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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1961)
4 a O’NEILL PHOTO CO. Jane Schwager Weds Lynn Larson At Orchard ORCHARD — The Evangelical United Brethren church of Or chard was the scene Wednesday, July 12, for the wedding of Miss Jane Schwager, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schwager, Or chard, to Lynn Larson, son of Ralph Larson, Page. Officiating at the 7 p.m. double ring ceremony was the Rev. Du ane Lenz, before an altar decor ated with garden flowers and seven-branched candelabra. Rib bon decorated the aisle pews. Mrs. Harvey Holbrook sr., at the or gan. accompanied Wayne Strope. the soloist. The bride appeared in a gown of handclipped Chantilly lace and tulle. Natural scallops of lace, traced with pearls and irides cents, framed the Sabrina neck line of the lace basque which was designed with long sleeves taper ed to bridal points. The bouf fant skirt of lace featured an in sert of tulle with pearl and se quin embroidered lace appliques and a brief scalloped back pep lum of lace above a cascade of alternating ruffles of lace and tulle. Her fingertip veil of im ported illusion fell from a crown sprinkled with pearls and sequins, bordered with a lace ruffle. Her bridal bouquet consisted of a white orchid on a white Bible. Miss JoAnn Schwager, sister of the bride, served as her maid of honor. She wore a white dress of lace over taffeta with a white taffeta cummerbund. She had Dorothy Harlan Weds John Rosno At Tilden EWING—Dorothy A. Harlan Omaha, formerly of Ewing and Tilden, and John D. Rosno, Om aha, were 'united in marriage Sat urday, July 8, at the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Tilden, with the Rev. Walter Flynn officiating at the 10:30 a.m. double ring ceremony. Mrs. Francis Ruterbories was the or ganist. Parents of the couple are Mrs. Bernice Harlan. Tilden, and the late William B. Harlan, and Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rosno, Ewing. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, A. J. Sanders, Lau rel, wore a floor length gown of Chantilly lace over taffeta. The portrait neckline was defined by a string of tiny seed pearls and the three-quarter length sleeves accented with tiny seed pearls. The full, flowing skirt of lace which drifted into a chapel train, was accented at the hip line with satin bows centered with clusters of seed pearls. She carried a crystal rosary and a bouquet of pink roses. Her finger tip veil was held by a crown of seed pearls. Miss Dora Rosno, Omaha, sister of the bridegroom was maid of honor. She wore a gown of white embroidered nylon over pink taf feta. Charles Harlan, Tilden, brother of the bride, was best man. Ushers were Mark Thramer, Ewing, and Greg Thramer, Nor folk. Following the ceremony, a din ner and a reception was held at the American Legion club, at tended by 160 relatives and friends. In charge of this were Mesdames Walter Peterson, Car] Knieval, James Brown, Clair Sei fert, Andrew Schopmunn, Francis Albracht, Chester Hawkins, John Simmons and Freida Kent. The bride chose a two piece beige costume for the wedding trip to the Ozarks. Mrs. Rosno, who made Ewing her home and attended the Ewing public school, is now employed at St. Catherine’s hospital at Omaha as a nurse anesthetist. The bridegroom also spent his boyhood in the Ewing commun ity and is now employed by West ern Electric in Omaha. Guests attending the wedding came from Ewing, Laurel, Nor folk, Omaha. O’Neill in Nebraska, Council Bluffs and Missouri Val ley in Iowa and Allen, South Da kota. blue accessories and carried a bouquet of blue and white pom pons. Bridesmaids were Miss Rita Larson, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Karen Wehenkel. Jun ior bridesmaid was Miss Vicki Fusselman. Their gowns were identical to that of the maid of honor and their accessories and flowers were pink instead of blue. Dwaine Schwager served as best man. Marion Cederburg, Ent AFB, Colorado, and Harold Heese. Page, were groomsmen. Ushers were Glen Miller and Willis War ing. Mrs. Valorie Dempster was flower girl. Ring bearer was Sam my Schwager, brother of the bride. The Misses Doris Leiding and Charlene Fusselman were candlelighters. Following the ceremony, a re ception for 250 guests was held in the church parlors. Mrs. Johnny Schwager and Mrs. Claude Zim merman cut the cake. Mrs. Duard Dempster and Mrs. Lyle Schleu sener poured. Serving were