The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 28, 1961, Image 5

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IM)V MOt'TS OF TBOOP 210 received award - at a Court of lior.or and rookout Tuesday night at
(hrncy park. Shown in the hark row are Committee men Father Ouffy, Jim Holsriaw and Joe Stutz.
Pictured left to right, front row are: Fynn S|»-lls, T nderfoot; Itlek l-icb. Fsmard Parkinwni, {tennis
Jeffrey and Jeff Fymann, all of whom received Second Class badge*. Others not present who earned
Second Class badges were Bob Wilson, Doug I-aursen and Mike MeCarvilie. A swimming merit badge
also was awarded to Jeff Fymann.
• Sharon Snider,
Lyle Larson
Exchange Vows
CLEARWATER - Miss Sharon
K Snider, daughter of Mi. and
Mrs. Melvin Snider, Clearwater,
and Lyle Larson, Lincoln, son ol
Mr and Mrs. Don Larson, Ew
ing, -were united in marriage Sun
day, Sei»t 24, at 3 p.m. in the
Methodist church at Neligh.
Performing tfie double ring cer
canopy in the presence of 200
guests was Rev. L Mewmaw, Vo
cai Uuets were presented by Miss
Linda Larson and Douglas Shra
der, accompanied by Mrs. Don
Snider at the organ
Th< bride appeared in a flour
length gown of Alencon lace and
misty nylon tulle. The basque bo
dice c?f late was fashioned with
a Sabrina neckline trimmed with
pearls and sequins. The bouffant
skirt of tulle over stiadow ruffles
featured scalloped lace panels in
front and alternating tiers of
scalloped lace and tulle in the
bacK. Her flowers consisted of a
bouquet of yellow roses centered
with a removable white orchid
Maid of honor was Muss Bever
ly Snider sister of the bride. Two
other sisters, the Misses Helen
and Bonnie Snider, served as
bridesmaids. The attendants were
attired in identical dresses oi yel
low nylon chiffon over taffeta and
net slips. The dresses were ac
cented by a Schiffli embroidery.
Feature* of the gowns were
square necklines, cap sleeves, set
in midriffs and back bustles of
taffeta. They wore matching hats
with circular veils and carried
crescent bouquets of yellow ro
ses and white pompons.
Larry Larson, Ewing, brother
of the bridegroom, served as
best man. Groomsmen were Don
ald Snider, Coleridge, brother of
the bride, and Gary Warner,
Wayne. Seating the guests were
Marlin Kirchner, Wayne, and
Frederick Wright, Norfolk.
Pamela Allemang was flower
girl and Rocky Neal was ring
At the reception held in the
church {Kiriors following the cer
emony, Mrs. Don Snider cut and
served the cake which was baked
by Mrs. Walter W'esterhoff. Mrs.
Harlan Huake poured coffee.
Serving and assisting at the gift
table were Mrs. Alan Peterson,
and the Misses Donna Sanne,
Joyce Anderson, Jeanne Van Pat
ter, Neligh, Shirley Tinsley, Om
aha and Judy Filsinger, Norfolk.
The bride attended Clearwater
high school and Eden's School of
Hairdressing in Lincoln. She has
been employed as a beauty opera
tor in Neligh and is now employ
ed at Dariel's Beauty Salon in
Mr. Larson attended Ewing
high school and Norfolk Junior
college. He is employed at the
First Continental Bank in Lin
coln, where the couple will re
side at 502 South 12th Street fol
lowing their wedding trip
Donna Mae Fuhrer
Honored at Party
Donna Mae Fuhrer was visited
by members of the Alpha club
Tuesday afternoon when they
helped her celebrate her 29th
Miss Fuhrer, who was stricken
with polio in 1940. is bedridden
and does not have the use of her
hands or legs.
Following the club meeting at
Miss Fuhrer's home, Mrs Al
fred Drayton reviewed “The
Lovely Ambition'' by Mary Ellen
Chase. Miss Fuhrer then told of
her trip to Winner. S. D., in
August when she visited Mr. and
Mrs. Ruben Fuhrer.
The “big thrill” of the trip for
Miss Fuhrer was the plane ride
she had—her first.. She also was
the center of attraction in the
Winner home with many callers
coming to visit her.
Farewell Party Held
For Dr. W. P. Watkins
ORCHARD — After the regular
conference session in the EUB
church Tuesday evening, a fare
well party was held for Dr. W. P.
Watkins.' conference superinten
dent who has been a supervisor
in the eastern district of the Ne
braska Conference for 16 years.
Dr. Watkins has accepted a p>
sition as superintendent of the
Pacific Home at Burbank. Caiif..
beginning November 1.
Mrs. Wendell Wilson was in
charge of arrangements for the
party, and WSWS members aid
ed in preparing refreshments. The
Rev. Mr. Lenz presented a gift
of remembrance to Dr. Watkins.
