The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 31, 1961, Section One, Image 8

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    Jean E. Allyn,
David Stenzel
Exchange Vows
tJTUART — Baskets of white
and red gladioli decorated the
Cleveland church Sunday, Aug. 27,
for the wedding of Miss Jean
E. Allyn, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Allyn, Stuart, and
David L. Stenzel, son of Mr. and
Mrs. David Stenzel sr., Superior.
Performing the double ring
ceremony was the Rev. Herbert
Young. Traditional wedding mu
sic was provided by the vocalist,
Calvin McClurg, Broken Bow, and
the pianist. Miss Lois Anderson,
The bride’s dress, made by Mrs.
Robert Zink, Lincoln, was design
ed with scalloped neckline and
caped sleeves of nylon lace. The
bodice was embroidered with em
bossed white pearls and sequins.
Her full skirt featured a flounce
covered with white pearls and se
quins She carried white gladioli
centered with deep pink rose buds.
Miss Vivian Berger, Upland,
was maid of honor. Bridesmaid
was Mrs. Calvin McClurg, Bro
ken Bow, sister of the bride. They
were attired in street length
dresses of blue which the atten
Mr. ami Mrs. Richard Nelson
announce the engagement of
their daughter, Sharon, to Lyle
Lemmer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Lemmer, Atkinson.
Miss Nelson attended Gustavos
Adolphus college in St. Peter,
Minn., and Augustana college,
Siou.v Falls, S. 1).
Mr. Lemmer attended the Uni
versity of Nebraska, and
Colorado State university at Ft.
Collins, Colo.
A late hill wedding is planned
by the couple.
Doris Baker Weds
Ernest Lane in
Methodist Ceremony
AMELIA — Mrs. Doris Baker.
Amelia, and Ernest Lane, New
port, were married Saturday,
Aug. 26, at the Methodist church
in Atkinson.
They were attended by Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Slaymaker, Atkinson.
The couple entertained their
friends Sunday afternoon at a
reception at Long Pine’s Hidden
Mrs. Lane is the mother of Mrs.
Lyle Fix, and had lived in Ame
lia the past six months where
she operated a cream station.
Mr. Lane ranches with his par
ents and brother north of New
port, and also operates an electr
ical shop inuNPWPort. The; couple
is residing in Newport.
dants had made. They carried
bouquets of white gladioli.
Walter Russell, Lincoln, served
as best man. Groomsman was
Zaroldean Stenzel, Waikeeney,
Kan. Ushering were Calvin Al
lyn, brother of the bride, and
Richard Keidel.
Twin sisters, Sally and Susan
Caster, Sidney, were flower girls.
Following the ceremony, 125
guests attended the reception in
the basement of the church. The
wedding cake was cut and serv
ed by Mrs. Warren McClurg, Bas
sett and Mrs. Arlin Caster, Sid
ney. Mrs. Robert Zink poured cof
fee, and Mrs. Elmer Allyn served
punch. Mrs. Herbert Sweet serv
ed the sherbet. Mrs. Richard
Jones, Ainsworth, presided at the
guest book, and Mrs. Charles
Bagley, Superior, Miss Donna Mc
Clvirg and Miss Doris Smith were
in charge of the gift table.
The bride attended Atkinson
high school, and is a senior at the
University of Nebraska Teachers
college where she is majoring in
speech and dramatics.
Mr. Stenzel is a graduate of
Superior high school and is also
a senior at the University where
he is majoring in music.
Following a wedding trip the
couple will reside in Lincoln.
Johnson Clan
Holds Reunion
at Ford's Park
The descendants of the late
Carl and Helma Johnson held a
family reunion at Ford’s park
August 20 with all four sons,
Guy, Harry, David and Bruce,
The oldest member present
was Guy Johnson, and the
youngest relative was Janet
Marie Johnson, 13-day-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter John
son. In addition to Janet Marie,
there were two other births the
past year, Daryl Johnson and
Kenneth Duane Calkins. Two
deaths were recorded, Mrs.