the Misses Marvelene Ickler, Barbara Twibell, Patty Elliott and Shirley Park. Miss Ickler also had charge of the guest book. Assist ing at the gift table were Mes dames Hugh Brookhouser, Loren Wilson and Teddy Kallhoff, and Miss Barbara Twibell. The bride is a 1960 graduate of Orchard high school and Kear ney Beautician academy. She was formerly employed at the Brunswick Beauty school. Mr. Larson is a 1958 graduate of Page high school, and has served three years with the U.S. Navy. He is presently engaged in farming. Helen Ross Weds Dr. Paul Van Horn At Rochester EWING—Married Saturday af ternoon at the Presbyterian church in Rochester, Minn., were Miss Helen Margaret Ross, Ro chester, and Dr. Paul E. Van Horn jr., Montclair, N. J. The marriage vows were spoken to the Rev. Hugh B. Jones, Roches ter and the Rev. W. H. floss. Ewing, father of the bride. The bride is the daughter of the Rev. Mr. Ross and the late Mrs. Edith W. Ross. The bride groom is the son of Paul E. Van Horn, Montclair, and the late Mrs. Eleanor Van Horn. Dean Robinson, Rochester, was organist. Miss Patricia Niesen Highland Park, 111., was soloist. The bride wore a floor length gown of silk organza over taffeta featuring a Sabrina neckline out lined with lace applique, long sleeves and a fitted bodice. The full draped skirt ended in a short train, falling from organza flow ers at the waist. Her fingertip length veil was held by a pearl headpiece. She carried a cascade bouquet of orchids and stephan otis. Mrs. James G. Martin, Dallas, Tex., was matron of honor. She wore a street length gown of hy acinth blue with a lace bodice and full skirt of silk organza. She carried a bouquet of blue del phinium and pink larkspur. Miss Ann Rynearson and Miss Barbara Climie. both of Rochester, were bridesmaids and they wore iden tical gowns to that of the matron of honor. Peter H. Van Horn, Hartford, Conn., brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushers were Dr. Ernest H. Smith, Concord, Mass., Dr. Howard Duncan, Dr. James Nelson and Dr. John T. Rulon. all of Rochester. A reception was held at the Ro chester Golf and Country club after which the couple left for a trip to the Georgian Bay area, Ontario, Canada. The bride is a 1951 graduate ol Sterling college, Sterling, Kan., and a 1955 graduate of North western University Medical school Evanston, 111. Dr. Van Horn is a 1951 grad uate of Yale university, and a 1955 graduate of New York Med ical college, New York City. He is presently a fellow in the Mayc Foundation. The couple will reside in Ro chester. Jane Cole Marries Sidney R. Greene LYNCH—Miss Jane Cole and Sidney R. Greene were united in marriage July 1 at the First Presbyterian church at Engle wood, Colo., at 6:30 pun. The bride, given in marriage by her father, Herbert Cole, Great Bend, Kans., was attired in a beige suit with pink acces sories. Her flowers were pink carnations. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Owens. Mrs. Owens is a sister of the bride groom. She wore a twilight blue suit with white accessories. A reception was held at the Little Banquet restaurant in Den ver, after which the cot*ple left on a wedding trip and during that time visited Mr. and Mrs. Bus Greene, Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher, Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cole, Great Bend, Kans. Morsett Family Holds Reunion CELIA — Approximately 40 guests were in attendance at the 10th annual Morsett family re union held Sunday at the Fern Morsett home at Royal. Present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William Wrath and son, Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Wrath, all of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Charley Morsett jr. and family, West Point; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Baier, Mr. and Mrs. El mer Randol and family, Norfolk; Elda Cooper, Neligh; Mrs. Ethyl Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Coy, Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Buss Napier and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hurtig and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strope and family, all of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder and family of Atkin son, The oldest guest present was William Wrath, 81, arid the young est, Charley Morsett the 3rd., two-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Morsett jr. The two surviving members of the pioneer