A Poem From Mrs. Eby ... “IF" li you were busy being kind, be fore you knew it you would find, you'd soon forget to think 'twa* true that someone was unkind to you. If you were busy being glad and cheering people who were sad, altho your heart might ache a bit, you'd warn forget to notice H. If you were busy being good and doing jus: the best y< u could, you'd not have time to blame Mime man who’s doing just the oesi he can. If you were busy being true to what you know you ought to do, you'd be so busy you'd forget Lite blunders of the folks you ve met. Ii you were busy being rigid, you'd find yourself too busy quite, to criticize your neigh bor long, because he's busy being wrong If you put a Uttie loving into all the work you do, and a little bit of gladness and a little bit of you, and a little bit of sweet ness and a little bn of song, not a day will seem too toil some. not a day will seem too long. And your work will be attractive, and the world will stop to look, and tin* world will see a sweet ness, like the tinkling of a brook. fih iw tiie finished j sb; and then the world will turn to look at you, with a world's appreciation of tiie tilings you’ve found to do. (Selected) Clearwater New., Mrs. ('luir)e*. ( urtright HI liter 5-S2M Mrs. Lottie Lambert, Clearwa ter's oldest resident, observed tier Wth birthday anmversary Octo ber 8 at the home of her son, Willis. The traditional birthday cake by Mrs. Lambert and a visit from tier children were enjoyed. Fred Lee was able to return home fr m the Tildm liosp.tal the past week alter being hospitaliz ed there since October 8 Two of Clearwater’s very young football hpefuis brought home top prizes Saturday from the Punt. Pass and Kick contest spon sored bv the Contois Motor com pany. David Bearmger, 7, won first in his age bracket and Ran dy Rowe, 9, ; on of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hemenway, won first in his age group. The boys were each awarded a complete football outfit. Mrs. Lola Mapes has retimed to her home after visiting rela tives in Des Moines, la., Sioux City, la and Wayne. Her son, C. J. Perrin, brought her to her home. Band sponsors met October 9 in the high school recreation room w.th 20 in attendance. Wayne Switzer, president, was in charge ol the meeting. A dis AVAILABLE IN SIDE EXIT ONLY M COMBINATION FRONT AND SIDE EXIT | ?ORTABLE OR STATIONARY MAD! FOR RIGHT OR LEFT SIDE OPERATION W-W CALF CRADLE SIDE EXIT CATE The Movement squeere and tool proot head catct catcbe* the anunai quickls and holds it secures » an ideal posrtlee lor «»lur* or am part st the body tie ham, brand sac cusatt, castrate, blood test, o» Ren hoots Am operation a dime qinctrs anc sates * Rse W W Call Cradle Pi(ht • Nit brand ji . SfLafae CHAS. WATERMAN Creighton. Nebraska 24 and 26 ouuuon or caps and capes was held Mrs. Fred Nolle and Mrs. Lyle Rsce were at the acbooi house Thursday afternoon and is sued capes and caps to all band members The group made plans for serving the Antelope County Teachers banquet to be held m late November. Mr and Mrs Fred Noise and Mr and Mrs Clarence Michael were in charge of Uie evening's entertainment and Mr and Mrs Ed Moser and Mr and Mrs. Otto Kallboff were or. the lunch committee Next meet mg is November 13 Jack Hixson, son of Mr and Mrs Randall Hixson, was hos pitalized Wednesday in Antekgx Memorial hospital after receiving a head injury while at football practice. Latest reporta are he is getting along fine, and is ww home Mr and Mrs. Don Luben, Weep ing Water, spent the weekend at the Howard Luben home Meek News By Mrs. Fred IJndberg Mrs. Rosa Harding Celebrates Birthday Mrs Rosa Harding celebrated her K6th birthday