Mardelle Johnson Wads Larry Combs At Norfolk NORFOLK — A former resi dent of O'Neill, Miss Mardele Jo Ann .Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans, Norfolk, and Larry Randall Combs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Combs, South Charleston, W. Va., were united in marriage September 10 at 3 p.m. in the First Methodist church, Norfolk. Officiating at the ceremony was the Rev. Melvin Ireland. Traditional wedding music was provided by the organist, Arne Sorensen, Tilden, and Miss Bob bi Annette Meriwether, Michigan City, Ind., vocalist. Given in marriage by her step father, Robert Evans, the bride appeared in a “Marie of Pan dora” gown of glowing satin and alencon lace. The lines of the princess silhouette rose to a fitted bodice with shallow scoop neck line and long sleeves. Hand run alencon lace traced the bodice top, front and back. The princess lines flowed into an aisle-wide circular skirt on which the lace trim was repeated in a deep band. The satin skirt swept back to a chapel train topped by a butterfly bustle. Her bouffant two tier veil was held by a tiny queen’s crown of seed pearls and tear drop pearls. She carried a cascade of pink roses. Maid of honor was Miss Glenda Bolyard, Detroit, Mich. Brides maids were Miss Nancy Rodgers. Louisville, Ky., and Mrs. Norman Klasna, Lincoln. The bride’s at tendants wore street length dress es of sheer silk organza over taf feta in shades of mint green, yel low and blue, respectively. The dresses were styled with deep Donna Lou Turner, Roger Riesing Exchange Vows Saint Peter’s Catholic church, Omaha, was the setting for the Saturday, Sept. 16, wedding of Miss Donna Lou Turner and Ro ger A. Riesing, Omaha. Mon signor O’Brien officiated at the 10:30 a.m. ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, O’ Neill. Mr. Riesing is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lilly, Ral ston. A floor length gown of white chantilly lace over satin was se lected by the bride for her wed . ding. It featured a bodice with a Sabrina neckline, trimmed with seed pearls and iridescent se quins. The long sleeves came to points over the wrists. The very bouffant skirt was of tulle, ac cented by panels of chantilly lace. Her illusion veil was at tached to a scalloped crown en hems and full bouffant sleeves with matching accessories. Their bouquets were matching cascades of carnations with pink ribbon streamers. Jonathan Levine, Ethica, N. Y., served as best man. Ushers were Thomas George and Bernard Sundberg. Candlelighters were Robert Ev ans, brother of the bride, and Kenneth Frankum. Johnny Bob Watson was ring bearer, and Jac qUelene Lockwood was flower girl. A reception was held immedi ately following the ceremony in Wesley hall. Mr. and Mrs. Bar ney Ptak were hosts at the re ception. Cutting and serving the cake were Mrs. Richard George and Mrs. John Stuifbergen. Pre siding at the coffee service were Mrs. Robert Frankum ond Mrs. William McIntosh. Mrs. Harold Lindberg and Mrs. William Arm strong served punch. Assisting with ihe serving were Mmes. Will :'m Bunas, John Watson, Dale Wilson and Deraid Graham, and Miss Karen Bridge. The bride is a graduate of O’ Neill high school, and attended one year at Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Oberlin, 0. 9he was graduated with a bachelor of mu sic degree from Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N. Y. She is affiliated with Mu Phi Epsilon, honorary sorority. Mr. Combs is a graduate of South Charleston high school, and also received his bachelor of mu sic degree from Eastman’s. He is affiliated with Phi Mu Aupha, honorary music fraternity. Following a wedding trip through the southern states, the couple will reside at New Or leans. La., where Mr. Combs will be playing this season with the New Orleans Philharmonic or chestra. crusted with seed pearls and iri descent sequins. The bridal bou quet was a cascade arrangement of white roses and stephanotis. Mrs. William J. Kostic, Norfolk, served her sister as matron of honor. Miss Betty Turner, sister of the bride, and Miss Joan Ries ing, Omaha, sister of the bride groom, were bridesmaids. They wore identical ballerina length gowns of peacock blue silk or ganza. The full sleeves were em broidered in a floral motif. They wore pill box hats and carried colonial