Gloria Palmer Weds
Ralph Harkins, Sept. 12
EWING — Miss Gloria Dar
lene Palmer, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Palmer, Bartlett, be
came the bnde of Ralph Harkins,
son of Mr. and Mrs Albert Har
kins. Ewing, September 12. The
Rev. Lowell Drake performed the
double ring ceremony at the
Methodist Parsonage in Grand Is
The bri ie. a 1961 graduate of
Wheeler county high school, is
presently attending Grand Island
Business school, and the bride
groom, who has served four
years with the US Navy, is now
employed by Big Chief of Ne
braska. The newlyweds will be at
home at 249*72, South Oak Street
in Grand Island.
Bonnie Jarman,
Roger Bennet
Wed in Colorado
CHAMBERS — Miss Bonnie
Jarman and Roger Bennett, Ft.
Collins, Colo., were united in
marriage August 31 at the Evan
gelical Free church in Ft. Col
lins. The Rev. Ernest Streed con
ducted the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jarman, Ft.
Collins, formerly of Chambers.
Mr Bennett is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lowell Bennett, also
of Ft. Collins.
A ballerina length gown of sa
tin was chosen by the bride. It
was trimmed with rosepoint lace
and sequins. Her veil of French
illusion, outlined with lace and
pearls, fell from a tiara of se
quins and pearls. She carried an
arrangement of pink roses on a
Miss Betty Jesse, maid of hon
or, wore a dress of turquoise silk
with a crystalline oversk rt. Miss
Sally Fieldman, bridesmaid, wore
a similar gown, and they carried
•bouquets of pink gladioli.
The bridegroom was attended
by his brother. James Bennett.
The ushers were Larry Zentz and
Dale Jarman.
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held at the church.
Assisting at this were Mmes. Dale
Jarman, Hollis Champian, Don
ald Grimes and Charles Gustaf
son, and Miss Janet Glahn.
Tne bride is a graduate of the
Ft. Collins high school in 1960,
and has since been empioy-ed at
Forney Industries, Ft. Collins.
Mr Bennett graduated from Ft.
Collins high school in 1959. He is
employed by the Rostek Construc
tion company m Ft. Collins,
where the couple is residing at
1609 Peterson Place.
Roberta McDaniels
Weds Robert Patras
CLEARWATER — Relatives
here have received announce
ments of the marriage of Miss
Roberta Jean McDaniel and Ro
bert Patras, September 14 in the
Baptist wedding chapel at Los
Angeles, Calk'.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDaniel,
and tin bridegroom is the son of
Mrs. Ivadell Sedivy and the late
Lloyd Patras, all of this com
Announce Engagement
VERDIGRE — Mr. and Mrs.
Louis A. Pavlik, Washington, D.
C., former Verdigre residents,
are announcing the approaching
wedding of their daughter,
Jeannette, to Dennis Skokan, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Skokan,
Niobrara, October 28.
The event will take place at
the Lutheran church of the Holy
Comfort. Washington. D. C.
Miss Pavlik is employed at the
First National Bank m Washing
ton. She was formerly employ ed
in the Verdigre Bank when her
father served as bank president.
Sick and Injured
CHAMBERS — Mrs. Louis Har
ley entered the TLkden hospital
Wednesday of last week for med
ical care. . .Mrs. Merle Fagan
submitted to surgery at S:. An
thony's hospital Friday. . X. R
Carpenter returned heme Sunday
from St. Anthony's h •spital whei'e
he had been a patient since Mon
day. . .John Honeywell returned
Saturday to the Veterans hospital
in Grand Island. He had been dis
missed to accompany his wife tc
Omaha for surgery. She is re
cuperating at her home. . .Cecil
Thorton is a patient in St. An
thony's hospital in O'Neill.
O'Neill Locals
Returns from 3000 mile trip
Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Bnttell re
turned Tuesday from a 5000 mile
trip into 10 states and Canada.
They visited Mrs. Bnttell’s son,
S Sgt LaVern Lynch and family
at Loring .AFB, Maine. While
there he took his parents on a
sightseeing trip into Canada.
S Sgt. Lynch, his wife ard
daughter, Cheryl Ann plan to go
soon to England to make their
Mrs. Helen Sullivan spent from
Friday until Sunday at Sioux City,
attending the Iowa Florists as
sociation convention. Techniques
in designing and arranging floral
bouquets. One of the arrange
ments, a bouquet containing 36
carnations, was presented to Mrs
Sunday guests of Mrs. Bessie
Burge and June were Mr. and
Mrs Clyde Burge and family,
Amelia, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Burge and family, Chambers and
Mr and Mrs. Harold Burge.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Block vis
ited in Grand Island last week
with their son and daughter-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Radean Block
and helped him celebrate his
birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lee
baked the birthday cake. Radean
left Sunday for the armed ser
Mrs. Blanche Pick, Canton,
S. D., arrived Saturday to spend
the week with her sister, Mrs.