David Johnson and Daryl John
son, the infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Johnson.
It was decided to set the third
Sunday in August each year for
the annual reunion. After a
picnic dinner, the afternoon was
spent visiting and the children
enjoyed swimming.
Those attending were Guy
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Sholes, Constance, Christine and
Cynthia, Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Babl, Colleen, Curtis and
Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
McElhaney and Richard, David
Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Johnson, Wyn and Larrv. Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Johnson, Gayle
and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Johnson, Linda. Diane, Deb
bie and Janet.
Marcellus' Honored
On 50th Anniversary
STUART — Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Marccllus, who reside northeast
of Stuart on a farm, celebrated
their golden wedding anniver
sary August 20.
A dinner and reception were
held at the Stuart auditorium
in their honor, attended by ap
proximately 150 friends and
relatives. All of the children of
the couple were present for the
A five-tier wedding cake baked
and decorated by Mrs. Carroll
Marcellus centered the serving
table. The punch was poured by
Mrs. Billie Marcellus, O’Neill.
Coffee was poured by Mrs. Allan
Reynoldson, O’Neill. The ice
cream was served by Miss San
dra Cosner, Glendale, Ariz., and
Miss Janice Marcellus, Pico
Rivera, Calif. The cake was cut
and served by Mrs. Gordon Fox,
Lincoln, and Miss Mary Jane
Rentschler, Atkinson.
Leon Rentschler, Atkinson, and
Richard Marcellus, O’Neill, took
care of the guest book. The
granqklaugliters of the couple as
sisted with the gifts.
Delbert B Marcellus and Mary
LuelJa Cosner were married
August 22, 1911 on the banks of
the Niobrara river in Boyd
county. They were married by
the Rev. Mr. Ganes who was
church pastor at Dustin. Their
attendants were Louis Ringsted
and Fern Mewhirter. A dinner
was served at the home of the
bride’s parents at Grand Rapids.
Delbert Boyd Marcellus was
tom August 2, 1890 northeast of
Lynch to Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Marcellus. He was the first white
toy torn in Boyd county.
Mary Luella Cosner was tom
December 19, 1890 to Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Cosner in a log cabin
on the banks of the Keya Paha
liver southeast of Naper.
The couple has spent all of
their married life in Boyd and
Holt counties, except for a few
years in Antelope county. Five
sons and one daughter were bom
to the couple and they are, Mel
vin Marcellus, O'Neill; Leo Mar
cellus, Montebello, Caif.; Lloyd
Marcellus, Pico Rivera, Calif.;
Mrs. Edwin Rentschler and
Donald Marcellus, Atkinson, and
Carroll Marcellus, Stuart. The
couple has 22 grandchidren and
nine great grandchidren.
Constance Carr,
Duane E. Burton
Wed at Holdrege
EWING—At. 11 a.m. August 19,
Miss Constance Carr, daughter of
Mrs. Patrick J. Carr, Holdrege,
formerly of Ewing, and Duane E.
Burton, Kearney, son of Mrs.
Everett Sheldon, Axtell, were
married at the All Saints Catho
lic chinch, Holdrege.
The double ring ceremony was
performed by the Rev. John
Howe in the presence of 125
guests. Altar bouquets of white
gladioli and daisy pompons de
corated the church. Tom Cunning
ham was vocalist and Mrs. Jean
Sayler was organist.
Given in marriage by her god
father, John D. Walker, Norfolk,
the bride wore a floor lenght
gown of candlelight Italian silk.
The bodice was fashioned with a
scoop neckline with a single row
of seed pearls edging it, and full
length sleeves. Her elbow length
illusion veil fell from a cloche
type headpiece, edged with seed
pearls. She carried a cascade ar
rangement of white roses.
Miss Mary Kathrwn Carr, St.