bouquets of yellow mums and white carnations. Jack Harvay, Omaha, was best man. Groomsmen were LaVern Ohlinger, Omaha, and Dennis Rie sing, Ralston, brother of the bridegroom. Ushers were Lyle Riesing, Omaha, and Larry Cleary. A dinner was served to 65 guests at the Old English Inn, followed by a reception at the Lil ly residence in Ralston. Assisting - at the reception were the Misses Katherine and Agnes Schmitz, Kay Ambrose and Pat Jennings. Miss Leona Prochaska and Miss Linda Darnell had charge of the girts, and Miss Pat Rice took care of the gaest book. The bride is a graduate of St. Mary’s academy and is employ ed as an IBM auto-typist at Mu tual of Omaha. The bridegroom graduated from Cathedral high, and is office manager of the Charles Bruning company in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Riesing will be at home at 116 South 35th Street, Omaha, after a wedding trip to Colorado. Carol Hoffman Weds D. Halligan At Stuart STUART — Miss Carol Hoff man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman, Stuart, and Dudley Halligan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Halligan, Bassett, were united in marriage Sunday, Sept. 10, at 10 a.m. in the Stuart Com munity church. Performing the double ring ceremony was the Rev. Herbert Young. The bride wore a blue street length dress with a white mum corsage and white accessories. Attending the couple were Miss Darlene Hoffman, Lincoln, sis ter of the bride, and Bill Tal mage, Bassett. Miss Hoffman wore a beige dress and her cor sage was also of white mums. A reception was held at the James Hoffman jr. home south of Newport and was attended by 75 guests. A dinner was served at 7 p.m. for the family. Mrs. Halligan is a graduate of Stuart high school, and has been employed at the William Krotter company in Stuart. Mr. Halligan is a graduate of Bassett high school, and is em ployed in Bassett where the couple will make their home. Legion Auxiliary Holds Meeting The regular meeting of the American Legion auxiliary was held in the Legion club rooms September 6. President, Elaine McKenzie, gave a list of her committee chairmen: Lucille Klingler, Gold Star; Edith Davidson, Pan-Amer ican; Gertrude Streeter, Ameri canism; Caroline Kraft, registra tion; Marion Lowery, member ship; Gertrude Streeter, Junior activities; Lonna Johnson, mu sic; Helen Grutsch, rehabilitation, Betty Dewitt, child welfare; Har riet McKamy, civil defense. Convention call for District 2 was read and it will be held at Pierce October 1. Delegates to the convention are Elaine McKenzie, Viola Ruzicka, Edith Davidson, Mary Reynoldson, Gertrude Streeter, Jean Riege and Marion Lowery. Membership chairman announc ed the 1962 quota is 214. Junior counsellor, Gertrude Streeter, re ported on a Junior auxiliary pic nic. Pat McKenzie, Junior mem ber, gave a brief report on the de partment convention held in Grand Island. Following the meeting the members met with Legionnaires and endorsed their proposal of converting the Legion club into a public steak house. Melvin Ru zicka is Legion commander. O'Neill Locals Junior Auxiliary Meets The Junior Auxiliary Simonson Post 93 held the regular meeting Saturday night at the American Legion hall. Eighteen members were present. It was decided when the October meeting is held to make favors for hospital trays and to get the 1962 membership dues underway. After the meet ing the members went on an an nual hike. Treats were enjoyed afterward. Gerald Austin and boys, Mike and Steve, Omaha, spent the weekend visiting relatives in Plain view and O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hynes and Kathy went to Omaha Thursday to spend several days visiting their son, Bill, and their daugh ter, Mrs. Dale Nissen and family. They returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donohoe and boys, Dan and Dean, re turned Sunday to their home in Glendora, Calif., after spending the last three weeks visiting with Mr. Donohoe’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe. Those from O’Neill and other locations who attended the Bahr Young wedding Saturday at the First Presbyterian church in South Sioux City were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox, Mrs. George Bosn, Mrs. William Kelly, O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox, Emmet; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fox, Atkin son; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fox and Douglas, Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fox, Lincoln; Raymond Fox, Georgia Fick, Mr. and Mrs. George Fick and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox jr., and children, Cindy and Curt, Inman. Birthdays Celebrated EMMET — Sunday dinner guests were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz in honor of Mrs. George Pongratz, Duane and Dewey Pongratz and Elwin Babl whose birthdays are this month. Present besides the above mentioned persons were George Pongratz, Mrs. Agnes Heeb, Mr. and Mrs. John Babl, Lionel and Luann, Mrs. Duane Pongratz, Mr. and Mrs. John Ed win Babl, Colleen, Curtis and Ca thy Lynn and Mrs. Elwin Babl and Janet. The birthday cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Du ane Pongratz. Altar Society to Meet All members are urged to at tend the Altar society meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. in St. Mary’s gymnasium by the chairman, Mrs. Leo Laible. St. Elizabeth guild members will be hostesses at this meeting. Jay Brady and Herb Harris, Grand Island, were in O’Neill Sunday visiting in the Robert Kurtz home and playing in the Country club golf tournament. Mrs. Brady, who has been here a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz, returned home witn tnem. Mrs. Larry Krause and sons re turned to her home in Melrose Park, 111., Friday afternoon fol lowing a visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. De Bolt. Her parents took them as far as Kingsley, 111., to start their trip home. Jim Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Johnson, left Sunday for Fullerton, Calif., where he will teach drama speech. He will also continue to further his ! schooling. Joe Stutz attended a meeting of J. M. McDonald store mana- ! gers Monday at Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen and Mr and Mrs. William A. Ware and family drove to Burwell Sun day to visit the Bowens’ son, John and family. John Bowen is band instructor there and has 76 students in his band this year. Bruce Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller of near Red bird, returned September 13 to Albion following a visit here with relatives and friends. Bruce is employed with a road construc tion crew near Albion. Recent guests in tht home of Martha Ross and Clarence were Oliver Ross and daughter, Mary. Mrs. Ross and Clarence visited recently in Spencer at the Ches ter Ross home. Dessert Supper Held Members of the M and M club were entertained at a dessert supper and evening of bridge when they met at 7:30 p.m. Sep tember 12 in the home of Mrs. Mary Lundgren and Mrs. C. W. Porter. Winners in cards were Mrs. D. H. Clauson and Mrs. Burgess. WSCS Convenes Members of the WSCS of the Methodist church held their re gular meeting September 7 in the church basement. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. Roy Wayman. Senior members of the Society were honored at this meeting. There were 12 present. Fall Seminar will be September 26 at Ewing. Mrs. Ben Wayman was in charge of the program, assisted by Mrs. Harold Lind berg and Mrs. Glenn Kennicott. Hostesses were Mrs. Frank Ep penbach, Mrs. Louis Wray and Mrs. Norman Wayman. The eve ning meeting will be September 21 in the church basement. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ridell of Westminister, Colo., arrived Tues day to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder and family, Atkinson, were Sun day dinner and supper guests at the Marvin Ziska home. Johnstons Honored ROYAL — Approximately 100 persons met Saturday to honor newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. La Rue Johnston, who are now re siding on the farm of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett John Enlistee Larry Andrus Sends His New Address from Air Force Larry Andrus, who recently en listed in the air force, is stationed at Lackland Air Force Base. His address is; A-B Larry Andrus A.F. 17-608-869, 3724 BMTS, FLT. 1300, Box 1524, Lackland Air Force Base, Tex. Atkinson News Bonnie Gokie and Delores John son spent the weekend in Atkin son with their parents. They re turned to Omaha Sunday evening with John Gilg, who has employ ment there. A