Dorothy Barrett, and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Havranek. Sunday
dinner guests at the Havranek
home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Vrooman, Atkinson. Guests visit
ing Saturday at the Havranek
home were Mrs. Mark Fahringer.
Bloomfield, and Mrs. A1 Havran
ek. Emmet.
Roy Bridge and Gary Gillespie,
who are attending Nebraska Wes
leyan university in Lincoln, were
weekend guests at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har
nson itsnage and Mr. and Mrs.
Bennett Gillespie.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stor
johann, Scribner, and Bob Stor
johann, Glendale, Calif., were din
ner guests at the home of Mrs.
Minnie Higgins Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spearman,
Ainsworth, were Sunday guests
in the Lowell Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cronin and
family left Thursday for Atlantic
la., where they will make their
home. Tam was recently transfer
red there as manager of the Safe
way store.
Movers shipped the household
goods to their new home Wednes
day. The new manager, John Ed
zards, will move his family into
the house which was occupied by
Cronins Friday, earning here
from Neligh.
Guests Tuesday and overnight
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements
were Mr. Clement’s brother-in
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Car]
Ranchau of Milwaukee. Wise.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mullen
left Monday for a 10 day vacation
to Iowa and Minnesota to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marston
returned Wednesday from Yellow
stone Park, Wyo. where they
have been employed this sum
mer. They report most of the
snow melted but it has been very
cold. They will now reside in
Mrs. Harold Lindberg was hos
tess to the M & M club Tuesday
evening at a 7:30 dessert sup
per at her home. Mrs. C. W.
Porter was a non-member guest.
In the playing of bridge. Mrs.
D. H Clauson and Mrs. Paul
Shierk were high score winners.
Mrs. Sauers Honored
Mrs. Roy Sauers, Long Beach
Calif., who is visiting with her
husband, was guest of honor at
a tea given by Mrs. J. D Osen
baugh Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
and Mrs. Sauers, former O'Neill
residents, have been hduseguests
in the Osenbaugb home, and were
guests the first of the week a*
die trailer h me of Mr. and Mrs.
D. H. Clauson at the Ft Randall
Boat club. They will visit other
friends here and in the vicinity
before returning to their home.
Home on Leave
Merlin Velder, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jerome Velder, and Leonard
Havranek. son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Havranek, returned home
Fridav on leave from San Diego.
Both boys are in 'be Navy and
just completed their six weeks
training. They wiL visit for twe
weeks with family and friends be
fore returning to Sen Diego for
overseas duty.
Cnii>mn S*th Aaihmary
Mr and Mrs Claude Bates Sun
day quietly celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary Present fur
a social afternoon were their son, ■
Wayne Baum, Mrs. Bates and
children. Karen. Linda, Gray dun
and Beth of Emmet and their
daughter, Mrs James Foreman
Mr. Foreman and suns. Byron
and Craig of Winner, S. D. and
John Kee Refreshments of cake
and ice cream were served Mr
and Mrs. Bates reside at £20 E
Everett. They formerly lived on
a ranch south of Emmet before
Off leers are Elected
Mrs Owen Parkinson was elect
ed president of the MNO club
when it met Tuesday at the h >me
of Mrs. William McIntosh with
Mrs. Laurence Haynes as co-hoe
tess. Other officers lor the new
season are as follows: Mrs Mel
vin Marcellus, vice president;
Mrs Ruben Forwood, secretary;
Mrs. Ben Hanlon, treasurer; Mrs
Orville Smdelar, news reporter;
Mrs Eugene Hastrater, health;
Mrs. Joe Terms, music, and Mrs.
McIntosh, reading Ten members
and one guest, Mrs Harlan Mc
Coy. were present. The next meet
;ng will be with Mrs. Hanlon at
which tune a “Chinese” auction
will be held and members are
requested to bring articles to this
PIERSON — Mr. and Mrs. Lew
is Pierson of O’Neill, daughter,
Constance Marie, 7 pounds 8 oun
ces, Sept. 20.
LAMBERT — Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Lambert of O’Neill, daugh
ter, Nancy Elizabeth, 6 pounds
14Vj ounces, Sept. 22.
GOSSARD — Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter Gossard of O’Neill, son, Ran
dy Marvin, 7 pounds 1 ounce,
Sept. 22.
ROTHERHAM - Mr. and Mrs
Jerry Rotherham of Ewing,
daughter, Diane Lea, 7 pounds 9
ounces, Sept. 23. Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Rotherham at Ewing are the
parternal grandparents.
CLYDE — Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Clyde of O’Neill, son, Mich
ael Gene, 7 pounds 4 ounces, Sept.