Thursday. Her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs L A Hobbs, Ewing, came Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Harding and their grandson, Gary Harding, and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Harding spent Friday eve ning with her. Senator Frank Nelson was a guest at the REA dinner at At kinson Tuesday evening. He also ! took in the Shorthorn salt in O' Neill Thursday. The Rev. and Mrs Olmsted. Spencer, Mrs Iiyer, Mrs. Francis Schrunk, Lynch, and Mrs Paul l\eiMin auenueu a mtieyan Methodist District conference at Miltonvale. They left Tuesday and returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitz and family and the rest of the child ren ami families surprised her m 4her. Mrs. Katie Ratterman, Bonesteel. S. D., Sunday to help celebrate her birthday. They ail brought well-filled baskets and enjoyed dinner and afternoon lunch together. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huston and family were Sunday evening visitors at the John Schmitz home. Mrs Jessie Kaczor and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kaczor and Mr. and Mrs. John Kaczor, Spen cer, Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Donald Johring. Clearwater, were Sunday dinner guests at the Bennie Johring j home and visitors at the Melvin Johring home. They were sup- • [>ei guests at Martha Jolirings in 1 the evening. Mrs. Emma Lawrence was an overnight guest of Martha Joh ring Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bessie Johring, and family were Norfolk visitors Saturday. Mrs. Thuriza Crawford, Lynch, was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Craw ford and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farley. Winner, S. D-, were Sun day dinner guests. Friday evening the Rancher and Ranchette 4-H club met at George Mellors. Will Devall was an overnight guest at Elmer Devalls Monday. He recently returned from Wis consin where he soent several weeks with his daughter. Mrs. Bob Craige and family. Dannie! Page, San Bernar dino. Calif., arrived here Mon day. He plans to take his wife and sister-in-law, Mrs. Benny Wetzler and Betty Rue, bark J with him. They have been here j the past two months to help with the care of their parents, i Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth. October 12 marked two birth day celebrations. Mr. and Mrs. j Merlin Anderson and girls and j Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson. Larry and Sue helped Carla An- j son celebrate her birthday. Mr. j and Mrs. Elmer Devall enter tained a group of friends, rela tives and neighbors for the eve- i rung and invited Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Devall over to spend the evening to celebrate Carroll's birthday. They were surprised upon arri\-ing to find the house I filled with people who had come i to help her celebrate. Jack McGinn. Curt Larson and Steve Peterson were Tuesday overnight guests of Ricky Devall Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lind berg were Wednesday visitors at the F. E. Anderson home. Newport. Mr. Anderson was in the Bassett hospital a couple of days last week for medical care. Mrs. Viola Hall was an over night guest of her daughter. Mrs. . . ' i MODERN WOODMEN of America Life Insurance Savings Plans | Retirement Plans ★ ★ Con Smith All Kinds of Insurance VIRGIL LAURSEN AGENCY O'Neill, Nebraska -1 Lawrence Ijobrovoiny Thursday night. Friday the Rev and Mrs Wayne Hail came for her. St»e accompanied them to Broken Bow for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Do brovoiny attended the Eastern Star District meeting at Ains worth Wednesday The Paddock Community Indies Aid plans to