The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 21, 1961, Section Two, Image 11

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    Classes Start Drive
To Buy Tape Recorder
The Page high school is now
having its annual 'magazine drive
to raise money for a tape re
corder. Tile drive started Sep
tember 4. The high salesman of
the drive will be given his choice
of prizes. The freshmen and
sophmore classes are working
against the junior and senior
classes to see who can sell the
most magazines. The losing team
must give a party to the winning
team. Plans for the party will be
given at a later date. The cap
tains are: Freshman, Andrea
Wettlaufer; sophomore, Kent
Stauffer; junior, Diane Kemper,
and senior, James Melcher. Al
vin Crumly is general manager.
Page News
By Mrs. Ben Asher
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Park and
Kelly were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill.
Mrs. Dora Townsend and Mrs.
Jessie Cronk had Sunday dinner
at the Allan Haynes home.
A picnic dinner at the Robert
Gray home was held Sunday for
Mutual of Omaha
United of Omaha
Oscar Spitzenberger
Box 01)7 Telephone 888
O'Neill, Nebr.
Office at
42# North 3rd Street
the Lowell Millers. Among the
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Carson and Ann Adele, Jane Hall
man, Mrs. Icie Snyder, Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Stewart and Mr. and
Mrs. Art Miller, Chambers. After
noon callers were Loren Stewart
and Karen Brown, Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Miller and
Mr. and Mrs. Les Goddard, both
of Gresham, Ore., arrived here
last Sunday to visit Mrs. Miller’s
sister, Mrs. Melvin Carson, and
also the families of Mrs. Goddard
and Mr. Miller who are sister and
brother. On Thursday the God
dards left for Mitchellville, la., to
visit their son, Francis and his
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
and their granddaughter, Jan,
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Al Anthony, Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschul
lat and children spent Sunday in
Kearney visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Wimberly and Mr. and
Mrs. Keith King and their fam
ilies. Dale, Jerry and Keith were
former army buddies.
Mrs. Dora Townsend and Mrs.
Edgar Stauffer accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Lowell Miller, Gres
ham, Ore., to Lincoln last Tues
day where Mrs. Townsend and
Mrs. Stauffer attended the state
meeting of the WCTU held in the
First Mtthodist church. There
were 57 delegates present. Mrs.
Stauffer was re-elected state re
cording secretary. Mrs. Town
send and Mrs. Stauffer were
guests at the home of the Rev.
Leonard Clark. After the conven
tion was over Friday night they
were all overnight guests of Ma
ble Clements, state treasurer.
They returned here Saturday
The annual Stevens reunion was
held Sunday at the Page park
with the following attending:
Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Stevens and Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell Stevens, all of
Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowl
and family, Greenwood; Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Waring and family,
Fairbury; Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Annual Bazaar
Sunday, Sept. 24
—Chicken Dinner
Serving Starts at 5:00 p.m.
Dinner — $1.00 a plate Children — 50c
Sponsored by the St. Boniface Catholic Church
The Company needs capable young men who are in
terested in retailing and merchandising to enter our MANAGER
Advancement to Store Management position is made in accor
dance with your ability and interest.
We have openings for immediate placements, however, you
must be willing to relocate. Preference given to young men now
employed in merchandising field, ages 21-35, however, will con
sider beginners. Must have at least High School Education.
At Lee Store in O'Neill, Nebraska
For application forms and initial interview.
Dollar Day
O'Neill Style Shop
One rack light and dark
All Sizes
| oo off Former SALE Price
1 Off — Reg. 2.95
Exquisite Form
2 Off-Reg. 10.95
1 00
1 Off — Reg. 8.95
Leona Hynes Phone 165
1 l
Pease and family, Niobrara; Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Waring, O’
Neill; Glen Waring, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Stevens and Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Willets and family,
Orchard and Jarry Waring, J.
W. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Ste
vens and Mrs. Alta Finch. After
noon callers Mrs. Evelyn Gray
and Mrs. Cordes Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon and
family were 9unday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Vorce, O’
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth re
turned home Friday evening af
ter a few days trip in which they
took Mrs. Finn Landreth to her
home in Thayer, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Mancil Van Con
Nett and granddaughter, Arcadia,
Calif., are visiting relatives and
friends in and around Page. The
Van Connetts, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Stewart and Rollie Snell went to
Logan, la., Thursday were they
visited in the Dale Asher home
until Monday. 9unday they all
went to Oakland, la., and spent
the day visiting in the Eugene
Cullen home.