Louis, Mo., sister of the bride,
was maid of honor. Bridesmaids
were Miss Dixie Fredrick, North
Platte, and DiAnne Dempewolf,
Juniata. Their dresses were mint
green satin finished cotton. The
round neckline of the bodice dip
ped to a V in the back and the
sleeves were short kimona style.
A cummerbund sash which tied
in the back, accented the full ga
thered skirt. They carried cas
cade arrangements of w'hite dai
Mike Heaton, Lexington, was
best man. Groomsmen were Pat
Carr, Holdrege, brother of the
bride, and Joel Randall, Gibbon.
Ushers were Neal Davis, Lincoln,
and Dave Roberts, Kearney.
Serving the mass were Bob
Walker, Norfolk, and Tom Wan
ser, Ewing.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Burton were
graduated from Nebraska State
Teachers college at Kearney. She
is affiliated with Delta Pi soroity,
and he with the Phi Tau Gamma
The couple will make their
home at Thedford following a
wedding trip to Colorado.
Saundra Stelling,
Walter Bierman
Exchange Vows
ORCHARD—On Sunday, Aug 20,
at 7:30 p.xn. Miss Saundra Stel
ling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris D. Stelling, Orchard, and
Walter Biermann, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Biermann, Wisner,
were united in marriage at St.
Peter’s English Lutheran church,
The Rev. Walter H. Seefeldt
performed the double ring cere;
mony, and the address was given
by Vicar Herbert Biermann, bro
ther of the bridegroom. Richard
Stelling and Miss Elaine Rang
were vocalists. They were accom
panied by C. F. Stelling, Cesseo,
The bride wore her sister's wed
ding gown, made of Chantilly lace
over Burmil satin, Queen Anne
collar and longe tapered sleeves.
The redingote styled bouffant lace
overskirt revealed a full length
accordian pleated front panel of
tulle. Her finger tip veil of silk
illusion was caught by a small
juliette cap of lace and pearlized
beads. She carried a cascade of
white rose buds with white and
blue streamers.
Matron of honor for her sister
was Mrs. Robert Schwager. Miss
Loorna Labs was bridesmaid.
They wore identical gowns of
light blue silk organza and match
ing hats. They carried bouquets
of white crysanthemums.
Paul Biermann was his bro
ther’s best man. Groomsman
was Willis Hollmann. Duane Stel
ling and George Biermann, bro
thers of the couple, ushered.
One hundred and fifty guests
attended the reception in the
church parlors after the cere
mony. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stelling
were hosts. Mrs. Duane Stelling
and Mrs. Warren Spomer cut
and served the wedding cake.
Mrs. E. J. Nichols presided at
the coffee service. The Misses
Mary Stelling, Jane Tiedgen.
Lana Cleveland and Carol Ann
Mosel assisted with serving. Mrs.
Kenneth Stelling had charge of
the guest book. In charge of the
gift table were the Misses Lavon
and Elaine Rang.
The bride is a graduate of Or
chard high school, and attended
Concordia college.
Mr. Biermann is a graduate of
Orchard high school, and served
in the U. S. Navy. He is presently
fanning on a farm near Wisner
where the couple is now residing.
Regina Vitt Weds
Tom Bigelow
In California
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt, O’
Neill, announce the marriage of
their daughter, Regina, to Tom
Bigelow, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Dana Bigelow, Stuart.
They were married in Royal
Presidio chapel, San Carlos
church, Monterey, Calif., July 22.
Miss Mardelle Vitt, O’Neill, sis
ter of the bride, was maid of hon
or, and Dana Bigelow, Stuart,
brother of the bridegroom, serv
ed as best man.
The couple is residing at 126
Evans Avenue, Pacific Grove,
, . m m,
4 ■ S.
Lyntla Haynes, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Haynes,
graduated from the Lincoln
General Hospital School of Nurs
ing Friday evening.
