Neal Stoecker Family Spends Leave from Navy with Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stoecker and daughter, Vicki, Oakland, Calif., are spending their leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoecker at Amelia, and with her parents at Valentine. Neal had completed his four-year ser vice in the navy, but has been "frozen" fk of S. C. Barnett’s iCnd birthday anniversary. Those present beside the honored guest were Mrs. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White, U. S. White, Mrs. Link Sageser and Mr. and Mrs. Earme Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bailey, Om aha, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White. Karen Sue Frahm visited over night Thursday with her grand mother, Mrs. Forbes. Douglas und Dannie Frahm, twin grand sons, stayed with her Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking and Cynthia were weekend visit ors in Omaha to attend the Ak Sar-Ben Show. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees were Burwell callers Friday. Mrs. Rees attended the Loup and Gar field County Extension club aciiievement day. Mrs. B. W. Waldo and Mrs. Frank Pierce visited Mrs. Stella Sparks and Mrs. Gertie Adair Tuesday evening while the men attended a feed meeting at Leis walds feed store in Chambers. Edgar Peterson was a Burwell caller Friday. Mrs. Maude Forbes, Mrs. Lin dsey and Florence drove to At kinson Sunday afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leder, Mrs. Lew Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMillan. Lew Forbes is still a patient in Grand Island Veterans hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo were Burwell visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos were business callers in Harwell Monday. Mrs. Edith Andersen was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett. Mrs. Nettie Bilstien of the Swan Lake community was given a surprise birthday dinner Sun day. It was her 87th anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce were among those attending from Amelia. MYF will meet Thursday eve ning (tonight) with Mrs. Edith Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Nicholas, Grand Island, were overnight guests Saturday with his cousin, Elmer Coolidge and Mrs. Cool idge. They visited over Friday night with Mr and Mrs. Bill Ragland enroute from Watertown, S. D., where they had been visit ing their son. The Elmer Coolidge home was the gathering place for the Coo! ldge family relatives Sunday. There were 30 present. Those at tending were Mr and Mrs. Venn Nicholas, Grand Island; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hagg, Mr and Mrs Ronnie McNutt and Cynthia, Mrs Carrie Nicholas, Thelma Nicholas and Lee Nicholas, all of Palmer; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coolidge, Chambers; Vivian Ragland and girl friend, Neligh; Gene Har vey, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland, Juanita and Royvan, Page, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, Stev ie, Terry, Gary and Cynthia. O’ Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Kenneth, Chambers. Mrs. Ragland, Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Mrs. Calvin Cool idge helped Mrs. Elmer Cooiidg. prepare the dinner. Gus Pospichal has an eye in fection and is consulting a doctor in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Birkel and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coufal, Da vid City, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don were fishing at Spencer D.un Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson attended a smorgasbord at Spen cer Sunday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle at tended the birthday dinner for Mrs. Bilstien Sunday. Chambers News Ky Mrs. E. It. Carpenter Card Shower for John Walter on Day of Birthday John Walter was honored by a card shower Saturday on his 95th birthday anniversary. He receiv ed messages and greetings from over 90 of his friends and rela tives. His son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robert son, and his daughter, Mrs. Rena 'Deirking, were his dinner guests Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bernhart and daughter, Tracy, moved recently to a farm at Battle Creek. They have been employed at the Ed win Trennepchl ranch southeast of Chambers. The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox returned Wednesday from Mead, Kan., where they had been visit ing their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Finney and family. Mrs. Cox had tbeen there for about five weeks and the Rev. Cox went to get her September 19. The American Legion auxili ary sponsored a reception for the teachers and patrons of the community at the schoolhouse Monday evening. A short pro gram of songs and skits was presented by Auxiliary mem bers. The Auxiliary president. Mrs. Donald Green, was the an nouncer. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schake, Edgemont, S. D.. came to attend the funeral of her grandfather, Jake Hoffman, held Wednesday at I the Bethany Presbyterian church. The Bernard and Donald Hodman families were at the Kay Hoff man home Wednesday to v.sit with the Schakes who returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Coday and Mrs. Anna Albers drove to Pierce Sunday to attend the district meeting of the American Legion and .Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs Howard Beed and family came Wednesday mght for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beed, and with her parents and other relatives at Inman. Mrs. Ida Anderson, Norfolk, came Friday and is visiting her sister, Mrs Lela Grubb. Mrs. An derson and Mis. Grubb visited their niece, Mrs Howard Jack son in O'Neill Sunday. John Wintermote was a dinner guest of Mrs. Will Lehmann Sun day. The following members of the Woman’s Society of Christian Ser vice of the Methodist church at tended the Fall Seminar at Ew ing Tuesday. Mrs. Gauis Winter mote, Mrs. E. H. Medcalf, Mrs Steve Shavlik, Mrs. G. H Adams, Mrs. Bruce Grimes, Mrs. Ray mond Beed, Mrs. Glen Grimes, Mrs. Raymond Shoemaker, Mrs. Sarah Adams and Mrs. Marie Ly bolt. Th<- Warren Lee family, re cently returned from mission iirv uurL in ihi> vlmueil slides and moving pictures of their work there at the Baptist church Sunday evening. They were also present for other ser vices during the day. Mrs. C. V. Robertson and Mrs. Wayne Stevens, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Skrdla and Mrs. Fred Mack, left early Sunday for North Platte to attend a state meeting of the Federated Garden clubs of Nebraska. This was a three-day meeting. Mrs. James Platt and Mrs. Vernon Smith left for North Platte Monday. E. M. jarman is on a hunting trip in Wyoming this week. Mr. and Mrs. Loy Fluckey were Sunday callers in the Paul Lidgett home. Mrs. Lidgett w;is recently dismissed from St. An thony’s hospital where she had undergone major surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox and family, Ord, were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. C. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grimes and baby have moved to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes, where they will live until Maich 1, 1902. They will move then to their own place northwest of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hanna and Anna, Herman and Willie Schip man were Thursday evening vis iters in the Vem Wilkinson home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fluckey and family and Gordan Fluckey, Hastings, came Sunday to see their mother, Mrs. Art Fluckey at St. Anthony’s hospital in O' Neill. They and Mr. and Mrs. Venn Wilkinson were dinner guests in the Loy Fluckey home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott and Cindy, O’Neill, were Sunday din ner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rockford and family visited at the A1 Rock ford home Sunday. The Sophomore class of the Chambers high school sponsored •a home made ice cream social at the schoolhouse Saturday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. In the magazine subscription contest sponsored by the high school, Judy Beed, sen ior, leads as an individual, with the freshmen ahead as a class. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Logeman vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Logeman at Brunswick Sunday. In the evening her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wright, were their supper guests. Mrs. Jim Ringie and daughter, Karrie, Omaha, are speduig a few days with her parents. Mr and Mrs. E M Jarman Dale Adams and Roger Waldo drove to Lincoln Sunday Houseg.iest* over the week 200 bushel of rolled oats, barley and supplement mixture. GOOD LINE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Everything sells. We have purchased a new mobile home com pletely furnished. Frigidare refrigerator; Norge electric range; Maytag washer; davenport, upholstered sectional; beautiful walnut buffet; dinette set; 1 bedroom suite complete; 2 matching Hollywood double beds with headboards; several lamps; 2 occassional chairs; electric ice cream freezer. TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until *ettl*-d for. E. H. "Spoof' Grace OWNER Ernie Weller A Dean Fleming, Auctioneer*, Atkinson, Nebraska Gilbert Schneider A Maynard Coleman, Clerk*