RONTIER 'The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper Volume 81—Number 27 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, October 26, 1961 Seven Cents Royal News By Mm. R. J. lferlng Yeoman Scheer Has Nineteen Years Service Albert F. Scheer YN1, USN, stationed Bt the Great Lakes, who has been visiting his father, Fred Scheer, his sister, Mrs. Herman Ennen ami family and other re latives, left Saturday for the Great Lakes Ninth Naval District, Illinois to which place he was assigned in 1900. lie has been in the navy for 19 years and in one more year will be retired. He has .served during the Korean conflict and participated in the moving of people of North Vietnam flee ing the Communists in 1954. The school honor roll for the first quarter has three names only: Tom Rundquist and Mar lene Rader, seniors, and Barbara Henry, sophomore. Mrs. Rose Rundquist, Newman Grove, arrived in Royal by bus Monday afternoon on a return trip from points in Illinois and tit Sloan ami Storm Lake, la., where ahe h id visited her children and other relatives. She will visit her son, E. A. Rundquist and family, this week and then return home. Mrs. Rundquist lived in Royal for a number of years. Tin* Royal Band Mothers club, with the assistance of the c ru m-unity, has raised more than $l,2tm during the past years to provide the new auditorium with needed equipment including cur tains, chairs and carriers, kit chert cupboard, sink and water heater. Mrs. Edna Johnston was hon ored on her 73rd birthday Octub< r IS by a party planned by her daughter, Mrs. Wayne Walmer. Cards furnished diversion with seven tables of players. Guests included the families of M. M. Colson. T. R. Kirby, Roy Mc Lain, Walt Beutler, Wayne Wal iner, Everett Johnston, LaRue Johnston, Clayton Meisner, Clar ence Weber, Andy Jensen, Haiold Piersol, Miss Streeter, Mrs. Mary Montgomery, Miles Thomas and Elvin Re.nke. Guests furnished refreshments. Mrs. Johnston was the recipient of many gifts. The Royal WSCS will hold a chicken Hopper and bazaar at the church basement Nov< mber 6, ac cording to plans made at the home of Mrs. Bob Racier Wednes day. Mrs. Robert Hering, Mrs. R. J. Hering, Mrs George Harvey and Mrs. Lawrence MJnarik attended a pre-nuptial shower at the Ca tholic church recreation room Thursday night in honor of Miss Judy Ann Mlnarik whose mar riage to William Mueller, Santa Monica, Caltl., took place Satur day afternoon at the Catholic church in Brunswick. Both Mrs. R. J. and Mrs. Ro bert Hering took part in the pro gram, giving readings. Hostesses were Mrs. Darell Anson and daughters, Cheryl and Carolyn, and the Catholic altar society. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beutler and family were dinner g-iests of Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Held Sun day, the occasion being Mrs. iBeutler’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Kirby and Mrs. Louis Held were also present. In the after noon the group attended the gold en wedding of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Strupc at the Venus Wesleyan ATTENTION! Look What's Coming FRIDAY, OCT. 27 We will be open for business to slaughter and process your cattle and hogs. We are located in the former Fagan locker building. COMB IN ANI) LET’S (JET ACQUAINTED ATTENTION: Deer hunters, bring us your deer for proces ing. Chambers Slaughter & Processing LaMONT MILLER, owner Phone IV 2-2451 Chambers, Nebraska SEE KROTTER’S fORi NEW 1962 PONTIACS — BUICKS — GMCs If you have not taken time yet to inspect the new 1962 cars, we suggest you do so at once. There are some real surprises waiting for you. Cars on hand — 1962 Buick lnvicta 4-Dr. Hardtop (Fully Equipped! 1962 Pontiac Tempest 2-Dr. Sport Coupe And a couple of real specials! 