The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 26, 1961, Section Two, Image 11

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    Ewing News
By Mr*. Harold Harrl*
Annual Birthday
Party Given for
WSCS Members
The annual birthday party of
the Women's Society of Chris
ta in Service was celebrated
Thursday evening at the parlor*
of the Ewing Methodist church
with lo members end guests pre
sent. A covered dish dinner was
served. Mrs. Ben Larsen was
in charge of the tables. The anni
versary table was centered with
a cake made by Mrs. Larsen,
flanked by candlelabra and l>ou
quets of mums. Mrs. H. Ft. Har
ris was guest of honor in cele
bration of her silver wedding
anniversary. Mrs. Willis Hockey,
president, presented her a silver
gift from the Society. Mrs Har
ris cut and served the anni
versary cake. Birthday money
was paid by each member and
fjO cents given for a gift to l>e
purchased for the kitchen. Mrs.
James Tinsley and Mrs. Fred
Bollwitt were in charge of the
program Mrs. Bollwitt showed
slides taken on a tour of the
southern United States and Cuba.
Mrs. Tinsley led the group sing
ing with Mrs. Bollwitt, pianist.
Mr. and Mr*. Clifford Hahl
beck went to Omalta one day
this week to visit their son,
Leon in St. Joseph's hospital.
They report that his condition
Is showing some improvement.
Mrs. itahlheck, Donnie and
Kay wmt to Omaha Saturday
to visit with him.
Mrs. Ella Ziems and Mrs. C. C.
Hahlbeck attended an all-day
handicraft meeting held Friday
in O'Neill for the lesson leaders
find demonstrations for the
November meetings of Home Ex
*» uaiiMi uuiw in uk." wum/.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris
spent Friday with their daughter,
Bertha Harris, Plainview. They
were her dinner guests at a
Creighton cafe at noon. They also
were callers at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron Cleveland who
recently moved to Nebraska from
New Jersey. loiter in the after
noon they viewed the Creighton
Homecoming parade.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee re
turned Monday from Laurel
where they had been overnight
guests at the home of their son
New Fall Samples
By the yard or
Custom Made
—also —
IN scon tinned Samples on Sale at
108 N. 4th O'Neill
I’lione 195
Annual Halloween
at Lynch, Nebr.
SAT. OCT. 28
Prizes for best costumes
Music by
: October 27, 28, & 29
Norfolk Auditorium
Three 2:00 p.m. Matinees
$1.00 and $2.00
Three 8:00 Eve. Performances
Reserved $2.00 and $2.50
Bleachers $1.50
Write or Phone
Thursday, Oct. 26
Family Night
Steve Reeves
Technicolor, Dyaliscope
Fri.-Sat. Oct. 27-28
Tommy Sands Fabian
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Oct. 29-30-31 ,
Leslie Caron Maurice Chevalier j
Charles Boyer Horst Buchholz
Mutual of Omaha
United of Omaha
Oscar Spitzenberger
Box 667 Telephone 888
O'Neill, Nebr.
Office at
429 North 3rd Street
in-Law and daughter, Mr and
Mr*. A. J. Sanders. Mr. and
Mrs. Ijeo Spes, Fremont, and
Mrs. Catherine Spes. Omaha,
were Tuesday and Wednesday
guests of Mr and Mrs. Lee. They
also called at the Joe Tom jack
Mr and Mrs. Leo Kimes, Lake
W'ood, Calif., were guests Mon
day at the Earl Billings home.
Mr. Kimes is a brother of Mrs.
Billings. They have also spent
much of their time with his
mother, Mrs. Myrtle Kimes, at
the Antelope Memorial hospital
at Neilgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels J. Nelson,
Moorhead, la., were callers at
the If R. Hams home Friday.
Mrs Nelson is a former school
mate of Mrs. H rris.
J. Aubrey ood transacted
business at th» i >te House in
Lincoln Friday.
Mr. and Mrs I>ec Wood and
Vina Wcxxi visited friends in Ne
ligh Thursday.
Mrs. Althea Peterson accompa
nied her daughter, Mrs. Merrill
Forslund, to Neligh Friday on
business, and visited at the Allen
Peterson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies and
Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard
were dinner and evening guests
Sunday at the Roy Stevens home,
Clearwater. Guests at the Eblien
gaard home Friday evening were
Mr. and Mrs Gau Boies. Cards
were played for entertainment.
The Rev. Mrs. Nina Haines,
Mrs. Edna Lofquest and grand
daughter, Mary Jo Lofquest,
were Neligh visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Ftm Pollock and Mrs.