MURPHY — Mr. and Mrs. Con
nie Murphy of Stuart, daughter,
Colleen Frances, 6 pounds 9 oun
ces, Sept. 19.
VAUGHN — Mr. and Mrs Will
iam Vaughn of Atkinson, son,
Ronald Lee, 7 pounds 11 ounces,
Sept. 20.
SCHEINOST — Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Schemost of Spencer, daugh
ter, Tonya Marie, 6 pounds 8
ounces, Sept. 21.
ELLIS — Mr. and Mrs. Blaine
Ellis of Newport, daughter, Ro
bin Suzette, 7 pounds 4 ounces,
Sept. 22.
JANSEN — Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Jansen of Stuart, son, Casey
Brad. 7 pounds 4 ounces. Sept. 22
WILSON — Mr. and Mrs. Ter
ry Wilson of Stuart, daughter, 7
pounds 15 ounces, Sept 24.
CRAIG — Mr. and Mrs. William
Craig of Orchard, daughter, Kim
berly Rae, 7 pounds 1% ounces.
Sept. 20, Plainview hospital. Mrs
Craig is the former Sandra Perry
of O’Neill.
PETERSON — Mr. and Mrs.
Lowell Peterson of Lincoln,
daughter, 6 pounds 4 ounces, Sept.
AHLERS — Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Ahlers of Wisner, son, Dan
iel Dean, 5 pounds 1 ounces. Sept.
Jl, Westpomt hospital. Mr. and
Mrs. Rudy Ahlers of Ewing are
the paternal grandparents.
BENNETT — Mr. and Mrs
Harold Bennett of Ft. Robinson,
daughter, Jeri, 9 pounds, Sept.
19, Crawford hospital. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Bennett of Ewing are
the paternal grandparents.
NAPIER — Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sel Napier of Sterling, Kans.. son
9 pounds 8 ounces, Sept. 23. Hie
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Web Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Ir
vin Cloyd of Ewing. This is the
coupie s urst cnua.
ICKLER — Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Ickler of Wayne, daughter, Jii]
Kay, 6 pounds 5 ounces, Sept 9,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ickler of Or
chard and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ru
zacka of Verdigne are the grand
NIKS'HL'SER — Mr. and Mrs
Kenneth Nienbuser of Sidney,
son, 8 pounds 1 ounce. Sept. 12.
Mrs. Nienhuser is the former Ar
dith Kocina, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Kocma of Verdi -
gre. The couple now has four
CHRISTON — Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Christon of Colorado City,
Tex., daughter, 7 pounds 7 oun
ces. Sept. 22. The Chnstons now
have three daughters.
MCLAUGHLIN — Mr. and Mrs.
Jim McLaughlin of Naper, son,
6 pounds life ounces, Sept. 22,
Burke, S. D. hospital.
PIKLAPP — Mr. and Mrs
Dwayne Pikiapp of Huron, S. D.,
son. Curtis Mark. 7 pounds 1
ounce. Sept. 24. The couple has
a daughter. Grandparents are
Mrs. Elsie Pikiapp erf Monowi
and Mr. and Mrs. Segmiiler of
Munich, Germany.
PETERSON—Mr. and Mrs. L.
Peterson of Lincoln, daughter.
6 pounds 4 ounces. Sept 20. Mrs.
Peterson is the former Janeii Ce
derburg of Grcnard, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Marian Cederburg
WALTON — Sp. 4 and Mrs
Lester Walton of Ft. Bliss, Tex.,
daughter, Angela Eene, 6 pounds.
Sept. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Park
er of O'Neill are the maternal
GRAGERT — Mr. and Mrs. Ar
nold Gragert of Afcion. son, Ke
vin Frederick, 6 pounds 3 oun
ces, Sept. 23. The maternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Roterham of Ewing.
Hospital Notes
Robert Bengali and Mrs Lewis
Pierson of O’Neill; Mr* Eddie
Krugman at Lynch and Ed Sakup
at Orchard. 21 — LaDana Kupey.
ka of Camas Wash , Mrs Mary
Henning at Atkmaun. George Jet
fenea it Ewmg; Jim P Beeiaert
of Orchard; Mrs Merle Fagan at
Chambers; Mrs Frank Snyder of
Page; Michael Zaairow and Raj
mond Fox of O'Neiii. 22 — Mrs
Tum Lambert, Mrs Lester G-js
sard, Mrs Howard Jackson and
Michael Jean Ttgfie of O'Neill.
23— Mrs Jerry Rotherham of
Ewing; Emil Hrbek of Lynch;
Dennis Bridge of Royal, Mrs
Richard Clyde. Mrs. William Mc
Intosh and Mrs. Edward Camp
bell of 0'Neui. 24 — Mrs Clifford
Sawyer of Inman, Donald W. Day
of Bartlett; Mrs. Don Ebberry,
Mrs. Clara O'Connell and Mrs.