pre-nuptial shower was held last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. John Keating, honoring Miss Joan Kubitschek who will be married September 30. Hostesses were Mmes. John Beck, F. D. Lee, Connie Ben nett, Henry Kruger and John Keating. Twenty-four guests were present. Each guest was requested to bring her favorite recipe and these were arranged in a recipe card file and pre sented to the guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jensen sr. re turned home last Friday after spending two weeks visiting rela tives and friends in parts of Min nesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. At Pierce, Minn., they visited Ed’s brother, Norbert Jensen and fam ily; at Neilsville, Wis., they visit ed another brother, Fred Jensen and family, all of whom made there home in and around the At kinson community until a few years ago. At Carey, 111., they vis ited Mrs. Hoffman and family. Mrs. Hoffman is Ed’s sister. Irvin Parsons, Dale Barnes and Ronnie and Jerry went to West Point Tuesday where they had consigned several of their Shet land ponies to the Reppert Pony Sale being held Tuesday. Mrs. Pearl Giblin and Mrs. Beatrice Everett drove to Thed ford Sunday to attend a wedding. The Merry Mixers Extension club will meet Friday night at the home of Miss Donna Regal for the regular meeting this month. This will be the annual election of officers and all members are urged to attend by the president. Mr. and Mrs. George Zaruba ston. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Statler, and was a Sioux City, la., resi dent. Mrs. Clayton Meisner had charge of the program which was presented by Julia and Debbie Olson, Shirley Lichty, Mrs. R. J. Hering, Mrs. Edna Johnston, Cheryl and Caroline Anson. As sisting with the gifts were Jan ice Eyer, Marlene Radar, Mrs. Terry Storm and Mrs. Jan Cartis. Mothers of the bridegroom’s graduating classmates, who spon sored the shower, are Mmes. Alois Mlnarik, Atkinson, Fremont Curtis, Harold Francis, Terry, Storm, Gust Erickson and Herb Williby. Plan Reception CHAMBERS — American Le gion auxiliary Post 320 will hold a reception for teachers of the Chambers community Monday at 8 p.m. in the Chambers public school. All patrons of this area are invited to attend. A program and social hour will provide en tertainment for the evening. To Missouri Neal Scheer, recently inducted in the army, has been sent to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., for his bas ic training. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Scheer, Ewing. Announce Engagements . • • I ..' ORCHARD — Mr. and Mrs. Albert Denton, Riverton, an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Burnice, to Ronney Sladek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sladek, Orchard. Miss Denton is a graduate of the Riverton high school, and has been employed at Hastings. Mr. Sladek is a graduate of Creighton high school and Hast ings. He is now employed by the GAC Finance corporation at Fremont. No. wedding date has been set. ATKINSON — Hershal Hal stead, Atkinson, and Mrs. Har old Shaw, Devil’s Tower, Wyo., announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Charlotte Ann, to Lar ry M. Andrus, son of Mrs. Jay Dobrovolny, Atkinson. Miss Halstead is a 1960 grad uate of Atkinson high school. She is presently employed at Berniece’s Beauty shop in Stu art. Mr. Andrus is a 1959 gradu ate of Atkinson high school. He is a recent US Air Force enlis tee, and is receiving his basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Tex. A fall wedding is being plan ned by the couple. spent the weekend in Atkinson with Mr. and Mrs. Claude John son. The Zarubas have hade their home in Cario since leaving At kinson, but now moved to Grand Island. Sunday guests in the Laurence Pacha home were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, and Mrs. Roether and Kay and Mrs. Lillie Fritz, Butte. In the afternoon the group drove to O’Neill to watch the roping events at the O’Neill Sad dle club arena. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bonenber ger went to Sioux City Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Derlin Beard, Diagonal, la., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Parsons last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Dunn, Omaha, spent the weekend in At kinson visiting relatives and friends. They were enroute home after spending a week vacation ing in Colorado. The Atkinson Civic Improve ment Garden club met September 13 at the home of Mrs. Frank Skrdla. Nine members and three guests, District 6 Director, Mrs. Eugene Hoerle, Mrs. Elsie Oetter and Mrs. L. G. Fleming, were present. Mrs. Irvin Parson had charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Dunn, Omaha, called on Mrs. William Wefso Saturday forenoon. Letters to the Editor Atkinson, Nebr. Sept 18, 1961 Mr. Editor On behalf of the American Le gion of Holt County, I would like to thank you for the splendid news coverage and cooperation we have received the past two years, while 1 was Commander. Our aim is to help the Veterans and their families. Also to help educate the youth of our country in the basic ideas of real Amer icanism . Without the publicity and help you have given us it would be nearly impossible to pat our program over as big as we do. I know if we work together for 100 percent Americanism, we won’t have to worry about un couth characters in Cuba and Russia. Thank You M. A. Coday Holt County Comman der The American Legion Sick and Injured CHAMBERS — Mrs. Floyd Whitaker spent a few days in the Atkinson hospital the fore part of last week. . .Mrs. Arthur Flue key fell Thursday and broke her hip. She was taken to St. An thony’s hospital. . .Mrs. Chris tianson returned the latter part of the week from the Atkinson hospital where she had been a patient for several days. . .Mrs. William Roten and baby girl re turned home from the Tilden hos pital. . .Mrs. John Honeywell re turned home Monday from an Omaha hospital where she had undergone surgery. . . .E. R. Car penter entered St. Anthony’s hos pital in O’Neill Monday for med ical care. . .Mrs. A1 Liedtke sub mitted to surgery Monday in an Omaha hospital. It is expected she will be brought to the Atkin son Memorial hospital in a few days. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: Sept. 13 — Nancy Fetrow of O’Neill and Mrs. Paul Lidgett of Chambers. 14 — Mrs. Emma Morris of Page; George Jefferies of Ewing; Mrs. Louis Zahradnicek of Atkinson and Mrs. Arthur Fluckey of Chambers. 15— Mrs. Lonnie Klinetobe of Spen cer; Fred Perry, of Emmet; Ce cil Thorton of Chambers; Mrs. Clarence Whaley, Daniel Mack, Dwain Crandall and Mrs. William Grutsch of O’Neill. 16 — Mrs. James Rodman of O’Neill, 17 — Mrs. Lavem Caskey, Mrs. Hugo Fletcher and Mrs. Lewis Pierson of O’Neill and Ted Parks of Page. 18 — E. R. Carpenter of Cham bers and Roger Pecena of Spen cer. 19 — Mrs. Francis Musil, Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson and Mrs. Gladys Cunningham of O’Neill. 20 —Mrs. Hugo Fletcher and Mrs. Clarence Whaley of O’Neill. DISMISSALS: Sept. 14 — Mrs. Darrel Adamson and baby of O’ Neill. 15 — George Jefferies of Ewing; Mrs. Harry Johnson of Bristow; John Reimers of Inman; Mrs. Marlin Babutzke and baby, Sadie Derickson, Daniel Mack and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson of O’ Neill. 16 — Mrs. Vernon Slay maker and baby of Atkinson; Mrs. Lonnie Klinetobe of Spencer; Mrs. Emma Morris of Page and Mrs. Paul Lidgett of Chambers. 17— Nancy Fetrow and Norman George of O’Neill and Ted Parks of Page. 18 — Mrs. George Wett laufer of Page and Mrs. Lewie Pierson of O’Neill. 19 —Roger Pe cena of Spencer and Mrs. Gladys Cunningham of O’Neill. 20 — Mrs. Robert Berigan of O’Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Sept. 10 — Mrs. LaVerne Krysl of Atkinson. 11 — Mrs. Otto Thiede of Burton; Clif ford Orr and Mrs. Orland Fry rear of Atkinson and Mrs. John Seadore of Bassett. 12 — Mrs. El mer Blain of Atkinson. 13 — Mrs. Jim Jarman of Bassett; Mrs. J. Buchholtz of O’Neill and Ray Og g I Fri.-Sat. Sept. 22-23 The fury of the Yankees and the Rebels who carried their hate into the west. John Payne Ruth Roman J. Carrol Nash REBEL IN TOWN Also Added Shorts Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Sept. 24-25-26 ADMISSION 75c Winner of the Academy Award 10 different times. NOW BETTER THAN EVER GONE WITH THE WIND In CinemaScope Clark Gable Vivien Leigh Olivia Havilland In Color Also Cartoon Due to the length of this movie we will show only one each evening. Show Starts at 8 p.m. Wed.