1961 New Pontiac Tempest Station Wagon 1961 GMC Mi Ton Pickup GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS See and drive these quality used cars and trucks—all guaran I teed. 1961 LeSabre 4-Dr. Sedan, low- mileage 1960 Pontiac Catalina 4-Dr. Sedan 1958 Ford Fairlane 500 4-Dr. Sedan 1957 Ford 4-Dr. 6-Pass. Station Wagon 1958 Chevrolet V-8 Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedan 1955 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan 1959 Pontiac Catalina 2-Dr. Sedan 1959 lnvicta 2-Dr. Hardtop 1959 LeSabre 2-Dr. Hardtop 1958 Oldsmobile Super 88 4-Dr. Sedan 1949 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck w/7 x 9 Comb. Bax NEW & USED MACHINERY New Massey-Ferguson Tractors—Gas and Deisel New Massey-Ferguson Combines Used John Deere 1958 '45' 12' Self-Propelled Combine w/Pickup Used MM Model E Com Sbeller New MM & New Idea and M-F Com Pickers New Idea Manure Spreaders Elevators, Boxes, Running Gears & Holsts DeLAVAL MILKERS, SEPARATORS, BULK COOLERS See Krotter s for Quality Milking equipment, found only in DeLaval. Let us demonstrate to you the difference in milkers, whether it be suspended, pail type, or cow-to-can. All equipment on hand for immediate delivery. MAYTAG APPLIANCES See the full display of Maytag Washers & Dryers on our floor today. Many specials on some 1961 close-out models. Wm. KROTTER CO. TOST OTTEELi. (GMAO Financing) PHON~E HI "Serving North Nebnakn Since U»l” Methodist church. Mrs. Dale Weber and family came from W' al, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Anscn, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anson and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Anson Sunday at a dinner complimenting the birth days of Gene and Dave Anson. Orchard News .Mrs. Wilbur Mahood Phone TW 3-3185 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barton, Columbus, attended their grand father’s Ed Barton funeral Sat urday. Mrs. Pearl Johnson, Mrs. D. L. Fletcher, Mrs. J. W. Ma hood and Gertrude Gribble were Saturday evening callers at O’ Neill. Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhooaer Mrs. G. Hamilton sustained a broken shoulder when she fell while at Verdigre. She was taken to Sioux City, la., for medical aid. Mrs. Agnes Hamilton, Creigh ton, Mr. Hamilton’s mother, is staying at het son's home to help with the work. Mrs. Lila Pospishil, Orchard and Harold Pospishil, Sioux City, la., spent Tuesday and Wednes day at the Vlasta and Viola Pospishil home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brookhouser and Jeffrey, Norfolk, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Henry Pospishil, Worthington, Minn., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey and Paul and William Jeffrey. Mrs. George Jeffrey took her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hampson, to their home at Win ner, S. D., Thursday. Mrs. Fran cis Boelter accompanied Mrs. j Jeffrey. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! --- SPECIAL CATTLE SALE Monday, Oct. 30 We sure have some nice cattle listed for this sale but can use a lot more to supply the buyers that are coming now. At the sale last Monday we sold over 600 hogs and 600 cattle. The cattle market was a steady to strong market with plenty of buyers to take all the cattle we had. Jim Gallagher sold 875 lb. steers at $24.00. The hog market was very active with the top at $16.55 and went to Willard Scherer of Orchard and C. R. Bartak of Ewing. All the good hogs brought over $16.25. Now that is 15c over Sioux City's extreme top for that day. If you have any livestock to sell and want some of us to come out and tell you what we think it will bring on our market we will be glad to do so. If you have never sold anything at the Ewing Livestock Market ask your neighbor or someone who has and you too will join our growing list of satisfied customers. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Terry, Larry and Max Wanser Phone II or N Iwhf ' " ' 1 . ' - 11 11 , .I nr : .11 if t imrn - , J -jr IV ^ | 1»K'K (iAlA EN was chosen homecoming kng at the homecoming festivities held Friday night at Atkinson. Other candidates for king were Neal Smith rud Roy lllpke. Shown with tialycn Is Donna Me ( ling, a candidate for homecoming queen. Dorsey News IS\ Mr>. Harold O-born Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta were Monday evening callers at the Lee Brady sr., home. Bruce Miller drove Mr. and Mrs. William Kalal to the Gordon Barta home Tuesday so they could visit with their daughter and htr husband. Mr. an t Mrs. Edward Carson visited Wednesday at the Gordon Barta home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe were visitors at the Edward Car son home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady sr., called at the Carson sisters home Sunday