The Tri F’s of the Methodist
church held a hayrack ride and
a weiner roast at the Page Park
Sunday. Among those attending
were the families of Dale Stauf
fer, Norman and Dick Trow
bridge, Jerry Summers, Ivan
Heiss, N. D. Ickes jr., Merwyn
French jr., Soren Sorensen jr.,
Allan Gross, Kenneth lleiss and
Mrs. Robert Linder.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey
entertained at dinner Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and fam
ily, Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Asher. Enroute home the
Kenneth Ashers visited with Mrs.
Frieda Asher.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Neilson,
Sargent, and Mr. and Mrs. Gar
land Bridge, Caldwell, Ida., were
overnight guests Wednesday of
Mrs. Anna Thompson. Mr. and
Mrs. Jessie Keuy, Mr. and Mrs.
Art Grass and Mr. and Mrs. Em
mitt Thompson called at the
home of Mrs. Thompson to visit
with the guests.
Mrs. Bert Finlay was hostess
Friday to members and Mrs.
John Steinberg, guest, when the
GGG and G club met with her
for an afternoon of playing cards.
Mrs. Anton Nissen, Mrs. Clarence
Stevens and Mrs. Otto Matschul
lat, won prizes.
NOK club ^met Thursday for
the first meQtfhg since last spring
with Mrs.- William Scheinost.
Mrs. Ray Harmon will be the Sep
tember 28 hostess.
RNA kensington met Wednes
day with Mrs. Evelyn Gray. The
women enjoyed an afternoon of
playing cards.
Mrs. Ron Park entertained at
a coffee hour Wednesday morn
ing in honor of Mrs. Allan
Gross, the new school superin
tendent’s wife. The following
were present, Mmes. Jerome
Allen, Cordes Walker, Floyd
Frahm, Dick Cunningham, Ro
bert Linder, Carl Max and Edd
Couples Bridge club met Thurs
day night with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Cronk. Mrs. Dan Troshyn
ski and Mrs. Melvin Roach won
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Stevens re
cently returned from an extended
trip in which they visited in the
home of their daughtter, Mrs.
Keith Cable, at Coon Rapids, la.
While there the Cables became
the parents of a boy, Patrick
Bryan, August 29. They also visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens
Hoyt Lake, Minn., and Mr. and
Mrs. David Johnson, Sioux Falls,
S. D.
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.
Roberta Komock were Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Keoth and Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Keawe and son, Wisner.
In the afternoon they all visited
in the Walt Kopejtka home, O’
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer, O’
Neill were Sunday afternoon
guests in the Ben Asher home.
Mrs. George Wettlaufer left
the hospital Monday and will
spend a few days in the home of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Gerald
Wettlaufer, O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and
family were Sunday dinner guests
of Mrs. Kitty Fry, Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stewart
and baby, Grand Island, were
weekend guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heiss ar
rived home Wednesday after be
ing gone for 10 days. They visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Asher
and family, Powell, Wyo., then
traveled through Yellowstone
park and to Salt Lake City. They
were guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Fink, (Bloomfield,
Colo. Their young daughter, Na
dine, stayed with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Cronk.
George Wettlaufer, Andrea and
Douglas were Friday supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ash
er. Evening callers were Mr. and
Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie.
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Nelson,
Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. George Heg
gemeier, Verdigre, and Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Anson and family
were Sunday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Sukup, Or
The Senior MYF met Sunday
night at the Methodist church.
Kent Stauffer had the lesson.
Lunch was served by Bonnie
Heiss. Next Sunday Peggy Sue
Kelly will have the lesson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher and
Rusty returned home Thursday
night after a week's vacation in
which they visited Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Fink, Broomfield, Colo., and
spent a couple of days with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Asher and fam
ily, Alliance. Neal and Lisa Ash
er remained with their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fussel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill and
boys spent Tuesday and Wednes
day in Spencer, la., visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Don Prill.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmar
and family, Ewing, were after
noon and supper guests Sunday
evening of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Mrs. Bob Gray left Tuesday for
San Francisco, Calif., to assist
her son, Veldon, with his packing.
He accompanied her home before
leaving for the service.
