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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1961)
Stuart News By Mr*. Herb 8kala Picnic Dinner Honors Cathy Seger July 23 Those attending a picnic din ner Sunday, July 23 at Long Pine to help Cathy Seger celebrate ber fourth birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis and family, Mr and Mrs. Gene Batenhorst and family. Max Karo. Daisy Holliday, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seger and Mary Pat Nickless, all of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farr and family, Harry Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seger and family. May Ion Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bendis and boys, all of Newport ant. Leona May Allen, Bassett. Mr and Mrs. Frank 3chneider and Robert were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Krieger at Atkinson. Sunday afternoon callers of Mr and Mrs. Fritz Kohle and family were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kohle and family, the occasion being Connie Kohle’s seventh birthday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. John Miksch were Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer. Thursday supper guests of Mr and Mrs. John Kramer were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, O’ Neill. Mrs. Ron Borg, San Bernar dino, Calif., arrived July 18 to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Kramer, and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jardee and family, Omaha, arrived Sunday evening to spend a week visit ing Mr. and Mrs. August Kramer and other relatives at Stuart. The families of Henry Hamik helped him celebrate his birth hay Sunday with a picnic dinner at the park. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamik. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shald, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hamik and family Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krobot and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mlinar and family. Monday evening callers of Mr and Mrs. Sam Marcellus were Mr and Mrs. Dwight Moody, Ains worth. Mr. and Mrs. Lamborg Bosak and family, Phoenix, Ariz., left Friday for Lincoln to visit rela tives after they had visited a week with Mr. and Mrs. August Kramer and other relatives. Mrs. Bosak will be remembered here as Darline Kramer. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mitchell left Monday for Topeka. Kan., to visit a daughter living there. Saturday supper guests of Mr. j WrfK. '< and Mrs. Z. X. Marshall were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Marshall and family. Glen rose Timmermans, Chad ron, and Joan Timmermans, O’ Neill, spent the weekend visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Timmermans. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marcellus and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waech ter attended a Waechter family picnic at O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. X. Marshal], Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Marshall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Dyer, Mrs. John Hasch, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Farr sur prised Fred Tasler for his birth day July 17. The self-invited guests served ice cresim and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Marshall and family left Monday for Mari an and Andrews, Ind., to visit a week with Mrs. Marshall’s par ents and brother. They will re turn Saturday. Mrs. Wilfred 9eger and Leona May Allen, Bassett, spent Sunday evening with Mary Ellenwood at her cabin at Long Pine, returning home Monday afternoon. Sunday dinner and lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green field were Ivin, Grace and Gla dys Baldwin, Bassett. Mr. and Mrs., Kasper Harley were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Harley at Plainview. They attended the 75th anniver sary celebration of the town of Plainview. Thursday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman were Mrs. Joe Timmermans and son. Sutton. The Stuart Garden club met July 17 at the home of Mrs. Leo nard Olberding at O’Neill with 10 members present. Mrs. Earl Ste wart gave the lesson about day li lies. The next regular meeting in August will be a garden tour but where and the date and lo cation have not been decided. A carload of women from the Stu art club went to Bartlett Friday to attend a flower work shop at a Garden club association. Mrs. Nickolas Simons and Mrs Edwin Engler were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Schmit at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler were Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Givens. Mrs. Lawrence Rudolph and daughter, Chapman, came July 18 to visit her sons, Larry and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Estes and other friends and relatives. She returned home Friday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Dyer and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Farr were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Raugen at Newport. The Nifty Nells club met J'uly 19 at the home of Mrs. Bill Kohie. Prize winners were Mrs. LjiVern Olberding, Mr?. Jim Ba tephorst and M^rs. Fred Kaup. The next meeting will be August 9 at the home of Mrs. George Bryon Blotz. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Doolittle and son, Danny, left last week after a two week visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowles. They re turned to their home at Topeka, Kan. Young friends helped Lyle Da vis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis, celebrate his fifth birthday July 16 at a swimming party. * ’ Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Durr and Mike, Houston, Tex., and Mrs. Stella Durr, Nebraska City, were weekend guests July 14-16 of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Durr. The week end was spent at Fort Randall Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and family left July 9 and returned July 14 from a vacation trip to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hovey, Miami, Fla., and Mrs. Harrison Hovey were dinner guests in the Richard Hovey home in O’Neill July 13. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Berry were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Moody and son, Ainsworth. Mrs. Bob Cadwallader and children and Mrs. Maude Mahin, Newport, were Sunday dinner guests July 23 of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Slachetka. The occasion marked Mrs. Cadwallader’s birth day. The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Cadwallader Friday to help her celebrate. All members were present but Mrs. Ernest Greenfield, who was ill. Cards were played and prize win ners were Mrs. Lloyd Thurlow, Mrs. Harry Hood, and Mrs. Bob Cadwallader. Lunch was served and Mrs. Cadwallader received a gift. ivir. ana mrs. l,ou axaia oi Al liance, Nebr. brought JoAnn Ska la, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Skala, home July 19 after she had spent a month vacation with them. They returned home Saturday. Barbara Skala, another daughter, who has been helping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. McCormick at Lakeside, re mained for a longer stay. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Wilson, Sioux City, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowles. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Engler, Omaha, son and daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler, Stuart, report the adoption of a six-year-old son, Michael James. The L. Englers have another son, Jimmy, 11 years old. Mrs. Frank Jauernig and Le ona drove to Columbus Friday evening to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sobotka and family. They returned home Sun day evening. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and girls were Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman and girls. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and family were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Baker, Albert Keirstead, Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman and girls. Afternoon callers were Mrs Harold Johnson and family, Burke, 9. D., and Mr. and Mrs. George Keirstead, Madison. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and girls were Frank’s sister, Mrs. Johnny Ger man and family. Clarion. Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaup jr. spent the weekend in Omaha vis iting their children, Dick Kaup and family, Mrs. Jack Brennan and family and Mrs. Allen Mit chell and family. Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Kaup and family were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eng ler, Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schneider and Robert were Sunday morning callers of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Kaup and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hovey and granddaughters, Lutea and Peggy Huff, Miami, Fla., arriv ed in Atkinson July 4 for the Davis family reunion. They were visitors of Mrs. Harrison Hovey on several occasion during the last two weeks. A Hovey family reunion and picnic was held July 16 in Mrs. Harrison Hovey’s home honoring Charles Hov ey’s, Richard Etovey’s and Jean Bright’s birthdays. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Hovey; Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Hovey and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Archi^ Bright and family, O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hovey and family, of Herrick. S. D.; Bill Hovey, Onawa, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kazda, Cathy and Dickie, Winner, S. D.; and Mrs. Lizzie Driscoll. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moon were afternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hovey and granddaughters left July 18 for Washington, Oregon, California, * Parsons, Kan., and their home. P. A. Engler left Tuesday morn ing for Worthington, la., after having visited his brother, B. C. Engler at Stuart for the past two months. .