Morsett family, Mrs. Janette (Morsett) Harvey, 98, of Orchard and Mrs. Rose (Morsett) Fletcher, (70) of Los Angeles. Calif., were unable to attend. Mrs. Harvey has been in attend ance at all the previous reunions. Since the gathering last year there have been three deaths, four births and no marriages. Entertainment for the after noon included the showing of mo vies and visiting. The youngsters enjoyed swimming in the near-by Verdigre creek. PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Spear, Grand Island, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Judy Marie, to Wesley David Blain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blain, Page. Miss Spear, a 1961 graduate of Grand Island high school, is at present working in a rest home in Grand Island. Mr. Blain is a 1959 graduate of Page high school and is pre sently employed at Whetstone Motors in Grand Island. No wedding date has been set. KELLER—Mr. and Mrs. George Keller of Ewing, son, Richard James, 6 pounds 8 ounces, July 12. SUMMERS—Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Summers, a daughter, 7 pounds 11 ounces, July 17. ATKINSON MEMORIAL THURLOW—Mr. and Mrs. Nor ton Thurlow of Atkinson, daugh ter, Robette Lea, 5 pounds 9 ounces, July 11. SACRED HEART JOHNSON—Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson of Lynch, son, Kermit Eric, 8 pounds, July 12. PORTER — Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Porter of Butte, daughter, 7 pounds 5 ounces, July 14. NIELSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Nielsen of Verdel, son, 9 pounds 7 ounces, July 15. FRINK—Mr. and Mrs. John Frink, son, 7 pounds 4 ounces. July 16. ELSEWHERE LANGLEY — Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Langley of Omaha, daughter. Sara Elizabeth, 6 pounds 2 oun ces, July 13. Mrs. Langley is the former Carolyn Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson. The couple has another daughter, Li sa. THOMPSON — Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Thompson of Lincoln, daughter, Dianne Beth, 6 pounds 6 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. John Stelling of Orchard are the great grandparents. ERB—Mr. and Mrs. Arrid Ert of White Sands, N. M., son, 7 pounds, July 7. Mr. and Mrs. George Mott of Verdigre and Mr. and Mrs. Art Erb of Orchard are the grandparents. The couple now has a son and a daughter. JOHNSON — Mr. and Mrs. Ter ry Johnson of Grants, N. M., daughter, Ranee Jean, 7 pounds 6 ounces, June 30, Gregory, S. D hospital. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of Stuart and Mrs. Elizabeth Schra der of Gregory are the grand parents. BAUER—Mr. and Mrs. Sylves ter Bauer of Ewing, son, July 10, Antelope Memorial hospital. Neligh. MABEN—Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Maben of Alhambra, Calif., daughter, July 7. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maben of Clearwater are the paternal grandparents. LUND — Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lund of Clearwater, daughter. July 11, Antelope Memorial hos pital, Neligh. SCHMITT—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Schmitt of McLean, son, Joseph Walter, July 13, Osmond hospital. Mrs. Schmitt is the former Elsie Pokorny, daughter of Mrs. Helen Pokomy of Amelia. GILMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilman of Omaha, daughter, July 13. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman of Amelia are the grandparents. PRUSS—Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Pruss of Omaha, son, 7 pounds 8% ounces, July 16. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pruss of Orchard and the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy. Sick and Injured CHAMBERS—William Turner’s mother, Mrs. Ina Turner under went surgery for amputation of a leg, at a Hastings hospital re cently. Mrs. Turner is 90 years of age ... A. A. Walter went to Rochester, Minn. July 10 for a medical check-up. He returned home Saturday. Hospital Notes i ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: July 12—Mrs. Lyle Davis of O’Neill. 13—George Jef feries of Ewing; Mrs. Fred Scheinost of Spencer and Charles Snowardt of O’Neill. 14—Carolyn Prokop and Mrs. Lynn Doty of Spencer; Edward McManus and Susan Miles of O’Neill. 15—Mrs. John Hawk of Ewing; Mrs. Will iam G. Kraft of O’Neill and Mrs. George Steffey of Bassett. 16— Mrs. Gene O’Neill, Mrs. Rose Harding and Carl Widtfeldt of O’ Neill; Sandra Long of Colton, Calif. 