G A Miles of O’Neill 25 — Mrs
William Ritterimsh at Chambers.
36 — Fred Perry of Emmet and
Ronald Haselhorst of O'Neill. 27
—Ruyce Wright of Ewing.
DISMISSALS: Sept. 26 — Mrs
Hugo Fletcher and Mrs. Clarence
Whaley of O'Neiii. 21 — Ed Su
kap of Orchard; La Dona K«pejt
ka of Camas, Wash.; Mrs. James
Rodman and baby girl, Mrs
LaVem Caskey and baby girl and
Dwam Crandall of O'Neill 22 —
George Jefferies of Ewing; Mrs
R. Bengan, Mrs. L. ReynokLson
and R. Fox of O'Neill 24-J. P
Beeiaert of Orchard; E. R. Car
penter of Chambers; Mrs. Eddie
Krugman of Lynch; Mrs. Lewis
Pierson and baby girl, Mrs. Fran
cis Musi and baby girl and Mrs
William McIntosh of O’Neill. 25
—Mrs. Louis Zahradnieek of At
xinson ana jvirs r rang ooyaer oi
Page. 26 — Mrs. G. A. Miles,
Mrs. Richard Clyde and baby boy.
Michal Jean Tighe, Gerald Sch
maderer and Mrs. Lester Gossard
_.-id baby boy of O’Neill. 27 —
Dennis Bridge of Royal; Mrs
William Ritterbush of Chambers;
Michael Zastrow, Rickey Raute*
kus, Carl Grosse and Ronald Ha
selhorst of O’Neill.
EXPIRED Sept 26 — Fred
Perry of Emmet. 27 — Mrs. Clara
O’Connell of O’Neill.
ADMITTED: Sept. 18 — Mrs
Frank Disterhcupt and Hubert
Ramold of Atkinson. 19—Mrs
Connie Murphy and Henry Tim
mermans of Stuart. 20 — Mrs.
Richard Klinger, Mrs. William
Vaughn, Eugene Karr and Mrs
Elmore Blain of Atkinson. 21
Carl Anderson of Atkinson; Ke
vin Shaid of Stuart and Mrs. Gary
Schemost of Spencer. 22 — Mrs.
Blaine Ellis of Newport; Mrs.
Charles Jansen and J. S. Hoffman
of Stuart; Mark Asimus of O’
Neill and Richard Galyan of At
kinson. 23 — Mrs. Wesley Cobb
of Stuart. 24 — Mrs. Terry Wil
son of Stuart and John Mohr of
DISMISSED: Sept 18 — John
Lucht of Ainsworth. 19 — Mrs.
Jim Jarman and baby of Bas
sett. 21 — Mrs. Joe Winkler of
Emmet; Mrs. Elmore Blain and
Mrs. Richard Klinger of Atkin
son. 22 — Mrs Frank Svoboda
and Clifford Orr of Atkinson. 23—
Mrs. Connie Murphy and baby
and Mrs. Martin Miksch and ba
by of Stuart. 24 — Mrs. William
Vaughn and baby, Eugene Karr
and Mrs. Orland Fryrear of At
kinson; Mark Asimus of O’Neill
ADMITTED: Sept 19-25 — Ba
by Karla Jean Classen, E. L. Hag
berg and Rickey Dean Loock of
Spencer; Mrs. Elmer Frank and
Mrs. Roscoe Creekmur of Bone
steel, S. D.; Mrs. Casper Hasel
horst of Bristow; Mrs. Arthur
Retzlaff and Mrs. Leman Huber
of Lynch and Lynelle Breyer of
DISMISSED: Sept. 20 — Mrs
Robert Classen of Spencer, Or
vyl Femau of Butte and Mrs.
Leonard Neilsen of Verdel. 22 —
Mrs. James McAllister of Spen
cer and Timothy Baldwin of
Bonesteel, S. D. 23 — Henry Ma
ly of Spencer.
EXPIRED: Sept. 22 — Mrs.
F. H. Weibelhaus of Fairfax.
S D.
Voorhies Named
In Top Students
ORCHARD — Michael Voor
hies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Voorhies, is listed among
the top 20 scholars among the
’upper classmen at the University
of Nebraska.
Voorhies. in the college of arts
and science, is a geology major
with minors in mathematics and
Justice Court
sept. 21 — Albert LaFane.
Burke. South Dakota, No recip
rocity, fined $10 and costs, officer
Clifford Kizzire.
Sept 21 — Dwight McGee. Dri
ver for Buckingham Freight
lines. Overgross on Interior
Group of Axles, fined $60.00 and
costs. Officer, Kizzire.
Sept. 23 — Marvin Schwartz.
