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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1961)
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper __Volume 81—Number 22_O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, September 21, 1961 1 Seven Cent* A Poem From Mrs. Eby ... —Be careful what you say— In speaking of another’s faults, Pray don’t forget your own; Remember those with homes of glass should never throw a stone. If we have nothing else to do but talk of those who sin, Tis better we commence at home and from that point begin, We have no right to judge a man until he’s fairly tried; Should we not like his company, we know the world is wide, Some may have faults—and who has not—the old as well as young, Perhaps we may, for aught we know, have fifty to their one. I’ll tell you of a better plan, you’ll find it works quite well I try my own defects to cure be fore I, of others tell, And I ne’er expect to be free from mistakes below. My own shortcomings bid me let the faults of others go. Then let 'as all when we begin to slander friend or foe. Think of the harm one word may do to those we little know, Remember, curses sometimes like Our chickens “roost at home”. Don’t speak of others faults until you have none of your own. (Selected) FREE Wedding Dance U SUNDAY, SEPT. 24 Summerland Ballroom Ewing, Nebr. Conda Couch Larry Williamson Lynch News By Mrs. Fred King Randy Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jay Lung, broke his collarbone Friday. He remained in the Lynch hospital until Mon day and was the taken to the Ne ligh hospital where he may have surgery on his shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Barnes, Oakland, arrived Thursday for a visit at the Bud Rutledge home. They left for their home Satur day. Visitors at the Wilmer Craw ford home over the weekend were Linda Stangl, Coen Rapids, la., Judy Brokol, Sopkins, Minn., and LaVorne Schroeder, Omaha. They attended Commercial school with Janice Crawford at Omaha last year. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman, Spencer, spent Sunday evening at the Wilmer Crawford home. Mrs. Crawford and Janice and Mrs. Coleman were in O’Neill Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomson are building two rooms and a garage on their present home. Mrs. Bill Elsasser, Mrs. Jake Erlenbush and Mrs. Leman Hu ber were in O’Neill on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Greene and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Osborne took Ruth and Marlin Barnes back to college at Wayne Sunday. They had spent the weekend here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber were guests at Put Osbornes Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. E;1 Coulter, Hoop er, and Mrs. Elsie Richardson, Council Bluffs, la., came Wednes day to visit a few days at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber and Mrs. Edith Thayer. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Erlen bush and boys are moving to the Ed Mulhair house, this week. Mrs. Lena Johnson owns SAVE 34< ON EACH PIECE! • Fire Polished Crystal YOUR • Early American Pattern CHOICE Decorative and useful pieces so typical of early America. Choose several pieces in the Priscilla Prescut pattern. Fire polished Anchor glass. MIRRO Planter Cookie Set 99* 73< Reg. 1.98 valu* Reg. l.U value. Aqua - mafic ,5% x lOK-in. p ant^ bw* and ^ plated stand. cookie cuttew. EVERYONE SAVES AT DOLLAR DAYS! BARELEO NYLONS Regular TFO 98c Pair g Sheer, run resistant nylons in 2 shades. 15-denier co ordinated lengths. 814-11. LOOK FOR THESE BIO DOLLAR STRETCHER BUTS 2.98 knidc knock 9- fgff drawer cabinet. I** 49e plastic dampeo i»g clothes bag. Ironing board pad cover. Reg. 1.49. 1.98 coke cover, sure lock sides. 1“ 25c sham bottom 6F«r tumblers. 12-ax. 99c Box of 100 enve- wt r lopes. Reg. 39c C — Patton's O'Neill the house which they have va cated. She will be moving here soon from Monowi. Mrs. Don Stewart called on Mrs. Edith Thayer Monday morn ing. Mrs. Frank Bessert, Mitchell, came to O’Neill Friday and was met by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mul hair. She will visit relatives here this week. The Rev. and Mrs. Lester Spragg and Vickie, Ewing, an 1 the Rev. Mr. Parker, who lives on the east coast, were in Lynch visiting Monday afternoon. The Rev. Parker will conduct servi ces at the First Methodist church in Ewing this week. The last meeting will be Friday evening. From there he will go to Okla homa for a few weeks. Mrs. Juia Hasenpflug spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Mary Fusch. Emil Koval was here for the weekend. He is employed at Ce dar Rapids, la. Mrs. Bill Elasser and Jeanette are living here now Mr F.lsnc. ser is still working in Sioux Falls. Jeanette attends high school here. Jerry Hull and Joyce McGill were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spen cer. Miss McGill is teaching near Verdel. She has been employed through the summer months at a game lodge in the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Seiler en tertained the card club Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bjornsen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kal kowski and family spent Sunday at the Leonard Havranek home. Mrs. Bjornsen, Mrs. Havranek and Mrs. Kalkowski were in O’ Neill on business Monday Mrs. Rollin Homback and child ren called on Mrs. Bill Spencer Monday. The Excello club met at the home of Mrs. Ray Counts Mon day night. The American Legion auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Jake Birmeier Monday night. Mrs. Dun Allen was assisting hostess Mr. and Mrs. Ben Owens, Wag