Commencement exercises were
held in the St. Paul Methodist
church at Lincoln. Miss Haynes
future plans are to continue
working at the Lincoln General
ABART — Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Abart of O’Neill, daughter, Mar
garet Mariam. 7 pounds 3 ounces.
August 22.
ADAIR — Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Adair of Amelia, daughter, Jean
Annette, 7 pounds, August 23.
Mrs. Adair is the former Cleone
CLEMENS — Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Clemens of Amelia, son,
Todd Allen, 7 pounds 1 ounce,
August 23. The couple now has
3 sons and 2 daughters.
CARR — Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Carr of Amelia, daughter, Connie
Jo, 7 pounds 1 ounce, August 23.
KELLY — Mr. and Mrs. Ber
nard Kelly of Stuart, daughter,
Debra Lee, 5 pounds 8*2 ounces,
August 24.
BABL — Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Babl of Newport, daughter, Jur
lie Ann, 7 pounds 4 ounces. Au
gust 24.
BLUM — Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Blum of Napcr, son, August 26,
Gregory hospital.
NUEMILLER — Mr. and Mrs,
Paul Neumiller of Naper, daugh
ter, August 23, Sacred Heart hos
pital, Lynch.
KIRWAN — Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Kirwan of Vermillion, S. D., son,
Michael John, 8 pounds 4 ounces,
August 24. The couple has a
daughter, Candice Louise.
VAN VLECK — Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Van Vleck of Ithaca, N. Y.,
daughter, Elizabeth Scott, 9
pounds, August 27. Dale is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van
Vleck of Clearwater.
LAW — Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Law of LaPuente, Calif., son, Au
gust 16.
FINK — Mr. and Mrs. James
Fink of Grand Island, son, 8
pounds 7 ounces, August 20. Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Fink of Orchard
are the paternal grandparents.
LARSON — Mr. and Mrs.
James Larson of Verdigre, son,
Roger Clark, 9 pounds 4 ounces,
August 17.
REIMER — Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Reimer of Niobrara, son, 6
pounds 12 ounces, August 17.
BURT — Mr. and Mrs. James
Burt of Creighton, 8 pounds, 7
ounces, August 26. The couple
now has 2 daughters and a son.
LARREW — Mr. and Mrs. Du
ane J. Larrew of Cherokee, la.,
daughter, Dori Ann, 7 pounds 12
ounces, August 2. Mrs. Larrew
is the former Delores Baer of
Verdigre. The couple now has a
son and a daughter.
Mrs. Harvey Springstubbe of Ro
meo, Mich., son, 6 pounds 12 Oun
ces, August 14. Mrs. Springstubbe
is the former Velma Layh,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Layh, who were former residents
of O’Neill.
Hospital Notes
ADMITTED: Aug. 24 — George
Jefferies of Ewing; Mrs. Jennie
French and James Grady of O’
Neill. 25 — Mrs. Maude Fuller,
Richard Strube, Ralph Walker
and Debra Parks of O’Neill
and Randall Finch of Page. 26—
Mrs. Dora Doyle of O’Neill and
Phillip Rowse of Chambers. 27
Baby S'hane Prill of Page; Ro
bert Stuifbergen of O’Neill and
Mrs. Donald Kinnison of Orchard.
28 — Rolland Johnson of O’Neill.
29 — Mrs. William McIntosh of
O’Neill. 30 — Mrs. Ed Fuhrer of
O’Neill; Mrs. Georgia McGinnis
of Emmet; Mrs. M. G. Helmricks
and Mrs. Leonard Fox of Or
DISMISSED: Aug. 24 — Mrs.
Joe Ramold and baby, Melvin
Hanson and James Grady of O’
Neill; Mrs. Robert Beelaert and
baby of Page knd Mrs. Leonard
Fox of Orchard. 25—G. Jeffer
ies of Ewing; Floyd DeLong of
Inman; Mrs. William G. Kraft
and Paul Woidneck of O’Neill.
26 — Debra Parks, Evelyn Stan
nard, Mrs. Await Spangler, Mrs.