Edna Lofquest were guests Wed
nesday evening at the Grant Mott
home for a turkey dinner.
Mrs. Pauline Noffke accompan
ied her grand-daughter, Mrs.
Gene Koenig, to Norfolk Thurs
day. She remained for the week
end with her daughter, Mrs. El
mer Owens and family. Mrs Ow
ens and her daughter, Mrs. Stan
ley Raymond brought her home
Monday and remained to spend
the day with her.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schiffbauer
sr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Schiff
bauer jr. and family, Norfolk,
were guests Sunday at the Will
iam Hobbs home. Mrs. Clifford
Steskal and daughter were Mon
day guests at the parental home.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis and
family spent Saturday at Meadow
Grove visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van
J. Creger.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and
Marie were guests Sunday at the
Leland Alexander home in Plain
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs and
children, Omaha spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Hobbs arid other rela
tives in the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother
ham and family were Sunday
guests at the William Lofquest
Saturday evening guests at the
home of Mrs. Laura Spittler were
Dr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler and
family Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan had
as their guests Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. John Walker and family,
Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Grage, O’Neill.
Sunday evening guests at the
Robert Bartak home were Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Regan and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and fam
ily and Mrs. Laura Spittler, all
of Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peterson,
Neligh, were callers at the home
ef Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts,
Mrs. Grace Briggs is enjoying
letters received from her daugh
ter, Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn, Oma
ha who is on a seven month's t mr
of Europe. She spent some time
in Norway visiting the homes of
her ancestors and relatives liv
ing in this country. Site also baa
toured Denmark and Germany
At present she is in Switzerland.
Site plans to spend the winter
months in Italy and Greece
Dr. William H. Ross left Wed
nesday for Smith Center, Kan.,
where he will visit relatives un
til Saturday. He plana to also
make a business trip to Sterling
while in the state.
Dr. Ross plans to continue his
senes of sermons Sunday evening,
September 29 when he will &fx.»ak
on “The Problems Arising from
the Partition of India 1947 and
the Government's Attempt at So
Celebrate Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hams
celebrated their silver wedding
anniversary Friday, October 20.
In honor of the occasion, mem
bers of the Facts and Fun Home
Extension club had a surprise
party Friday evening at their
home. The self-invited guests
served supper. The anniversary
cake made and decorated by Mrs.
Ben Larsen made up the center
piece. Among the gifts, was a
beautiful silver tray, a gift from
the club, to the honored couple.
Sunday evening, the Harris
home was again the scene of fes
tivities when friends and neigh
bors arrived to spend a social
evening. The self-invited guests
served lunch. Mrs. J. Aubrey
Wood and Miss Bertha Harris
presented the anniversary cakes.
A “money tree” centered the ta
Plans wrere made by the Mis
sionary Society of the United
Presbyterian church, for a father
and son banquet when they met
Thursday afternoon at the annex
of the church. The date was set
f/vr \’r»uf*mKpp 1
Committees were appointed and
other arrangements made. Mrs.
Vearl Tattle presided at the busi
ness meeting. “God’s Plan in Our
Hands" was the theme of the de
votional period conducted by Mrs.
Leo Miller assisted by Mrs. Wil
bur Bennett, Mrs. Willie Shrader
and Mrs. Z. H. Fry. Mrs. Webb
Napier was in charge of the stu
dy on the Book cf John. Refresh
ment hostesses were Mrs. Willie
Shrader and Mrs. Archie John
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Anderson
had as then- guests Sunday, her
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Bauermiester, Omaha.
Mrs. Lester Spragg and Jane
and Ros Lynn, Mrs. Ralph Eacker
and Mrs. Jessie Angus were
among those from Ewing who at
tended the Lord’s Acre sale at
Clearwater Saturday.
J. Aubrey Wood, lay leader,
was in charge of the worship hour
service Sunday at the Ewing
Methodist church. The pastor,
Rev. Lester Spragg was ill at his
home. Mr. and Mrs. Wood went
to Clearwater after the service
where he had charge of the wor
ship hour at the Clearwater Meth
odist church.
An expected guest at the home
of Mrs. Grace Briggs this week
is her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Hoy
Briggs, who has been vacationing
in North Carolina and will spend
a few days here, before leaving
for her home on the west coast.
Mrs. Bertha Archer entertained
a group of ladies at her home
Friday evening. Card games pro
vided amusement.