Buckeye, la., No Reciprocity, fin
ed $10 and costs, Officer, Kiz
Sept. 23 — Ernest Francis Bon
ney, Omaha, Nebraska, No 1961
Trailer plate, fined $10 and costs,
officer, Donald Richardson.
Sept. 24 — Clyde Huddle, Mul
len, Nebr. No 1, Overweight on
Interior Group of Axles; No. 2,
Overweight on Capacity Plate:
No. 3. No Registration Certificate,
fined $80 and costs, Officer, Clif
ford Kizzire.
Sept. 24 — Jrunes H. Bates,
Beatrice. Near., No. 1 Overgross
on Interior Group of Axles; No. 2.
Overweight cn Capacity Plate,
fined $B0 and costs. Officer. Clif
ford Kizzire.
Sept. 25 — John Heine * Con
ard. O’Neili- Nebr.. Intoxication,
fined $15 and costs. Officer. John
At The
tmrnucr cxh bt -
Sfpt 36 — Clarets.-* E W nth
0"Setfl, v». Robert M »ee. <Jb*
Mem Dr. Pepprr Bottling eo.
Bruce Dodson Cc~. asks knap
sum settlement dt $75*38 ! >r u>
Junes and loss rf ume resulting
from an accident April 7, 1*U.
Sept 25 — Public Finance On.,
vs Wilma Weber, summary
judgment awarded as favor of
Sept 21 — Robert Morrell. Hy
ann •* tught speeding f ried $10
and costs, officer R L. Gude
Sept 2! — Orvalle Svua
Chambers. ftcttcvmg license
plates, fined $10 and costs, offi
cer E. M. Hast res ter
Sept. 22 — Ronald L Carey,
Ames, la., da> speeding, fined
$15 and costa, officer E. M Has
Sept 22 — Robert Ollendick.
Chambers, driving under the in
fluence of alcoholic liqu>r. fined
$100 and costs and drivers licens
suspended for six months.
Sept. 26 — Frank Pechuta. Co
k*me S D , night speeding, fin
ed $10 and coots, officer H L
Sv-tk 26 —* Donald J Watson.
LeMars, la., night sj»eeding fm
ed $10 and costs, officer R L
Sept 26 — William R Wemrich
Hinton. is., speeding, lined >10
and costs, officer R L Gude
Band Parent Club
Formed at Verdigre
VERDIGRE A Band Parent
club was organized at a meet
ing Tuesday evening held in the
music room
Band director, Julius R. Muel
ler has announced the formation
of a beginners band which will
lie held every Tuesday and
Thursday from 1:15 to 1:45 p.m
There are 23 students in the
senior hand.
Confirmation Rites
Held at Verdigre
VERDIGRE — September 20
at 10:30 a m., the Most Rev.
Gerald T. Bergan, DD. of the
Omaha Archdiocese, admini
stered the holy sacrament of con
firmation to a class of 63 candi
dates in St. Wenceslaus Catholic
The confirmans were Sheila
Barta, Robert Block, Susan
Block, Thomas Block. Angela
Cernousek, Vaneta Coover,
Duane Dufek, Dwight Dufek. Rita
Dvorak, Terrance Dvorak, David
Effle, Elaine Fuchtman. Bradley
Hansen, Richard Harder, James
Hawke, Linda Holan.
Bonnie Jaros, Marlene Jedlic
ka. Dale Jelinek. Vivian Jelinek.
Jackie Jensen, Beverly Kment,
Roger Kotrous, Blain Larson,
Marcia Liska, James Mlady,
Diane McCormick, Cheryl Nova
cek, David Pavlik, Dennis Pav
lik, linda Pavlik, Peter Pavlik,
Lynn Prokop.
Cecil Rudloff, Joseph Rudloff,
Roberta Ruzicka, Jeremy San
doz, Mary Sandoz, Connie
Schreier, Philip Schreier, Scott
Schreier, Stephen Schreier, Tere
sa Schreier, David Sukup, Ve
ronica Sukup, Jeanne Tichy
Joan Tichy, Lucile Ulrich,
Daniel Vakoc, Patricia Vakoc,
Karen VIcan, Joyce Zila, William
Fanta, Edw'ard Jiracek, Jerry
Konopasek, Mrs. Gordon Burk
hardt, Mrs. Leonard Dufek, Mrs.
Elmer Pavelka and Mrs. Marvin
Assisting in the services were
the Rev. W. F. Lordemann, Os
mond; the Rev. F. P. Kenney,
Plainview; the Rev. P. E.
Schneider, Creighton: the Rev.
J. Hunkeler. Bloomfield, the Rev.
J. W. McNally, Niobrara, and
the Rev. C J. Obomy, local pas
Penney Store
To Begin New
Credit Plan
John Enke manager of the J.
C. Penney Company department
store, of ’ O'Neill, announced to
day that the store will offer
charge account privileges to cus
tomers beginning October 5.