Joseph Biglin and baby and
Ralph Walker of O’Neill and John
Gallagher of Inman. 27 — Mrs.
Kieth Abart and baby, Walter
Grosse and Maria Ferris of O’
Neill and Mrs. Will Conner of Ew
ing. 28 — Edwin Paulson and
Richard Strube of O’Neill and
Phillip Rowse of Chambers. 29—
Robert Stuifbergen, Rolland
Johnson, Mrs. M. P. Sullivan and
Mrs. Frank Suchy of O’Neill and
Shane Prill of Page. 30 — Mrs.
William McIntosh, O'Neill.
ADMITTED: Aug 22 — Mrs.
Robert Adair and Mrs. Clifford
Clemens of Amelia and Jeanne
Wilcoxson of Atkinson. 23—Mrs.
Hugh Carr of Amelia and Mrs.
Ivor Quick of Atkinson. 24—Mrs.
Bernard Kelly of Stuart; Mrs.
Paul Babl of Newport; Mrs. Mary
M'ullen and Steve Birge of Atkin
son. 26—Lyle Mueller and Ralph
Mlinar of Stuart. 27—Robert
Campbell of Stuart. 28—Henry
Miksch of Stuart.
DISMISSED: Aug. 21 — Mrs.
Jim Stewart and daughter of New
port. 25—Steve Birge, Mrs. Ro
ger Mork and daughter, Jeanne
Wilcoxson and Mrs. Mary Mullen
of Atkinson. 27—Lyle Mueller of
Hieters Observe
60th Anniversary
With Family Picnic
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hieter
celebrated their 60th wedding an
niversary Monday and in obser
vance of the event were guests of
honor at a cooperative picnic held
at their home Sunday afternoon.
The Hieters were married Au
gust 28, 1901 at the Neligh court
house. Attendants were the bride
groom's brother and the bride’s
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hie
When first.. mfUTied the couple
resided near Brunswick and mov
ed to Atkinson >in 1911- In 1930 they
moved to a farm north of Page
Vft ±
where they lived five years be
fore settling in Stuart for about
three years. After a couple of ot
her changes, they moved to O’
Neill in 1942 and have since
made that their home. They have
been employed by Ray 9helham
er until two years ago, assisting
him in the poultry business.
The couple have three child
ren, Mrs. Kenneth Braddock, Om
aha, Dorsey Hieter, Hooper, and
Ted Hieter, Leadville, Colo.
There are nine grandchildren and
nine great grandchildren.
Twenty-eight relatives were
present for the affair Sunday. Af
ter a picnic dinner, the group,pre
,se$te$ gifts ,Jp , the honored ‘ cou- „
spe$,’;tiie' tipie vis
Stuart; Mrs. Robert Adair and
baby and Mrs. Clifford Clemens
and baby of Amelia. 28—Clarence
Greig of Stuart; Mrs. Hugh Carr
and baby of Amelia and Mrs.
Ivor Quick of Atkinson
ADMITTED: Aug. 22 — Clar
ence Worth of O’Neill. 23—Mrs.
Paul Neumiller of Naper and
Gale Witherwax of Lynch. 24—
Mrs. Albert Schindler of Monowi
and Larry Walth of Batte. 25—
Pamela Bowers of Bristow. 26—
Mrs. Jennie Hanshew of Butte.
27— Mrs. Earl Allen of Spencer.
DISMISSED: Aug. 22 — Monte
Elasser of Spencer and Henry
Olson of Bristow. 23—Mrs. Loren
Jons of Bonesteel, S. D. 24—Gale
Witherwax of Lynch. 25—Mis.
Kerry Fernau of Verdel, Law
rence Smalley of Bristow and
Clarence Worth of O’Neill. 26—
Mrs. Paul Neumiller of Naper
and Pamela Bowers of Bristow.