ner, S. D., visited at the Lloyd S'pencer home Sunday. Mr. Spen cer worked for Mr. Owens years ago. Mr and Mrs. Harry Smith West Plains, Mo., who were re sidents here 44 years ago, were visiting friends here Saturday. They lived on the farm former ly owned by Sid Baker. The Dorcas Society of the Seventh Day Adventist church held the monthly social at the home of Frances Masden last week. There were about 20 pre sent. Miss Masden served a sup per to the group. Mrs. Charles White, the former Mardel Potter, reports to her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter, that she visited with Mrs D. T. Hawley and family in Washing ton, D. C., recently. Elder and Mrs. Hawley have been in Pakis tan for the past five years. They arrived in the states in August They will visit relatives in Mis sissippi and South Dakota before visiting in Nebraska. A /T r, ^ J AT_at_:_•_ • -*■’*-* • o. *iiui w aig vio“ ited Fred Spencers Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spencer and family, Alvo, visited there Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halva and Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Purviance, Rita and Leslie, were luncheon guests Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halva were Sunday evening guests at the Bill Halva home. Mr. and Mrs. Jr Liska and son, Niobrara, were supper guests there. Bill Halva left Tuesday for Omaha where he will be induct ed into the army. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cozine and family went to Stickney, S. D.‘ to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Bueh ler Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson were supper and overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Christensen Saturday. Mrs. Art Wilson was a dinner guest Sunday at the home of Mr* and Mrs. Claude Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson were supper guests Sunday evening at the home of Frances Masden, Verdel. Mrs. Earl Reiser, Butte, a sis ter of the Mr. Harrison James, left Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison James and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry James, Mesa, Ariz. Sharon Courtney spent Tuesday night with Alice Halstead. Pastor and Mrs. Burgdorf spent Wednesday evening at the Dale Bessert home. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Emme were in Butte on business Wed nesday. Mrs. David, Mrs. Retzlaff and Mr. Miller took the Lynch Baton twirlers to the Neligh band clin ic Friday. Those attending were Pam David, Rita Purviance, Lin da Tonner, Dorene Courtney, Shirely Moody, Darla Ducker, Di ana Spencer, Velene Wickersham. Gloria Retzlaff, Sharon Christer sen and Nancy Kotas. Loris Block missed school Thursday because of illness. She became ill Wednesday in school. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Retzlaff, Gloria and Rodney, attended the Mission Festival at St. John Lu theran church four miles north east of Pierce Sunday morning. After services they visited with many friends and relatives this -being the church Mr. and and Mrs. Retzlaff attended in their youth. In the evening they attend-1 ed the wedding of Mrs. Retzlaff’s niece, Phyllis Fuhrman and Ken nard Wochman at the Hoskins Lu theran church. Gloria Retzlaff was in charge of the gifts. Mr. Retzlaff was an usher. Mrs. Rctz laff assisted in cutting and serv ing the wedding cake. Pastor and Mrs. Burgdorf visit ed Tuesday evening with the Bob Dittman and Ray Howard family. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiser visited in some of the western states with relatives and friends for two weeks. Larry Wickersham fractured his thumb in a fall Sunday. Meek News Bv Mrs. Fred IJndberg Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull at tended a party in O’Neill Satur day night at the Duane Booth home. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carroll and daugh ter, Laura Meyers, Irene and Judy Booth. The occasion mark ed Duane’s birthday celebration. Mr. and Mrs Bennie Johring and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and Norma were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Christine Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and Kathy and Storrs McMillan were Friday evening callers at the Elmer Devall home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters were supper guests Monday night at the Virgil Hubby home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus and family and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Watson and family sur prised the Carl Krogh family Fri day night when they arrived with filled lunch baskets. The occa r-— sion marked Carl’s birthday cele bration. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen, St. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Jacobsen and family, Flat Center, and Mr. Nyal Rouse, Chambers, were Sunday dinner guests at the Carl Krogh home. Emmet Slaight and Mary Pet erson were Sunday callers at the home of Delia Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmitz vis ited at the Ed Koenig home, Fairfax, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Gerald Harding entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hard ing and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg at her home Wednesday night. The occasion marked Mrs. Ver non Harding’s birthday celebra tion. Gerald Harding arrived Fri day morning from California. He plans to remain here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Loran Libby, Page, were in Norfolk Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles were dinner guests at the Clar ence Ernst home Saturday. Sun day they were callers at the Ben nie Johring home. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Berry, Kadoka, S. D., Mrs. Clara Lar son, Lincoln, and Mrs. Jessie Kaczor returned from a trip Fri day evening. Saturday Mrs. Lar son accompanied the Berrys to their home in South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson were Friday evening visitors at the Virgil Hubby home. Many dinners have been given in honor of Martha Johring’s birthday. Minnie Higgins enter tained Wednesday noon. Thurs day she had supper at the Mel vin Johring home. Friday eve ning she was a supper guest at the Dave Jensen home. Satur day noon the Donald Johrings, Clearwater, entertained for her and Sunday she spent the day at the Bennie Johring home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmitz and Jerry and Mildred were Sunday guests at the Joe 9chmitz home, Bonesteel, S. D. Levi Hull was a Sunday dinner guest at the Loyal Hull home. Pad dock Community aid met at the home of Mrs. Dale Ro berts Wednesday. Marjorie Nel son had charge of the scrip ture reading. Finished quilt blocks were turned in and more material was distributed to make blocks for another quilt. Della Haraing, Margretha Kac zor, Deloris Woidneck and Ma bel Devall received gifts from secret pals” . Several visitors and most of the regular mem bers were present. Lunch was served. Next meeting will be October 4 at the home of Mar ion Woidneck. Mrs. Howard Rouse and Lloyd made a business trip to Norfolk Monday. Kathy Devall attended the wed ding of Marvin Young and Valda Bahr, South Sioux City, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young help ed Mrs. Walter Devall celebrate her birthday Tuesday evening at the Walter Devall home. Pamela Hammerlun and Betty Miller, 4-H girls, received a les son on making pizza Sunday af ternoon at the Lawrence Dobro volny home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ferna'u were Monday night supper guests at the Austin Searles home. Mrs. Byron Piner, Page was a Thursday visitor at Axel Borg’s. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth and family, Carter Lake, spent the weekend visiting home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cassidy and family, San Diego, Calif., and Mrs. Thirza Crawford, Lynch, were Sunday visitors at the Ted Crawford home. Monday the neighbors around 9cottville gathered with garden tools and a power mower and cleaned the cemetery. Roger Roscnkrans purchased a milk cow at the Cliff Fleming sale last week and Wednesday she gave birth to twin heifer calves which they named Ilip per and Hypo. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anson, At kinson, Mr. and Mrs. Orland An son, Newport, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and family and Mr and Mrs. Leland Anson and family, Spencer, were supper guests Sunday evening at the De wayne Anson home. Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and family were Friday evening visitors at the De way ne Anson home. Dorsey News Hy Mrs. Harold Osborn Mrs. Lucy Hrbek is staying at the Ed Hrbek home since the death of her son, Elvin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and family and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Graham were Sunday din ner guests at the Floyd France home in Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Buss Green were Sunday dinner guests at the Har old Osborn home Sunday. John Derickson was a Saturday evening visitor at the Alfred Lin quist home. Mrs. Robert Wells and boys spent Friday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ha ward Slack. She consulted a doc tor as she had stepped on a nail and now has to be on crutches for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bart a and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn re turned home Tuesday night from Waynesville, Mo., where they had sj>ent the weekend at the home of Sgt. and Mrs. Vernon Oleson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greene ac companied the Osborn’s and Mar lin Barnes to Wayne Sunday after the latter two spent the weekend at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta vis ited at the William Kalal home in Verdigre Friday evening. The Scottville Extension club met at the Thomas Hiscocks home Tuesday evening. It was the first meeting of the fall season. John Derickson has been help ing at the Drobny home with si lage. Rodrick Hughes spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Derick son and family visited at the John Derickson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Drobny and family were Lynch visitors Saturday evening. Glen Jenkins visited Jerry Ros enkrans Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg and Mrs. Ruth Worth and child ren, Omaha, visited at the Roger Rosenkrans home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Rosenkrans, O’Neill, visited Monday at the Ro ger Rosenkrans home. 1 ' Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 ----i l‘^:r*~Et>AR ch*st I / fi®9. 39.95 / ~§£ORTC^ inters! h^ma&mz / fio0fc . °°m for r / Coa^ Vesfs j / Re9-38^88 / 39" Rnv"*' /'5 ^ °* Spp«VG :*~v‘"c ”ooMiulrc L t6' Living ~~—~ /2^oo I 9*“RUG,,ool • Black or Brown Tweed ^ | Q 100% Rayon _ —-- l Reg. 74.95 1 7 PC. DINETTE qq 1 # 36 x 60 Melamine Table Top Qi| i 15Z’Living room suite ! 1. ■» ** ■— ^ 219° | 1 • Molded Foam Back 1 1 mTliving «oo» S • High styled Beige Yarn Cover / Jj ^ | . Molded Foam Arms and Back Mm - 1 tit living goom suite . High Grade Nylon Turquoise Cover 1 7 QOU I • foam Rubber Cushions Em Reg. 6.95 Reg. 3.89 Reg. 9.95 Reg. 6.95 COFFEE Square TABLE DINETTE i , , WASTEBASKET CHAIRS Limed Oak or Walnut 3 Way Switch Chrome or Bronze >5|3*8*5