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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1961)
Holt County Board Proceedings CONTINUED PROM LAST WEEK Motion by McConnell, seconded by Erast, that Claim No. 3491 be rejected. Motion carried. Motion by Smith, seconded by Flood that the following Claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried. Ed Brandt, labor 326.70 Chambers Independent Te lephone Co., telephone service for county shed 5 00 Consumers Public Power District, electric service for county shed 2.81 Construction Service Eqpt, parts 46.56 Earley Oil Co., supplies 108.96 Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co, repairs & repairing eqpt. 112.83 First National Bank, ma chinery payment 513.01 First National Bank, ma chinery payment 319.44 Fuller Gravel & Livestock Co., gravel & hauling gravel 59.25 Gamble Store, supplies 12.09 Gill Service, repairs & repairing services 161.10 Warrick Hawkinson, parts & repairing eqpt. 623.21 Horner Lumber Co., sup plies 46.53 Island Supply Welding Co, parts ....... 1.20 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service for county sheds 15.81 Wm. Krotter Co., supplies 5.70 Marrs Mobil, supplies 21.93 Missouri Valley Machin ery Co., repairs & re pairing eqpt. 692.73 Tony Mudloff, labor 344325 Nelson Brayton Co., sup plies . 23.00 Frank Noffke, repairing services . 119.24 Northwestern Bell Tele phone Co., telephone ser vice for county sheds 34.30 Page Oil Co., supplies 154.36 Rios Construction Co., in stallation services for county shed 105.50 Calvin Seger, labor 365.50 Servall Towel & Linen Supply Co., towel ser vice for county shed 5.00 SheJhamer Oil Co., sup plies . 15.66 State of Nebr., Depart ment of Roads, .620 tons of Bit. Road Material 6.20 9tuart Oil Co., supplies . 92.99 Frank Tracy, labor . 103.28 Ivan L. Wayman, labor 325.35 Central Supply Co., parts 7.81 Consumers Public Power District, electric service for county shed . 2.00 Continental Oil Co., sup plies . 63.18 Continental Oil Co., sup plies 26.91 Dens Oil Lubricant Co., supplies 184.41 Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co., repairs & repairing eqpt. . 419.37 La Vein Finley, labor 342.23 First National Bank, ma !flKgaB|aro^-|j3e^lSM M 1 L 4 i & &L |pp I * * ^ k. L ^ chinery payment 430.50 First National Bank, ma chinery payment 430.50 First National Bank, ma chinery payment 3000.00 Foree Tire & Supply, tires & tubes . 81.00 Galyen Motor Co., sup plies, repairs & repair ing services . 103.42 Gill Motor Co., supplies 38.61 Ronald Haake, labor 82.37 Hamik Standard Service, supplies 49.79 A. A. Hiatt, supplies 67.05 A1 Holbrook, labor 349.65 Merle Irish, labor 67.20 Jerrys Mobil Service, sup plies 87.72 Paul Kaup, labor 378.00 Wm. Krotter Co., supplies 8.00 Marcellus Implement Co., parts . 20.90 Miller Service, supplies 25.25 Missouri Valley Machin ery Co., snow plow 350.00 Motor Parts, Inc., parts . 41.70 Lyle McKim, labor 5.80 Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corpora tion, electric service for county shed .. 1.44 O’Neill National Bank, ma chinery payment 557.95 O’Neill National Bank, ma nnwr nnnmnni OOA -- J vvv.vv Petersons Repair Shop, re pair services. 9.03 Fred Roberts, labor 328.05 Schmuecker Bros. Shop, repairing services . 4.50 Shaws Texaco, supplies . 50.68 S'helhamer Eqpt. Co., parts 16.03 South Side “66” Oil Co., supplies . 176.32 Stuart Drug, brush killer 154.50 Stuart Light Plant, elec tric service for county shed . 1.35 Ronald Watson, machine hire . 43.00 West Lumber & Coal Co., supplies . 