28— Cecil Milacek of Bristow and
Mrs. Albert Schindler of Mon
Justice Court
August 24, Robert Armstrong,
Eagle Grove, la., no reciprocity,
fined $10 and costs; Officer,
Clifford Kizzire.
August 24, Frank J. Fleming,
Niobrara, careless driving, fined
$25 and costs; Officer Milford
August 25, Robert Jensen,
Moorcraft, Wyo., no mileage per
mit, fined $10 and costs; Officer
August 28, Donald M. Bunick.
Madison, expired 6-months licen
se plates, fined $10 and costs;
Officer Donald Richardson.
August 29, Leo J. Hoffman, Nor
folk, driver for General Whole
sale company, overweight on sin
gle axle, fined $70 and cosls;
Oi'ficer Richardson.
T August 29, Bing Holcomb, Nor
folk, driver for General Whole
sale company, single axle, fined
$70 and costs; Officer Richardson.
August 29, Kenneth Ziska, At
kinson, driver for Heuton Trans
fer, overweight on axle, fined $50
and costs; Officer Kizzire.
August. 29, Robert Wecker, 0’
Npill, intoxication, fined $10 and
costs; Officer John Havelka.
August 30, Frank A. Alameda.
Lexington, driver for Lexington
M& and Elevator, overweight
single axle, fined $80 and costs;
Officer Richardson.
August 30, Harry A. Schrader,
Neligh, driver for Contois Motor
company, no registration certifi
cate, fined $10 and costs; Officer
At The
‘Aug. 24—John F. Mack, Atkin
son, night speeding, fined $15 and
costs, officer R. L. Gude.
Aug. 24 — Jary J. Watson, Am
elia, night speeding, fined $10 and
costs, officer R. L. Gude.
Aug. 29 — Clarence Pelster,
Elgin, careless driving, fined $25
and costs, officer Chris McGinn.
Aug. 25 — Ernest E. Lane, New
port and Doris Jean Baker, Am
Aug 25 — Herman Joe Ackman,
25, Oakdale and Theresa Mae Pri
bil, 21, O’Neill.
Aug. 28—Garland Lee Campbell.
20, Miller, 9. D. and Karen E.
Farrier, 17, Chambers.
O'Neill Locals
Mrs. Mary Lundgren and Mrs.
Sophia Bhown left last Wednesday
for Rushville where they were
overnight guests of Mrs. Brown’s
brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Wefso. On Thurs
day they accompanied the Wef
sos and drove to Spearfish, S.D.,
where they attended the Passion
play. The group toured other in
teresting and scenic points
through the Black Hills. The O’
Neill women returning to their
homes Sunday evening.
Larry Tomlinson left Wednes
day morning for Lincoln to re
sume his studies at the Universi
ty of Nebraska. He attended a
football kick-off dinner Wednes
day evening, and the following
morning a meeting was held of
squad members. Scrimmages
start Friday morning
Dr. and Mrs. Rex Wilson and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Wilson and family returned Sat
urday night from a week’s vaca
tion at Estes Park, Colo. Joan
Wilson returned with her family
from Estes Park where she had
been employed daring the sum
mer months.
A group of friends met at the
home of Sally Burney Monday for
a hamburger fry and dance on
the outdoor patio.
Guests in the H. W. and Ben
nett Heriford homes Thursday
and Friday were Mr. Heriford’s
sister, Mrs. Mary Freeman, and
his niece, Mrs. Neil Fuller and
daughter, San Leandro, Calif.,
and niece, Mrs. Frank Winkle and
family, Appleton, Wis.
Mrs. Josephine Goracke of
Thornton, Calif.' has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. S. Zakrzewski and
family. The ladies also visited in
Omaha with another sister, Mrs.
