The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 17, 1961, Section Three, Image 19

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    Verdigre News
By Vim: Itaudu
Dr. Carlson
Family Buys
Svoboda House
f This week L>r. and Mrs. James
G. Carlson purchased the house
from William Svoboda who pur
chased a home in Battle Creek
when they will soon move as he
has purchased an interest in the
Battle Creek Bank and is tpresi
dent of the ban. Dr. Carlson is
presently renting the George
Thrapp home just west <»f the
Methodist church on west main
•Ioh Bruce, son of Mrs.
Blanche Bruce, Verdigre, who
has been vocational agriculture
instructor at Wilber the past
three years, recently resigned
his position and has accepted a
position at the Whittier senior
high school in Lincoln, where he
will be instructor in electronics.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and family
an- planning to move to Lincoln
The middle of the week the Ver
digre Catholic Daughters of
America had installation of offi
cers with Mrs. Rosella Janssen,
Crofton. District CDA, deputy. Of
ficers installed were Mrs. William
Duft-k grand regent; Mrs. C. Pa
velka, vice regent; Mrs. H. Chal
upnik. protectress; Mrs. William
Harder, lecturer; Mrs. R. Liska,
historian: Mrs. A. Sukup, finance
secretary, Mrs. L Jaros, treasur
er: Mrs Agnes Holan, monitor;
Mrs. F. Dittrick, sentinal, and
Mrs. J. Lapesh, organist. Trus
tees are Mesdames Jankiewicz,
Felix Chvala, and Fr. Herout. The
Rev. C. J. Oborny gave an infor
mative talk. Hostesses for the
evening were Mesdames R. Fucht
man, 6. J. Jedlicka, J. Pavlik,
W. Ayers and Adolph Vakoc. En
tertainment and lunch was also
provided by them.
Mr and Mrs. Bolton Randa,
Mr and Mrs. Donald Randa and
Mr and Mrs. Vac Randa drove
to Niobrara Tuesday evening
where they visited with Elva
Randa and Mrs. Elsie Pecklo,
and also with Miss Mollie Vlas
mk who arrived from Salem.
Ore., at Elva Randa’s several
days stay. Miss Vlasnik is instruc
tor in Salem for a number of
years for blind children. Some of
her duties take her as far as
New York where she does lecture
work. Elva Randa and Mrs. El
sie Peklo are sisters of Vac Ran
da, and Miss Vlasnik is a neice
of his. Mrs. Anna Tomsik was
another recent visitor in the Pek
lo home and also with Miss Mol
lie Vlasnik. Miss Vlasnik will
leave for 9alem Friday, as she
has to teach Monday.
Orchard News
All's. W ilbur MalKioil
1‘liuiii- TW 3-31.S.*
The Evangelical United Bre
thren Women’s Society of World
Service met Wednesday afternoon
at the church parlors with 22
members and one visitor, Mrs.
Blanche Fletcher, present. Mrs.
Marion Shipman was the lesson
leader, assisted by Mesdames
Vernon Munger, Lon Sawyer,
Claude Elloit and Waldo Rodgers.
The business meeting was presid
ed over by the president, Mrs.
Harold Mitchell. The delegates.
Mesdames Harold Mitchell,
Claude Elloit, and Leon Mitchell
to the WSWS meeting at River
side Park, Milford, the first of
the week gave some reports of
I hat meeting. Hostesses were Mes
dames Floyd Steinberg, Louis
Shrader, L. Twibelle, Carrol Clif
ton, Ted Meyer and Art Bridge.
Orchard Garden club entertain
ed the Blue Birds Monday after
noon and their leader was Mrs.
Bernard Kellog, and assistant
leader, Linda Barton. Mrs Gor
don Drayton and Mrs. Hoyt Sirek
had charge of the recreation hour.
Many contest games were played
Mrs. E. E. Bruce and Mrs. J. W.
Mahood had charge of the re
freshments. The next meeting
will be September 4 with Mrs.
Cecil Lee.
James Withee returned from
the Plainview hospital last
Mrs. J. W. Mahood, accompan
ied by Mrs. R. J. Herring, Royal,
attended a luncheon held in honor
of the Frontier correspondents by
the Frontier at the M & M cafe
last Wednesday.
Mrs. James Withee spent sev
eral days in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Brown, O’Neill.