1.50 Motion by McConnell, seconded by Ernst, that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Road Bridge Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Coast to Coast Store, supplies . 7.87 Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co, parts . 28.91 Hamik Standard Service, supplies . 1.00 Hoskinsons Store, boots 27.90 Daniel Hurley, tractor use 55.00 The Island Supply Com pany, culverts . 462.31 Marcellus Implement Co., parts . 2.85 Lyle McKim, labor 39.40 Shaws Texaco, supplies 31.09 Shelhamer Eqpt. Co, parts 16.04 Harry R. Smith Imple ment, loader rent 5.00 Van Vleck Motors, Inc., repairs & repairing ser vices . 64.49 Dens Oil Lubricant Co., supples . 9412 Floyd P. Gettert, labor 62.90 Horner Lumber Co., lum ber . 4411.30 Arthur Humpal, culverts 200.95 The Island Supply Com pany, parts 38.08 Wm. Krotter Co., supplies 28.95 Motor Parts, Inc., parts 40.38 Nelson Brayton Co., sup plies . 4.33 Shelhamer Eqpt. Co., parts 27.35 The Sioux City Iron Co., supplies 116.95 South Side “66” Oil Co., supplies 1.65 West Lumber & Coal Co., supplies . 20.86 Motion by Smith, seconded by Flood, that the following Claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried. Joseph Burda, labor 282.00 Daniel Hurlay, labor 231.00 Frank Johnson, labor 354.20 Eugene Holbrook, labor . 291.60 Elgie Irish, labor 291.60 Ernest Smith, labor 282.00 Motion by Flood, seconded by Dierking that the following Claim be allowed and Warrant ordered drawn on the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund in payment of same. 9oldiers and Sailors Re lief TTnr.a On Motion by Dierking, seconded by McConnell, that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Unemploy ment Relief Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Bosn D-X 2.46 Foree Tire & Supply Co. 4.50 New Outlaw Store ...... 15.00 Mrs. Mary Wetzler . 8.50 Catholic Charities . 100.00 Home of the Good Shep herd . 50.00 Anna Pollock . 44.00 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 P.M. O’Neill, Nebr June 16, 1961 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Supervi sors met as per adjournment, with Landreth, Dierking, Flood, Smith, Ernst and McConnell pre sent. Motion by Ernst, seconded by Smith that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Mail Route Fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Delbert Anson, labor _ 311.85 Elden Butterfield, hauling clay . 626.50 Floyd Gettert, labor . 417.15 Hill Sand & Gravel Co., clay, gravel & hauling 562.64 Wm. E. Kelley, labor . 299.40 Wm. Krotter & Son, grav el & delivering gravel 1147.29 .•••; j It’s the unity j I in a community \ | that gets the job done I In Lincoln and Southeast Nebraska ...a THRIVING UTILITY The new Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company office building at 1440 M in the capitol city L.T.&T. Microwave Tower, furnishing network radio television entertainment to the community as well as message toll service \ Electrical operation of the entire L.T.&T. office building in Lincoln is schematically diagramed on this colorful control board The community which pulsates with fast, efficient communications is one of progress. Working together to achieve the ultimate in communications service are the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company with its 1,500 employees and Consumers Public Power District Electrical power, the basic element in every industry, activates L.T. & T.’s over 150,000 telephones, making possible virtually instant communications throughout the stats and nation. The entire community benefits when these good “civic citizens” work to gether to provide the rapid, smooth-flowing communications system needed to serve their various communities and to attract new industry to Nebraska. This Is another in a series of salutes to local and regional achievements which tfarnn ****** the power of people working together. — | CONSUMERS mmp Eugene Norton, hauling clay . 