Stanley Zurak and other rela
tives. Enroute from Omaha they
visited Mrs. Zakrzewski’s son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Bowen at Fremont and
Cindy Bowen came with them to
visit. They also visited in Co
lumbus with cousins, Mr. and
Mrs Blaine Spiese, Mrs. Goracke
left Friday for Minnesota to vis
it her children until September
5. ,
The Bowens were expected to
arrive for, a visit Wednesday eve
ling. *
Glenna Courtney,
George Soukup
Wed August 12
LYNCH — The marriage < f
Miss Glena Kay Courtney, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George R.
Courtney, Lynch, and George A.
Soukup, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph F. Soukup, Bristow, was
performed August 12 at 10 a.m. in
the Assumption BVM church at
The Rev. Charles Kamber of
ficiated. Mrs. Harlan Heiser, Miss
Sue Allen and Miss Marjene
Weeder were vocalists. Organist
was Miss Madeline Peklo.
The bride appeared in a floor
length grwn of Chantilly lace ov
er satin with a bateau neckline
and tapered sleeves. Her finger
tip veil of silk illusion fell from
a flat crown style headpiece
beaded with pearls. Her bouquet
was of red roses and white pom
Mrs. Sidney Frahm, O’Neill.
sister of the bride was matron
of honor. Miss Angela Soukup.
Bristow, sister of the bridegroom,
was bridesmaid. They wore or
chid dacron lace dresses with
matching headpieces, and carried
onuquets of yellow pompons.
D:m Soukup, Omaha, served as
his brother's best man. Grooms
man was George H. Courtney,
Lincoln, brother of the bride. An
other brother cf the bridegroom,
Richard Soukup. Bristow, and Ro
bert Courtney, were ushers.
Flower girl was Nancy Courts
ney, and ring bearer was Johnny
Soukup, Bristow, brother of the
At the reception following the
ceremony, the cake, was cut and
served by Mrs. Glen R. Stewart Mrs. Thomas J. Courtney jr*
Mrs. Joe Birmeier presided at the
coffee service. Mrs. Georg^
Courtney jr. and Mrs. William
5 kup were in charge of the
{'■'"St book and gift table.
7 :e couple is residing in Bris
r ; a • w* ;:ms
Donita Reich Weds
Ronald j. Rotherham
At Lincoln Saturday
EWING—Arrangements of pink
and white gladioli decorated the
altar of Blessed Sacrament Ca
tholic church, Lincoln, Saturday,
Aug 26, for the 10 a.m. nuptial
mass of Miss Donita Reich,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Reich, Lincoln, and Ronald J. Ro
therham, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Rotherham, Ewing, which
was solemnized by Monsignor
Peau do soie fashioned the
bride’s gown of traditional white.
Bracelet length sleeves and a por
trait neckline accented the Chan
tilly lace bodice, traced with
pearls and iridescent paillettes
which was banded by a cummer
bund. The full skirt, ending in a
whisper train, was enhanced by
the back interest of four white
satin roses.
Serving as matroa or honor was
Mrs. Don Searcey, Kearney, sis
ter of the bride. Miss Kay Ro
therham, Ewing, sister of the
bridegroom, was maid of honor.
Junior bridesmaid was Miss De
lene Reich, Lincoln, sister of the
Bofc Koenig, Beaver Crossing
served as best man. Jerry Ro- .
therham, Ewing, was grooms
The reception was held in the
church parlors.
Following a wedding trip, the
couple will reside at 1729 K.
Street, Lincoln. The bride is a
graduate of St. Elizabeth’s School
of Nursing. The bridegroom, a
graduate of the University of Ne
braska, is presently employed at
the Johnson Cashway Dumber
company, Lincoln. The couple will
move later in September to Quan
tico, Va., where the bridegroom
will attend the Marine Officers’
Training school.
Attending the wedding from Ew
ing were the bridegroom’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ro
therham, and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Rotherham and fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. John Kron
schnabel and son, Michael, Min
neapolis, Minn., also were pre
sent. Mrs. Kronschabel is a sis
ter of the bridegroom.
Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted
Contact Censes
Pbor>e Ui~ — O'Neill, Nebr. ,
Hours 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday