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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1961)
Aunnamarie Gilmore Weds Glenn Miller CHAMBERS—Arrangement of pin!: gladioli appointed the chan cel of the East Lincoln Christian church Sunday, July 16, for the wedding of Miss Aunnamarie Gil more, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Gilmore, and Glenn C. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur R. Miller, Chambers. The service was read by the Rev. Jerry Peters. John Carter Cole, organist, played the wed ding music. The vocal soloists were Mrs. Kenneth Bourne and Miss Phyllis Wadlow. For her wedding the bride chose a gown of mitamist taffeta. Pearl and sequin embroidered lace framed the scoop neckline. The lace was repeated over side fullness of the bell skirt which swept to a chapel train beneath a bustle bow. A crown of seed pearls and crystal teardrops held Judy Goakey Weds Edward Allshouse ORCHARD—Miss Judy Goakey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Goakey, and Edward Allshouse jr., Valentine, son of Mr. and Mrs Edward Allshouse sr., were mar ried Friday, July 14, at 7 p.m. in the EUIB church, Orchard. The Rev. Duane Lenz officiated in the double ring ceremony. Or ganist was Mrs. Harvey Holbrook sr.. and Mr. Holbrook was soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Holliday attended the couple. Carl and Nancy Goakey served as candle lighters. The couple will make their home in Valentine where Mr. Allshouse is a carpenter and Mrs. .Allshouse is a beauty operator. Thelma Lackey, Robert Welke Exchange Vows EWING — Thelma Lackey, Kill un, Tex., became the bride of Sp. 5 Robert K. Welke, Fort Hood, Tex., in a double ring ceremony at 10:30 a.m. July 4 in the First Methodist church in Killun. The Rev. Mr. Wooten officiated. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Priest, Killun, and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke, Ewing. The bride was attired in a blue chiffon over taffeta gown featur ing a portrait neckline and bole ro with lace accents. Accessories of white completed her attire. Mrs. Betty Lewis, Killun, sis ter of the bride, was matron of honor. Bestman was Sp 5 David Han nahan, Fort Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Welke are visit ing relatives in Ewing, and will the veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink roses. Wearing sheaths of pink taf feta shadowed with silk organza and carrying pink and white car nations were Mrs. Lena Williams, as matron of honor, and Miss Mary Gilbert, maid of honor. Costumed identically in the cham pagne tone were Miss Phyliss Wadlow and Miss Joyce Hat field, bridesmaids, Miss Laura Kay Alcorn, Grand Island, jun ior bridesmaid, and Miss Denise Maureen Alcorn, Grand Island, flower girl. Keith Halsey, Chambers, serv ed as best man. Seating the guests were Loren Stewart, Page, Gleason Grimes, Milford, Ronald Obertmeier, Giltner, and Michael Alcorn, Grand Island, Dennis Alcorn and Gary Alcorn were candlelighters. The couple will live in Millard after August 1 on their return from a wedding trip through western Nebraska and South Da kota. return to Fort Hood following their visit. Mr. Welke has re-en listed in the army and will be transferred soon to Fort Sill, Okla., where he will receive special training in maintenance of electronics. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown, O’Neill, wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter, Karon Marie, to Loren Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stew art, Page. Miss Brown, a former student of Inman high school, is attend ing the Grand Island School of Business and will graduate Is March. Mr. Stewart, a former student of Page high school, Is now em ployed on a ranch north of Page. No wedding date has been set, — n ■' ■' ^ SAUNTO’S WOMEN'S Shoe Sale ’1 , V ALL SALES FINAL SAUNTO’S Phone 197-W O'Neill L — Ursula Weidman Weds Dennis Werner CHAMBERS—Miss Ursula Weid man became the bride of Den nis Werner in a quiet wedding ceremony at Papillion July 3. Miss Weideman is the daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Weideman, Han over, Germany Mr. Werner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werner, Chambers. They plan to make their home in Omaha where he is employed. O'Neill Locals Reports on Cainp The Pleasant Brook 4-H club held a regular meeting July 12 at Clarence Funks. Roll call was answered by telling