17—Mrs. George Weingart ner and Evelyn Ernst of O’Neill and Mrs. Harry Park of Page. 18—Margaret McManus, Dr. W.F. Finley, Mrs. John DeWitt, Mrs. William Grutsch and Russell Der ickson of O’Neill; John Decker of Rosebud, S. D. and Merlin Gross nicklaus of Chambers. 19—Mrs. Dale Curran of O’Neill. DISMISSED: July 12—Leonard Shoemaker of O’Neill. 13—Mrs. Vernon Slaymaker of Atkinson. 14—George Jefferies and Mis. Sam Burtwistle and baby of Ew ing; Mrs. Dale French and baby daughter of O’Neill. 15—Mrs. Lyle Davis and Edward McManus of O’Neill; Carolyn Prokop of Spen cer and Mrs. John Hawk of Ew ing. 16—Mrs. George Keller and baby of Ewing; Mrs. George Stef fey of Bassett and Susan Miles of O'Neill. 17—Henry Claussen of At kinson; Mrs. Charles Homolka of Chambers; 9andra Long of Col ton, Calif, and Mrs. Fred Schei nost of Spencer. 19—Merlin Gross nicklaus of Chambers. EXPIRED: July 15 — Charles Snowardt of O’Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: July 10—Mrs. Ro best Prescott of Atkinson. 11— Mrs. Norton Thurlow of Atkinson and Jarrell Winings of Chambers. 12—Cheryl Rothchild and Daniel Lee of Atkinson. 14—Mrs. Edward Ries of Atkinson and Paul Shald of Stuart. 15—Henry Dierks and George Laible of Atkinson. 16— Claude Porter of Newport. 16— Geraldine Walnofer of Stuart and Mrs. Mary Mullen of Atkinson. DISMISSED: July 10 — Rose Wright of. Long Pine and Mrs. Dean McConnell of Denver. 11— Mrs. Edward Sterns of Atkinson; Mrs. Robert Collins of Omaha; Hubert Kohle and Mrs. Don Bous ka and baby of Stuart and Mrs. Carl Welke of Ainsworth. 13— Alfred Crawford and Mrs. Olive Jacox of Long Pine; Mrs. Pete Ramold and Ed Deseive of At kinson. 14—Cheryl Rothchild and Louis Kliment of Atkinson; Jar rell Winings of Chambers. 15— Mrs. A. B. Hutton of Newport; Mrs. Edward Ries and Mrs. Nor ton Thurlow and baby of Atkin son. SACRED HEART ADMITTED: July 11-17 — Mrs. Dave Fischer of Naper; Mrs. Myron Hodges of Lynch; Mrs. Kenneth Porter of Butte; Mrs. Leonard Nielsen of Verdel; Mrs. John Frink of Bristow and Clar ence Worth of O’Neill. DISMISSED: July 11—Clayton Klasna of Spencer and Mrs. Mary Wolfe of Lynch. 12—Mrs. Mamie O’Neill of O'Neill and Lynn Elle Breyer of Naper. 15—Mrs Ronald Stewart and baby and Eddie Mul hair of Lynch 16—Mrs. James Johnson an<j baby of Lynch. 17— Mrs. Elmer Cleveland of Bone steel, S. D. EXPIRED; July 15 — Charles Greeno of Butte. Servicemen's Notes . . . Sp. 4 Gary Waller, who is with the signal battalion at Fort Hua chuca, Ariz., is spending a 40-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller. Gary will re turn to Arizona and then leave for an assignment in Germany for a year. Justice Court July 14 — Frank Valenznena, Casa Grande, Arizona, Two counts, No. 1- No mileage per mit, No. 2-No proration permit. $20.00 and $4.00. Officer, Clifford Kizzire. July 14—Gene E. King, Norfolk. Driver for Nash Finch, Over ca pacity Plate, $10.00, $4.00. Officer Donald Richardson. July 19—Civil Sait, Montgomery Ward vs. Eugene L. Sobotka, O’ Neill, Money judgment. At The Courthouse DISTRICT COURT— July 17 — Andrews Van Lines, Norfolk, vs Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Arehart, Ewing, suit on note. July 17—Norris W. Coats, ad ministrator of the estate of Mar garet E. Henderson, license to sell real estate. COUNTY COURT— July 13—Ronald Coventry, In man, night speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. July 13—Ronald Coventry, In man, failure to appear in court, fined $20, ordered to pay $41 mile age costs and $5 court costs, of ficer R. L. Gude. July 14 — Charles J. Thomas, Bridgeville, Penn., day speeding, fined $15 and costs, officer E. M. Hastreiter. July 17—Mattie Soukup, Wyo ming, petit larceny, fined $25 and costs and ordered to make double restitution for the aricles stolen, complaint filed by Gar I an Schoen rock. July 17—Harry W. Merritt, Bas sett, day speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hastreiter. July 18 — Dr. L. W. Drahota, Dodge, night speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. July 19 — David L. Mignery, Bartlett, night speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. July 19 — Raymond Beers, O’ Neill, intoxication, fine suspended and put on probation for 60 days, ordered to pay court costs of $4. July 19—Carroll Shyrak, no ad dress listed, issuing no account check to Taylor Motor Co. of Chambers, bound over to district court for trial. Bail bond set at $500. July 