Mrs. Mae Copes spent Thurs
day and Friday visiting in the
Les Riege home, O’Neill. On
Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Copes, Ainsworth, took
her to Lincoln where Saturday
they all attended the wedding of
her granddaughter, Miss Bar
bara Woods, to Duane Bechtolt
at the Blessed Sacrament
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Johnson,
Fremont were weekend guests of
her mother, Mrs. Emma Morris,
who was recently dismissed from
the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harper,
Oklahoma City, Okla., left Sunday
evening for their home after
spending a week here visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Har
per. Gordon took his dad to the
Methodist hospital in Sioux City
where he underwent surgery Fri
day. They also visited with their
new grandchild, Jolene, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jarman.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert
spent the weekend in Sioux City,
la., visiting her father, Harry
Harper. They also visited Elmer
Wiseman, Page, a patient at the
Methodist hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haynes
and family, O’Neill, were Thurs
day supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Haynes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Porter, Or
chard were Sunday supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes.
Paul Neubauer was an evening
Ella Rohl Hastiness anH TVTrc
William Jackson visited a few
days in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wegman last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss ar
rived home Tuesday after visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Andrews,
Wichita, Kan., Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter Brady, Adams, and Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Price, Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cork, Mrs.
William Simmons, George Wett
laufer and Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Asher attended the Holt county
meeting held at Chambers Mon
day night.
A group of friends and neigh
bors surprised Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Larson, who were recent
ly married, at a party Monday
evening at the home of his son,
Lynn. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. William Buxton, Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Kemper, Mr. and
Mrs. Matt McCabe, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Fusselman, Mr. and Mrs.
William Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Heiss, Mrs. Icie Snyder,
Rita Larson, Charlene Fusselman,
Mrs. Jerome Allen and Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn Larson.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Frahm
and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cun
ningham spent Sunday visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Woods, Cen
Junior MYF met Sunday eve
ning at the Methodist church with
11 members and one guest, Val
jean Parks, present. Dale Miller
and LuAnn Nissen had the les
son. The group played several
games. Jean Nissen served lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly and
girls spent the weekend in Fair
bury visiting their grandchildren,
Pamela and Kimberly Schneider.
All Veterans |
You are invited to attend an !
Open Meeting for all Veterans to held at the
K. of C. Hall, O'Neill, Nebraska
SUNDAY, SEPT. 24, 1961
6:30 P.M. ;
The purpose of this meeting is to acquaint All Veterans with •
the many benefits to which they may be entitled from State and f
Federal government. To give you this information first-hand,
we are having I
State Service Officer, L. A. Durfee, Lincoln
Dept. Adj. Cecil Feehan
Who will discuss Veterans benefits and entitlement in a man- 3
ner which you can understand, and will answer information first- ■
Taking the proper action at this time could possibly mean
much to you or your dependants at some future date.
Veterans! — Take advantage of this opportunity
to find out for sure about your individual case
This Meeting Is Free and Open
To All Veterans of All Wars
Sponsored by the VFW Underwood Post 926. O’Neill
Celia News
Mrs. Merrill Anderson
Mrs. Frickel
Joins Husband
In California
Mrs. Donald Frickel and her
mother, Mrs. Russell Nauslar,
Lincoln, were overnight guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Con
nie Frickel. They left Sunday for
Grand Island. Mrs. Nauslar will
return to Lincoln by bus and Mrs.
Frickel will go to California to be
near her husband, Donald, who is
in army training at Ft. Ord.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells,
Bristow, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson
Sunday evening.
Duane Beck and Elmer Olber
ding accompanied LeRoy Hoff
man to Rapid City, S. D., Thurs
day. Dorothy Scott was a supper
guest Friday evening at the Du
ane Beck home.
Glen Frickel spent Thursday
night with his cousins, Gary and
Roger Hoffman.
Leroy Hoffman, Gary and Re
ger, attended the ball game at
Butte Friday evening. They were
accompanied by a group of the
ball players from Atkinson. Mrs.
Hoffman attended a Celia 4-H
club meeting held Friday evening
at the Thilo Possenecker home.
Mrs A/rilt-nn TM f Vi n i c* on+AY*
tained at dinner Wednesday her
daughter’s teacher, Miss Phyliss
Lewis, and pupils. The occasion
was in honor of Kay Mc
Kathnies’ birthday. She is eight
years old.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks
and family visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn Mon
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder
and Dale spent Monday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert
C bias. Sunday evening visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ger
hard Mommsen were John Sich
eneder and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Albrecht.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder
and family were dinner and sup
per guests Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ziska, O’
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel
entertained the Atkinson football
team at lunch following the
game Friday evening at Butte.