what mem bers like to do for the summer. Seven members were present and three were present and three were absent. Money was given to the news reporter for stamps and envelopes. Janet Funk gave a report on her 4-H camp exper iences. A supper menu was plan ned by the cooking members. The sewing members took turns read ing about finishes for clothes. Jodine Funk made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Mary Ellen Parks. After the adjournment the group sang songs and lunch was serv ed. Society Meets St. Patrick’s Altar society met Thursday evening in St. Mary’s gymnasium. Mrs. Bill Kelly pre sided in the absence of Hilda Gal lagher. One visitor, Mrs. Jim Jen son, Omaha, was introduced. Mrs. Rynold Cimfel displayed the sil ver service procured by the Altar socity. The Rev. Robert Duffy spoke to the members and gave a brief report on the building pro gress of the new convent and school. St. Agnes guild with Mar garet Howard as chairman was in charge of the meeting. St. Ca therine’s guild with Mrs. John Liska as chairman will entertain next month. Mrs. W. S. Kirkland returned Thursday from a four-week visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ronnie Zimmerle and family in San Di ego, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady and daughters, Omaha, spent the weekend in O’Neill visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. Sofie Nekuda arrived here July 15 from Omaha for an in definite visit with her sons, El mer and Leonard Juracek, O’ Neill, and Clarence Juracek, Or chard, and their families, and her brother, John Juracek, Norfolk. Mrs. Leonard Juracek, Mrs. Vic Halva and Mrs. Nekuda spent Friday in Page visiting at the Ed Cernousek home. Arrive in O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. James Adams and family moved from Tole do, O., and are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clemens at the pre sent time. Mr. and Mrs. Adams have a new son, Daniel Clement, born June 17 at Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck. Linda and Janette and Mrs. Rosa Bowers visited Wednesday at the Lei and Schlote home in Creigh ton. They also visited at the Bill Scheinost home at Page. Laurie and Roberta Scheinost came home with them to visit until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Scheinost will visit at the Woidneck home Saurday evening. Ricky and Debbie Mellor spent Monday visiting with Janette Woidneck. Mary Hickey, Hollywood, Calif., who has spent the past two weeks here visiting her brothers, P. V. and John Hickey and families, returned to Pender. Agnes Claire Hickey and Kathleen Warnke took her there Sunday where she will resume her visit with her sis ters, Mrs. Alice Conway and Mar garet Hickey, 9ioux City, la. She will return to Hollywood at a lat er date. Mrs. Welke Honored EWING—A bridal shower was given Thursday evening at the Ewing Methodist church parlors in honor of Mrs. Robert Welke. Games were in charge of Mrs. Terry Erb. Miss Lorraine Bartos and Mrs. James Good assisted the bride with the gifts. Commit tee in charge included Mesdames Erb, Good, Clifford Hahlbeck, C. C. Hahlbeck and Thomas Eack er, and Miss Bartos. Honored at Shower DORSEY — Miss Doris Hrbek was guest of honor at a “pantry” shower held Saturday afternoon at the Eddie Krugman home. Games were played by the friends, relatives and classmates who gathered to give Miss Hrbek a collection of recipes and gifts. Miss Hrbek plans to be married in the near future. She has been teaching school in Lynch the past two years, and will continue teaching this fall at the Scott ville school. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hrbek. Rev Harold Young and family are visiting this week with rela tives in and near O’Neill. He is a teacher in the Payola, Kans. school. Mrs. Clifford Thompson and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson o) Seattle, Wash, visited the past week with relatives in O’Neill and Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas McColley. Rapid City, S. D., and Merle Warner, Rapid City, and Mrs. Maud Haywood, Vivian, S. D.. i were Tuesday callers at the D H. Clauson home. Mrs. Ralph McElvain, Mrs. Ed Walsh and Mrs. Ralph Walker and daughters spent Monday in Norfolk on business. Monday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ev eritt, were Mr. and Mrs. Clift McKenny and family, Omaha. The McKenna* . earuute to South Dakota to spend a week fishing. Mr. and