Mrs. Harlan Mitchell. Lincoln,
visited this week in the Harold
Mitchell home.
Mrs. J. W. Mahood and Louise
Stelling were Neligh visitors Tues
Mrs. Ken Withee and daughter,
Plainview, visited Mrs. Harlan
Mitchell Wednesday in the Harold
Mitchell home.
Ed Barton entered a Omaha
hospital this week for a few days
Gertrude Gribble entered a
Sioux City hospital for a few days
Lynn Thlander, Jim Elloit, Gor
don Sirek, Nancy Goakey and
Carla Goiter attended Junior High
camp at Riverside park in Mil
ford. The Rev. and Mrs. Duane
Lenz and family are in attendance
at the camp and convention and
he is a director. Next week Ja
nelle Lautenschlager will attend
Senior high camp. Jolene Mit
chell is helping Mrs. Lenz in
teaching a class of kindergarten
children this week.
Highlander Extension club met
with Mrs. Bessie Krutz with all
members except one present. Vis
itors were Mrs. Jim Bright and
Mrs. Ina Muller. Handicraft les
son on Christmas decorations was
given by Esther Hauf and Gladys
Mr. and Mrs. George Keller and
family, Ewing. were Sunday
guests in the Duane Stelling home.
Mrs. .T. W. Mahood was a Sun
day dinner guest in the George
Montgomery home, Ewing.
Mrs. Mabel Edwards is visiting
relatives at Rockford, 111.
Alva Stevens returned to his
home in California after spend
ing several weeks visiting rela
tives in Page and Orchard.
Mrs. Milo Snyder and Mrs.
Elmer Grim. Ewing are attend
ing two week summer school at
Mrs. Duane Hagedon and two
daughters. Sioux City, visited last
week in the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Shipman.
Janell Horrocks, Meadow Grove,
and Nancy Osborn, Battle Creek,
spent a few days last week with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Spar.
Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Roseman
and family. Garden Grove, Calif.,
were Wednesday guests in the
Clifford Erb heme.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hildreth and
sons vacationed in the Black Hills
last week.
Try The Frontier Want
Acs — It Pays I
Ewing News
By Mr*. Harold Harris
Attending the sale of the rural
schoolhouse District 126, Friday
from Ewing were Mr. and Mrs.
Dewitt Gunter and their guests,
Mrs. Max Graver and daughters,
New Windsor, 111., Mrs. Roland
Horde, Mrs. Jessie Angus, Mrs.
Ralph Eacker, Mrs. Everett
Buby and Mr. and Mrs. Leland
Welke and Bonnie.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde had
as their dinner and evening
guests Friday, Mr. and Mrs. De
witt Gunter, Ewing, their daugh
ter, Mrs. Max Graver and fami
ly, Mr. and Mrs. David Barton
and daughter and Kenneth Mont
gomery. and Duane Horde,
Syracuse, who is home for the
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler
and family spent Wednesday at
Platte, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde
and Mr. and Mrs. James Gunter
and family, Cleveland, 111 were
entertained at dinner Monday
evening at the George Montgo
mery home.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Drey and
children, came Friday to spend
the weekend at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Lorraine Wright,
and other relatives.
Sp. 4 Delbert Carl who has
spent the past 14 months in
Germany, arrived in Ewing
Friday to join his wife and
daughter, Debbie, at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Lorraine
Wright. Mr. Carl has received
his separation from the U. S.
Mrs. Max Wanser and Kathleen
went to Omaha Friday for the
weekend. They will visit Mr.
Wanser at an Omaha hospital
and Saturday attend the wedding
of their son. Jerry, to Linda Ny
gaard to be held at the Blessed
Sacrament Catholic church. Oma
The Rev. and Mrs. Nina Haines
and Mrs. Amy Jacobsen enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Blaine. Creighton, at a one p.m.
dinner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urbam and
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bollwitt and
family were Norfolk visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall
and two daughters, Glenwood,
la., spent Sunday at the Wilbur
Spangler home.
Guests at the Ralph and
Thomas Eacker homes Tuesday
were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller
and son, Grand Island.
Sunday dinner guests at the Ed
Urban home were Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Bollwitt and family. In
the afternoon both families went
to Page to attend the Ewing and
Page Pony league ball game.