evening. Guests at the Harry Johnson home Sunday for a pot luck din ner were the following, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Richter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brady, Mr. and Mrs. John Babl and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sholes and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady sr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McElhaney and son. Mrs. Bruce McElhaney and son are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn were Friday evening supper guests at the Fred Svatos home. Beverly Carson spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marston left for California Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Robert Pappenheimer will give a talk at the Dorsey church October 26 at 8 p.m. Mrs. R. L. Hughes was a caller at the Roger Rosenkrans home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn called at the Otto Ruzicka and Howad Slack homes Tuesday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn called at the William Kalal home in Verdigre Satur day to see how they were as they had the misfortune of having a car wreck one evening last week. Mr. Kala was blinded by a bright light from an on coming car and got too close to the edge of the road and ran into the bridge railing. Luckily no one was injured, just scared and | shaken up. An old time resident of Lynch, Mrs. George Shuber, has under gone eye surgery at the Doctors Hospital at Omaha. Her many; friends will be glad to hear that | she is recovt ring nicely. Her hus band, George, was the depot i agent at Lynch for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe left Thursday for their home af ter visiting several days with Clifford's mother, and his aunts. Mrs. Clifford Wolfe helped care for Mrs. Carrie Hunter a few days after she returned home from the hospital. ENDS OCT. 31 _ MODEL DA4845 MODEL DA6045 MODEL 39L49 MODEL 43L52 MODEL 47L61 MODEL DLX5045 MODS. DLX6054 prices start AS LOW AS $28“ i-r cAwnings - • ALUMINUM CONSTRUC TION—CHOICE Of 15 DECORATOR COLORS (Deluxe model also avail able in Rigid Vinyl) • A STYLE FOR EVERY > HOME — A PRICE FOR EVERY POCXETBOOK! • KEEPS ENTRANCEWAYS DRY —PROTECTS RUGS AND FURNISHINGS. JIM SESSIONS "Your Home Improvement Dealer" i Phone 409 O'Neill F. O. Box 568 >!Nfc\ ' S ATKINSON 111«• 11 hoina'Caunlnff (junti Iris Fuaitlus In shown liirr as sha- was csa'orta-al arniiml tti«* (la'lal at lialfUim* I rlalu) aalKht. Aa a-onipanylng; her Is Nrail Smith. OIImt homa-4'omlaiK ipa*«n aiuaallalata-s Ma*n‘ Julia' I'VtithorsUui ami Ihmaia MaAlurjf. KEITH HIPKE, Atkinson Baler back picks up yardage before being brought evoy's Rexall Drug. Make the children’s costumes for Hallowe’en complete with a mask from DEVOY’S to top off that Halowe’en outfit. Half Masks 10c Full Faces 29c and 39c SUPER PLENAMINS Help build your resistance to winter colds and infection with a good vitamin product. Get SUPER PLENAMINS America's largest selling multiple vitamin product. In just one SUPER PLENAMINS tablet daily you get 11 vitamins and 12 minerals— more than the minimum daily requirement of all vitamins for which a minimum has been established, SUPER PLENAMINS is available for youngsters in a special children's formula— SUPER PLENAMINS, JUNIOR. Get SUPER PLENAMINS today available in O'Neill ONLY at DEVOY'S REXALL DRUG. STIFF NECK? SHOULDER ACHE? SORE MUSCLES? Get Rexall “THRU”—Penetrating Pain Killer “Pain fades out when THRU goes in” Rexall THRU actually goes thru the skin To kill muscular pain where it hurts— at the source THRU Economy Size Liquid $2.98 THRU Liquid or Jel $1.49 PRESCRIPTIONS Have your next prescription filled at DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG by a PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST. When your doctor is going to telephone a prescription for you ask him to call DE VOY’S—he wiD if you ask him to. Remember, DEVOY’S is the only Drug Store in O’NeiU which is open in the evenings with a Registered Pharmacist on duty to fill your prescriptions. For the best in PRESCRIPTION SERVICE, it’s DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG. DEVOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy, Pharmacist Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings O'Neill, Nebr.