serve lunch at the George Pauser sale Octo ber 20. The Paddock Missionary meeting was changed to Wednes day this week on account of the sale date Friday. Several families from this community attended the wedding of Joan La ns worth and Tom Langdon lr O’Neill Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Frank Nelson. Mr and Mrs Paul Nelson, Mr. and Mrs Virgil Hubby and Mrs. Jessie Kaczor were Sunday din ner guests at the home erf Edward Kaczor The occasion marked the birthday celebration erf Lena Nel son and Virgil Hubby. Henry Storjohann and Martha Johnng were Sunday dinner guests at the Jim Karel home. Sunday guests at the Walter Devall home were Mr. and Mrs R. V Crumley and family. Page, Mr and Mrs Raymond Walter and family and Beverly Sweet, Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Pres ton Jones and Mearl, Mr. and Mrs Robert Young and Jr Young. The occasion marked Walter's birtrday Riverside News By Mr*. litMl Guitar Dinner Held Sunday for Our of State Visitors Mr and Mrs Alum Gunter and sin, Mark, Garland, Tea., came Saturday afternoon to visit at the Lionel Gunter heme They plan to return home Wednesday On Sunday Mr and Mrs Alvin Nelson, Plain view, Mr and Mrs. Lyle Switzer, Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. Holland Hord and Du and, Mr. and Mrs Alfred Na pier and family; Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter and Mr and Mrs Dewitt Hoke and son. Clayton, and grandson, Bobby Hobbs, were dinner guests at the Lionel Gunter home in honor of Levon Gunter, Ind.anajr.ilis, lnd , and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gunter and son, Mark, Mr and Mrs Emery Cary were evening callers. Alice Shrader w as an overnight guest last Saturday at the Archie Johnston home Mr. and Mrs. Z. H Fry' tuck Mrs. Millie Mahood with them to spend the weekend at the Clar ence Ross home at Laurel Mr and Mrs. Jerry Meyers and l >n, Wisner, were dinner ffue*u last Sunday at the Rady Abler* home Mr and Mrs Otto Rrtke In man, nsitnd Tuesday at the Z H Fry home and also aprrn the night there Mrs. Frank Schmidt came htaae fr*m the Antelope Memorial boa pnal last Monday afternoon Mrs Keith Baktlecoroe, Mrs Raymond Schmidt and Mr* Rudy Abler* helped clean chickens Thursday morning at the Frank Schmidt home Mrs Rudy Ahlers helped can them Friday. Mr and Mrs William Lofquist visited at the Alea Chmiei home, O'Neill, Thursday evening Alice Shrader was an overnight guest Friday at the Gerald Wet laufftr home, O'Neill, and accom panied Levon Gunter to Kennard to spend a few days at the Verl Gunter home. Levon will leave Kennard Sunday for Indiana and plans to stop at the James V Gumer home at Cleveland, 111., Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Earl Pierson were dinner guests last Sunday at the Marvin Pnbntwv home near Al bion. Dennis Napier had the three day measles the forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs William Lofquist vis ted last Sunday evening at the Harold Mlinar h mie, O’Neill. Mrs Paul Johns ®, Mound Val ley, Kan., visited her sister, Mrs Walter Miller and family hurt week The Wayne Fry family visitac last Sunday at the Lae Kluthr home at Eigm Mr. and Mrs Lao Miller left Friday rooming to meet her bro iher-in-iaw and Mr and Mrs Dan Robbins, Minnesota, in Wyoming and do some hunting Mr. and Mrs Ora Switzer are staving with the Miller cfa.ldren The Art Buashardt and Kenneth Pollock families visited last Sun day and also Monday evening at the Dave PciLucfc home to help Dave celebrate hat birthday Ralph Pollock phoned from Seat tle, Wash . to wish his father a ha;gjy birthday Monday evening Mr. and Mrs Howard Miller were dinner guests last Sunday at the Grant Mutt home Mr and Mrs Dun Larson had dinner Tuesday at the Dave PoJ luck home Ann Marie Bartak spent the weert McGinn home, O’Neill, Wednesday. The Jolly Workers club met Thursday »IU» Mr* I mil) Jukui** aad Mr* WUUr Shri <*rr were » lwa< * The »» men *r«rd quilt Morki lur the haatea* aad had a "r«Ua" ikra er for Mr. aad Mr* Kahrrt Patras. liowary, t at* . *ku were recently married Mr* Httlie Shrader, yrrddrat, had charge «I the be«S»*r»» mr.