A NEW WAY OF LIFE. !■* for the Rural Midwest w e all know that much of the progress in our great country is due to the job our fanners and industries serving the farmer have done — producing with a small fraction of our manpower all the food and fibre we need. Ninety percent of our population can therefore work at other jobs and turn out floods of goods and serv ices to help make life easier and more enjoyable. Some calamity howlers and self-appointed fix-it experts give the impression that this outstanding job is a problem rather than a blessing. It is high time we do away with this nonsense. Our in creased efficiency provides nothing but OPPORTUNITY! Let’s get to work taking advantage of it, like our pioneers have always done! While the modem pioneer doesn’t pack up in a covered wagon and head west in the classical tradition, there are pioneers in re search, leadership, progress and evolution emerging from their “covered wagons” in new outposts of humanity—in space, in sci ence, in politics, in world affairs and in human relations. _