Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1961)
Many Attend Opening of New School District 89 A large crowd attended the op ening of the new school house, District 89, Friday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wasson and family, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Schrunk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagman and Ray mond, Mr. and Mrs. LoU Siebert, Mr. and Mrs. George Albrecht and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirland, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mellor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goetke, Mr. and Mrs. Her man McDaniels, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tielke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Veron Siebert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steskal and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Bright and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Kitchens and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ev ans, Ruth and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox, Joe Albrecht, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havranek and Barry , Mrs. Ed Sterns and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seger and family, Mrs. Ray Tunender, Do lores and Gene, Mr. and Mrs. Elvon Chaco and Mrs. Marie Shellhase. The evening was spent visiting and looking over the new school. Lunch was served. Mrs. Chace and Mrs. Marie Shelhase are going to be the two teachers for this year. School opened Mon dy with a half-day of lessons. Emmet And Community Dolores Tunender Mr. and Mrs. George Ramold and Maxine, Nebraska City, were weekend visitors here with rela tives and friends. They were hon ored Sunday with a dinner at the home of Mrs. Joe Ramold sr., Hubert and John. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ra mold and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold jr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ramold and fam ily, all of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. George Ramold and family, In man, and Mrs. John Schaaf and family, Atkinson. Afternoon cal lers were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tun ender and family, Mr. and Mrs. .Charles lieermer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Timmerman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grof and family, all of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril C. Peter and family, O'Neill. Afternoon lunch was served. A cousin, Georgia Barnes, Ra cine, Wis., has been spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sterns and family. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes, Racine. 9he left Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender, Bob and Gene called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold jr. and family Wednesday eening. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carey and family, Portland, Ore., visited relatives and friends here. They also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sterns and family. Mrs. and Mrs. Ed Rentschler and Randy, Atkinson, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family Friday eve ning. Mrs. Melvin Marcellus, Mrs. Allan Reynoldson and Pat, Mrs. -1 Joe Tennis and Sharon, all of O’Neill, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grof and family, Atkinson, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender and family Monday evening. Gene Carr, Amelia, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family Sjnday night. The Marcellus family also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Soukup, O’Neill, Wed nesday eevning to bring home Karen and Donna after spending a few days with their grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ramold and family, O’Neill, called at the home of Mrs. Joe Ramold sr. and boys Tuesday evening. Ruth Evans, Lincoln, was a La bor Day weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ev ans and Gary. She returned to Lincoln Monday. Roger Sterns, who is in the Navy, is stationed in Japan, lie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sterns. Mrs. Donald Marcellus, Mar garet, Nancy and Charlotte, spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs’. Hubert Rauterkus and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Aldridge and family, Wa tertown, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Ted Aldridge and family, of Vancou ver, Wash., also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Jirak, O’ Neill, Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havranek and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Havranek sr., Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Havranek, Francis and Donald, O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. William Fehringer, Bloom field, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek Tuesday evening. Don and Ed Pettinger drove to Council Bluffs, la., Saturday where they met Christopher F. Wagman, a former, Atkinson resident. Sunday morning, the three joined a caravan excur sion to Kansas City, Mo., where they attended a major league ball game between the New York Yankees and the Kansas City Athletics. The Y ankees de feated the Athletics 8 to 7. Bonnie and Wanda Carey, Port land Ore., have been spending a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sterns and family. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carey. Mrs. Sterns and Mrs. Gus Carey are sisters. Dolores Tunender worked in O’ Neill last week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcel lus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCart and family, Em met, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carr and baby, Amelia, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Soukup, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family, Atkinson, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender and family Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rauterkus and family, O’Neill, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marceilus and family Sunday af ternoon. Joe and Theresa Bazelman, O’ Neill, are the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe (Bahl while then parents are attending the state fair at Lincoln. Mrs. Chuck Fox and family, O’Neil], called at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mul