-— Amelia News By >IiMN Florence Lindsey Mrs. Gertie Adair recently re ceived a letter from her daugh ter, Mrs. George (Modena) Fogle, whose husband is a Colonel with . .the army in Turkey. The letter was dated July 14, and the fol lowing is an exerpt from the let ter, “We are on our way to Ger many, France, Austria and Bul garia. We will be in Munich Ger many at 8 o’clock tonight. I had a day and a half to get ready in. Don’t know yet what I forgot be sides my shot record. May have to take all the shots at once. We had just gotten back from a four day trip to Arkasa, and a one day trip to Mainsite in Turkey. We are going to drive our car back, so we weren’t too long without a car. We will have to go behind the Iron Curtain com ing home. George said it would be a big experience. Left the children with a 20 yr. old Ameri can girl. We will spend three days in Paris. George jr. passed his entrance exam to Roberts college. So he is all set for next year. The Fogles have been in Tur key for about a year. Rev. and Mrs. D. V. Smith, Kearney, Rev. John Riley, Ans ley, Mrs. Edna Lofquist, Ewing, and Mrs. Tom Jacobson, Inter cession City, Fla., were July 15 weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White. Those who attended district meeting of the Free Methodist church enjoyed a basket dinner on the Glenn White’s lawn Sun day. Mrs. Ted Price came Tuesday and is visiting her mother, Mrs. Gertie Adair and other relatives. The Prices are moving from Ha waii to Washington, D. C. and will settle there as soon as their fur niture arrives. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair and boys, and Mrs. Gertie Adair met Mrs. Price in Norfolk Tuesday. Mrs. Lee Gilman has been in Omaha several days at the home of her son, Jack, helping care for the new little granddaughter, Sherril Lee born to the Gilman’s July 13th Mrs. Gilman returned home the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and family, Mr. and Mrs. - Clayton Burge and family and Venita White visited at S. C. Barnett’s Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Edith Andersen, Mrs. Lind sey and Florence and Julia White took their dinner to the Atkinson park Sunday. The Gideons will have charge of the service at the Methodist church Sunday morning, July 30. Everyone is invited. Elmer Swengel, Kansas City Kan.; Marcus Swengel, San Jose’ Calif., and Mrs. Cap Theisen, Di ane, Mark and Johnny were vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton Wednes day. The men are uncles of Mrs. Fullerton and Mrs. Theisen is a cousin. Elaine Johnson, Atkinson, visit ed a few days last week with La Vonne Sladek. Mrs. Steve Sladek and Eddie, and her niece, Thressa Pribil, O' Neill, were Friday and Saturday visitors in Norfolk. • «***»-* iuio. xjnii ivivucy anu Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo were Tuesday evening visitors at Frank Pierces. Mr. and Mrs. Molley re turned to their home in Omaha Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear went to Hastings Tuesday where Mrs. Fryrear had her eyes test ed for glasses. Mrs. Gladys Moore, Springfield. 111., visited her aunt, Mrs. Delia Ernst, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Moore and her friend were sup per guests that evening with her sister, Mrs. Edgar Peterson. Mrs. Ed Bly and her daugh ter, Mrs. Richard Harley and three children of Montreal, Que bec, Canada visited a short time Tuesday morning with Mrs. Lind sey and Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hiatt, Paul and Gene were dinner guests Sun day; July'16, with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burge. Mr. and Mrs. John Ceams, Scottsbluff, came last weekend and are helping her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear with haying. - f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey vis ited from Thursday to Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Mason City, la. Scott Sperling, Cotesfield, has been visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and family the past week. ' - Edith Fokomy, Denver, Colo., has been spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Helen Po komy and her brother, Don. Mrs. Blake Ott, Sally Landrum, and Mrs. Lindsey were visiting at Carl Schade’s Friday. Mrs. Effie Withers talked by phone to her daughter, Mrs. Leo Carney at Hays, Kan. Thursday. after hearing about the bad storm that hit at that place the day be fore. They operate a motel there and the wind had hit at then place destroying the carport on the front of their place doing from $1500 to $1900 damage. About three weeks ago a hail storm hit their place also doing a great amount of damage. Mr. Carney is a former 0*Neill resi dent. Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mrs. B. W. Waldo called on Mrs. Deha Ernst and Mrs. Effie Withers Fri day evening. Mrs. Amy Slaymaker, Atkinson, visited her daughter, Mrs. Dick Doolittle, the first of the week. S. C. Barnett helped hay at Glenn White’s the latter part of last week. Dorsey News By Mrs. Harold Osborn Would Enjoy Receiving News From Friends Word was received by relatives that Mrs. Maude Huber is not in good health and she would en joy hearing from her Dorsey friends and relatives. She is at the present time at the following address: Mrs. Maude Huber, E. 8020 Utah, Spokane 6, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. William Conrad and Neta visited at the Howard Slack home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greene visited at the Harold Osborn home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady sr., and Roger Harano called on Car rie Hunter at the hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson called at the Buss Greene home Sunday afternoon, after visiting with Edward’s sister, Carrie, who has been