19—Patrick McConnell, O’ Neill, charged with malicious destruction of property and minor in possession of alcoholic liquor, pled not guilty to the first count and guilty to the second, sen tenced to 10 days in the county jail. The complaint was signed by Sheriff Leo Tom jack. Naper News By Mrs. John Schonebaum The Rev and Mrs. Bernard Say lor and family, Halifax, Mass., were visiting with friends over the weekend in this community. On Sunday morning he had charge of the services at the Congre gational church of which he is the former pastor. A picnic sup per was given in their honor Sun day evening by friends at the Congregationial church grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stahlecker and family, Pacifica, Calif., ar rived Monday to spend a two week vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stahlecker, and with other relatives and friends. Mrs. Bill Hermasen and Char lie and Norma were Thursday af ternoon visitors in the Pete Kram er home. Sunday visitors and dinner guests of Mrs. Susie Spahn and family were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mewhirter, Stuart, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reckling, Fairfax, S.D. Arthur Wetzler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Wetzler, underwent an operation for appendicitis Sunday at the Burke hospital. Mrs. George Ahlers and daugh ter were Friday afternoon visit ors in the Pete Kramer home. Evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eller, Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Herr mann, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Da vis and Mr. and Mrs. John Schonebaum went to Chamber lain, S. D., Sunday and attended the Eisenbraun reunion at the city park. Fred and Clara Spahn were Fri day visitors and dinner guests in the H. M. Mewhirter home in Stuart. The Wilbur Oliver family, Burke, S. D., were Sunday after noon visitors in the Walter Stah lecker home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Ludemann and son, St. Paul, spent Saturday and Sunday in the Albert Bech told home. Shirley Bechtold and her girl friend, both of Burke, S. D. spent the weekend in the r»_j i__ Mr. and Mrs. Claus Sieh were Sunday evening visitors in the Harry Wagner home. The West End club met with Mrs. Grant Reber July 13 with 13 members and five guests present. Roll call was a discussion about the booth for county fair. Mrs. William Vogt gave a lesson on “Watchdogs for Our Kitchens.” A lunch was served by Mrs. Reber. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Reed, Lincoln, came Tuesday to spend a week of vacation in the Harold Schultz, Anna Gosch and Reinie Fuhrer homes. Tuesday evening supper guests in the Wayne Ahlers home to help Mrs. Wayne Ahlers celebrate her birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Ro ger Lunderborg and family, Min neapolis, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. August Ahlers, Leroy Ahlers and Mr. and Mrs. John Schonebaum and Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Compton and daughter, Concord, Calif., ar rived Friday to spend a week of vacation with her parents, the John C ami ns, and with other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eller of Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Davis were Saturday sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allpress and sons. Mrs. Ernest Juracek was a Friday afternoon visitor in the Susie Spahn home. Sunday dinner guests in the Lester Nuemiller home were the Rev. and Mrs. Bernard Saylor and family, Halifax, Mass., the Rev. D. Permann, Fairfax, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nicalous and Dale, Mr. Bittermann, Mr and Mrs. Rubin Bitterman and fam ily, Tripp, Mary Nicalous and Vera Lund. Afternoon visitors were Mr and Mrs. John Nicalous. Relatives who helped Bobbie Schultz celebrate his 12th birth day Wednesday evening at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schultz, were Anna and Albert Gosch, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Reed, Lincoln, Marlin Green and sons, Herrick, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Reinie Fahrer and Adolph and Otto Schultz. Sunday dinner guests in the Walter Ahlers home to help their daughter, Sharon, celebrate her seventh birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conklin of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. August Ahlers and fam ily and LeRoy Ahlers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stahlecker and Laura were Sunday dinner guests in the William Ullrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Nicalous brought their son, Loren, home from the Burke hospital Friday. Joyce Blakkolb returned to Lin coln Sunday where she attends school at the University, after spending the weekend with her parents, the William Blakkolbs. Pete Kramer was brought home Tuesday from the Burke hospital where he had been a patient for several days. Ted, Lydia and Clara were Tuesday dinner guests of the Wil bur Oliver family in Burke, S.D. Other guests were the R. Deer ings. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nicalous and Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Nicalous and family were Tues day evening visitors in the Les ter Nuemiller home to help Mrs. Nuemiller celebrate her birthday. O'Neill Locals Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess re turned Monday from Des Moines, la., where they spent the week end with their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bur gess and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Storjohann returned home Thursday after vi siting three weeks with their son in-laiw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cooper of Pittsburg, Pa. The Storjohanns came by plane to Omaha on Wednesday. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzew ski were their daughter, Mrs. Ro bert Eowen and family of Fre mont who spent a two week vaca tion here. The Bowens also visit ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. William Pod any of Butte, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gribble of Chambers and the Paul and Tom Zakrzewski families. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doie] of Denver visited two days in the Zakrzewski home while the Bo wens were here. Mrs. Doiel is also a daughter of the Zakrzew skis. Mrs. Pauline Benze entertain ed 10 guests at a steak fry Tues day evening in honor of her daughter’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Brechke and son, Bruce, were Tuesday lunch eon guests of Mrs. Pauline Benze and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenny of Phoenix, Ariz. visited from Thursday until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller. Mrs. Kenny is Mr. Waller’s sister. Mrs. Minnie Higgins spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Storjohann at Scribner. Mrs. Herbert Kaiser accompa nied her brother, Lewis Kliment and brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Dobias of Atkin son to Valparaiso Saturday to at tend funeral services for Alfred Kliment, a cousin. Mrs. Leon Thompson of Bloomfield and Mrs. Raymond Soucek of Verdigre, sisters of Mrs. Kaiser also at tended the services. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaugh nessy of Omaha returned home lYAUiJN-iajr ciii/Ci a wtrcxv visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mullen Mr. Shaughnessy is Mrs. Mullen’s brother. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel re turned recently from a trip to Mansfield, Wash, where they vis ited Mr. Schenzel’s brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthiesen and family and at Withrow, Wash, with his bro ther, Jacob Schenzel and family. They were accompanied on the trip by Mr. Schenzel’s sister, Mrs. Frieda Karras of Sioux City. The Schenzels spent Sunday in Nor folk visiting her sister, Mrs. Ira Mallory and Mr. Mallory and with Mrs. Anna Kayl, a cousin of Mr. Schenzel. Jane Peterson will go to Hast ings Friday for a visit with friends. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson, will bring her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt had as overnight guests Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ned Allendorfer, Oma ha,, who were returning to their home after attending funeral ser vices Saturday for his aunt, Mrs. Justis Fuller. Mrs. John Wallen started work ing this week in the Virgil Laar sen offices. Visitors at the Wes Riffey home Friday and Saturday were Wilbur Davis and family, Chico, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Davis, Co dy. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Coghill, Cas per, Wyo., left for their home Monday night after a three-week visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Coghill is a sister of Mrs. George McCarthy, Mrs. Ralph Walker, Mrs. Ralph McElvain and Mac Simonson. Mrs. Winnie Barger accompan ied LaVeta Lehn and her mother,; Announcement Is being nuule of tlie engagement and approach ing marriage of Miss Alice Meyers, Lincoln, daughter of Mrs. Clem N. Meyers, North fx>up, and the late Mr. Meyers, to John Berigan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Berigan, O’Neill. Plans are being made fur an August 17 wedding at Scotia. A graduate of the University of Nebraska, the bride-elect Ik studying for a masters degree at the University. Mr. Bcrigan Ls also a graduate of the University of Nebraska. Mrs. Mary Lehn, to Wahoo Sat urday where they attended the wedding of Sandra Lehn and Her bert Grimes. Mrs. Pauline Wals ton joined Mrs. Barger at Wahoo and they left that same day for Aspen, Colo., for a vacation trip. Glenn Holm and Raymond Holm, Kenosha, Wis., were week end guests at the George McCar thy residence. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck and Rosa Bowers went to Bruns wick Tuesday to the wedding of Irvin Sedivy. Mrs. Bowers re turned Saturday from the Woid neck home where she had spent the past 10 days. PRAIRIE FLATS MEET The Prairie Flats 4-H club held their meeting with a picnic at O’Neill park July 16. The meet ing was called to order by the president, Carolyn Hill. Roll call was answered by giving the name of an important wheat. All the members were present. After the meeting the members went swim ming. Next meeting will be Au gust 11 at school district 60. Reporter, Junior Young Enjoy Fireworks The Midway Ranchers and Ranchettes 4-H club met at the home of Wayne Rouse Friday evening. The Gardening project gave a demonstration on making a garden, irrigating and trans planting a plant. For roll call each member brought fireworks which were enjoyed by all. The mem bers discussed the picnic which will be at the home of Sue and Larry Nelson in August. The club decided to donate some money to the Chambers fair grounds. Mrs. Elmer Devall had charge of the entertainment. Mrs. Rouse serv ed a lunch. Reporter. Fred Joh ring. Members of the Martha 4-H club will hold an auction of baked goods in the near future and all proceeds will be given to the fund for oquiping the new 4-H building at the county fair grounds. Recently the club held its annual tour to inspect each member’s livestock project. A surprise birthday party was held Friday morning in honor of Mrs. Mike Trupp at the home of I Mrs. Robert Larson. The group of friends present enjoyed a so cial hour and presented Mrs. Trupp with a gift. Club Meets Tbe Grattan Hustlers 4-H club met at the Frank Shefl home Sunday with 19 mentoors and their parents nresent. The meeting started with a flag procession, the pledge and song, “God Bless America.” Gary Fick and Keith Krugman told of their trip to 4-H club week at Lincoln. Gary was on the 4-H club week council. Joline and Denise Olberding told about 4-H camp. The mem bers went to see Michael’s 4-H garden and pets. Lunch was served by Mrs Ol berding and Mrs. Shefl. Next meeting will be at the Claire McVay home. Reporter, Michael Shefl Two Holt Countians Pass Dentistry Exam Two Holt county men have passed examinations before the Nebraska Board of Examiners in dentistry. They are: Francis Batenhorst, Stuart, and Thomas Gregory Slat tery, Atkinson. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE OR TRADE—Three good used pickups, one with grain box and stock rack; also good used farm tractor.—In quire % mile west of O’Neill at the Carl Svensen farm after 6:30 evenings and Sundays. 13p FRESH BEETS For sale. Cora Kirkpatrick. 914 Hancock, O’ Neill. 13p CARD OF THANKS WE WISH TO EXTEND our sin cere thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbors for the mes sages of sympathy, the memorial fund, the beautiful floral offerings, the food and the help extended to us since the death of our husband father and grandfather. Grace Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith Dean and Judy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith Donald ond Rennae 13p Special! Photograph Offer BLACK AND WHITE AND NATURAL COLOR Natural Color Photos AUG. 3 4 5&6 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 12-BILLFOLD SIZE 1-3x5 MANTLE SIZE IN MOUNTING $295 1 — Person only per sitting Black and White Stamp Photos AUG. 3 4 5&6 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 24-STAMP PHOTOS 1 - 3x5 BLACK & WHITE MANTLE SIZE IN MOUNTING $150 1 — Person only per sitting O'Neill Photo Co. O’Neill, Nebraska Phone 1 13-14c