Leonora Tuttle, Judy Tinsley,
Sandra and Douglas Shrader, Di
ane Shrader, Clifford Joracek,
Jerald Black and Dick Mlnarik,
all college students, spent the
weekend at their parental homes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Turay and
children were guests at the
Dwaine Hobbs home Sunday.
Saturday afternoon visitors at
the Theodore Scbueth home wen»
Mr. and Mrs Earl Scbueth, Mr.
and Mrs Joe Genterup and Mrs.
Kenneth Shorn, all of West Point.
Try and Do Club
The Try and Do Home Exten
sion club was entertained Thurs
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Dean Pofahl. Nine members were
present. Mrs George Keller and
Mrs. Weldon Alexander were the
lesson leaders and demonstrators
for the lesson on "Frozen Meals".
Plans were made at the business
meeting to serve the steak feed
for the boxers of the benefit box
ing program sponsored by the
American Legion and the Cham
ber of Commerce to be held No
vember 14 Mrs Ivan Wright was
the refreshment hostess. The No
vember meeting of the club will
be held at the home of Mrs Wil
lis Hockey with Mrs. Eugene Zim
merman refreshment hostess.
Mr. and Mrs Charles Rother
ham entertained the Thursday
Pitch club October 19 at their
bone. All members were present.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan were
the winners of high score anil low
went to Mrs. William Spence and
Archie Tuttle. Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Bergstrom will be the hosts
for the next pitch party.
Mrs. Shirley Smith and family,
Denver, Colo., spent Friday vis
iting her aunt, Teressa Bauer.
Mrs. Smith is the former Shirley
Leahy, Ewing.
Mrs. Butch Funk, Clearwater,
was a Friday evening guest at the
Floyd Lee home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler spent
Sunday at the home of their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. E. D. McDonald, Norfolk.
The dinner party was in honor of
their daughter, Suzanne, who was
celebrating a birthdav anniver
sary. The McDonald family have
spent the summer at the home of
her parents in Ewing. Mr. Mc
Donald was recently retired from
the U. S. Army after twenty years
of service. He is now employed
with the Norfolk Daily News ad
vertising department.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris were
Sunday afternoon callers at the
Fred Tams home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allemang
and son, Norfolk, visited one day
last week with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tams.
Atkinson News
Attend REA
In Wyoming
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malford,
Stuart, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Wilson, O’Neill, left last Wednes
day to attend the REA conven
tion at Cheyenne, Wyo., which
was held Thursday and Friday of
last week. On Friday evening they
drove to Denver where the Wil
sons visited two of their daugh
ters and the Mulfords visited Mr.
Mulford’s sister, Mrs. Helen Min
er, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Mulford attended the wedding
of Lodema Wefso.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan and Dav
id were among the many who at
tended the Grand Old Opry in
O’Neill last Sunday.
Mrs. Emma Carr accompan
ied Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweet
to Lincoln last Sunday where
she will be with her sister who
has just been released frcm the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skrdla re
turned last Saturday from Ro
chester, Minn., where Mrs. Skrd
Johnson Drug Store
Phone 118 O'Neill, Nebraska
Specials for the Week
Large $2.00 size of Shulton Hand & Body Lotion
For only $1.00 plus tax
Halloween October 31
Table centerpieces
Place cards and mats
Plates and cups
Tables cloths and coasters
Card tallies
For Extra Eggs
Concentrated vitamin antibiotic drinking water
formula for laying hens. FREE: One bottle free
($3.95) when your purchase one bottle plus a
coupon from one of your leading farm journals.
$7.90 value for $3.95
For Babies
Lovingly created for baby’s play and party life.
Little dresses for girls and outfits for boys in
striking designs and colors. Frilly dresses for
the girls and little man outfits for that handsome
Priced from $2.98 & up
Special Sale!
Day-time beauty set. Use skin dew to keep skin
supple, moist, tender-soft all through the day.
cleanser a new formula with rich herbal essence
for luxurious cleansing. 1.50 value.
Both for only $3.00
Chewable vitamins for children. Complete multi
ple vitamins, pleasant tasting like candy that any
youngster would be delighted to take. Costs less
than 4c a day.
Bottles of 30 - $1.25
Bottles of 100 - $3.25
Economy cartridge fountain pen. Loads hke a
rifle and writes like an expensive fountain pen.
Comes in medium or fine point with two cart
ridges free. Comes in red, green, blue and clear.
Now only $1.00
Fits babies from birth to three years old. All
sizes and colors gracefully designed for baby.