The Penney credit plan will
make available to customers the
newest type of charge account
in both Penney s charge account
and the Time Payment Plan.
The Penney's charge account
is a 30-day charge account which
makes is possible for a customer
to pay an account in full within
30 days of billing date without a
service charge. This plan also
provides an option for customers
who wish to spread payments
over a longer period. Each
month a bill is received the cus
tomer can pay it in full, without
service charge, or pay a de
signated amount and extend the
balance over a longer period.
Minimum amounts vary from
one-fourth to one-sixth of the
total bill.
Kunz Family
Holds Reunion
STUART — For the first in 40
years the children of Mrs, Emma
Kunz were able to be together
for a family reunion Thursday
at th--* home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dana Bigelow.
The children are Leo, Caldwell,
Ida.: Ai F . Boise Ida.; George,
Omaha: Callista Weichman, Mrs
Dana P.igelow, Bert J and Ed
ward C-. all of Stuart; Emil R.,
Vista. Calif.: Mrs. Paul Preston,
Freeport, ID., and Mrs Jim
Flanuigan, Sutherland.
Others attending the reunion
were the George Kohle family,
the Milton Weichman family,
Stuart; Vince Rotherham family,
Niobrara; Mrs. Burt Clayton and
Danny, Lincoln; Mrs. Al Kunz,
Boise. Ida.; Mr and Mrs. Ray
Petringer Brighton. Colo., and
Jim Flannigan, Sutherland.
Kliments Observe
20th Anniversary
la*uis F Kilunttii jr„ were sur
prised by friend* and relatives
who came to their hutn<* Sunday
t<> help them oharrvr their 30th
wedding anniversary
Theme attending were Mr and
Mrs H*-rt»crt Kaiser. O'Neill.
Mr and Mrs Henry Kliment and
family, Wausa; Mr ami Mrs
Law Thorapaon and family.
Kkmmfield; Mr and Mrs Ray
mond Souoek and family, Verdi
gr*. Mr and Mr* James U>Nas
and family. Mr ami Mrs Ray
1 *>liia* and family Mr and Mrs
Nurbart Ikibia* and family and
Mr and Mrs Richard Uerrmer
and daughter, all of Atkinson,
ami Mr* Anges Melena and
family, Amelia
R. Long Dismissed
From Neligh Hospital
LYNCH Randy ling was
dismissed Sunday from ttie Ante
k»jH- Memorial ho*pital in Ne
ligh where he was given further
medical treatment in the care of
a broken collarbone winch oc
curred September 15
Preliminary treatment was
made at the Lynch hospital. It
was necessary' to put his should
er* in a brace to ki-ep the tune
Neighbors Hold
Haying Bee for
Verdigre Man
VERDIGRE Neighbors and
friends have let a liand to Wally
Sukup Verdigre farmer who has
been 111 the past month and Is a
patient in Our Lidy of l>mriles
hospital at Norfolk
Fourteen men met last week
and spent a day rrvwing 200
acres of hay anti alfalfa, and the
following day 22 fnends gathered
at the Sukup farm to put up the
hay and alfalfa
Assisting were the following
men Leo Sukup, Gordon Burk
hardt, Vac Kotrous, Ia*wis
Frank, Li ward Sukup. Vernon
Effle, Dan Sukup. Donald Effle,
Stanley Ickler, Raymond Sukup,
I ester Kffle, Lawr ence Sukup,
Harold Effle, Elmer Sukup,
Arthur Sukup. Adolph Sukup.
Henry- Sukup, Floyd Sukup, El
mer Kotrous, Johnny Sukup.
Richard Raff and Maurice I>wi
Preparing and serving meals
were Mmes Johnny Sukup,
Adolph Sukup. Raymond Sukup.
Leo Sukup, Harold Effle and
Frank Vecera. and Miss Judy
Verdigre Plan*
TV Improvements
VERDIGRE — If members of
the Verdigre Television commit
tee do not comply by’ October 31
with regulations set by the
Federal Communications com
mission, the local television
boosters will be shut down
Henry' Prokop. Otto Jedlicka
jr., L E. Mastalir, Henry Frank
and Clifford L. Schreier, commit
tee members, have ordered a
new unit for channel 13 which
will meet with Commission
specifications. Six hundred dol
lars will have to be raised for
channel 2 conversion.
Service* Held for
Mr*. A. Weibelhaus
FT. RANDALL — Funeral ser
vices were held Tuesday at 10
a m in St. Anthony’s church at
Fairfax, S. D., for Mrs. Anna
Weibelhaus, 80, Fairfax, who died
Friday, Sept. 22
Rosary was recited Monday
evening at the church Interment
under the arrangements of the
Jones Funeral home at Spencer
was in St. Anthony’s cemetery.