586.25 Pollack Sand & Gravel Co., gravel & hauling gravel . 231.00 C. W. Trobaugh, labor 285.60 John Bonenberger, haul ing clay 617.75 Jimmy Doolittle, driving truck . 144.40 Ronald Haake, labor 278.81 Edwin Hubbard, hauling clay . 269.50 Ora Keeler, dozing work 35.00 Tom King, hauling clay 609.00 Wilbur B. Miller, hauling clay . 581.00 James Nachtman, labor 120.60 Herman Orsborn, hauling clay 14.00 Taylor Motor Co., supplies 95.31 Frank Tracy, labor 262.73 Erven VanCleave, hauling clay . 591.50 Motion by Smith, seconded by Flood, that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Medical Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Aid to Disabled Fund 63.75 Blind Assistance Fund 60.00 Bowen Drug . 10.25 Dr. George J. Carstens . 37.60 Devoy Drug 1.40 Dr. W. F. Finley 2.00 Dr. G. W. Graupner . 12.00 Rosa Harding . 20.15 Moses Drug . 9.19 Old Age Assistance Fund 827.67 O’Neill Drug . 35.29 Thad E. Saunders . 38.44 Dr. J. L. Sherbahn . 6.00 Earl Summers . 1.25 Wilson Drug . 86.40 Drs. Wilson & Waters . 58.00 Addie Woeppel . 19.84 Dr. S. A. Blattspieler _ 9.00 Mabel Boies . 2.00 Harriet B. Carson . 3.20 N. Mae Copes . 10.00 Devoy Drug . 13.86 Dr. D. L. Fletcher . 23.35 Hallocks Pharmacy . 11.75 I Emma Kemper 5.50 Mrs. Charles McMillan 20.00 Our Lady of Lourdes Hos pital . 22.00 Dr. James E. Ramsay 77.00 Schultz Drug 16.18 St. Anthony’s Hospital 16.00 Alma Tegeler 12.15 Roy Wilson 8.00 Regina Witter . 44.00 Motion by Ernst, seconded by Smith, that the County Treasurer be given authority to issue refund on tax paid on intangible pro perty on which law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court to the following: Estate of Walter Trussed - $295 - 40 One Half to American National Red Cross One Half to Damon Runyon Can cer Fund Estate of O. W. French Motion carried. Motion by Dierking seconded by McConnell to adopt the following Agreement. COUNTY ROADWAY OCCU PANCY AGREEMENT. UNDER GROUND CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE FOR TELE PHONE COMMUNICATIONS CA BLE AND WIRE. Chambers Independent Tele phone Company (Company), Chambers (Location (Exchange) Chambers, Nebraska (Principal Place of Business), Holt (County), O’Neill (County Seat), under ground Construction of telephone lines. 1. All work shall be done in a workmanlike manner, and the right of way left in a condition satisfactory to the County Engin eer. 2. The Owner shall hold the County harmless from any dam age that may result to said road way because of the construction or maintenance of said cable or wire and also safeguard and pro tect adjacent property. 3. The county will assume' no responsibility for damage to ca ble or wire occasioned by County construction or maintenance oper ations. 4. The County will endeavor to give the Owner sufficient notice of any proposed construction or maintenance work that is likely to expose telephone lines in order that Owner can arrange to pro tect the service and avoid dam age. 5. The County will be furnish ished a map showing location of all cable and wire. By: Kenneth Werner (Owner-Engineering Company) Date 6-16-61 By: M. V. Landreth (Chairman of Board of Supervi sors) Date 6-16-61 Motion carried. 