ill. Mrs. Edward Carson, Beverly Carson and Cherie Waline were business callers at the Gordon Barta home Sunday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mitchell visited at the Tom Caldwell home near Nio brara Sunday. Mrs. Lester Derickson Janice Jerry and Robert and Mrs. Derickson’s sister and children from Ohio called at the Harold Osborn home Friday for a short while, after sightseeing in this community. Ruth Osborn accompanied Marilyn Graham to the Eddie Krugman home Thursday where they attended a shower in honor of Doris Hrbek, who is to be married in the near future. Mrs. Leta Miles spent the weekend at the farm and at the A. W. Aim home. Beverly Carson and Cherie Waline, Lincoln, came to visit her parents and also visit Car rie Hunter at the hospital. They returned to Lincoln Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady jr., and girls, Omaha, visited Friday night and were overnight guests at the Lee Brady home. They went to Lynch Saturday morning to visit her mother Mrs. Bertha Bare. Sadie Derickson is spending an indefinite time with her mother onrl eietnwp in n'Mm'll Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady sr., drove to O’Neill Wednesday af ternoon to spend a day or two while they had their car re paired. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Webber, Lynch, visited at the Harold Os born home Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruzicka and son, Omaha, visited with Frank’s parents over the week end. June Carson came home Satur day for a few weeks vacation, be fore returning to her college work again. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rut ledge and Mike of Lynch recently. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar cal led on the Carson twins Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady sr., were Sunday evening visitors at the Gordon Barta home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson, Mrs. Mary Wolfe and Lizzie Car son called at the hospital Sunday aftenoon to visit their sister, Mrs. Carrie Hunter. Mrs. Leta Miles, Lincoln, re cently called at the Harold Osborn home on her way to the farm. She has been kept busy the past few months helping at the homes of her children, as sickness visited their home for awhile. But she reports that things are getting back to nor mal again- Her daughter, Linda Kruse, was unable to come with her as she is busy working and i going to school. Jack Daily and daughter, Betty Rossman, Garden City, Calif., were lunch guests at the Lee Brady sr., home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HiscOck and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells and family were visitors at the How ard Slack home Sunday. Rosedale News Carol Mahlendorf Phone 7374 Holmbergs' Son Visits Relatives In Sweden The Harry Holmberg family has received word their son, Ber nard, has been touring Norway, Denmark and Sweden. While in Sweden he visited his great aunt, great uncle and many cousins. He especially enjoyed visiting with his cousins who could speak English. Two of them are uni versity students and two are Lu theran ministers. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rosengren, Steven and Douglas, Logan, la., were Saturday overnight guests at the Harry Holmberg home. They were Sunday dinner guests at the Robert Witherwax home as was Carol Mahlendorf. Karen Dee Schmidt was a Tues uay ovenngni guesi oi carol Man lendorf. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nelson and Diane visited Tuesday at the Fred Nelson home. The Rev. Mr. Daniels visited Wednesday with Russell Anderson at the Oscar Anderson home. Mrs. Edwood Martinson and Wayne were Wednesday coffee guests at the M. B. Nelson home. Mrs. Harry Mahlendorf visited at the Duane Mahlendorf home Friday afternoon. A large crowd attended the ice cream social at the church Thursday evening. It is believed to be the largest crowd to at tend this event. Several relatives and friends at tended the wedding of Rita Holm berg and James Haney jr Satur day evening. Dorianne Anderson spent Mon day night with Paula Anderson. She also accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson and Paula to the circus in O’Neill on Tues day. Lynnette Mahlendorf spent Sun day at the Harry Mahlendorf home. A group oi friends and neigh bors baled hay fur Willis Olm sted Saturday. The women serv ed dinner and lunch. Quite a number from here at tended the Anoka Grain Com pany grand opening Friday and Saturday. Olga Bengston visited Friday evening at the Duane Mahlendorf home. Paula Anderson was a Thurs day overnight guest of Lavonne Johnson. Lavonne visited Paula Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black visit ed Monday afternoon with the Herman Land holms. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Snider were Friday evening visitors at the M. B. Nelsons home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mahieadori and 9teven, and Olga Bengston attended the wedding of Marilyn Glazer and Darold Hofer at Pi oneer Hall in Freeman, S. D., Sunday. Mrs. Mahlendorf played her marimba, accompanied by Miss Bengston at the piano. Russell Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Janice and Paula were Sunday dinner guests of the Pastor Anderson family. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Nelson, Todd and Jill visited Sunday af ternoon in the Bill Snider home in Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs Art Johnson and Lester Johnson attended the Morgan-Lentz re union in Ideal, S. D. Sunday. Mrs. D. Elroy Anderson, Del wyn and Galyn, Mrs. Ivar John son, Margaret and Darwin en joyed a pizza supper at the Du ane Mahlendorf home Tuesday evening, honoring Mrs. Anderson on her birthday. Butte News Mrs. Loris Anderson Phone 5962 The Schiessler family reunion was held Sunday at the O’Neill park. Present were Mr. and Mrs John Schiessler, Hopper, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haloubek and two sons, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Schiessler and and three children. Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schiessler and three sons, Loais ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schies sler, Sioux City, la., Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Schiessler and three children, Coleridge, David and Jay Schiessler, Denver, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. William Schiessler Mr. and Mrs. Turk Beebout and four children, Ainsworth, Mr ' and Mrs. Vernon Morgon and three children, Long Mont, Colo. | Mr. and Mrs. Mack Marshall, Mitchell, S. D., Mrs. Vannie New man, Mrs. Faye Pinker man, Mrs Mary Tomlinson and son of O’ Neill. Next year the picnic will be ■ July 15th at the O’Neill Park. ' Butte Missionary Society The Women’s Missionary So ciety of the Butte Community church met at the church base ment Thursday afternoon with 18 members present. Mrs. Walter Frederrickson opened the meet- ’ ing with a song. Business matters were discussed. There was no sewing on hand to be done. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The word for Bible verse reading was ‘‘fruit”. The word for the next meeting will be “work”. Mrs. Bergen was in charge of the devotional time and gave an : interesting talk corresponding with tii" word fruit. The meeting closed with song and prayer. Mrs. Roy 9tockwell and Mrs. Grace Audiss were co-hostesses. -- To Visit Here Sisters Marlene and Quentin and i Mr. and Mrs. James Frake (neei* Laura Lampm am tnd four younger children are fcpeoted to visit at the John ind WiMiam Lampman homes. This year marks Sister Queu tin’s 25th year as a Sister of Saint Francis with the Mother House in Milwaukee, Wise. A picnic for the Lampman fam ilies was held Sunday here at the Butte Park. Friends <jf the visit ors gathered at the park during the afternoon to greet the hon ored guests. Donald Mahannah graduated in June from the South Dakota State College of Pharmacy at Brook ings with a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmacy and chemis try and is now a licensed pharma cist. Of the 27 examinees taking the state board examination Don ranked second in the group. He is affiliated with the Mahannah Pharmacy which this year marks its 54th year of business in Butte. ATTENTION FARMERS AND RANCHERS NUTRENA FEED Delivered fresh from the mill. We are now contracting range cul>es for fall and win ter debvery. Save Dollars — Check with us before you buy GREENFIELD HAY CO. STUART, NEBRASKA PHONE 3091, RES. 2172 We Buy Hay Harvest Time Specials USED TRUCKS AND PICKUPS 1948 INT. VA TON Stock rack, good rubber. i 1955 CHEV. Vi TON PICKUP V-8 with stock rack. 1956 INT. 3/4 TON Good tires, mechanically A-l. Has stock rack. 1954 FORD 3/4 TON Chassis and cab, rough tires. Has V-8 motor, 4-speed transmission. DO IT YOURSELF WITH A GOOD PICKUP OR TRUCK FROM Your Ford and Falcon Dealer ROBERTSON MOTOR CO. Phone 33 316 E. Fremont O’Neill. Nei»r. . . II I , . : .- r ■ K HERE'S WHAT WE DO: I Y} Chang* oil and oil filter . . . replace with premium oil fj and Rotunda oil filter (The 4000 Mile Filter) • Perform ^ complete chassis lubrication • Cleon_ end repack front V wheel bearings • Check exhaust'system for looseness, k J leaks and ruti • Check shock absorber condition and l)J action • Pull off wheel and check brake linings for wear. Ey Check brake system for leaks. Add fluid If needed. 'CA Inti, new •Iter, t) J 5 quarts #f \I\ premium ell, and chassis lubricant as required come in ROBERTSON MOTOR CO. OR CALL NOW I O'Neill, Nebr. Phone 33 Free Wedding DANCE SUNDAY, JULY 30 ZCBJ HAM. Verdigre To The Music of VON'S MERRY MEN Given by Beverly tihlar & Karl Miller Money To Loan! Property, Cars, Trucks, Farm Equipment Household Hoods, Personal HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company M>W RATES MILLER THEATER ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o’clock rhurs. Erl.-Sat. July J7 2K 2» <un.-Mon.-Tues. -Wed. ' i . v*/ ■ ■ • i: * ’ July 30-31 August 1-2 The Sins of % Rachel Cade $ji MANCIE DICKINSON VflW PETER FINCH technicolor* \ Penneys white good! event; Penney's Reduces Prices On Sheets and Blankets Ml’ p reduced f NATION-WIDE" * PENCAIE- COMBFn?n°N MUSUN» WHITE! PASTELS’ m ^ COTT°N PERCALE* A, L PERFECTS, lab rra1EB>T'Zf;'>" niTRD. iSZ.W“e ^ ' “'EOTEd oowon: 145 3'p.— Fuji a by 108 „ ^ Btted ^ ‘M »"»« Cas«42by36 — 1JS Nation-Wide pastel.. 2 for 74c piak> green, Wju ' yeUow> blue, Cases 42 by 33^ 72 by 108 or twin fitt, „ uj^ 2 ,or Fuli 81 hv mo fitted . I4H ’ yeUo*. green ^uolse, cases 42^^ * *“ /itted ^ 81 * ^wS^T y 36. 2 for we CaSes 42 by 38% fltted - *-47 .. for 1.Q9