-Thurs. Sept. 27-23 Family Nights TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY In Color Also Cartoon Janet Fuelberth, Robert Seegebarth Exchange Vows STUART — White gladioli de corated the altar in the Stuart Community church Sunday, Sept. 17, for the wedding of Miss Janet Fuelberth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Fuelberth, Stuart, and Robert Seegebarth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Seegebarth, Hadar. The 8 p.m. candlelight cere mony was performed by the Rev. Gerald Free of the Emanuel Lutheran church, Hadar. Music was provided by the soloist, Lyle Droescher, who was accompanied by Mrs. Elmer Dinkle. A white delustered satin gown was chosen by the bride for her wedding. It was fashioned with a fitted bodice which was accented by an Alencon lace insertion that outlined the scoop neckline and extended down the entire length of the center front of the dress. The floor-length bouffant skirt, worn over hoops, fell into an aisle-wide brush train. A jeweled cap held in place the bride’s fingertip silk illusion veil. She carried a bouquet of talisman roses. Mrs. Marlin Winter, Norfolk, sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor, and Miss Karon Meusch was bridesmaid. Mrs. Winter wore a bronze brocaded taffeta dress with beige hat and shoes. Miss Meusch was attired in a similar dress of beige with brown accessories. Their 1k>u quets were of bronze mums. Serving as best man was Ro bert Fuelberth, brother of the bride. Groomsman was Wayne Gnewuch, Plainview. Another brother of the bride, Don Fuel berth, and Marlin Winter, Nor folk, were ushers. Miss Earl a Newman and Doug las Seegebarth, Iladar, brother of the bridegroom, were candle lighters. Around 150 guests attended the reception following the ceremony in the Stuart auditorium. Mrs. Joe Hall, Miss Janice Myers and Miss Gail Seegebarth arranged the gift table. Mrs. Wayne Gnewuch, Plainview, sister of the bridegroom, had charge of the guest book. The bride graduated from Stuart high school and Wayne State Teachers college. She is employed by the Hartington public schools as a teacher. Mr. Seegebarth is a graduate of Pierce high school and is pre sently engaged in farming near Norfolk where the couple is re siding. den of Stuart. 14 — John Lucht of Ainsworth. 15 — Mrs. A] Liedtke of Chambers. 17 — Mrs. Frank Svoboda of Atkinson. 18 —Mrs. Martin Miksch of Stuart and Mrs. Joe Winkler of Emmet. DISMISSED: Sept. 10 — Eu gene Hitchcock of Atkinson and Mrs. Ralph Adair and baby of Amelia. 11 — Mrs. Kenneth Dil lon and son of Long Pine. 12 — Mrs. Floyd Whitaker and Mrs. Jack Christiansen of Chambers; Mrs. Frances Timmerman and Robert Batenhorst of 9tuart; Mrs. LaVeme Krysl and Wayne Baker of Atkinson and Mrs. Leo Laible of O’Neill. 13 — Mrs. John Seadore of Bassett and Mrs. De lsia Crommett of Bassett. 15 — Mrs. Herman McDaniels and Mrs. Rose Monahan of Atkinson. 16 — Mrs. Otto Thiede of Burton. 17 — Mrs. Elmore Blain and twins of Atkinson and Mrs. John Buch holtz and baby of O’Neill. 18 — Ray Ogden of Stuart. SACRED HEART ADMITTED: Sept. 12 — Ronald Klasna of Spencer. 13 — Tommy Reiser of Butte and Mrs. F. H. Wiebelhaus of Fairfax, S. D. 15— Orvyl Femau of Butte. 16 — Mrs. Robert Classen and Randy Long of Spencer. 17 — Mrs. Leonard Nielsen of Verdel. 18 Mrs. James McAllister of Spencer. DISMISSED: Sept. 13 — Louis Cranford of Spencer and Mrs. El mer Christensen of Lynch. 14 Master Tommy Reiser of Butte. 15 — Rev. Robert Steinhausen of Spencer. 16 — Henry Snyder and Ed Goettsch of Spencer and Ba by Kent Jons of Bonesteel, S. D. 18—Randy Long of Spencer and Fred Svatos of Monowi. EXPIRED: Sept. 18 — Ronald Klasna of Spencer. McIntosh's Silver Specials FOR $ $ $ DAYS Thursday, Friday, Saturday 4 Patterns of Silver in Community and Holmes & Edwards Reg. 89.75 NOW. Plus many other silver specials McIntosh Jewelry 407 E. Douglas Phone 166 A Trusted Jeweler is your Best Advisor ___""1 Dollar Days SPECIALS For the Ladies KAYSER HOSE Discontinued styles, odd lots and sires Were 1.15 to 1.50 per pair 2 PAIR . $| For the Men Davis 4D SUPER CUSHION FOOT SOX Ankle length, grey or white Regularly priced to sell at 49c per pair Sizes 10-13 3 PAIR . BOWLERS CUSHION FOOT SOX White with non-elastic rib top Three days only 2 PAIR . McCARVILLES Clothing Shoes O'Neill Nebraska —ma™rm■™|■■■■■■■■■■■■■"""""■■■■■■■mmmmm■■■■■■mmmmmmmm——■■