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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1961)
J i'fM f ’ * ' « ■ •#*' \ ' /y. * | aw. T1IK FRONTIER. O’.Neill, Nebraska, Thursday, October II, 1W1 Frontier \ BILL RICHARDSON. Publisher BRUCE J. REHBERG, Editor Terms ut HubtM-ripttoa: In Nebraska. $2.50 per year; elsewhere in tlie United States, $3 per year, rate abroad provided upon request All subscrip tions payable in advance. Entered at the postoffice in O'Neill, Holt court ly. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the Ai t of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news o.iper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso ciation, National Editorial Association and the Audit tureau of Circulations. NATIONAL EDITORIAL STIAIIT — Mary Minnlg, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. tieorge Mining, Stuart, is one of six Junior girls elected as candidates for the Hastings College Home coming (picrn October 21. The winner will be chosen by vote ot the 745-members student body. Doris Sanders, Ralph Larson Exchange Vows Mj*s. Doris Sanders, O’Neill, for merly of Ewing, and Ralph R Larson, Page, were married Sep tember 15 at the parsonage of St. John’s Catholic church at Craw ford. The Rev. John Madsen of ficiated at the double ring cere mony. Dr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Rock ey, Ewing, attended the couple. Mrs. Rockey is ihe daughter of Mrs. Larson. After a wedding trip to Wyom ing and the Black Hills, the cou ple is now at home at 210 East Clay Street, O’Neill. A Poem From Mrs. Eby... —Only Brlievn— An old woman with a halo of hair so white, and tears flowing down furrowed cheeks in sight, Her worn hands busy over a washtub and suds, in a room of poverty praying as she scrubbed the duds, Praying for son, John, who ran away to be a sailor that day in May, It was now reported he was a very wicked man. But she went on praying as only a mother can. She believed two things, the pow er of prayer, and that her son would return believing as she did there, While she scrubbed God saw her doing her part, and He worked a miracle in John Newton’s heart. John Newton drunken sailor be came John Newton sailor preacher and no one could fea ture, What made the change without effort or deave but God heard the prayer of one who’d believe. The saint with her washboard and suds that foam, brought back her boy no longer to roam, Took God at His word and pray ed that day that John’s heart would be changed in a wonder ful way, And she saw him become a great soul winner there, just because she persisted in believing pray er. Mark 5:36. Fear not only be lieve. Della Stuart Eby Joyce Grass Weds Lyle Frerichs At Page Sunday PAGE — Miss Joyce Grass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grass, and Lyle Frerichs. son of Mrs. Elsie Frerichs. all of Page, were married in the Methodist church here Sunday, Oct. 8, at 6:30 pun. Officiating at the double ring ceremony was the Rev. R. Lin der. Miss Aletha Rutherford and Miss Donna Smith presented vo cal selections, accompanied by Miss Faye Rutherford at the pi ano. The bride was attired in a Chantilly lace floor length gown with long bridal sleeves. The bo dice was designed with a wing tipped collar and illusion neck line. A bouffant skin featured deep lace trimmed tiers in back and a deep lace trimmed flounce in front with overskirt of lace. Her veil was silk illusion, caught by a crown of sequins and pearls. She carried a white bouquet, cf pompons arranged on a white Bi ble Miss Jolene Grass, sister of the bride, was maid erf honor. Mrs. Archie Juracek, O'Neill, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. They wore identical dresses of dark blue acetate. Their bouquets were of carnations, the maid of honor with blaze colored flow ers. and the bridesmaid with blue ones. Archie Juracek served as best man, and Lynn Grass, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Fred Frerichs, O'Neill, seated the guests. Vida Frerichs, sister of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Ring bearer was Everitt Thompson. Lighting the,1 candles was Carol Thompson Fifty-five guests attended the re ception held in the church base ment fallowing the ceremony. Mrs. Jessie Kelly cut the wedding cake. Mrs. Bernard Grimes, Chambers, served punch, and Mrs. Gerald Fernholtz, O'Neill, served coffee. Miss Linda Smith and Miss Marilyn Parts served the wedding table. In charge of gifts were Miss Marlene Frahm and Miss Linda Thompson. Miss Verona Frerichs took care of the guest book. The couple is residing in Page. Patricia Imboden, Kenneth Backhaus Exchange Vows Wedding vows were echanged Saturday morning at St. Peter's Catholic church at Jefferson, S D., by Miss Patricia Ann Imbo flen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Imboden, Jefferson, S.D., and Kenneth D Backhaus, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Roy Backhaus. O' Neill. The Rev. M Brady officiated before an altar decorated with baskets of gold and white pom pons, chrysanthemums and gla dioli Miss Mary Tompkins was vocalist, and Miss Mary June Frisch, organist. Tiie bride chose a gown of bou quet taffeta and alencon lace with basque bodice detailed with pearl and crystal embroidery. The bell shaped skirt extended into a cha pel train. Her tiara was traced with pearls and held an illusion veil. She carried white chrysan themums and iiompons with a white missal. Miss Kathy Curran and Miss Patty Curran, the bridesmaids, wore cotillion-length dresses of antique gold satin with flared skirts and bustle bows caught with satin roses. They carried baskets of gold chrysanthemums and bronze and white pompons. Ri>bert Porter was best man, and Fred Montag was grooms man. Escorting the guests to their seats were Tom Masteller, Sioux City, la., and Russel Min er, O'Neill. The couple will reside at O’Neill after a wedding trip. Shirley Nelson, Richard Woslager Wed at Carroll EWING — Our Lady of Sor rows Catholic church in Carroll was the scene of the wedding of Miss Shirley Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson, Car roll, and Richard Woslager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Wo slager, Ewing, Saturday, Oct. 7. The Rev. Daniel Galas officiat ed at the 10 a.m. service. Miss Judy Smith, Norfolk, was soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Leo Jor dan. An Angelair original white gown of Chantilly lace and tulle was selected by the bride for her wed ding. It was styled with long fitted sleeves, sculptured bodice and sweetheart neckline of scalloped lace and ruffled tulle. The floor length skirt was designed with full length panels over bridal sa tin in both the front and back. It featured bouffant scalloped lace peplums on the sides. A crown of pearls held in place the bride’s imported silk illusion fingertip veil. She carried a bouquet of white mums. Miss Lois Woslager, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of hon or Sha titrtrp a tumiiAico calin du charme ballerina length dress with a scoop neckline and cap sleeves highlighting the princess line bodice that formed a deep V on the very full skirt. She wore a matching cap with small veil. Mrs. Bob Jones, Randolph, was bridesmaid, and was attired the same as the maid of honor. They carried bouquets of turquoise mums. Bill Woslager served as best man for his brother, and Melvin Alhers was groomsman. Ushers were Leroy Nelson, Carroll, and Eddie Snowardt, Omaha. Barbara Woslager was flower girl, and Danny Harmeier, Sioux City, was ring bearer. A reception was held in the Carroll auditorium, attended by approximately 100 guests. Miss Jeannette Woslager was in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Dale Na pier poured coffee, and assisting with the serving were the Misses Audrey Moore, Jane Bailey and Eileen Cunningham, all of Car roll, and Carol Knievel, Tilden. Miss Patty Nelson, Miss Mary Woslager, Mrs. Edgar Friedrich, Norfolk, and Mrs. Peter Snow ardt, Omaha, arranged the gifts. The couple will reside on a farm near Ewing. Roberta McDaniel Weds Robert Patras In California EWING — Miss Roberta Jean McDaniel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDaniel, Ewing, and Robert Patras, son of Mrs. Iva Dell Sedivy, Brunswick, were married September 14 at the Baptist Wedding Chapel at Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Ralph Patras was organist and Mr. Patras was soloist. The bride, given in marriage by Lester Swan, wore a street length gown of white satin, princess style, with a hooped bell skirt featuring a large bow in the back. The bodice had a rounded neckline that came to a V in the back. The