-i lag T»nli member* aBturm! ruil rati atth aae visitor, Mr* Harry Johnston The chib alii meet atlh Mr*. F Lee la Namhrr with Mr* Joe Tom lack aad Mr*. Ftura 1 ouag a* ro hostesses The Busy Hinas i H ckkb had the family *uj>prr and Achieve ment iugh: Saturday evening at the United Praafef'tai UMl aimr* Mr awl Mr* Elmer Befifatnan. Mr. and Mr* Clarence Sargainuan. Mr and Mr* Dale Napier Mr and Mr* Ralph Munn am} Mr and Mr* Kahard Shaw were fw*t* laat Thur*4*> eeenUM at the Richard Napier tome m hue. or of Ralph M inn'* birthday an n.veraarj Mme* Ben Fmk Edna Lot qumt, Dave Pollock. I sale Na !«er. Ra hard Napier. Fem N lock, Cram M at, Walter Miller Everett Keealer and Howard Mil hrr gathered at the Dauy Miller and Melrw Napier home to but prtw Mr* Daily Miller and Mr* Bert Fink hr their birthday anm veraar.e* Thuraday , */£t Sp&iCimnm* C%6*ct f Gold abin Still After the Hunt . . . ^ the Perfect Companion t Yuan Old—I) Proof Kentucky Straight Soar Math hour boa Eiduuva in Nebraika—Wait am Win# ft Liquor Co.—Omaha \ i . i . • / i Loin loast 7-Rib Portion % LOIN PORTION .u, 49c PORK CHOPS (Center rut) . Lb. 59c Full of fresh, juicy succulent flavor that your whole family will enjoy. Take advantage of Safeway's low price and save! THICK-SLICED BACON Safeway Brand or j -ib. nn^ Armour Star — J C~ XaPkg iF^v PORK ROAST First quality fresh picnics, get it at its delicious best '•'SSL Whole lb. I I hi , * .1) APPLES 10 ibs. 99* Jonathan, Golden or Red Delicious or !Unn« |l* auty vancti*» BANANAS 10a^99< Golden-ripe and full of luscious eating golden "meat" CtJE B ■ I Be*‘air: frozen, premium quality, &.oz ^ B rn Bmtm M *£& ImF V Mi ■ % with fresh, vine-ripened flavor.Con I V * loma Dinners::.:.:.:jj 39< ilcfid Dressing ::r~^ 3 5« Sherbet Raspberry, Triple Treat or Lime. Carton 58< BfUlt °Wn House—first quality, No. 303 ■ %«MIB ideal served with frankfurters.Can I Instant CoffeessK..”»99* Toilet Tissue —.,..,..29* Sandy Saver Says: Stay mutiny for iL tlunyi you v% a^ayi wants J, •, C^tt tksm walk GOLD BOND STAMPS Beautiful things you've dreamed of owning Mi the Gold Bond catalog. Study this 99 page booklet foe tbe valuable gifts you want to save for Suddenly, they will be yours! A reward for your thrill and your wisdom m saving Gold Bond Stamp* • • • FREE with your purchases! Brisk Lipton Tea * Instant. Black, i-m. Jar ^p ^p C A®. oi 16 lap Jf C Kraft Caramels SSL?,** ...*££ 39c Fruit Punch with Vitamin-C .. .39c Unit Starch ita.v fresher leaking .. Bottle 27c i i i .29c Ct»rt Tna .«3 35c Pmat Naikbt Scott famiie Ut Pk( I g. * while or colored of M I ®C Fn» CtckM 2£“““- “ Zit Barbecue Sauce SST^jrL .££ 39c Cold Brick Cups I>UU« ..«?» 31 c Blue Cheer Detergent Ideal for dishes as 21 -ox. P well ax clothes Pfcg. J JC LIQUID JOY DETERGENT ^39c LIQUID IVORY DETERGENT £j39c TOE COMPLETELY NEW POPULAR MECHANICS HOME HANDYMAN ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA AND GUIDE u jrUtKDlRLBtMt 1£ MONEY 10 SAVING BOOKS BUY-A-BOON-A-WfflC UMMB TO UK ■NET BATE RKOBM ST ATT YOU* SET TODAY AT SAFEWAY! VOLUME 7 OH SALE THIS WEEK! | RIGHT RESERVED TO LOOT QUANTITIES TIDE DETERGENT For iaundry. dishes 20-ox. r ; and fine fabrics PV«. 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