4:00 P. M. The following appli cations were received either writ ten or oral, by contacting super visors for the positions of Super visor of District 4. left vacant by the resignation of Frank Cronk, who received the appointment of County Judge. Ralph Stevens, Martin Helm richs, Orville Kemper, Raymond Heiss, Ralph Larson, Waldo Da vis, Bill Watterman and Bud Ick es. Ballots were passed for purpose of nomination. Smith was ap pointed teller by the Clerk, with voting resulting as follows: Kem per - 1; Watterman - 1; Helm rick - 1; Heiss - 1; Davis - 1 and Larson - 1. Ballots were then passed with Helmricks, Kemper, Heiss, Lar son, Davis and Watterman, with voting resulting as follows: Da vis - 4; Kemper - 1; Heiss - 1. Motion by Flood seconded by Dierking that the following Re solution be adopted. RESOLUTION Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Ne braska, that Waldo Davis of Ew ing, Nebraska, be and he Is here by appointed as Supervisor for Holt County, for Supervisor Dis trict No. 4 of said County, to fill the vacancy created by the re signation of Frank W. Cronk, and that the said Waldo Davis be ap pointed for the unexpired term of said office, and until his succes sor is duly elected and qualified. A roll cull vote was taken on the adoption of said Resolution, and the following Supervisors vot ed AYE: Flood, Dierking, Mc Connell and Smith. The following Supervisors voted NAY: Ernst, Landreth. Whereupon the Chairman de clared that said Resolution had received a majority affirmative vote of the required majority of the County Board, and that tlie same was duly passed and adopt ed. 5.00 P. M. On motion the Boju-d adjourned until June 90, 1961 at 10:00 A. M. Kenneth Waring COUNTY CLERK M. V. Landreth CHAIRMAN Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds FLORENCE l'ONTON, Prop. Phone UMiCoition Bldg. -—I ... ^ Cleorawtel NYLON HOSF B°yS ' GiHS Women's Girls' POLO SHIRTS DRESSES SPORTSWEAR Now! A Ac **** Now! JJc Now! $2 Now! 77c Best buy in O’Neill! First quality hose in popular bei e- You 11 want several at this low Summer stock reduced to clear! Broken sizes, Assorted styles of price! Broken sizes. Values to Jr. Misses’ half sizes. Values to slacks, playsuits, shorts. Values tone shade. Sizes 9-11. Reg. 59c. 89c. 10.95. to 1.98. i Misses1 SPORTSWEAR NOW! 144 Jamaicas, pedals, blouses, capri, slacks, all re priced for fast clearance! Values to 3.98. Misses' Boys' BLOUSES SPORT SHIRTS Now! 00c Now! 00c Sizes 32-38. Popular sleeveless Sizes 6-14. Knits, wash ’n wear styles. Stock up at this low, cottons, plaids. All reduced for low sale special! this sale. Save now at Gambles! Men's SPORT SHIRTS NOW! £29 Real values! Men's sizes S-M-L. Short sleeve, wash 'n wear cottons, challis, knits. Reg. to 2.98. Misses' Misses' SHORTY PJS SHOES Now! £44 Now! £66 Excellent value! Sizes S-M-L. Summer flats, canvas and Pretty wash ’n wear prints, leather, whites, blacks, beige. Reg. 1.98. Broken sizes. Values to 2.98. JACKET SALE! THONGS NOW! | 88 and ^88 * NOW! 30c Jackets tor early fall or back to school wear. Cot tons, nylons, twills. Values to 4.98. Boys' sizes Children's and women's sizes. Plenty of wearing 8-16, men's sizes 36-46. time left. Reg. 49c. Save now! swim suits JAMAICA SHORTS JACKET TOPS . „ „ NOW! CAc Now! $1 Now! 's 44 wU ■*» „ , what a buy! Misses' sizes 10-18. Plaids and plain Wear with Sk1 Reduced for this sale! Boxer and brief styles. Excellent colors. Reg. 1.29. I dress. Reg. 1.98 and 2.98. value! 1 rugs GIRDLE SALE! __ PANTIES N»». !77 NOW! $1 Now, o- Values to 2.98. Panty or regular girdles. Sizes Big 30xd0 size. Assorted colors. 7 a * VVhite. Sizes S-M-L Fine quali Reg. 2.49. M-L-XL. ty knit tricot. Reg. 49c. No Money Down! REMEMBER! No Money Down! YOU CAN CHARGE ALL YOUR PURCHASES AT GAMBLES!