■C
by Davis that lha following
Claim* be allowed and Warrants
ordered drawn on the Unemploy
ment Relief Fund in payment of
same. Motion earned.
Catholic Chanties 100.00
Home of the Good Shep
herd 50 00
Shelhamer# . 195.00
Sheihamcrs 45 00
Motion by Smith, seconded by
F:mst. that the following Resolu
tion tic adopted.
WHEREAS, the County of Holt
has heretofore received from the
F'ederal Government, the sum of
$21.083 07. for F'ederal IWsastcr
Relief, to help defray coats of re
pairing roads and bridges from
the n*sults of excessive rainfall;
WHEREAS, said funds were
originally credited to the County
Bridge Fund for temporary pur
poses and for safekeeping and
whereas said moneys had not
theretofore tieen allocated to any
specific fund of the County, and
it bf:inc. NECESSARY AND
PROPER that said hinds be now
permanently allocated to the
Road Fund of said County,
RESOLVED, that the County
Treasurer lie, anti he Is autori/ed,
and directed to transfer and per
manently allocate to the Road
Fund of said County, the afore
said sum of $21.083 07. and to
transfer from the Bridge Fund.
A Roll Call Vote was taken on
said resolution and tlie motion
for adoption resulted as follows:
AYE: Dierking. Flood. Smith,
Ernst. Davis, and McConnell:
NAY: None.
Whereupon the Chairman de
clared said Resolution duly pas
sed and adopted.
5:00 P M On motion the Board
adjourned until Oct 30, 1961, at
11:00 A. M.
M. V Landreth
Kenneth Waring
Ft. Robinson Hat
Busy Summer 4
John Kurt*, brother of Robert
Kuru. O'Neill. Has had A latay
summer and fall as superinten
dent at Fort Robinson I'ark at
Mr. Kurtz estimate* that 300
persons were turned away last
summer due to lack at cabin
space Thrre an- U ratlins and
a lodge with 19 rooms at the
park. Tin* (all season kept him
busy with deer hunter* who re
sen ed space months In advance.
Robert was rate who visited tie
park dunng the late fulling aca
Clearwater Seniors
To Take Regents
CUCARWATKR Si* seniors
Hi the Clearwater high school
were eligible to take the Uni
versity of Nebraska regents ex
amination* Wednesday, Nov. 1
They are Mona Ziema. Sharon
Knapp. Marie Anderson, Jack
Hixson, Merlin Allemung and
Tom Wrenholt.
Werner Installs New
Switchboard Equipment
CHAMBERS - Kenneth Werner
is installing new switchboard
empment in Die Chambers Tele
ph< Hie office to supplement Uie
present layout.
Werner is also building a tele
phone line to Amelia In order to
give dial service to the common
Art WM rmote i* —tiding
him with the project
Undergoes Surgery
iATKINSON - Charles F Rsd
ke, Atkinson, Underwent surgery
Thursday morning at the Clark
son hospital, Omaha, for correc
tion of a circulatory ailment in
his leg.
Mr Radke Is a salesman for the
Gulyen Motor Company of Atkin
Play It Safe — Advertise
In The Frontier!
300 free bills!
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Expert assistance in preparing your farm sale bilH
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Five Reasons Why
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