Mrs. John Luhen and children, Chadron, left Wednes day for home after spending sev eral days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Luben, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain, O’Neill, and Mrs. Tom Hutton, Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Elsberry spent the weekend in Sioux City, visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Peterson and family, O’Neill, returned Wednes day from Sioux City, where they have been visiting for the last month with friends and relatives. Judy Sullivan arrived home Sat urday from Los Angeles, Calif., where she has spent the last month visiting her father, Tom 9ullivan, and brother and family. Leo Tomjack spent the week end in Omaha visiting his wife in St. Joe’s hospital. Patty Heermann, Rita Corkle and Mrs. Tom Sullivan spent a week in Fort Robinson. Sister Mary Elizabeth S. C. L. and Sister Mary Ernestine S. C. L. of Xavier, Kan., visited from Friday until Monday at the James Corkle home. Sister Mary Eliza beth is the former Ellen Corkle. Mrs. Joe Cavanaugh entertain ed several guests, in her home Tuesday evening at a party. George McCarthy spent Satur day in Grand Island at a business meeting, then drove to Red Cloud to visit his daughter, Mrs. Larry Butterfield and new grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parks and family, Gering, left Wednesday for home after visiting here with Mrs. Parks’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sergent. Mrs. Sar gent returned with them. Rev and Mrs. Joseph Walstea, Ann, Gretchen, David, Becky and Karen were surprise guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson Wednes day noon when they dropped in to visit them on their way home from a vacation in New York and Washington, D. C. Bruce Miller called at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Martha Ross July 18 to wish her a happy birthday Sunday. Mr. Ross and Clarence went to Lynch to see Mrs. May Wells, who is recovering from a serious illness. Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Ross are cousins. Mrs. Ross has received word that her recent visitors, the Frank Wyants, have returned to their home in Esparto, Calif. Sister Visits Here Mrs. W. H. Fowler, Enid, Okla., arrived here Friday for a week’s visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. A. Burgess, and with her mother, Mrs. Laura Walker. Her daughter, Mrs. John Thomas aft^ baby son, Lubbock, Tex., accom panied her mother to O’Neill. Mrs. Ross Honored Among the friends and rela tives who visited Mrs. Martha Ross July 19 to congratulate her on her birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mitchell, Mrs. Cecil Jim Enright left Monday for Omaha to spend a few days visit ing his sister, Mrs. Robert Web er and family. Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke were Mrs. Liedtke's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kah ler, Meadow Grove. Larry Liedtke spent Wednes day until Sunday in Meadow Grove visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kahler. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Holsclaw. Alliance, spent several days here visiting Mrs. Fred Holsclaw and Mr. and Mrs. James Holsclaw. Mrs. Langan Honored A picnic dinner was held Tues day evening in the park in hon or of the birthday of Mrs. Mike Langan. Those present were Mike, Mr. and Mrs. John Dewitt and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langan and family. Hospifal Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: July 20 — Mrs. Francis Pribil and Mrs. G. A. Miles of O’Neill; George Jeffer ies of Ewing; Mark Volquard sen of Orchard; Mary Beth Sum mers of Bartlett and Velma Kauf man of Bassett. 21—James Dish men of Page and Mrs. John Horn back of Spencer. 22—Mrs. Law rence Cozine of Lynch and John Papke of Chambers. 23—Mrs. John Summers of Page. 24—Mrs. Gertrude Howard of O’Neill; Mrs. Charles Jolty of Milton, Pa., and Don Trout of Omaha. 25—Philip Allendorfer and Mark Derickson of O’Neill and James Douglas Kay of Ewing. 26—Mrs. Marvin Stahlecker of Spencer. DISMISSED: July 19—Russell Derickson of O’Neill. 20—Mrs. LaVern Summers and baby of Bartlett and Mrs. John DeWitt of O’Neill. 21—Dr. W. F. Finley and Mrs. George Weingartner of O' Neill; George Jefferies of Ewing and Mrs. Harry Park of Page. 22— Margaret McManus of O’Neill and Velma Kaufman of Bassett. 23— Mark Volquardsen of Or chard; Mrs. Dale Curran and baby and Mrs. Francis Pribil and baby of O’Neill. 