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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1961)
Deloifr News By Mm. H. Refiner Yield Is Good in Small Grain Harvest The small grain harvest is u progress. The yield is quite goo< in most localities as reported however we are still badly lr need of rain. Mrs. Martha Kinney, Elgin .sjjent last weekend with Mrs. Mary Stearns. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and the Ewald Spahns attended the Diamond Jubilee at Plain view last week. The Delon Pinochle club had a parly Friday for Mrs. E. L. Ses son’s K5th birthday. Mrs. Roger Pofahl and Mrs. Charles McDon ald won prizes. Mesdames Otto Reimer, Melvin Rexin, G. A. Bau er, Roger Pofahl, Willis, Rocky and Dona Session were were guests. Mrs. Louis Pofahl was able to leave the Neligh hospital Friday. Mrs. Bill Gibbs was a Norfolk visitor Thursday. Mr and Mrs. L. L. Bartak spent Sunday at the Carl Bartak home in West Point. Mrs. Alice Lodge, Elgin, spent last week in a Norfolk hospital. Mrs. L. L. Bartak brought her to the Bartak home on Tuesday for a few «h».ys stay. Mrs. G. A. Bauer spent Wed nesday at the Sylvester Bauer hdmp Mr. and Mrs. Milan Born and Kevin, Humboldt, vacationed ijn the Black Hills last week. They spent I he weekend at I be Henry Seimi r home. Mrs. Louis Poahl was a pa tient in the Neligh hospital last week. The Wheeler County Farm Bureau picnic was held at Pibel luike Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and sons and Mrs. Marilyn Burk and family took ice cream and cake and visited the C. L. Sis son home Thursday evening. The occasion was Mrs. Sisson’s and Johnny Burk’s birthdays. Mrs. Otto Seimer, Lincoln, spent the weekend at the E. L. Sisson home. Mr. ami Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Dick Zahm returned to his home after spending the sum mer at the Tomjack home. The Tlie Tomjack’s visited the Jean Ray home in Omaha. Mrs. Keith Bart;ik and three children attended a birthday par ty Wednesday in Neligh for Kim Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and sons were Sunday dinner guests at the Web Napier home. Mr and Mrs. Mike Born and son, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer and Sharon Snyder were visitors Saturday evening at Don Lar sons. Eija McCullough was a lunch eon guest Tuesday at the Ho ward Temple home in Hastings. Fort Randall News Janice Kirwan Mr and Mrs. Ed Hausmann and family, Bonesteel. were Sunday supper guests at the Harry Hausmann home. Mrs. Ed Cassidy and Virginia and Pam Castle, Pickstown. at tended the Holmberg-Haney wed ding Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hausmann. Jill and Janice Kirwan were Wednesday evening visitors at the Louie Janousek home of rural Fairfax. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Nyquist and Lavonne, Spencer, visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Nyquist Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gray, Jolene and Loreen and Mrs. Lillian Riha, Fairfax, were Sunday evening visitors at the G. R. Kirwan home. Darrell Cassidy is visiting in the home of his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Graham in Gregory, S. D. Sunday coffee guests at the Melvin Anderson home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson and — Fri.-Sat. July 28-29 SINK THE BISMARK Amazing true adventure Kenneth More Dana Wynter Also cartoon Sun.-Mon.-Tues. July 30-31 Aug. 1 5 academy awards including j "Best Picture” THE APARTMENT Jack Lemon Shirley MacLaine Fred MacMurry Added shorts | Wed.-Thurs. Aug. 2-3 Family Nights Laugh it up with this one VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET Jerry Lewis ! ' family, Lynch. .lorry Kirwan was a Sunday supper guest at the Ed Roeder home of rural Fairfax. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kirwan. Susan, John, find Tim went to Norfolk to meet Melvin’s mother, Mrs. E. B. Kirwan, who had spent sometime visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fitzsimmons. They all enjoyed a picnic dinner in Norfolk before returning to their homes. Mr and Mrs. Melvin Kirwan and family and Mrs. E. B. Kirwan visited at the George Roeder home at Randolph, enroute home. Mrs. Maxine Castle, Pickstown, and Mr. find Mrs. Alvin Lich and family were Sunday visitors at the Ed Cassidy home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kocer jr.. and Wanda of rural Wagner, were Sunday supper guests at the Dan Kirwan home Mr. and Mi’s. Harry Hausmann were Saturday evening visitors at the Louie Janousek home. Lila Norwood and Art Norwood. Lynch, were Friday