len, Wednesday afternoon. Cookie, Carmen and Nancy Benze and Susie Holz, O’Neill called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dusatko and family and were dinner guests Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winkler, Denver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Winkler, Omaha, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler, Emmet, Saturday eve ning. Mary Alice spent Saturday afternoon with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fehringer, Bloomfield, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek Wed nesday. Stanley and Robert Feh ringer also were callers then. Mark Fehringer called there Fri day evening. Attending the wedding Saturday morning of Sharon Schmidt and Elwin Babl at St. Peter’s Ca tholic church at Ewing were Mrs. Leonard Dosatko and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pon gratz and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hav ranek. Mrs. Leonard Dusatko and fami ly called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peters and George, O'Neill, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Winkler and family, Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winkler and family, Den ver, Colo., called at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler, last week. They return ed home Monday. A picnic supper was held Sun day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mary Alice. Those attending were Me. and Mrs. Leo Weichman and fam ily, Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Winkler and family, Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Winkler ai\d family, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler. Mrs. Georgia McGinnis re turned home from St. Anthony’s hospital after a few days there. She was stung by a bum ble bee and required medical care. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek call ed at the home Qf Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mullen and Tim, Emmet, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Ramold, Nebraska City, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tun ender and family Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Tipton and 9an, Seattle, visited Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper. Mrs. Jessie Kelly was hostess to nine members of the Chatter Sew club when they met with her for their annual monthly meeting Friday. The women spent the af ternoon visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max sr., Omaha, are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and children. Rodney Kennedy and Fred Cronk left Monday afternoon for enrollment at Wayne State Teach ers college. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Warneke, Tiklen, and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen were Sunday dinner and dipper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Good and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Secrist, Great Bend, Kan., were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Asher, Woodbine, la., are here visiting his mother, Mrs. Ethel Park and Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asher and children, Alliance, were Sunday to Tuesday guests of Mrs. Frieda Asher. Jr. MYF met Sunday evening at the Methodist church with nine attending. Lyle Heiss had the lesson entitled “Lay Treasure up in Heaven”, assisted by Mick ie Stewart, Jean Nissen, Luanne Nissen, Linda Alberts, Royvan Ragland and Roberta Asher. Their hayrack ride to be held Friday night was planned. Games were played to close out the eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie went to Genoa Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. Mary Ste wart, a patient at a rest home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Downey and Mark, South Gate, Calif., are here visiting his mother, Mrs. Bertha Downey. Page Extension club met Thursday with Mrs. Merwyn French sr., Mrs. R. F. Park and Mrs. William Ragland were guests. Roll call was answered by naming a favorite folk song. The lesson given by Mrs. Edgar Stauffer was entitled, “Time Honored Songs of the Negro Peo ple”. Mrs. Park played the pi ano while the groups sang old favorite songs. The September hostess will be Mrs. Bertha Prill. Mr. and Mrs. Cordes Walker was hosts to Couples Bridge club Thursday night. Prizes went to C. E. Walker and Mrs. Frank Cronk. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and Debbie, Lincoln, were Wed nesday guests of his mother, Mrs Stella Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher were Tuesday night callers in the Charles Chace home in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudloff and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stewart were among the guests who attended the 25th wedding an niversary dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krugman. Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell, Tecumseh, is here for an indefinite stay to visit her sister, Mrs. Mary Stew art. She is the aunt of Edd and Glenn Stewart and Mrs. Gene Mudloff. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trowbridge and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lewis and children, Edgar, visited with friends this weekend. He was Page’s superintendent liist year. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen and family, Omaha, are houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes and Denny and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zel lers were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Emma Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French sr. left Monday for Hastings where they were overnight guests of Marie Reiss. On Tuesday they drove to Hershey and picked up their grandchildren while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frels attended the state fair. The Frenches and children returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch at tended the fair Sunday with a Tour. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch and Dori spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor at Scottstoluff. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asher, Alliance, were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher. Floyd Butterfield, Atkinson, was elected chairman Wednes day when the AST committee men election was held In O’ Neill. Other officers are Homer Ernst and Ben Asher. They were all re-elected to the same office. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barth and family, St. Paul, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ragland. Vivian Ragland, Neligh. was also a guest. Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman return ed home Friday night after spending a few days visiting in the A. M. Mauer home in Geo oa. Page Sr. MYF met Sunday night with ten members and one visitor, Mark Downey, Southgate, Calif., present. Caroline Max and Juanita Ragland had the lesson on “Forgiveness". The Junior MYF invited the group to a hay rack party Friday night. Connie Nissen was in charge of games. KsSKfiSH can stop your cough by nerve control • Up to 6 hours relief from coughs due to colds, smoking or minor bronchial irritations. • Non-narcotic, non-habit forming. • Safe as directed (even for children). 20's T.49 DEVOY REXALL DRUG O’Neill Page News By Mrs. Ben Asher Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Meisner, Kent and Bryce, Springfield, Ore., were from Monday to Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton. On Tuesday night the Buxtons and the Meis ners visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Buxton, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Cull and son, Lynch, called on the Edd Stewarts Monday afternoon. School started in Page Mon day morning for registration. Bill Jackson was signed as the new mathematics teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods, Lincoln were here visiting over the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Hester Edminsten, and their daughter, Mrs. Calvin Harvey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Woods, Lin coln, brought Mrs. Mae Copes home after she had been gone for the past three weeks. She spent a week in Lincoln visiting the Dale and Dick Woods and the Harry Pappas. She then continued on to Fort Collins where she ' visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Stedman, former Page teach ers, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Do Lan cey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker and Mr. and Mrs. L Jones and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Givens and Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens, Stuart, were Saturday afternoon visitors in the Dan Troshynski home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers ac companied Mr. and Mrs. J. C King and girls, York, to Spear fish, S. D., last Sunday where they attended the Passion Play. The next day they continued on to the Black Hills and then on to Denver to visit Ed Horan, 85- j year-old uncle of Roy. They re turned home Friday night. ROYAL THEATER Fri.-Sat. Sept. H-9 Doable Feature ON THE DOUBLE Danny Kaye, Dana Wynter In Technicoloor —also— OLE REX In Eastman Color Sun.-Mon.-Tues. and Wed. Sept. 10-11-12-13 RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE Carol Lynlcy Jeff Chandler Eleanor Parker Mary Astor Robert Sterling Luciana Paluzzi Gunnar Hellstrom Tuesday Weld CinemaScope Color by DeLuxe Auctio 3 Sch ol Houses Three rural school houses, their outbuildings and equipment will be of fered for sale at public auction at school District No. 89, Holt county, 1V2 miles west of Emmet and 5 north, on FRIDAY, SEPT. 15 Sale starts at 1:30 p.m. School buildings involved include School District 89, 7 miles east and 1 mile north of Atkinson; School District 159, V2 mile east and 6 miles north of Emmet; School District 155, 3 miles north, 4 miles east, % mile north and % mile east of Atkinson. Buildings may be inspected prior to sale. SCHOOL EQUIPMENT DISTRICT 89: Gas stove 2—Book cabinets Towel holder 4-Blinds, 4' x A' 2—Outhouses Some light fixtures DISTRICT 155: Perfection oil burner 500-gal. fuel tank 12x14 barn Pump and pipe Small swing 2—Outhouses 12—New type desks 4—Light fixtures DISTRICT 159: Dearborn gas stove with thermostat control Copper tubing 300-gal. gas tank Electric clock Pump and pipe World globe 2—4-light fluorescent fixtures 18—Old type desks 2—Tablet arm desks Teacher desk 2—Outhouses TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for. Thorin Auction Service, O'Neill, Nebraska Good Reading for the Whole Family •News •Facts •Family Features The eviction Science Monitor One Nervy It, Men IS, Mco, I I | I INSURANCE Hospitalization Mutual of Omaha LIFE United of Omaha Oscar Spitzenberger Ilox 6fi7 Telephone 888 O'Neill, Nebr. Office at 429 North 3rd Street 38tf Turkey Dinner St. Peter's Catholic Church Ewing, Nebraska SUNDAY, SEPT. 10 Serving Start* at 5.00 I*.M. Adults $1.25 Children under 12 — 50c ATTRACTIONS FOR ALL Public Auction GARAGE EQUIPMENT Having leased our property we will sell the following office and shop equipment at Gillette & Sons Chevrolet at Chambers, Nebraska on . . . Saturday, Sept. 16 SHOP EQUIPMENT Chevrolet Powerglide Transmis sion jig Hydraulic brake cabinet Electric tube vulcanizer Hot patch outfit Barrel! pumps Bead breaker 2—Differential grease dispen sers Tire changing machine Air grease gun hose and end BLACK AND DECKER VALVE RE FACE MACHINE SIOUX VALVE SEAT GRINDER Bench grinder 2— Heavy duty vises 3— Steel benches Steel tool cabinet Sale starts at 1 p.m. Battery charger, 6 and 12 volt 2— Chain hoists FORNEY ELECTRIC WELDER Sight feed acetylene welder Welding bench Welding rod 3— Floor jacks Automatic transmission jack Windshield washing tub and wringer Tube testing tank Tire tools Taps and dies Plug cleaner and tester Sunnen pin hones %-in electric drill and stand 2—Floor lamps Body tools Spring and axle rack Bolt cabinet Wagner brake bleeder 8,000 gal vertical fuel storage tank Rubber tired wagon OFFICE EQUIPMENT Oak office desk, 34x54 top 2—Oak office chairs 2—Oak office swivel chairs 2—Show cases, 2-ft. x 4-ft. R. C. Allen electric 10-column adding machine Burroughs cash register Steel storage and filing cabinet 1—Drawer filing cabinet Wiz ticket desk register Farm Flow portable ticket regis ter I Other miscellaneous items incidental to operation of a garage. CONSIGNED BY BURGE FARM SUPPLY 1944 |-H "H" tractor; IHC Regular tractor; 11-in. Harvey Hammermill; Woods Bros, corn picker; 15-ft. A-C Disc; Bale loader made for l-H Super C tractor. TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for. GILLETTE & SONS CHEVROLET Chambers, Nebraska Ed Thorin and Roy Kirwan, auctioneers Chambers State Bank, clerk