The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 05, 1961, Section Two, Image 12

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To the Winners of
The Homecoming Parade
and the OHS Royalty
TIIK TEAL’HI'.KS AWA4I) went to this float constructed by the
Junior class. It was given the "best constructed award. The large
telephone has the letters, “IMaJ OILS for Victory," Inscribed In the
“l.KT’S HOI* TO VICTORY” theme depicted with a large rabbit
and V represented the freshman class float at the Homecoming
parade Friday afternoon.
! -
THE SENIORS used this old oar as their float entry for the Home
coining parade Friday. A similar oar was driven ahead of this one
with a sign, “Senior Float Next.”
“HAVE BALL WILL SCORE” offers the sophomore class for this
entry in the Friday parade. The entry won second place. Winning
floats were presented to the crowd at half time during the Atkinson
O’Neill game that evening.
FRESHMEN predicted a score “gamble"’ in their float for the
Homecoming parade Friday. The float tied for third place with the
Pep club float.
OHS ROYALTY was presented Friday at lialf t me durint; tin- Vikmson-O'Nelll *ame Vl< rna llntter
Held and Jerry Klleoin were crowned as queen an t ki >K an I their attendants were ns follow*: (1. to r )
Oieryl Craves, freshman; Connie Morrow, sophomo <*; 1>1 >ne t.raves anil Itieh Hill. Juniors; Jay Meloy,
sophomore, anti Don llavranek, freshman. Burk ro i, senior attendants, Connie Brockman and Mike
' Hr ISJf*T
TOI'CH DECISION for tin- students to elect a. II omccomliiK Qu<-»n from such pretty ulrS. There
were five candidates for tills honor which went to JVferna lliiltcrftcld. Connie Itroekiilun \ijis senior at
tcndnnt. Shown lie.e an Vick t.edwlllo, Ilene Nel on nd Itoiinie ItieRC, the three other candidate*.
FIRST PLACE AWARD went to the Future Homemaker* oi America lor tlioir “I dder Defeat"
float with two goats and bale* of hay; the latter represented the Atkinson team which Is known as the
PEP CLUB MEMBERS would have difficulty using this large megaphone in their cheering. It wan
attractive enough to win them a third place tie in th - Homecoming parade Friday, however, and they
didn’t need a magaphone to handle the cheers for th game that evening.
^ THE ATKINSON' BALERS should have been o i their toes Friday night alter thin warning. Holland
•John .n (broken angle in cast) hauls the “O” clu > float which urges, “Spread Em Out Eagle*."