sleeves were elbow length. Her shoulder length veil was trimmed with pearls and sequins. She carried a book ar rangement of white and pink roses with stephanotis. Miss Judy Beckner was matron of honor, and she was attired in a gown of emerald green satin with a matching headpiece. Her bouquet was composed of white gladioli. James Beckner served as best man. Marvin Horash was the usher. Following the ceremony a re ception was held. The cake was cut and served by Mrs. Eleanor Craig. Mrs. Stanley Lee was in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Patras is a graduate of the Ewir.g high school. She at tended Wayne State Teachers college one year. She has been employed the past year in Oma ha until August when she left for California. Mr. Patras is a graduate of the Plain view high school and Wayne State Teachers college. After graduation this year, he went to Los Angeles where he has em ployment. Announce Engagements... Mrs. Anna Kopejtka. Inman, announces the engagement of her daughter, .Mary Ann. to Eugene Barnhard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bernhard, O’Neill. Miss Kopejtka Is employed by Segerwood cafe in O’Neill, and Mr. Bernhard is engaged in farming northwest of O’Neill. A late fall wedding is planned. Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Homer Krebs, Denver, Colo., annouee the en gagement of their daughter, Bev erly Ann, to A lc Charles B. Le Cates, Rhodesdale, Md. Miss Krebs is employed at the Colorado National Bank in Den ver and Mr. LeCates is stationed at Coljmbus, Miss., working on missiles. They plan to have a summer wedding in 1962. Miss Krebs is a daughter of the former Viola Bowers, and a granddaughter of Rosa E. Bowers, O’Neill. O’NEILL PHOTO CO. Connie Kay Riege Weds James Mitchell In Catholic Rite Miss Connie Kay Riege, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Riege, Page, became the bride of A/2c James Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell, Ashland, Wis., Saturday, Oct. 7, at St. Pat rick's Catholic church, O’Neill. Msgr. Timothy O'9-illivan offi ciated at the 11 a.m. double ring ceremony. Miss Patricia McKen zie was the soloist, accompanied by Sister Flores at the organ. The hride wore a Chantilly lace gown over net and taffeta. The fitted lines of the bodice were accented with three satin bows to the left side which were centered with tiny seed pearls. The bateau neckline and three-quarter length sleeves also were trimmed with seed pearls. The lines of toe bo dice fell into a full floor length circle skirt. Her fingertip' veil of nylon net was from England, bor rowed from an English bride, Mrs. Robert Barnes, Lincoln. The veil was edged with appliqued flower designs and fell from a crown of pearl-centered rosettes over net petals. She carried a co lonial bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Joseph Mutthersbough, Lincoln, was the bride's only at ST. ANTHONY’S DRUEKE — Mr. and Mrs. Os wald Drueke of O'Neill, son, Bart Lee, 6 pounds 14 ounces, Oct. 5. CUDDY — Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Cuddy of O Neill, sen, Mark Edward, 7 pounds 6^ oun ces, Oct. 6. LARSON — Mr. and Mrs. James Larson of 0 Neill, daugh ter, Lori Lynn. 7 pounds 11 oun ces. Oct. 8. TROSHYNSKI — Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Troshynski of Orchard, son, Teddy Joe, 5 pounds 6 ounces, Oct. 10. tendant. She appeared in a brown lace over satin dress with beige accessories and a colonial bou quet of pink pompons. Joseph Mutthersbough served as best man. Ushers were Lynn Riege, Orchard, and Orville Has tens, Lodgepole. Following the ceremony a rece ption was held at the Tropical Gardens, attended by 50 guests. Miss Bonnie Jo Riege, had charge of the guest book, and Mrs. R. V. Crumly, Page, acted as dining room hostess. The three-tier wedding cake was cut by Mrs. Orville Hastens, Lodge pole. Miss Kay Nissen, Page, list ed the gifts, assisted by Miss Nancy Hastens, Lodgepole. Ser vers were Miss Karen Kelly, Page, and Miss Louise Harris, Lincoln. The bride is a graduate of the Page high school with the class of 1960, and of the Lincoln School of Commerce. At present she is employed as a typist at the State Farm Insurance company, Lin coin. The bridegroom graduated from DePadua high school at Ashland, Wis., with the class of 1959. He joined the air