Mrs. Wilbur Spangler and
family accompanied by Sandra
Tellander attended a' meeting
of tlie Busy Hands 4-II club at
the Richard Napier home Wed
nesday afternoon. Each girl
took a one crust pie which was
judged by Mrs. Archie Johns
ton. Preparations were made
tor displays of their work at
the Holt County Fair August
Myra Lee Pruden, who has
spent the pastt wo weeks visit
ing at Holdrege, came home over
the weekend accompanied by her
— ,
cousin, Margaret Anderson, who
will be her guest for a week
Mr. and Mrs Ray Boies,
Plainview, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail
1 ommy Switzer was a weekend
guest of David Shrader.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bohn and
daughter, Kansas, were Sunday
guests of his brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp,
accompanied by Mrs. Ira Moss,
O'Neill, went to Omaha Tuesday,
Aug. S, where the women a
ttended a t)oard meeting of the
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies drove
to Plainview Tuesday evening to
v isit Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boies.
Mr and Mrs. Wayne Shrader
and family, her mother, Mrs.
Ruth Waples, Lincoln, and Ina
Bennett were Sunday dinner
guests at the Maynard Morrow
home in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knapp,
Sioux Falls, S. D., were weekend
guests of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Knapp. On Sunday
the families went to Palmer to
attend a Knapp family reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and
Marie were guests Tuesday eve
ning at the Bob Martin home,
Neligh. Other guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Cemik, Florida,
and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Morri
son and daughter, Barbara, Ne
The Missionary Society of the
Church of the' Nazarene was held
Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Amy Jacobsen. Guests were
Nettie VanConet, Mrs. II. Stott,
and Mrs. Maden Funk. Mrs. Nel
lie Komer conducted the de
votional period and Mrs. Ernest
Norwood presented the lesson.
Chambers News
By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
A welcome .52 of an inch of
rain fell in Chambers and the
< "mmunity north, with a little
less south of town.
Mr. and Mrs. George DeKay,
West Laffette, Ind., arrived the
first of the week to visit her mo
ther, Mrs. Jane Spann, and her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. C. V. Robertson, and other
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards
and two children and Mr. and
Mrs. Darrell Edwards and son,
Nevis, Minn., ( near Park Rap
ids) arrived early Friday morn
ing for a week’s visit with the
former's son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maas and
two daughters.
Mrs. Fred Fangman returned to |
her home Wednesday after spend
ing a week in the Bernard Hoff
man home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Alderson of
Timber Lake, S. D., who were
here to attend the funeral Wed
nesday of his sister, Mrs. Mar
jorie Sammons, returned home
Thursday evening. They spent the
time here with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. E. Alderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams
returned recently from a week’s
vacation with relatives in colora- i
do and New Mexico. They visited
the Bob Turner’s in Los Alamos, i
N. M.
Jack Alderson, Phoenix, Ariz.,
came by plane to Greeley, Colo.,
and accompanied Lawrence Bar-'
nett and Weaver Brotherton, his
brothers-in lw, to Chambers to at
tend the funeral of his sister,'
Mrs. Marjorie Sammons. All re
turned Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werner
spent the weekend in Omaha with
their son and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Werner.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
drove to Fremont Thursday to
watch the judging of livestock
at the county fair. Included in
the 4-II livestock exhibit was a
Shorthorn heifer from the Car
penter herd and shown by boys j
from the Masonic Boys home in
Mrs. Lawrence Barnett and
Mrs. Weaver Brotherton, Greeley,
Colo., departed Saturday for their
home. After spending several days
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. E. Alderson., and attending the
funeral of their sister, Mrs. Mar
jorie Sammons.
The Womans Society of Christ
ian Service met at the Methodist
church Thursday to complete
their study of the book ‘‘Safe in
Bondage”, by Robert Spike. Mrs. •
James Grimes and Louis Neilson
presented the lesson. Mrs. Dar
rell Gillette presided at the busi
ness session in the absences of ■
the president and vice president, j
Lunch was served by the hostess-!
es, Mrs. Raymond 9hoemaker and
Mrs. Eugene Halsey.
Venus News
By Mrs. Ralph Brookhou*«*r
Rainfall in this vicinity totaled
1.60 inches Wednesday, Aug. 9,
during the late afternoon. The
next day, more rain fell here, .70
of an inch, making 2.30 inches
which was very much needed in
this locality.