Harold, Beverly and Rodney
Frickel spent Sunday afternoon
at the home of their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coleman.
Rodney spent Wednesday night
with Dick Kilmurry and Bonnie
Frickel spent Sunday with Judy
Mommsen. Mrs. Mommsen and
the girls brought her home later
in the day.
LeRoy Lauridsen spent Friday
and Saturday with the Victor
Frickel children and helped Glen
celebrate his birthday which was
The Celia Homemakers Ex
tension club will meet Septem
ber 27 at the home of Mrs.
Clarence Focken. Election of of
ficers will be held.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mellor re
turned Sunday evening from a
month’s vacation with relatives in
the western states. They were ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Leo
nard Halstead.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder
and family were Norfolk visitors
Frank Kilmurry, Patricia, Ther
esa and Dick and Mr. Kilmurry’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kil
murry, Atkinson, visited at the
Jim Demming home Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. P. Kilmurry were sup
per guests at the Kilmurry home.
Mrs. John Wessel, Rapid City,
arrived Thursday to help care for
the twin sons of the Rev. and
Mrs. Elmore Blain which were
born September 12. Mrs. Wessd
is Mrs. Blain’s mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ander
son and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Wells, Bristow, left Monday for
a visit with Robert Wells and
family, at Monticello, Wis., and
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anderson at
Monroe, Wis. They expect to be
gone about a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith and
family have returned from a re
cent vacation. Their tour took
them through the badlands of
South Dakota, into the Black Hills
where they visited points of in
terest. At Upton, Wyo., they vis
ited Mrs. Smith’s sister, Mrs.
Leslie Watt and family, also in
the D. R. Darlington home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Meiser
and family, Springfield, Ore., vis
ited at the Mark Hendricks home
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman
and son, and Mrs. Mary Johnson
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Langdon in Albion Sun
day. Mrs. Langdon and Mrs.
Johnson are sisters.
The LeRoy Hoffmans lost a
yearling calf by lightning Tues
day. The calf was out in the
pasture with other stock. This
is the second animal the Hoff
mans have lost by ligtning this
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks
and Arlin were supper guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omer
Poynts Wednesday evening. The
occasion marked the wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and
family attended tht Mission Festi
val held Sunday at Christ Lu
theran church in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks
and son, Arlin attended a barbe
cue supper at the Richard Kling
er home Thursday evening.
Inman News
By Mrs. James McMahan
■ ■■■■ ■■ 1
Mrs, South Is
Honored at
Birthday Party
The following helped Mrs. R.B.
South celebrate her birthday Sat
urday afternoon at her home:
Mrs. John Conard, Emmet; Mrs.
Lulu Quig, Mrs. James Galla
gher and Mrs. Harry Harte, O’
Neill; Mrs. Edith Rutlege, Nor
folk; Mrs. Josie Kopecky, Mrs.
Otto Retke, Mrs. T. J. Davis,
Mrs. Leon Tompkins and Mrs.
Anna Smith, Inman. Birthday
cake and ice cream were served
at the close of the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle DeLong
were dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Card
Thursday evening.
Tommy Hamik, O’Neill, was an
overnight guest of his aunt, Mrs.
Frances May, and Jean Ann Fri
day night.
Joe Peters, who is employed at
Norfolk, spent a couple of day 5
last week with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds
and daughters spent Sunday vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Don Angel
and family at Spencer. In the
evening the Reynolds and Angel
families went to Fort Randall for
a picnic supper.
John Reimers has returned
from St. Anthony’s hospital in O’
Neill where he was a medical pa
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach,
Neligh, and Mrs. Elizabeth Mors
bach, Inman, were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Da
vid Morsbach.
Sunday School Rally and Promotion this Sunday, beginning at
10:00 a.m. Instrumental and vocal numbers by the young people
and boys and girls. Flannelgraph and object lessons. Promotion
certificates. Fifteen classes. Trained teachers. Good class rooms.
Everyone invited.
Sunday, Oct. 1: (morning and evening) Warren Lee family,
returnees from the Congo. Thrilling testimonies of God’s de
October 3-8. The Musical Lindquists. Meetings every night
at 8:00. Organ, guitar, mandolin, accordian and piano. Vocal and
instrumental numbers. Messages from the Word of God.