Furry tops and corduroys for fall and winter.
They are truly a delightful shoe. Come in and see
them for yourself.
Priced from $1.69 & up
PRESCRIPTION'S Accurately filled by your regis:ered pharmacist—on dutv at all times. Take your
doctor’s prescriptions to JOHNSON DRUG to ha ve them filled accurately and efficiently at all
hours of the day. PHARMACIST: Wm. Petsche.
la had spent a few days going
through the Mayo clinic for a
Mr. and Mrs Albert Spann and
Gail and Mrs C. F Small were
in Norfolk last Saturday on busi
Mr. and Mrs Tom Osbirn, Wis
ncr, were Sunday guests ui the
home of their son and daughter
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Os
born and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Mitchell
went to Boulder, Colo., last Fri
day where they visited relatives
and friends. Saturday they at
tended the wedding m Denver of
Lodema Wefso and Norman
Hodge. They returned home Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Post and
boys, Neligh, were Sunday guests
of Mrs. Post's sister, Mrs Fred
Mrs. Fdla Mack iicconi|tanied
Mrs. Vern Sagescr, Amelia, to
Ainsworth last Friday whore
they attended tl«e district work
shop of the Federated Garden
clubs. The Iris club in Atkinson
will be hostess to the nest work
shop in November in Atkinson.
Mrs. Carl South was hostess to
the Atkinson Civic Improvement
Garden club Wednesday after
noon, at her home in Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha
and Mrs. Connie Frickel went to
Lincoln last Friday to visit Mr
and Mrs. Ronnie Frickel. Mrs
Pacha remained in Lincoln and
Mr. Pacha and Mrs. Frickel re
turned hime Sunday night.
Mrs. Alois Mlnarik, Mrs. Olive
Wahl and Mrs. Jim Beck went
to O'Neill last Friday to attend
the lesson given on Mosaic Tile
which was given to the Extension
lesson leaders, at the O’Neill An
Mrs. Harvey Wahl visited with
Mrs. John Beck Monday after
noon and prepared the lesson ma
terial for the next meeting of the
Merry Mixers club meeting.
And Community
Dolores Tunender
District C9 upper room stu
dents held three birthday parties
last week for Connie Sclirunk,
Margaret Marcellus and Larry
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus
and family called at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Soukup, O’
Neill, Monday night. They visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Kitchen and family Sunday
Ruth Evans, Lincoln, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Evans and Gary.
She is attending college at Lin
Mrs. Emma McKathnie, Atkin
son, spent part of the week at
the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Broeker,
Sioux F*alls, S. D., and Mrs. Ber
tha Schrader, Randolph, were
weekend guests of Mr and Mrs
Lou Havranek and Larry. Kenny
Fuhrer. Lincoln. alao \ tsited
the L*ai Havranek* Friday morn
Mr. and Mrs. AI Havranek. Mr
and Mrs Chuck Havranek, Mr
and Mrs Lou Havranek and Lar
ry, Mr. and Mrs. James Hav
ranek, At k. asm, and Mr an.!
Mrs. J!m Havranek attended the
25th anniversary of Mr, and Mis
Frank Fariuk, Verdigre last
Mrs. John Schaaf and family
called at the home of Mrs Joe
Ramold sr and boys Saturday.
James Havranek, Atkinson,
sj>ent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Al Havranek last wwek.
Mrs. Jo,in Canard, Mrs Geor
gia McGinnis, Emmet, and Mr
and Mrs South. Inman, called at
Plaim-iew Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs Jim Havranek,
Mr and Mrs A! Havranek. Mr
and Mrs. Lou Havranek and Lar
ry were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr and Mrs. James Havranek,
Mr. and Mrs. George Ramold
and family, Inman were Sunday
dinner guests of Mrs. Joe Ramold
sr. and boys Sunday.
Edgar Tinender was honored
on his 18th birthday Wednesday
night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Ray Tunender and family.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Deermer and family. Mr and
Mrs. Richard Deermer and Carla,
all tf Atkinson, and Ellen Frost,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rentschler
and family were Tuesday supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Mareellus and family, in honor of
Margaret's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz
and family called at the home of
Mr. and Mrs Harry Lansworth
Mrs Joe Babl, Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Pongratz and Mr. and
Mrs. John Babl attended the fun
eral Wednesday of Mrs. Thom
sen, O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keogh and
Margaret, Atkinson, called at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunen
der and family Sunday altemo n.
A large crowd attended the
card party at St. Michael’s hall
at Emmet Sunday evening.