Mrs. George Heggerrueyer enter
tained the Work and Fun club at
her home Wednesday afternoon,
Aag 9, with a perfect attendance
of 12 members and two visitors.
Mrs. Mamie Zeterman Osmound
and Mrs. Peter Mott. The after
noon was spent at quilting for
the hostess. Mrs. Heggemoyer
served lunch at the close of the
Vlasta, Viola and Rita Pospe
shil and Mrs. Mamie Zetterman,
Osmond, were Monday afternoon
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. LeMaster Tuesday af
ternoon. They visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook
houser. Mrs. Zetterman returned
to her home in Osmond Friday
after a week’s visit in the Pos
peshil home.
Mrs. Fred Uhlir and Annette
were Tuesday evening visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Minarik, Verde!.
Mrs. Marlin Tusha and children
went to Verdigre Thursday after
spending the past week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Brookhouser. At Verdigre they
will visit Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph
Tucha and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Tucha and other relatives.
Mrs. Harry Caskey and Mrs.
Donald Caskey and children and
Joan Caskey of Norfolk were O’
Neill visitors Wednesday.
Bankers Life
Casualty Co.
Underwriters of the
Medical and Surgical
Income Protection
Life Insurance
Ph. 733 119 N. 8tli St.
O’Neill, Nebr.
Ellsworth Pederson, Neligh,
was grinding feed at the Ralph
Brookhouser farm Tuesday. Help
ing were Hugh Brookhouser and
Recent dinner and supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dorr
and daughters were Mr. and Mrs.
Norbert Letz and family, Harting
ton. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Heaton and family, Sioux City.
Mrs. Letz is a sister anil Mr.
Heaton a brother of Mrs. Dorr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey and
Joan were TTarsday evening vis
itors at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Ralph Brookhouser.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie 1’odany
and Richard visited at the Reno
Boelter home near Lynch Sun
day. Reno was taken to a Sioux
City hospital that day, for the
removal of the cast from his
leg. He was seriously injured in
a tractor accident several weeks
Mr and Mrs. Donald Caskey
and Craig were O’Neill visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Boelter
- .... ,
Complete visual Care
Contact lensis
H* Appointment Phone Mto
Spencer, Nebraska
and daughter are staying with
his parents, Mr and Mrs. WiLlls
Darvin and Denise Falter,
Creighton, stayed with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Au
thor Von Seggern Monday night.
Mrs. Ernest Boelter and Jim
mie,, Mrs. Ottie Mitties, and Mrs.
Harry Caskey and Joan were O’
Neill visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey
and family, Norfolk, visited with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Caskey last Tlv irsday. Joan re
mained with them for a longer
August 7 upper guests at the
Fred Hanneman home in Bruns
wick were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Brookhouser, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Brookhouser and sons, Mrs. Mar
lin Tusha and family, and Arlo
Baird and David.
It’s the unity I
| in a community 1
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The job in Oshkosh..,.
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Community-wide effort, as demonstrated by the
citizens of Oshkosh, proves that UN ITT in the community
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Attracted by this unified effort, the
MIDWEC CORPORATION, manufacturers of electronic
equipment, located a plant in Oshkosh. It rk
began operations about a year ago and now $>_,
employs approximately 34 people. f?i
1+J j
Another factor that figured in the Midwec decision jT
to locate in Oshkosh, according to company officials,
was the availability of a dependable supply of
aw-cost electricity.
Interested in the growth and develop
ment of each of the 355 communities
it serves, and of the state as a whole.
Consumers Public Power District h I f* i I M M T UC
makes available every electrical power I I fill VI* IliT L tl V POWER
need for industry ... for business .. . V VI TO VIVlL/lO DISTRICT
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See Cliff Arquette as
Use wild old man with JOHNNY PlILEO
and Harmonica Gang, other acts — five
nights, Sept. 1-7.
PLUS. . .
Big Car Races, afternoons Sept. I, 4, 7j
Stock Car Races, afternoon Sept, t;
Junior Sportsarama, afternoons Sept. IRK
Thrillcade, evening Sept. 1
Civil War Centennial
Special historical exhibits as part of
nation-wide observance.
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