Dollar Day
Complete with cover
Reg. price 23.45
Sale price 15.88
Reg. price 21.00
Sale price 12.88
. Reg. price 21.95
Sale price 14.88
Reg. price 21.95
Sale price 14.88 i
Reg. price 19.95
Sale price 12.88
Consumers Public Power District
O’Neill, Nebraska
- |
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halstead
returned Sunday evening from
Kennewick, Wash., where they
spent a few weeks visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Halstead.
Mrs. Karl Keyes, Mrs. Amelia
Moore, Mrs. Pauline Amlerl
and Mrs. C. Bergstrom vis
ited Mrs. Leon Tompkins Wed
nesday afternoon. The occasion
was Mrs. Tompkins' hirtliduy an
Arbutus Rebekah lodge met
Wednesday evening at the IOOF
hall for the regular meeting.
Lunch was served at the home of
Mrs. Albert Reynolds at the close
of the evening with Mrs. Ken
neth Coventry as co-hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Geary visited
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South Sun
day afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Luben left Mon
day for Lexington, where she will
visit for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. James McMahan attended
a stated meeting of Symphony
Chapter OES at O’Neill Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Merl Carr and
sons, Hornick, la., visited Mrs.
Carr’s mother, Mrs. Lee Conger,
Sunday. Mrs. Conger accompan
ied them to Hornick Sunday eve
ning and will spend a week there.
WSCS met Thursday afternoon
at the church annex. Plans were
made for the bazaar and dinner
on Fall Festival day, September
30. Mrs. Leon Tompkins led the
devotions. Lunch was served at
the close of the afternoon by Mrs.
Earl Stevens and Mrs. Torn Hut
James Kelley, who is employed
at South Sioux City, spent the
weekend with his family.
Sunday dinner guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Cadwallader at Inman were Mr.
and Mrs Joe Menish and family,
O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Cadwallader and Randy, New
port, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Kurpgeweit, Ewing. They were
celebrating Mr. CactwuUader’s
The neighborhood club met at
the home of Anna Davis Sept. 7.
Mrs. Davis served a luncheon and
iNellie S hoi os was co-hostess The
women spent the afternoon plny
ing games. Their first card par
ty for the season will be at the
home of Wilbur and Ellen Brown.
Butte News
Mrs. Loris Anderson
Phone 51M52
The Butte Study club met at the
Anchor room at Bob’s cafe Sep
tember 12 with Mrs. Warren Fer
nau as hostess. Eighteen mem
bers were present and two visit
ors, Mrs. Charles Luber and Mrs.
John Gahan. The annual election
of officers was held: Mrs. Carl
Tienken, president; Mrs. R. J.
Gustafson, vice president; Mrs.
Warren Fernau, secretary and
treasurer; Mrs. Grace Audiss,
news reporter; Mrs. Gus Sieler,
reading leader and Mrs. Owen
Johnson, health leader. Mrs.
Mack Mahannah gave a book re
port on “Deliver Us from Evil."
Lunch was served by Mrs. W. W.
Mahannah and Mrs. Elmer Holm.
The Womens Missionary Socie
ty of the Butte Community Bible
church met at the church base
ment Thursday with 23 present.
The group picked on a quilt dur
ing the work hour. Mrs. Grace
Audiss called the meeting to or
der and all repeated the Lord’s
Prayer. Mrs. W. W. Mahannah
had charge of the devotional per
iod in the absence of Mrs. Ber
gen, the chaplain. The word for
verse reading at the next meet
ing is “satisfaction".
Mrs. Arp was hostess, with the
help of her daughters, Mrs. Carl
Anderson and Mrs. Curtiss Ell
I 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 500 ^^MaUc ^ c,Pan 1
I 4-door, radio, heater, 2-tone, c. I
1 4-door, G cyl., Champion. I
1 Hardtop. AH the extras. 1
I 1956 2-do^"!^ cyl.. radio, heater and 2-tone. I
1953 -
I 1953 Overdrive, radio abater. 1
1 Look Them Over At 1
I O’Neill. Nebraska —
$ $ * at $ *$
1 Devoy's Rexoll Drugs I
1 ASSORTED colognes I
1 Some Spray Bottles I
1 Some Regular Bottles I
I Values to $2.50 1
1 Just $1.00 each I
I emery boards, scissors, n I
I Half Price I
I Reg. Price $1 00 I
Special at Vi Price 50c plus tax
M-2 ... 77c per sleeve
No. 5 ... 99c per sleeve
Reg. $1.00 each
Special ... 2 for $1.50
Reg. $2.00 each
Special ... $1.00
Bob Devoy, Pharmacist
Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings
O'Neill, Nebr.