force in September, 1959, and presently is stationed at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will re side at 2936 North 37th Street, incoln. ATKINSON MEMORIAL MARTINE — Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Mart me of Omaha, son, Alan Joseph, 7 pounds 15 ounces, Oc tober 2. REIMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Jer ome Reiman of Butte, daughter, Annette Marie, 5 pounds 15 oun ces, Oct. 3. TIELKE — Mr. and Mrs. John K Tielke of Stuart, son, Timothy John, 7 pounds 1* ounce, Oct. 6. SCHMIT — Mr. and Mrs. Ben edict Schmit of O’Neill, son, Ber nard Joseph, 8 pounds 9 ounces, Oct. 6. GOKIE — Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gokie of O'Neill, son. Timothy Randall, 7 pounds 8 ounces, Oct. & SACRED HEART HRBEE — Mrs. Elvin Hrbek of Monowi. daughter, Me lissa Anna. 6 pounds 10 ounces. Oct. 6. HAUSMANN — Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. 4aiii«*s Wirtz, Minneapo lis, Minn., announces the en gagement of her daughter, Patricia M. Berry, to Robert C. Hynes, Minneapolis, son of Mrs. Loretta Hynes, O’Neill. Miss Berry Is employed by ('fiasco Corporation. Her fiance, a graduate of Creighton uni versity, Omaha, Is employed by Federated Mutual Insurance company. He also is a student at William Mitchell College of I*aw. when* he Is a member of Delta Theta Phi. A November 18 wedding Is planned. Announce Engagement CLEARWATER — Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Patricia, to Kenneth McCurley, Neligh. Mr. McCurley is employed by the U. S. Geological Survey de partment. and is a civil engineer technician, now headquartered in Neligh. A November 25 wedding is planned. Joseph Hau&aman of Butte, daughter. Tracy Jo. S pound* 1 ounce. Oct. 7. RICHTER — Mr and Mrs Ed mund Richter of Spencer, son, James Francis, 7 pounds 9 oun ce*. Oct. 7. ELSEWHERE HENDERSON — Mr and -Mrs Cecil Henderson jr. of Des Moine*. la., daughter, Robin Lynn. 8 pounds II ounces The maternal grandm ther is Mrs Rena Smith of Atkinaon. LEE Lt. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee of Ewing, son. Our Lady of Lourdes hospital. N<*rfolk Lt Lee is stationed in Korea, his wife and children are living in Norfolk The other children are with their grandmother, Mrs. An ita Lee of Ewing while their mo ther is hospitalized. KOENIG - Mr and Mrs John Koenig of Clearwater, daughter, September. 26. SAWYER — Mr. and Mrs Wayne Sawyer of Norfolk, son, 7 pounds 14 ounces, Tilden hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Helm rieks of Orchard are the mater nal grandparents REIMAN — Mr. and Mrs. James Reiman of Butte, daugh ter, 7 pounds 11 ounces, Oct. 3. Burke, S. D. hospital. HATCH — Mr and Mrs Wil ford Hatch of Akron, Cok>., son. Edgar Norris, 7 pounds 6 ounces, Oct. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pet erson of Amelia are the maternal grandparents. HOWELL — Mr. and Mrs Wal lace Howell of Omaha, son, Brian Scott, 7 pounds 11 ounces, Sept. 23. Th s is the couple’s first child Mrs. Elsie Howell of Brunswick is the paternal grandmother NELSON — Mr. and Mrs Lee Nelson of Verdigre, daughter, Debbie Jean, 6 pounds 8 3 4 oun ces.’ Sept. 2i. Mrs Nelson is the former Arlene Jensen of Wmne toon. Sick and Injured CHAMBERS — Floyd Whitaker, who has been a patient at the At kinson Memorial hus[>ital for sev eral weeks, was moved Wednes day to the Rest Home at Stuart. . .John Honeywell, who has been a patient at the Veteran’s hos pital in Grand Island returned home Thursday. . Mrs. Herman Holcomb returned Thursday from St. Anthony's hospital in O’Neill where she had been a patient for a week. . .Mrs. Eton Lines was a patient in the Atkinson Memorial hospital a couple days last week. O'Neill Locals Victory Boys and Girls The Victory Boys and Girls held a 4-H club meeting September- 19. Election of officers was held. They are as follows: George colman, leaner; wait r lck, as sistant leader; Ronnie Libby, president; Tom PribiJ, vice pres ident; Roger Banks, secretary; Leonard Butterfield, treasurer; Randy Colman, news reporter; Loran Libby, recreation leader. We gladly welcome any new members who wish to join our club for the coming year. Randy Colman, news reporter. Club Is Organized AMELIA — A newly-organized club, Inez Valley Lucky “15”, has elected the following officers: Carol Winings, president; Albert Timmerman, vice president; M. Timmerman, secretary, and Lois Sladek, reporter. Each member will receive weekly duties and the club will vote on monthly pro jects. The next meeting will be held October 6 with Albert Tim merman in charge. Carol Win ings, Rayene and Mary Timmer man will be attending Conserva tion Day for seventh and eighth graders in O’Neill that day and will be unable to attend. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Young and daughter, Anoka, Minn., vis ited from Friday to Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Edith Young. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murphy and children, Sioux City, visited over the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mur phy. Mrs. Esther Morgan has started employment as desk clerk at the Golden hotel. Planning to attend the Nebras ka-Syracuse football game in Lin coln Saturday are Mrs. Mary Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. Regi nald Pinkerman, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson, Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. John Pray, Ft. •of the week at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grady. Elroy Lieb is a new employee at the Coast to Coast store, start ing his duties there Thursday. Mike Babe, and Jack Sullivan, students at Wayne State Teachers college, were weekend visitors at the home of Jack’s mother, Mrs. Helen Sullivan. Bridal Shower Given VERDIGRE — Miss Gloria Cer nousek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cernousek sr., was honor ed Sunday at a miscellaneous bri dal shower in the Methodist church basement, attended by about 40 guests. Hostesses were Miss Martha Chochoiousek, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson and daughters, Mrs. Ben Dryak and Ellen, Mrs. Robert Novacek and Mrs. Jer ome Mott. Entertainment consis ted of games and a mock wed ding. Miss Cernousek will marry Glen Voiquardsen October 5 at the First Methodist church in Verdigre. WSCS MEETS Members of the WSCS met Thursday in the Methodist church basement. Mrs. Glenn Kennicott was in charge of the program, assisted by Mmes. Hazel Boat man. John Pithan. Carl Schnezel and Frank Eppenbaugh. The ten tative date for the Study class will be October 18. The Women’s O'NKIIX I'llimi < «. Joan Kubitschek Weds John R. Smith In Catholic Rite Marriage vows were exchanged September 30 by Miss Joan Kubit schek, daughter of Dr. A J. Ku bitschek, Atkinson, and John Ro bert Smith, son of Mrs. John Smith, Gandy, in St. Joseph's Ca tholic church, Atkinson. The Rev. Richard J. Parr of ficiatid at the 10 a.m. service. Traditional wedding music was provided by the St. Joseph’s high scltool choir. A floor-length gown of silk or ganza and chantilly lace was chos en by the bride for her wedding. It was fashioned with a fitted bo dice and scalloped neckline en hanced by pearls and iridescent sequins. The bouffant skirt featur ed a back bow and terminated in a chapel train. Her triple-tier veil iif illnviftn uric puitirKt Ku >> /ovnim of seed pearls. She carried a cas cade bouquet of white Fuji mums. Attending her as matron of hon or was her sister, Mrs. John K. Hackleman, US Air Force Aca demy, Colo. She was gowned in a brown street-length sheath of lace and chiffon with scalloped neckline. She carried a cascade society and Wesleyan Service guild will hold a joint meeting October 16 in the basement. The Week of Prayer and Self-Denial will be October Z5-31. The day Apart will be October 26. The eve ning meeting of the WSCS will be October 19. WSCS members are selling pecans and Mmes. Harold Lindberg, Carol Schnezel, John Pithan and Roy Wayman may be contacted. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Emmett Crabb and Mrs. Paul Moseman. Miss Seger Honored A hridal shower was presented Sunday afternoon by Miss Sonita Wilson and Miss Susan Burney at the the Dale Wilson home, hon oring, Miss Linda Seger. Games provided the entertainment, and following the opening of gifts, re freshments were served. Miss Se ger and Bill Eby are to be mar ried in the near future. Junior Auxiliary Meets The regular meeting of the Jun ior Auxiliary was held Saturday in the Legion hall. Nineteen mem bers were present and there are four new members, Anna Marie Devoy, Judy McKenzie, Marion Abart and Joan Etherton. After the business