24—Mrs. John Hornback of Spencer; Carl Widtfeldt of O’Neill and John R. Papke of Chambers; Mrs. Lynn Doty of Spencer. 25—Mrs. Char les Jolly of Milton, Pa.; Mrs. Lawrence Cozine and baby of Lynch and Mary Beth Summers of Bartlett. 26—Mrs. Gene O’ Neill and baby, Mark Derickson and Mrs. G. A. Miles of O’Neill and James Decker of Rosebud, 9. D. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: July 17—Mrs. Lou is Kirkland of Atkinson; Mrs. An na Olberding of Stuart and Rob ert Colfack of Newport. 18—Dew ey Beck of Newport and Mrs. Fe lix Laible of Stuart. 19—Mrs. Rudy D. Dvorak of Atkinson and Richard Wright of Long Pine. 20 —Mrs. Donald Skrdla of Stuart and Mrs. Alvin Wedige of Emmet. 21—Daniel Lee of Atkinson. 22— Mrs. Art Pacha of Stuart. 23— John Jauernig of Stuart and Mrs. Fred Grothe of Emmet. DISMISSED: July 18 — Daniel Lee and Mary Mullen of Atkinson and Paul Shald of Stuart. 19— Geraldine Walnofer of Stuart; Ro bert Colfack of Newport and Hen ry Dierks of Atkinson. 20—Mrs. Rudy D. Dvorak of Atkinson. 21 —Mrs. Felix Laible of Stuart. 22 —Claude Porter and Dewey Beck of Newport and Mrs. Carl Smith of Atkinson. 23—Mrs. Art Pacha of Stuart and Mrs. Alvin Wedige of Emmet. ADMITTED: July 18 — Master John Soukup of Bristow. 19—Mrs. Jennie Hanshew of Butte and Mrs. Clifford Lewis of Fairfax, S. D. 20—Gordon Keller of Spencer and Mrs. Harold Wickersham of Lynch. 22—Mrs. William Zeisler of Naper. 23—John Miller and John Carr of Spencer. 24—Dennis Kin ney of Spencer. DISMISSED: July 18 — Mrs. Kenneth Porter and baby of Butte. 19—Master John Soukup and Mrs. John Frink and baby of Bristow; Mrs. Clayton Mlady and Mrs. Leonard Nielson and baby of Verdel. 20—Mrs. Dave Fis cher of Naper. 23—Gordon Keller of Spencer. 24—Orville Lewis of Anoka, Mrs. Myron Hodges of Lynch and Mrs. Jennie Hanshew of Butte. ST. ANTHONY’S CURRAN—Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran of O'Neill, daughter, Christine Jane, 8 pounds 14 dun ces, July 19. PRIBIL—Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pribil of O’Neill, daughter, Jean Ann, 8 pounds 4Vi ounces, July 20. COZINE—Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Cozine of Lynch, son, Paul Barton, 7 pounds 6% ounces, July 22. O’NEILL—Mr. and Mrs. Gene O’Neill of O’Neill, son, Patrick Shane, 5 pounds 8 ounces, J»aly 22. SUMMERS—Mr. and Mrs. John Summers of Page, daughter, Jayne Lenea, 7 pounds 3 3/4 oun ces, July 24. ATKINSON MEMORIAL SKRDLA — Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Sfcrdla of Stuart, daughter, 6 pounds, July 21. ELSEWHERE EDMINSTEN — Mr. and Mrs. Lorrence Edminsten of Lincoln, son, Steven Lee, July 13. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Edminsten are the paternal grandparents. Mrs. Hes ter Edminsten of Page is the great-grandmother. ENGLER — Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Engler of Omaha, by adop tion, son, Michael James, 6 years old. They have another son, Jim my 11. Edd Charfs Plan 50th Anniversary At Royal August 13 ROYAL—Mr. and Mr.s. Edd Charf will be honored at an open house August 13 from 2:30 to 5 p.m., in observance of their gold en wedding anniversary. Their children, who are plan ning the event, take this means of inviting their friends and rela tives. Edd Charf and Martha Heiter were married August 12, 1911 at Neligh. They have lived in Royal and vicinity for the entire 50 years with the exception of a brief residency in Creighton when he was employed in carpenter work, which with masonry and painting has been his occupation DORK — Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dorr of Orchard, daughter, 8 pounds 2 ounces, July 19. KOPHE — Mr. and Mrs. John Kophe of St. Paul, Minn., son, 9 pounds 1 ounce, July 17. Mrs. Koephe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Kuhlman of Creigh ton. COMPTON — Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Compton of Norfolk, daughter, Amy Jo, 7 pounds, 9 3/4 ounces, July 21. Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. Mrs. Compton is the former Alice Young, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young. BUTTERFIED — Mr. and Mrs. Larry Butterfield of Red Cloud, son, Larry Dale, 7 pounds 151-2 ounces, July 22. Mrs. Butterfield is the former Kay McCarthy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy. MARRIAGE LICENSE July 24—Earl Robert Miller, 27, O’Neill and Beverly Ann Cihlar, Verdigre, 18. July 24—Robert L. Eggerling, 22, Norfolk and Judy A. Bartak, 21, Ewing. JUSTICE COURT— July 24, Harrison F. Cluck, Highland, Kan., no reciprocity, fined $10 and costs; Officer, Clif ford Kizzire. July 24, Lawrence Stevens, Nor folk, driver for Foremost Dairies, no registration certificate, fined $10 and costs; Officer, Donald Richardson. July 24, Charles Noakes, Grand Island, over length, fined $10 and costs; Officer Richardson. July 24, Gordon D. Pole, Spen cer, overweight interior group of axles, $70 and costs; Officer Kiz zire. July 25, Richard P. Jones, Sioux Falls, S. D., no reciprocity, fined $10 and costs; Officer Kiz zire. DISTRICT COURT— July 24—Henry Stolte, Atkin son, vs. Edward J. and Elzene J. Moeller, mortgage forclosure. July 24—Loup River Public Po wer District vs. Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corporation, money judgement. COUNTY COURT— July 20—Dennis Lee Hausman, Norfolk, night speed, fined $15 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. July 20—Robert G. Lorence, Des Moines, la., day speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. July 20—James Claude Riser, Jacksonville, Fla., day speeding, fined $15 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. July 21—Oscar A. Gautreaux, Omaha, night speeding, fined $15 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. July 24—Carl J. Smith, Adrian, N. D., night speeding, fined $10 and and costs, officer E. M. Hast reiter. 4 * July 25—Arnold E. Hoerle, Bart lett, night speedup, fined $70 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. July 25—Mel Hanson, Omaha, petit; larceny, fined $10 and costs, complaint signed by Ed J. Moel ler. , July 26—Russell D. Thomas, Emmet, improper passing on hill, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hastreiter. " — July 20—‘Duck Moore, Omaha, malicious destruction Of property, sentenced to 15 days in county jail. Count 2, possession of alco holic : liquor by minor, fined $35. Total; of 21 days in Jail. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Mrs. Gary Ward and Vicki, accompanied by her sister, Ber nadine Rotherham, left Monday to return to their home in North Hollywood, Calif., after a ten day visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham and other relatives in the Ewing vi cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder and children and her brother, Seb Bauer, Los Angeles, Calif., ar rived in Ewing Friday. They have been guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. Roy Rotherham and family and other relatives in Ewing. They also spent sometime at Clearwater and Spalding. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and family, her mother, Mrs. Ruth Waples, Lincoln, and Ina Bennett spent Sunday at the Lewis Shrader home. Much of the damage by the re cent hail storm to the roofs of homes and in the business area nas Deen repairea. Mrs. Helen Sisson is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal jr., and family at McCall, Ida. Dorothy Zimmerman, Salt Lake City, Utah, and her sister, Laura Zimmerman, Odgen, Utah, who have been visiting their brother and sister, Joe and Esther Zimmerman and other relatives in the community, left Sunday to return home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirsch mier took their daughter, Can dace, and Kay Hahlbeck to Camp Fontanelle Monday morning where they will spend the week. Friday afternoon guests at the Jerry Tomjack home were Mrs. Richard Edwards and family. Bassett. Other guests also for a coffee hour were Mrs. Elvin Hamilton and children and Mrs. Allan Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Conner. Norfolk, visited relatives in the Ewing vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner accompanied them home for an overnight visit. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord spent Sunday at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler, ac companied by their daughter, Mrs. E. D. McDonald and family, went to Broken Bow Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Harris and family. Mrs. Harris is a niece of Mrs. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp spend Sunday at Columbus visit Eileen Soukup, daughter of >lr. and Mrs. Adolph Soukup, Itristow, was married July 15, to Dean F. Moiigar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fat Mongar, Lawton, la. A complete story of the wedding will he found elsewhere in this issue. ing at the home of Mr. and Mis. Grover Shaw. Their son, Michael, accompanied them home to spend the week. Mrs. Gary Ward and daughter, Vickie, North Hollywood, Calif., were honored guests at a gather ing of the Roy Rotherham family Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Arnold Grafert at Albion, Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wood and family, Bernadine Rotherham, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham and Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright and children, Ewing. Robert and Karen Woeppel, Jane Spragg, and Norman Bo mer, Oklahoma City, Okla., went to Plainview Sunday to attend the last day of the diamond jubilee celebration. Ray Sedivy was in charge of the worship hour services at the Ewing Methodist church Sunday morning. “The Square Wheel," was the theme of his sermon. Rev. Lester Spragg, the pastor, is at Dallas, Tex., where he will take special training for one month at the Southern Methodist University. Sunday, July 30, Rev. Robert tmuree, uisuict supeiimenuem of O’Neill, will conduct the wor ship hour service for the Ewing and Clearwater churches. The ladies soft ball team of Ewing played the ladies of the St. John’s community Sunday afternoon winning the game with a score of 13-16. Mrs. Joyce Thramer was the pitcher for the winning team. The Ew ing men also played the men of St. John’s and won the game with a score of 17-4. Vacationing in Ewing for two weeks are Mrs. John Blume : and daughters, Omaha, guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jefferies. Mr. Blumel is at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin for two weeks training with U. S. Army reserves. Carol Ann Keller returned to her home in Spencer, Tuesday af ter spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Keller Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan Thursday eve ning for a barbecue supper were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ryan, Nio brara, Sherry Switzer, Judy and Joan Spangler. The occasion was in honor of Sheila’s 14th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Lester Spragg, Jane, Roz Lynne and Vicki were Friday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Aubrey Wood for a cookout supper. A family gathering was held Sunday at the C. C. Hahlbeck home with 35 present. They were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boies and family, Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johansen and family, Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hahlbeck, Norfolk, Leon Hahl beck, Omaha, Mrs. Maude Boies, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck and family, Ewing and Charles Boies, Washington. Mrs. Marie Beelaret has as her guests her son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Beelaert and Larry from Bremerton. Wash., also a daughter, Mrs. Gor don Harper, Oklahoma City, Okla. Family gatherings in their honor have been held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn near Ewing and the Frank Beelaerts home at Page. A cookout supper was held at the Leland Welke home Sunday Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and daughters, Ewing, Sp 5 and Mrs. Robert Welke, Fort Hood, Tex., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rodgers, O’Neill and Mrs. Har riet Welke, Ewing. Mrs. Gordon Harper, who has been visiting relatives in Ewing, left Friday to return to her home in Oklahom'a City, Okla. Mr. and Ms. R. H. Sham and family drove to Waterloo, Sun day to spend the day with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson at tended the diamond jubilee cele bration at Plainview Friday. Sunday dinner guests at the Jerald Snyder home were Mr. and Mrs. John M. Adams, Austin, Tex., and Mr. Art Snyder, Ewing Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dewey, Cham bers, were visitors Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Walter. Alice's Beauty Shop 325 E. Douglas St. Phone 263 Complete Beauty Service Slimliner Reducing Machine Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY - O’NEILL. NEBR Insurance of AH Kind* f T ,!iu’ • ' " Dr. H D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr. Hours 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday Bride-of-the-Week SHIRLEY SCHULTZ WILL MARRY KARL HUGHES AUGUST 12 The bride has chosen her China and Silver Patterns Make McIntosh Jewelry your First Stop for China, Crystal, Silver and Wedding Gift needs :•): - r,/.. . ' J '• ■ ' *