visitors at the Dan Kirwan home. Homer Davis, O’Neill, and Wade Davis, Chambers, were Saturday dinner guests at the G. R. Kirwan home. Mrs. Louie Janousek, Debbie and Kevin, rural Fairfax, and Mrs. Howard Chelen, Brian, and Ijorie, Onawa, la., were Saturday afternoon callers at the Harry Hausmann home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jetters, Maryland, were Friday visitors at the Dan Kirwan home. Mrs. Jetters and Mrs. Kirwan are sis ters. The Pickstown jr. League Baseball team won their game against Lake Andes jr. League team Wednesday evening. Charles Nyquist, John and Tim Kirwan were among the players on the winning team. Olga Bengston was a Friday evening visitor at the G. R. Kir wan home. Riverside News By Mrs. Lionel Gunter Suffers Arm Break Tuesday From Pony Fall Bruce Burner broke his left arm Tuesday afternoon while riding a pony at the Leo Miller home. His mother took him to Neligh to the hospital where he spent the night, returning to the Keith Biddlecome home Wednesday. Bruce went to the hospital Saturday for an X Ray, his arm is healing alright. The Duane Jensen family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, the Rich ard Napier family and the Wayne Fry family were dinner guests Sunday at the Z. H. Fry home in honor of Wayne and Kevin Fry’s birthdays. Mrs. Alfred Napier, Glenda and Leroy were O’Neill visitors Sat urday. Nancy and Reta Napier, Julie and Jody Fry attended a slum ber party at the D:ile Napier home Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery visited Tuesday evening at the John Miller home. The Lynn Fry family visited Thursday evening at the Willie Shrader home. Mrs. Kitty Fry visited Wednesday at the Lynn Fry home. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs and Bobby and Peggy EmsZick, Oma ha, came Saturday evening to visit relatives, returning home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton, and Mrs. Robert Hobbs and Bobby visited Sunday eve ning at the Alvin Nelson home, Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. ack PJennington, Naperville, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hoke, Waterloo, la., were dinner and overnight guests Mon day at the Dewitt Hoke home. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter visited at the Verl Gunter home at Blair Sunday. The Art Busshardt family, Ne ligh, were dinner guests Sunday at the Dave Pollock home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer vis ited last Sunday at the Ora Swit zer home. The William Lofquist family entertained the Busy Hand 4-H club Friday evening at the Frenchtown Mrs. William Bonier and Joy Carol, Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Mrs. Dale Napier were dinner and sup per guests Monday of the Duane Jensen family in Newman Grove. Anna Marie Jensen came home with them for a few days visit at the Dale Napier home. Joy Carol j Bonier was an overnight guest Monday at the Napier home. iViis. xvti^uiunu ocnmiai ana i Sharon visited Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Rady Ahlers. Shirley Miller assisted Norma Napier m entertaining the United Presbyterian women Thursday af ternoon at the Alfred Napier home. There were 15 members and Mrs. William Bomer, a vis iter, present. The Alfred Napier family visit ed Thursday evening at the John Napier home. Dannis Napier stayed with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord, from Thursday evening un til Saturday evening. Charles Mott returned to his home in Sioux City last Sunday, having spent the past month at the Grant Mott home. Mrs. William Bomer, Bruce, Norman and Joy Carol were din ner and supper guests Friday at the George Montgomery home. Lucille Biddlecome also was a Supper guest. Later in the eve ning they visited the Robert Mont gomery family near Neligh. Linda and Gary Montgomery played with Bruce and Joy in 'the after noon. Sherry Switzer, Mrs. G. D. Ry an, Sheila and Douglas were din ner guests Friday at the Alfred Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller, Jacky Switzer and Joan Miller were Neligh visitors Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family, Mrs. Kitty Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons were dinner guests Sunday at the Lynn Fry home in honor of Mrs. Willie Shrader’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter vis ited Tuesday evening at the Ray mond Schmidt home. The Riverside Free Methodist Missionary society met in the church basement Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and children, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H, Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shrader