Page News By Mr*. Bm *-*— Parents of MYF Members Attend Meeting The members of the Junior MYF invitod their parents to at tend their meeting Sunday eve ning at the Methodist church. Tiie following were present: Mr and Mrs. Don Nissen, Mr and Mrs. William Ragland, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max, Mr. and Mrs. R V. Crumly, Mrs Calvin Har vey, Mr. and Mrs. William Sor ensen, Robert Nissen and Mr. and Mrs Ben Asher. Connie Sor ensen and Jean Nissen had the devotions and lev,on Lunch was served oy Linda Alberts. The group enjoyed games. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Nielson and Bill, Baudette, Minn., were Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Saltz. Bruce lii/wen and Ronnie Ash er were Friday overnight guests of Harlan Saltz. Mrs. James Slew,art was hos tess to 11 members and one guest, Mrs. Hester Edminsten, Thurs day when the NOK club met with her Mrs Keith Kennedy in next hostess. A halloween party was held at District 123. Mrs. Robert Nissen is the teacher. The children show ed their parents highlights of what they had learned. A short . r.. 11_j l.. i u dill »» • I > I' "lion l VI J 1KIIV.I1 A pre-nuptial tthower was held at District 55 for Mary I>ou laicbckc Thursday night with about 25 women attending. Seal Luebcke and Andrea Wetilau fer assisted with the gifts. Mrs. Bill Dishtnan was in charge of the guest hook. Mines. Milo l.umlrelh, Ray Harmon, Will iam Schcinost and Arthur Grass were in charge of games. Lunch was served by Mines. Pete Sojka, Louise Heese and George Wettfaufer. District 128, Miss Kay Nissen, teacher, held a Halloween party Friday night for the district. Those attending included Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grass, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Frerichs, Bill Roach, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart and Rob bie, Mr. and Mrs. William Schei nost, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Land reth and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Har mon. After a short program, cards were played. Bid or Bye Bridge club met Wednesday with Mrs. Melvin Roach. Mrs. Jerry Asher won a prize for high score. Mrs. Leslie Summers was hos tess to members of the Neigbor hood club when they met with her Wednesday. The women en joyed an afternoon of playing cards, with Mrs. Roy Grubbs, Mrs. J. W. Finch and Mrs. Ed Eggan, winning prizes. “Secret Sisters” were revealed and new ones were picked for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Park and Kelly were Wednesday to Friday guests of Mr and Mrs Eddie Walker, Cairo, while the men at tended Teachers Institute in Grand Island. RNA kensmgton met with Mrs Ethel Park Wednesday A social afternoon was held. Senior MYF was held Sunday night at the Methodist church. Karen Hams gave the lesson Becky Beelaert was in charge of games and Carolyn Max served lunch. Next Sunday the three who attended Camp Comeca will give their reports Mr. and Mrs. William Ragland an.l family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge, Chambers. Steve and Gary Coolidge, O'Neill, were al so there. Mrs. Lee Fink and children were Saturday dinner guests of her mother, Mrs. Kitty Fry, Ew ing. After attending a football game Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrs Ray Harmon and Mr and Mrs. Bud Godel were lunch guests of Mr and Mrs. Keith Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gross and Arden were Wednesday overnight guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Ollie Ahlquist, Shelton. Mr. Gross at tended Teachers institute at Grand Island Thursday and Fri day. There were Thursday and Friday overnight guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hervie Thomas. Saturday Arden remain ed with his grandparents while th<-y attended Midland homecom ing football game in Fremont and were Saturday overnight guests of his brother, Stan Gross, Omaha. They returned home via Grand Island to pick up Arden. Mr. I Gross is Page high school sup erintendent. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch and I Dori were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch. Lurri Fernau, O’Neill, spent Thursday to Sunday at the home of Bud Godel. Lizzie Nickel, O’Neill, was a Wednesday visitor in the Charles Wegman home. On Thursday and Friday another niece, Ellen Bold, Plainview, visited in their home. Carolyn Max, Connie Nissen and Dick Linder accompanied the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Linder to Cozad where the three young peo ple attended the Fall conference at Camp Comeca October 26-28. The Linders spent their time vis iting Mrs. Linder’s mother, Mrs. C. C. Stockwell, at Grand Is land. They all returned Saturday. Mrs. Kenneth Asher and child ren, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Woods, Milford, and Mrs. Hester Edminsten were Sunday dinner guests of the Calvin Har veys. - Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cunningham and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Laura Cunningham in honor of Denny’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Brouse, Lincoln, were Tuesday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn j French sr. >lr. and Mrs. Carroll French i and Kirsten have moved into their home here. The Frenches, who are missionaries, are here on furlough. Mrs. Dagnc Jen sen, Copenhagen, Denmark, is spending some time with them. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and family, Ewing, were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs Ro bert Prill. Mr and Mrs. Robert Beelaert and baby were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobr-mkny, Atkin son. Mrs Chester Smith, Mrs. Ho ward Miller, Orchard, and Mrs Elmer Trowbridge, Page, were Friday dinner guests of Mrs. Earl Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Al Anthony and family, Inman, were Sunday eve ning guests in the Otto Matschul lat home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grimes and family. Chambers, were Fri day night supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Jessie Kelly. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge were Sunday dinner guests of the Norman Trowbridges in honor of Elmer’s birthday. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Park’s 45th wedding an niversary a family dinner was held last Sunday at tiie lion Park home, O’Neill. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Prokup and Stevie, Spencer, Mrs. Dale Lines and family, In man, and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mudioff and Brenda, Page. Mr. anil Mrs. Hal Farnsworth spent from Friday to Sunday vis iting Hal’s sisters, Mrs. Selina Malmsten, Lincoln, and Miss Min nie Farnsworth, Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevison anil family, Lincoln, arc spend ing a few days visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Brail dock. Mr*. John Steinberg and her mother, Mr*. Elsie Cork, visited Mrs Lulu Cleroensen Thursday at Oakland. Mr and Mrs Tommy Kelly and family, Wisnt-r, were Thursday (Loner guests of Mr and Mrs. Jessie Kelly. Tne Improvement club will have a family covered dish sup per November 6 at 6 30 p in Mrs. Robert Frels and child ren. Hershey, accompanied Vio la Hayn s and Marie Heiss here over the weekend. Mrs. Frels and children will remain here to visit with tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French sr. Tuny Craig and family, Norfolk, visit* t m the Cordes Walker tiome Sunday. Mr an I Mrs. Floyd Fusselman ke.'t Thursday and were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mauer, Genoa. On Friday they visited n the home of Lloyd’s sister, Mrs. George McCrillis, soun Valley. They were sup jier guests Mr. and Mrs. Du .me Sukup uni nmained over night at the Kenneth B add k h me, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mudloff and Brenda were Wednesday sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har rison Hallman. On Saturday they visited with Mr. ur.d Mrs. Charles Russell and also with Lloyd's brothers, Ira and Bill Fusselman. They re mained overnight at Bill’s home. The ate dinner Sun day with Mrs Lloyd Oglesby, Lloyd’s sister at Beatrice. They also visited at the Dale Lewis home. Edgar, and with Mr. and Mrs Don Heiss at Hastings and remained overnight there. En r> xite home Monday they visited with Tony Broger. Mrs. Richard Truwhridge and children spent the weekend in Norfolk where they were house guests in the homes of Don Nas land and Lewis Coppie. Those