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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1961)
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper Volume 81—Number 13 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, July 20, 1961 Seven Cents Pakistan Missionay Gives Talk at Church Sunday Jennie Weede, Sterling. Kan., and her sister, Helen Weede, left Monday to return to Sterling after spending the weekend at the home of Dr. William H. Ross. Helen Weede, a missionary from Pakistan home on leave, was a guest speaker at the United Pres byterian church Sunday evening In her informal talk she reported on the work of the United Pres byterian church in the mission field and also ave a report on the meeting which she attended at Purdue university, Lafayette, Ind., and the mission conference at New Wilmington, Penn. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris The Jolly Workers club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Roland Hord Thursday afternoon Twenty-one members were pre sent and the following guests, Mrs. William Bomer, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Mrs. Bennett Young, Omaha; Mrs. Ben Larsen, Mrs. Elia Ziems, Mrs. Will Conner and Ina Bennett, all of Ewing. The group did quill work for the hos tess. Mrs. Hord was assisted by Mrs. Wilbur Bennett and Mrs. Joe Sturbaurn in serving refresh ments Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord. Sunday evening guests at the Rudy Juracek home were Mr. and Mrs. Virtus Sehi and family and Mr and Mrs. Bud Marshall, all of Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meinke and John Juracek spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Juracek. Mrs. Edna Lofquest, accompan ied by Mrs. Thomas Jacobsen, Intercession City, Fla., attended the Free Methodist church quar terly conference held Saturday at the Bethany church, Amelia. They returned to Ewing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Curtis, Clearwater, were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mrs. Edna Lofquest. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vander snick. their daughter, Mrs. Joe Kaczor, and Mrs. Don Vander sniek went to Grand Island Tuesday. The Vamlersnicks and Mrs. Kaczor attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Loo Vandersnick's brother-in law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rose. Mrs. Don Vander snick also called on her father, Mr. Barns, and two sisters. Mr and Mrs. James Austin and Kenny, Wichita, Kan., spent Fr day and Saturday at the Wald Davis home. Mr. and ,Mrs. Davi had as their guests Sunday for cookout supper, Mr. and Mr; Phillip Hayes and family of Nt ligh. Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal sr accompanied by Mrs . Glady Steskal and children, went to A' kinson Sunday to attend the wee ding anniversary party of Mr. an Mrs. Elmer Steskal and Mi Steskal’s birthday anniversary. Bertha Harris returned to Plair view Wednesday where she re sumed her duties at the Plair view hospital after spending few days with her parents, Mi and Mrs. H. R. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Thos .Tacobse and family, Intercession City Fla., arrived in Ewing Thursda for a visit with his mother, Mr; Amy Jacobsen, and other rela fives and friends in Ewing. Mrs Lofquest accompanied, by tb Jacobsen family and the Rev Mrs. Nina Haines attended a ser vice at the Bethany church Fri day evening. The Rev. Mrs. Nina Haines ant Mrs. Edna Lofquist attended ai interdenominational camp meet ing at Mitchell, S. D. The womei went by the way of Fort Randal and returned the Yankton routi calling on friends. Beverly Meyer, Neligh, was ai overnight guest Monday at th< home of her grandmother, Mrs Edna Lofquest. Mrs. Jack Sutherland, Nortl Platte, and her sister, Rachel Ja coz, Grand Island, were visitor; at the Lyle Dierks home Sunday Mrs. Sutherland is a former re sident of Ewing. Mrs. Vera Anson had as hei weekend guests her daughter Mrs. John Rewolinski and familj and Mr. and Mrs. William Hal quist, all of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Carter transacted business in Lincolr Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick were callers Sunday at the homes of their sons, Don Vandersnick and Louis Vandersnick and fam ilies. Max Graver and son, David, left for their home at New Wins ior. 111., Sunday after spending i few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Carter en ertained Mr. and Mrs. Victor "ram at the Country Club in Ne ligh Monday evening. Sharon Kropp, Omaha, spent he weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp, Mrs. Dean Pofahl and Mrs. Ro tor Pofahl went to Norfolk Thurs day where they attended a birth SUMMER CLEARANCE Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS.$1 Off Work or Dress STRAW HATS.1/, Price SAUNTO’S Phone T97-W O'Neill 0 Spelts Announce . . . A NEW SERVICE FOR CARPENTERS & HANDY MEN i uere seems to be a definite need in our area for certain tools to be available on a rental basis. Because of this we are announcing a new service . . . Power Tool Rental ELECTRIC POWERED TOOLS INCLUDING: Skil Saws Floor Sanders Vibrating Sanders DeWalt Radial Arm Saws Saber (Jig) Saws Electric Drills And Others O'Neill, Nebraska Phone 74 ^ ii ■ ■■■■■■»■—■■———————————————> I •- r ' * I # day party for a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp and family were guests Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Max Jeffers and family at O’Neill. I_ They also attended the Ewing O’Neill ballgame in the after c noon. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pofahl and ' family went to Norfolk Sunday evening to call on her mother, Mrs. A. S. Seamen, who came home from the hospital Friday ” much improved, and his grand mother, Mrs. Pofahl. Duane Hord spent from Thurs J day to Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord. He returned to Syracuse Sunday. Glenda Napier and Carolyn Na pier were guests the first of the week at the Hord home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader 3 and family accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Ruth Waples, Lin coln, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ben i nett and Ina Bennett attended a , family gathering Sunday at the home of Mrs. Flora Young at Or chard. Mr. and Mrs. Shrader went to Yankton Friday where Mrs. Shrader had a physical ? checkup. A Poem ! From Mrs. Eby ... i —Growing Old— I They say that I am growing old, I have heard them tell it times untold in language plain and bold, But I am not growing old. This frail old shell in which I dwell is growing old; I know full well, but I am not the shell; what if my hair has turned real gray? Gray hairs are hon orable, they say What if my eyesight is growing dim—I can still see to follow Him who sacrificed His life for me upon the cross of Calvary. Why should I care if time’s old plough has left its furrows on my brow? Another house not made with hands awaits me in the Glory Land. What though 1 falter in my walk What though my tongue refuse to talk, I still can tread the narrow way. I still can watch and Praise and Pray. My hearing may not be as keen as in the past, it may have been, still I can hear my Sav ior say, in whispers soft. “This is the way”. The outward man, do what I can to lengthen out my life’s short span, Shall perish and return to dust as everything in nature must, ±ue mwara man, the Scriptures say, is growing stronger every day, so how can I be growing old when safe within my Sav ior’s fold? Ere long my soul shall fly away and leave this tenement of clay —this robe of flesh I’ll drop and rise to seize the everlasting prize. I'll meet you on the streets of gold and prove that I’m not growing old. (Author Unknown) -- Meek News By Mrs. Fred Iindberg To Leave on August 17 For Thailand Irene Searles, niece of Mrs. Axel Borg, was an afternoon and supper guest at the Borg home. Irene received her call to go to the missionary field in Thialand as a nurse August 15. Paddock Community aid met at the home of Mrs. Sam Ro bertson Wednesday. A large number of women were present. Mrs. George Nelson had charge of the scripture lesson. Sandra and Linda Long gave a musical number. Next meeting will be held with Mrs. Walter Devall. After the regular business session lunch was served by the hos tess. A charivari was given for Mr. and Mrs. Ben Devall Saturday at the Walter Egger farm where they are now living. The crowd was invited to return Tuesday evening for an ice cream feed. Grandma Hull and Bill returned home Wednesday. Elsie Eppen baugh is helping with the care and household duties. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaczor were Sunday callers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth of Carter Lake, la., returned to their home Sunday after spending a week with relatives and friends. The children will re main here for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg and Mrs. Larry Kirwan, Johnny and Laura went to St. Paul, Minn., to visit their sons and brothers, Dwayne and Russel Borg and families over the weekend. Mrs. Gene Libby and Norma Walters come from Omaha Mon day. Mrs. Libby is spending the week with home folks. Mrs. Bertha Hayden spent the past week visiting friends, rela tives and old neighbors in the community. The Paddock Missionary Society will meet with Martha Johring Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters made a business trip to Nor folk Friday. The Midway Rancher and Ranchette 4-H club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rouse Friday evening. About 40 persons were present. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells, Bristow were Sunday guests at Fred Lindbergs. The Harvey Tompkins family of Inman was also present. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Wrede and family came by plane from Oma ha July 7. Mr. Wrede returned Sunday. Mrs. Wrede and children are remaining for a longer visit. Mrs. Wrede and her mother, Mrs. Dobrovolny, had dinner Saturday with Viola Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles and family attended a birthday celebration Sunday given in honor of Ralph Ernst of Man hattan, Kan. It was a relative gathering given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hend ricks, Atkinson. Mrs. Austin Searles and girls were Friday dinner guests at Clarence Ernst. Tuesday they all went to Mr. and Mrs. Craig Con nell, Newport, to pick cherries. Mrs. Lela Risor and Marilyn and Rena Anderson were Monday evening visitors of Virgil Hubby and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson were Tuesday evening visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull took Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hancock and Pam and Tim Hancock to Creighton Sunday to visit at Dwayne Boolhs. From Creighton they went to Magnet to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hendrickson. An ice cream feed was held at Ted Crawfords Monday eve ning for those who reparied the bowery last year. ivirs. Jr-aui iveison attended me Wesleyan Methodist camp meet ing near Atkinson Wednesday evening. Mrs. Christine Johnson and ~ Mrs. Cora Claussen visited at the Henry Walters home Wednesday night. Sunday dinner guests at Melvin i Johrings were Mr. and Mrs. ] Donald Johring, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family. Mrs. Martha Johring and Henry Stor johann. The occasion was for Rose Mary Johring’s birthday. Word was received Wednes- ( day evening through a phone call to Mrs. Lloyd Windham of Belle Fourche. S. D., that her husband was recovering from his accident and was back to work again. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lindberg and boys arrived Saturday from Los Angeles, Calif. They have been taking in many places of : interest on the way back. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harding j of Fullerton, Calif., arrived Sun- j day to visit their parents, Mr.! and Mrs. Axel Borg and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding. On the way j back they stopped over at Den ver, Colo., and visited Gerald’s i brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill La Fortune, and made a stop at Chadron to visit j another sister, Mrs. Bernard J | Deans and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Watson | entertained Sunday for Mr. and; | Mrs. Gordon Watson, O’Neill, and | | Mr. and Mrs. Dave Burk and I family. Ewing. The occasion was ' | Patsy Watson's fifth birthday and f Kathy Burk’s 10th birthday. Debbie and Nancy Anderson I spent Thursday with Sharon andl | Carla Anson. Many of the folks from out | this way enjoyed the circus in j | O’Neill Tuesday and some were 1 even caught by the camera | man. Emmet Slaight and Gordon and I Mary Peterson attended the Con- | ird family reunion at Neligh. The Cactus Extension club met I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. § Mann Sunday evening for a I picnic supper. About 40 persons | were present. The next meeting will be in September with Mrs. Jack Hipke. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Reed and Easily of Pomona, Calif., were supper and overnight guests Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitz. Other supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pierson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huston of Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitz and family visited her brother, Law rence Ratterman, Fairfax, S. D.. Thursday. Jerry Schmitz returned home with them. He had been helping them hay. Sunday night they were visitors at Kenneth Hustons of Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls attended a family re union of the Andersons at Ains worth Sunday. Mrs. John Nolan purchased the small house on the Gerald Han sen farm and Cecil Thornton of Chambers moved it Wednesday on the place known as the Bazel man place now owned by William and Kennis Hansen. She moved into the home Thursday. Marvin Rouse, Inman, was a Sunday evening visitor at How ard Rouses. Amelia News By Miss Florence Lindsey Lew Forbes Home from Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Lew Forbes re turned Sunday to their home in Atkinson. Mr. Forbes has been in the Veterans hospital in Grand Island for several months and Mrs. Forbes has been in Grand Island to be near him much of the time. Mrs. Ralph Rees called on Mrs Julia White in Atkinson Satur day. Sam Gilman and Bob Adair spent from Tuesday until Thurs day fishing near Bonesteel, S.D Mr. and Mrs. Bim Molly, Om aha, were weekend visitors at the B. W. Waldo home and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Price, for merly of Kaenohe, Hawaii, are locating in Washington D. C. Mr. Price has been in Civil Aeronautics in Hawaii the past 12 years. Mrs. Price will arrive in Des Moines, la., July 21, to visit her sister. Mrs. Bill Sehmit, a few days before com ing to Amelia to visit her mo ther, Mrs. Gertie Adair. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black more and Mrs. Gale Evans are ■ in North Platte visiting the Bob Blackmore family. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle, Mrs. Gladys Moore and a friend from Springfield, 111., were Sun day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Kennedy. Mrs. Margie Sammons, Sioux City, la., spent the weekend with her son, Bill Sammons and fam ily. She also visited with her son, Bill Sammons and family. She also visited Mrs. Blake Ott Sunday morning. Cleta and Demaris Murray ami their father, Tom Murray, O’Neill, visited at Floyd Adams Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott and Sally Landrum were fishing at Pibel Lake near Bartlett Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hale Kennedy, Norfolk, spent the weekend at the Bernie Kennedy home. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Prewitt are spending their vacation in Arizona and Texas. Their children are staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pavel. Mrs. Gale Evans, Council Bluffs, la., has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blackmore for several days. The women are cou sins. Sam Gilman attended the pic nic of the “Last man’s club” at Atkinson Monday. The members of this club are veterans of World War I. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fix and family, Scottsbluff, came early | Saturday and spent the weekend with the Prewitt and Fix fam ilies. Gaylen and Larry Fix plan j to stay with their uncle, Dean Prewitt, to help with the haying. Mrs. Glayds Moore, Springfield. 111., came Saturday and visited her brother, Bernie Kennedy and sisters, Mrs. Art Doolitle and Mrs. Edgar Peterson, and her r.jnt, Mrs. Delia Ernst. Joyce Watson visited the July 9 week with her brother-in-la.w and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cih- | lar and son in Omaha. Among those attending the Shrine circus in O’Neill Tuesday were Mrs. Hienie Frahm, Patty. Douglas, Kay and Sherril, Mrs. Maude Forbes, Mrs. Blake Ott. Sally Landrum, Mrs. Ralph Rees. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman, Mrs. Stanley Thompson, Barbara and Pam. Alice's Beaut/ Shop 325 E. Douglas St. Phone 263 Complete Beauty Service Slimliner Reducing Machine Mrs Lloyd Waldo and family visited at the Lew Sperling home near Scotia Sunday. Bruce and Larry Waldo had been visiting meie the past week and relurnn od home with their parents. Mrs. M. E. Madsen, president of the Amelia Progressive pro ject club, attended the Club Council meeting in O’Neill Friday. Edgar Peterson and Don Adams were fishing at the Spencer dam Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees were also fishing there. Mrs. Irma Andrus visited her daughter, Mrs. Dean Prewitt and family Sunday evening. Mrs. Gladys Moore and a friend from Spnngview, Hi.. Mr. and Mrs. Berme Kennedy and Harold Mrs. Delia Ernst, Mr. and Mrs ®ob A(la,lr> Jerry and Diane and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson were supper guests Sunday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Art Doo little. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge attended the funeral of Fred Smith at Chambers Sunday after noon. There will be u Bible study Sunday evening at the Metho dist chureh. Mr. and Mrs Tom Albachten visited her relatives, the Edgar Peterson, M. B. Kennedy and Art Doolittle families, Saturday. Mr Albachten is with the armed for ces and stationed at Ft. Lewis, Wash. Mrs. Albachten is the for mer Janet Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kennety, Riverside, Calif. They had been visiting his mother in Omaha and with her relatives at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olt visiied at the Floyd Adams and Blake Ott homes Friday evening. Floyd Adams was in Creighton over the weekend for medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Skala and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Skala spent tiie weekend with the George Fullerton and Marvin Doolittle families. STOCK CAR RACES I I Stuart, Nebraska Sunday, July 23 8:00 P.M. I 16 • 24 Cars 9 Races - OTHER RACE DATES - August 13 . 8:00 p.m. September 3 '.. 2:00 p.m. September 17 . 2:00 p.m. ADMISSION — Adults $1.00; High School Age. 50c Children, 12 and under — FREE, accompanied by parents \ Penneys Bg I I MATTRESS PAD-COVER I i 1 Fitted one piece 4^ Twin size - _ | TV TRAY TABLES j (Storage rack 099 Queen s.2e <5 4 Pcs. j i ^ NYLON PIECE GOODS 50c ~ | COTTON PIECE GOODS 4 Yds- $1 GIRLS' DRESSES New fall styles 225 $<# 3-6X W M* DRESS FLATS I Women’s summer styles SWIM SUITS Men’s gm r/\ I Boys’ J p I MEN'S SPORT CAPS | Adjustable sizes f ' | Woven stripes p I MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS | Half sleeves 4%rn Wash ’n wear li I —————. WOMEN'S I SWIM SUITS $4 *T GIRLS' SWIM SUITS 150 _™ WOMEN'S MILLINERY f & Complete summer stock our notionally-famous *5 plaid blankets!^ c:: ■ I j FAMOUS FOR BEAUTY ... SUPER-BLEND! Deep-napped rayon and acrylic! (fc pw Full 31s pounds! Bound in nylon! 72 by 90 inches One of the handsomest plaids We’ve seen! Colors are rich, soft! Extra warm, extra long! Fawn, peacock, cherry, lavender. m SWINGS PLUS Youi choice of a barbecue grill or a brazier and smoker, FREE with the purchase of any car. COMMERCIAL TRUCKS 1946 FORD.$250 ■1/4 ton grain and stock rack, exceptionally good. 1949 FORD 3/4 TON . $225 6 cylinder, 4-speed. 1949 FORD 2 TON.$195 17 ft. grain and stock rack, hoist. 1952 CHEVROLET '/a TON .... $195 Grain and stock rack. 1956 FORD 3/4 TON .$995 4-speed, real good. SCHOOL CARS - SECOND CARS $150 Your Choice $150 1950 DODGE ....$150 4-door, exceptional car. 1951 CHEVROLET . $150 2-door, 6 cylinder, standard transmission. 1951 DE SOTO.$150 Club coupe. 1952 DODGE.$150 4-door. 1952 FORD.$150 2-door, V-8, standard. 1952 CHEVROLET.$150 4-door. 1953 PONTIAC.$150 2-dOOr. - *•«iul GOOD USED CARS 1949 PLYMOUTH.$ 95 4-door. 1953 DODGE.$395 2-door, V-8. 1954 FORD.$395 2-door, V-8, standard, new paint. 1953 NASH .$595 4-door, overdrive, one owner, low mileage. 1955 FORD.$545 4-door, V-8, standard shift. 1956 BUICK SPECIAL.$795 4-door, V-8, air conditioned. 1956 MERCURY. $795 4-door, automatic. 1956 FORD.$695 2-door, V-8, Ford-o-Matic. 1958 CHRYSLER.$1895 4-door, New Yorker, full power. Thelanderj]Auto Co. 217 S. 4*h • O'Neill, Nebraska