and Flora Young attend ed the Jolly Workers picnic Tues day evening in the Orchard Park Jacky and Judy Switzer came on the bus from Omaha to visit until Monday at the Leo Miller home. They will visit at the Wen dell Switzer home for a few days. Miss Soukup Weds Dean P. Mongar July 15 BRISTOW — Saint Mary’s Catholic church of Spencer was the setting for the wedding on July 15 of Mis§ Eileen A Soukup, Omaha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Soukup of Bristow, to Oean P. Mongar, Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mongar of Lawton, la. Rev. Father Robert Steinhausen officiated at the 10:00 a m. nup tial mass and double ring cere mony, assisted at the altar by Bob Scheinost and Paul Ohri as altar boys. The church choir sang. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride appeared in a floor length gown of white net oyer satin featuring lace panels with sequin trim. Her waist length veil fell from a crown trimmed with pearls. She carried a colonial bouquet of red roses. Miss Angela Soukup, Bristow, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Miss Juanita Mongar, Omaha, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid. They were attired in gowns of orchid lace with match ing headbands. Each carried a bouquet of carnations, ,Jeri Vavra, Sioux City, la., niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl Gary Mongar, Lawton, la., acted as his brother’s best man. Groomsman was Allan Jensen, Omaha. John Soukup, Bristow, brother of the bride, carried the rings. Seating the guests were Laurin Mongar, Omaha, brother of the bridegroom, and Richard Soukup, Bristow, brother of the bride. Following the ceremony, a re ception for 70 relatives and friends was given at the Com munity hall by the members of the Altar Society. Mrs. Joe Kopecky baked and decorated the wedding cake. Mrs. Bernard Vav ra, sister of the bridegroom, poured coffee and Mrs. William Soukup, sister-in-law of the bride, registered the guests and cut the wedding cake. Miss Mary Soukup, sister of the bride, and Miss Sue Mongar, sister of the bridegroom, recorded the gifts. Sisters of the bride. Miss Darlene and Miss Delores Soukup waited on the tables. Miss Soukup attended Bristow high school and is employed in Omaha with Northwestern Bell Telephone company. Mr. Mongar is also employed in Omaha, with Western Electric. Following their wedding trip to the Black Hills, the couple will make their home in Omaha. Phone Your News To The Frontier Phone 788 Watermelons Fresh Pears Each 89c Lb. 19c j Red-ripe and full of sweet and juicy flavor. The preferred Bartlett Variety, from Approximately 25 pounds average. California. Sweet and full of flavor. Choose from these favorites ... Hydrox Cookies 39c Pickle Relish &SZXS:.. 2 X 49c Pork & Beans 3 SS $1 Apple Sauce 2 29c Shell Macaroni Ky..IS: 19c Spring Rain S&r.«....2lS 49c Unit Starch easy-io-use ..........Pkg. I6e Pkg. of 12 bogs Canterbury Ice Tea Blend ' —with the purchase of LIBBEY GLASSES 6<o,'W Heavy-bottomed reflection tumblers trimmed in beautiful colors for drinks of all kinds ... First Quality Suvtnson’s—frozen Salad Dressing j TV Dinners 1-qt. Jsss* 45c I EACH 49* NuMade—(Save 5c pack), the Beef, Turkey, Fried Chicken, Haddock Fillet, ideal spread Ham or Sirloin GROUND BEEF Lb. 39c Safeway*s quality controlled Ground Beef is made of only lean, tender chunks of flavorful beef. You can always depend on finer, rich flavored ground beef day after day at Safeway, Round SteaksSS4:..^ 69c Rump Roast Safeway Superb beef ... .Lb. 69c U.S.D.A. Choice Grade, 4# B Uiaged, easy-to-prepare.Lb. w M V Stewing Beef 25BSE&...uJOc jaraK j Slnfe !"—*■«— ^S9c i »i7« Lunch Meats -ffissBar- •‘-h-w a "* Toilel Tissue 2SKSr...3S 37c Paper Towels Mr.i-y-g 29e *“*™ Paper Piaies S?SJS^« 5* 5^ Be'ergenl SStS.S39c -O'Neill, Nebraska Fresh Plums *2.9c Seedless Crapes *?QC Crisp Cabbage Midwest grown, economical and fresh. I Ma Brown Pickles •» q Sweet Dili-icioua.1-pt. Jar tom Jr C Star Kist Tuna 7 c Ught meat, chunk style.6t4-oz. Can tom Mr LaChoy Noodles IT Crisp, fresh, handy-to-use size ... .No. 303 Can ■ * Alcoa Wrap Aluminum foil.25-ft. Roll tom G Fabric Softener A Qr Downy; new softness for washes. .17-0*. Btl. M V Raindrops 11. Water softner, for ideal washingB.. 24-ox. Pkg. ■ V Toilet Tissue it, Charmin—white or pastel colons.. 4-roU Pkg. tom m F".. ■< WHITE MAGIC Liquid Bleach 1-gallon tFm — Jug L ■ml B B B jjf Thursday and ■ IB B W Bi BBB Friday Afternoons BB BB And All Day —_B nc plus _ m h m * Saturday * ^ ™ ™ M j/f Deposit