Survivors are her husband,
Ferd Weibelhaus; two daughters,
Mrs. Thomas Donlin, Bristow,
and Mrs. William Opbroek, Bone
steel, S. D., and two sons, Cyril,
Boring, Ore., and Virgil, Spring
field, Penn.
Christ Lutheran
Church is Host
For Zone Rally
An all-day meeting was held
Tuesday when the Christ Luthe
ran church was host to 102 wo
men from U area churches and
two guest churches for the annual
Zone Rally.
Representatives were present
from Ainsworth, Atkinson, Bur
ton, Chambers, Orchard, Jami
son, Lynch. Spencer. Butte and
Fairfax, S. D. The guest churches
were Madison and Norfolk
Mrs. Gail Robart, Norfolk, dis
trict representative, gave a re
port in the morning following
registration by Mrs Bud Krug
man and Mrs Bill Meyer*. Mrs.
Arnold Huelle. Long Pine, Zone
president, conducted the business
meeting Opening devotions were
by the Rev. Alvin Lade, Ains
worth. who presented the after
noon program. Mrs. Walter Ohi
marm, Ainsworth, Zone delegate
to the national convention, pre
sented a report .
The welcome was by Mrs. Har
old Mlinar. The Rev. A S. Ged
wiilo conducted the Bible quiz.
An election of officers was held
with the following results: Mrs.
Troy Shaw, Burton, president;
Mrs John Heermann, Jamison,
vice president; Mrs. Harold Mi
canek, Lynch, secretary, and
Mrs. Duane Grossmcklaus,
Chambers, treasurer. The last
three officers were re-elected.
Entertainment was furnished
by the O'Neill society under the
direction of Mrs Don Younie.
On th^ program were Mmes Don
Larson. Charles Smith, Bud
Krugman. Harold Mlinar and
Younie. The luncheon was under
the chairmanship of Mrs. Fred
Timmerman. Mrs. Duane McKay
and Mrs. Alvin Heese were in
charge of the coffee hour.
Irene Ruzicka
Assumes Job of
Extension Agent
Irene lUukka tlsrkaisi. »i»
Irr *«# Melvin RlBlrki. O Neill,
and a frequent visitor here, haa
assumed t**r duties as . sinty
extension agent of Krya Paha.
Brown and Ituck ruuntlri with
headquarters In the Unawn
county courthouse at Ainsworth.
Miss Ituruka received her
bachekw of science degree in
h»*me economic* from «w Uni
versity of Net«raska tti June. Site
trained as assistant estenahei
agent tn Vatley county lehwa
mov ing to Ainsworth
Former Resident
Of Clearwater
Dies in Oregon
tav-n received id the tk-alh i< a
former Clearwater rrsi.tcnt A C.
Uridrl, 55. Srptrmlier 15 at Med
ford Ore l «ciith was caused by
a heart attack
Funeral srrvtora were held in
Medford September 18
Mr t’ridel lived in <Varwater
for a number of years and
graduated from high school here
ill- iiitnru u» iii* *»» **■«•■»* «•
* yiMjnii man.
Survivors include his wife two
(laughters 21 and 17; his mother,
Mr* Emily l'rule!, drarwater.
and a sister. Mr* Paul Pierce.
Orchard Girl
Injures Arm
ORCHARD Joanne Putter
field, daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Ed Butterfield, suffered cuts
near her wrists and shoulder
when she accidentally ran her
arm through a di*>r window.
Tlx* accident occurred when
she was running up the stairs
from the basement and apparent
ly tripped, hitting tier arm
against the kitrtien dour window
Twelve stitches were taken to
cloae each wound
Undergoes Surgery
SPENCER I *r .1 C Mar
cum underwent major surgery In
tlx* Metis slist hospital, Sioux
City, la l»r Marcum practical#
at Spencer
Spencer Church
Welcomes Pastor
SPENCER The Rev. and
Mrs Ixiri Olmsted and family,
former O'Neill imstor and real
dents. were tionorcd recently t/y
memt>ers of ttx Wesleyan Metho
diat church in Spencer at a wel
coming stiower and program held
in the church basement
A short program was pre
sented by program leaders, Mrs
Ralph Wurtr ami Mr* (iordon
Keller Group singing was Led
by Mrs Earl Homhack Gift#
were presented to the Olmsteds
by Mrs Paul Netoon, Mr*. Rut
land Hortmck ami Mr*. John
Phone Your News to
The Frontier—
Phone 788
PhoiM 788 O'Naill
Paul Shierk
lanuntaer of AH
rri. Xmt. S«-pt. 2»-M
John Agar K.: chard Boone
_ and
Son.-Mon.-THr*. Oct. 1-2*
Troy Donahue Claudette Oolbert
Karl Malden Dean J agger
Oct. 4*4-7
Marion Brando Karl Malden