meeting, tray favors were made for the hospital. Plans vember 4 at Shelhamer’s. Bruce Ann McKamy won the attendance award. Lunch committee mem bers were Kathy Hynes, Carolyn McKenzie and Joan Lang an. Dor thy Havranek, news scribe. Achievement Night Members of the Goose Lake 4 H club held its Achievement Night recently at the schoolhouse at which time a review of the past projects was made. Sixteen members completed 24 projects' and there were 43 exhibits by the club at the County Fair earning 1 purple, 12 blue, 24 red and 14 white ribbons. The boys earned a blue herdsmanship ribbon for the club. A red and a white ribbon were received for the two Coun ty Fair demonstrations, and one of the demonstrations earned a red ribbon at the State Fair. Six girls participated in the O’Neill style review and brought home 3 red and 3 white ribbons. Total Fair premiums were 134.93. Plans were made to raise money for the 4-H building. Doretta Butterfield, reporter. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain and family over the weekend were Jerome Gallagher, Ray Woods and Cliff McKenny, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy and Mrs. Ralph Walker spent from Sunday until Tuesday In Omaha on business. Mr. McCar thy and Mrs. W’alker resumed • home Tuesday. Mrs. McCarthy will remain in Omaha visiting her daughters, Mrs. Bernard Pruss « of bronze Fu>i mums The bridegroom's brother, Jack Smith, Gandy, served ns tiest man. Ushers were Paul Kubit schek, Littleton, Colo., inither of the bride, anti Al Smith, Omaha, brother of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony brunch for 00 guests was served at the Knights <*f Columbus hall. St Jo seph's Altar society had charge, and the tables were serve*! by the Misses Micaela Lee, Margaret Se ger, I’at Schneider, Connie Moel ler and Mary Catherine Kilumr ry Mrs Claude F Humphreys baked, decorated and served the wedding cake. The bride is a graduate of St. Joseph's high school, Atkinson, Mount St. Scholastic* college, Achison, Kan., and St Joseph's School of Nursing, Omaha. As a registered nurse, she is employ ed at St. Antfiony's hospital O' Neill. Mr. Smith is a graduate of !>> gun county mgn scnooi, and at tended aviation school in Lincoln. He is manager of Ihe Stuart At kinson airport. Following a wedding trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota, the couple will reside at the Stuart Atkinson airport located on High way 20 midway between Atkinson and Stuart. and Beverly McCarthy, ami will return home Jaler this week. Visiting at the home of Mrs. <-• B Yantzi over the weekend were Mrs. Yantzi’* brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. j, Byers Omaha. Tliey were enruute to their home after visiting Wyo*1* ^ m Casper, Visiting since Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pet ersen were Mr Petersen’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Petersen, and Mrs. Ted Laursen and Julia’ Sioux City, la. They returned home Tuesday. Farewell Party Held A farewell dinner and party was held Tuesday evening at the Tro pical Gardens in honor of M's Tom Anderson. Cards were play ed later at the home of Mrs. l>m McKamy, The Anderson* are moving u> Norfolk and plan fc leave later this month. Extension Cist Meets Extension club met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Marvin Miller. Mrs. Duane Miller conducted the busi ness meeting at which time the new officers were ejected. They are as follows; Mrs. Charles Smith, president; Mrs. Marvin Miller, vice president; Mrs. Jake Hawley, secretary and treasurer. Mis. Charles Smith was appoint ed reading chairman; Mrs Don ald Youmc, music; Mrs. Donald Kokrada, health, and Mrs. Glenn Kenmcott. reporter. Mrs. Gar hn Schoenruck was a visitor. Mrs D. Younie and Mrs. Val Freeburg gave the lesson on cake decorat ing. Later the cakes provided the lunch. The next will be November 2 at the home of Mrs. Donald Kokrada. Annual SMORGASBORD Christ Lutheran Church O'Xeill, .Nebraska WED., OCT. 18 Servinjf from 5 — 8 p.m. Individual tray* for your plate* Menu consists erf American foods as well as Swedish dishes. Appetizers, homemade breads, salads, baked beans, ham, 1 chicken. Swedish meat balls, mashed potatoes, potato m»ta4 or candid sweet potatoes, des serts and coffee. .All you can eat for: Adult* — $1JJO Children — |l