Altar society of St. Michael’s
served at the Farmer Union con
vention last Tuesday at the
Church cf Epiphany.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carr and
daughter, Amelia, were Thursday
dnner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Mareellus and family,
Donald Mareellus and family al
so called at the Hubert Raulher
k1 is home Thursday night.
Mrs. Helen Mullen, O’Neill, and
Mrs. Robert Dierks, Sicux City,
la., visited Mrs. Georgia McGin
nis Sunday.
Phone Your News To
The Frontier
Phone 788
Inman News
It* Mr*. Jaim-* Mi’Uhiui
Project Club Meets
Wednesday for Lesson
The Inman Workers Project
club met Wednesday afternoon
with Mrs Woodrow Gaughen
baugh Mrs Clark Gaughen
baugh. O'Neill, was a guest. Mrs
Kenneth Coventry anti Mrs AI
bert Reynolds gave the lesson
on "Frozen Meals." The hostess
served a lunch at the close of
tlu* afternoon.
Mrs Guy Hull, Lynch, vixitetl
Mr ami Mrs. Altiert Reynolds
and family Saturday afternoon.
Mrs lulu Quig and Mrs Fred
Grage. O'Neill, visited Mr. and
Mrs. R B. South Friday after
Kieth Kivett, Wayne State Col
lege student, spent the weekend
v isiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs
Vaden Kivett.
Mrs. Sadie Conger amt Mrs.
M. L. Ilarkins reUirned Friday
from St. Anthony’* hospital
wti«*re tliey had littii medical
Marilyn Siders, Karon Brown
and Gene Butterfield, Grund
Islands Business college students,
spent the weekend with their par
ents, Mrs Ray Siders, Mr. and
Mrs Wilbur Brown and Mr. and
Mrs Bill Butterfield.
Mrs. Jim Ries and family left
Sunday for their home in Oma
ha after visiting her parents.
Mr and Mr* David Murstoirh.
for a frw day*.
James E Kelley returned Sun
day from South SL mix City wlirr*
he ha* l»eeti emjdoyrd for irvtrtl
James May, t'SN. arrived
tialunlay from Han IMego.
Calif., U> sjietid a leave with
Hi* mother. Mr*. Frame* May.
arid with other relatfvea and
Mr. and Mrs Gay Hull, Lynchs
"err Thursday dinner guests of
Mr ami Mr* Alt«ert Iteymdd*
and family
Mr* laiiJU Qutg ami Mr*. Norh
l Til were Sunday afternoon
guest* of Mr. ami Mr* ft II.
Mr and Mr* M M Chmtr
and *• >n*. Neltgh. wen- Sunday
evening dinner g se*t* of Mr.
and Mr*, liavid Morxltach and
M Sgt. Cecil Keyes arrived
from Horn ulus, V t , In spend
a leave with hi* parent*. Mr.
and Mr*. Floyd Keye*. mid
other relatives.
Mr and Mr*. Tom Kelly and
family, Wlsner, spent the week
end in liunan and Page visiting
Mr and Mr*. Lyle Abney and
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly.
Mr amt Mr* Joe Nelson.
George and KHznbeth Ann,
Cherokee. la., were Sunday after
noon and supper guest* of Mr.
ami Mr*. lyle Ahney. Mr Nel
*<>n and Mr Abney are cousin*.
Mr*. John Cbnard and Mr*.
Georgia McGinnis, Kmrnet, were
Satunlay morning caller* of Mr.
and Mr*. It B. South.
Trv the Frontier Want Ada
The Friends of Saint Mary's
L Dimer
Sunday Oct. 29
Serving 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Adults $1.25 Children 50c
There will be accommodations and food
for everyone at each serving hour.
thrift-priced costumes...
spooky • scary • glamorous
11-inch plastic Jack "0” Lantern . 59c
Masks of all kinds start at.5c
Napkins . 29c
Table covers . 3^
Decorative candles . 10c
trick 0r t^eat
101 Suckers . 79c
80 Candies individual bags .79c
70 Asst, pieces of candy.69c
50 Wrigley's gum. 44c
44 Party packs.49c
1 lb. Mars Junior candy bars.59c
50 Colorful bags for Trick or Treat
items. 19c
Largest Assortment of
Halloween Items Ever.
Be*. 2.88
Rugged canvas in Iaee
to-toe style, suction rub
ber soles, built-in arch.
White, Hack. Sizes 11 to
2 and 6*4 to 12.
60 G - 15 D
27c Pr.