PENNY FRANKFURTER SANDWICHES 6 frankfurters 2 tablespoon* finely chopped onion VS teaspoon Worcestershire sauce VS cup salad dressing W cup chopped unpeeled cucumber 4 large English muffins, cut in half M cup grated cheddar cheese Cut frankfurters in X-inch slices. Combine frankfurters, onion, Wor- 9 cestershire sauce, salad dressing and cucumber. Toast muffins. Spoon meat mixture on toasted side of each muffin, using about X cup per 91 muffin. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Place on a cookie sheet and bake 9 in a very hot oven (450° F.) 6 to 8 minutes or until heated through 9| and cheese is melted. 8 sandwiches. Note: Sandwiches may also be broiled. Broil 3 inches from heat for 3 to 5 minutes. 9 October brings Halloween — a time when grown-ups fl have almost as much fun as the younger generation. S True, they rarely dress as spooks or witches and go out m ’ demanding “Trick or Treat” as the young fry do but J this is one occasion when everyone can shed cares, don ■ a costume to conceal true identity and have fun with a ^ Halloween party. No doubt you’ll decorate your Rumpus Room with ► Jack-o’-Lantems, witches and ghosts. You’ll have as much fun as the young fry when it comes to bobbing for apples, pinning the tail on the donkey or having your fortune told. Refreshments are a breeze, fun to prepare and in i expensive. It’s easy to make a few special sandwiches and doughnuts in keeping with the occasion. Just use anything that ties in with the special event. i - i Hwi ml ^f gSMsBim - - .4 Ml A^WMMMBk* MC3M .. J TRICK OR TREAT DOUGHNUTS < 1 egg, beaten M cup orange juice 2 tablespoons grated orange peel W cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon l-Vl dipt tiffed flour 2 teaspoons baking powder M teaspoon salt I 3'/j ounce can flaked coconut Combine egg, orange juice, and peel. Sift together sugar, cinnamon, flour, baking powder and salt Add to first mixture. Stir in coconut. Roll and cut into desired shapes. Fry in deep hot fat (350° F.) until golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper and sprinkle with sugar. —11 - ■ ~-~-—- ^