attending the Achieve ment Day ui O’Neill Tuesday were Mmes A T Crumly, coun ty chairman. Harold Freemeyer. Haruld A&lier and Ren Asher, all of the Golden Rule Extent^ ei club, and Mmes Edgar Stauffer, Jessie Kelly and Raymond Heixs, all of the Page Extension club Mr. and Mrs Melvin Roach en tertamed the members of the Couples bridge club Thursday night Frank Cronk and Mrs Roach won prizes. Mr. and Mrs Anton Nissen and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matachullat were Sunday dinner guests of Mr anJ Mrs. Ben Warnke, Tilden. In honor of Mrs. Harold Ash-1 er's birthday Saturday night, Mr and Mrs. Jerry Asher, Mr. and I Mrs. Calvin Harvey and Mr. ajid ^ Mrs Jerry Lamas* >n Surprised her with a party. The group spent DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Oar* Contact I. both of Hastings. Mr and Mrs. Carroll French and Kirsten, Mrs Hague Jensen, Mrs. Robert Frels and children. Hershey. and Mr and Mrs Merwyn French jr and girls. Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge arriv ed flume Friday evening after ac Walter Miller. Ewing, to Denver where she vbited with her daughter. Mrs. William Fink and family, Mr and Mrs Esmond Weber and Mr and Mr.s Hal De Laney. They were away from home about 10 days Mr and Mrs A M Beelaert and family and Mrs Mane Bee- • laert, Orchard, were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert Around- 30 ytung pe- pie were present Monday night when the Junior MYF held the HaUuweetrj — AKMORADE’S DRAPERY SHOPPE New Fall Samples By the yard or Custom Made —illvi — Discontinued Samples on Sale at 108 N. 4th O'Neill Phone Ittft 27-30 J — party at the home <4 Mr and Mrs William Sorensen Came* were played followed by lunch Mr. and Mm Harry Harper and Mr and Mn Jim Jarman and baby. Bassett, were Sunday din ner guests of Mr nml Mrs Mar vrn Stauffer Mr and Mrs Edd Stewart and M oki«* and Mrs Ethel Psrfc l-ft Thursday for Iowa and were ov emight guests of Mr and Mrs D;Ue Asher, Logan, la Leaving Mrs Park, they continued on to Woodbine. Ia . Friday where they visited ami remained all night INSURANCE Hospitalization Mutual of Omaha LIFE United of Omaha Oscar Spitzenberger I to* Wit Telephone WUi O'Neill, Nebr. Office ut t*tt North 3rd Ml reef :»H'i *——————————I———I I. .II II ,.M wuh Mr and Mra Waiter Axhrr On Saturday night the Stewart* called at the Duane Nukup lamw and were guea's with Mra Gobi te Clark. CdUBCtl Bluffs, la They r turned hone Sunday evening In h it*.r cl Mr Allan Ifaynaa' birthday, Mrs lbkiert Fnela and children. Her*hey. Mr and Mra Merwyn French ar , Mr and Mra Carroll French and Kira ten and Mra Dagne Jensen called to wtah her a “happy birthday ' NORCO BEEF STARTER Is A 14% Protein Feed with Vitamins and Antibiotics a mr much t iti n* nrrn AN LOW AN $53.00 PER TON Thl* lx Creep Fred NrxaMMl Book It now for SO ttaya at Tompkins livestock Headquarters Clarence tltudl llanxen. Mgr. Inman. I'lmne ttA or 11 W Tltfc I SAFEWAY GIVES POPULAR GOLD BOND STAMPS Slender-Way Bread SKi, .*££ 19c Rich Coffee STnESPSw-.-o- 99c Seedless Raisins 35VSS7..S5: <9c Iro RrOAm Accrue Party Pride— %-*al. Mr IW6 UlCdm ;n 13 delicious flavors . .Carton w * v Niagara Starch ..*££ 21c Use Safeway’s handy, popular GIFT ORDERS FOR CHRISTMAS An easy answer for those problem names on your gift list. Available in SI, So, $10 or S25 denominations to suit your every need. Redeemable at any Safeway store, anywhere. See your Safeway Manager today! CAKE MIXES ^y^ke - . ^ 41c White, Chocolate Malt, Black Walnut, Yellow. 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B M B BVIB BBl and sauce, makes two 12-inch pizzas.., .Pkg. ■§ m % Fleischmann's Margarine On! 41 c Facial Tissue Northern .. 2 of 200 39c i Clorox Bleach plastic container Jug 63c Gal Feed 2 S 29c Scotties Facial in box jo tfVUIIIB* Whitt or color*.of 400 CtA|Li||. Luncheon napkin*, In Box IQ. tfSOHIinS white or color*.of 50 I UC Puss ’0 Boots srirm 3 &£ 49e Puss ’n Boots 4 ££ 69c HA BROWN , LACHOY Crisp SWEET PICKLES I NOODLES M — _ , ■ s; 39c °«,,sit» a InGCICI O-CEDAR | ALCOA WRAP f L0| lUCG POLISH ALUMINUM FOIL I _ “^srSESWc ;: ^Hon35c I LARGE RAINDROPS ;! CHARMIN % HEAD | ^Dr WATER SOFTENER'; TOILET TISSUE % I*-*.**.50* «J37t % Fresh Cranberries0^ pp^W19c ^DatesSKM^;.«JWg69« Nebraska