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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1961)
Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris The following people of Ewing plan to attend the showing ‘‘Shadow of the Boomerang," featuring the work of Billy Gra ham, at the Wesleyan Methodist Youth camp near Atkinson Mon day evening: The Rev. Mrs. Nina Haines, Mrs. Amy Jacobsen, Mrs. Edna Lofquist, Mrs. Alta Meyer, Mrs Ernest Norwood and Mrs. Helen Lee from California. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim at tended the Bergemen-Waring wedding Saturday at Niobrara. Mrs. Edna Lofquest spent Sun day at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller. Mrs. Grover Shaw and (laugh tors arc: guests this week at the home of Mr. iind Mrs. Leon ard Knapp. Mr. Shaw is em ployed at Columbus and plans to move his family there as soon as suitable housing can In found. Recent guests at the Ernest Norwood home were Mr. and Mrs Wade Hubbard of North Platte, Mrs. Rene Libby of Ne ligh. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Starmand of Norfolk, and Mrs. Amy Jacobsen of Ewing. Mrs. Helen Leo and grandson, Cristy Anderson of Arcade, Calif , are guests at the Ernest Norwood and Amy Jacobsen homes. 11UWOO, M- iJ ■ V4V.1X, 1111 Ui H. L. Keeler, Mrs. Will Conner. Visiting committee for June will be Mrs. Rockey and Mrs. Mabel Boies. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs. Van Horn with Mrs. Weldon Alexander as pianist. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard and Miss Elsie Chase. Fred Huff of Kansas City, Mo., is a guest this week at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pofahl. Mrs. Willis Rockey and child ren spent Monday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pofahl. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunaway and family of Hastings were weekend guests at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunaway. All attended the free day celebration in Ewing Satur day. The Jephthah Chapter 85 Order of the Eastern Star were guests of the O’Neill chapter Thursday evening. J. Aubrey Wood, worthy patron of Chapter 85, was the guest worthy patron who con fered degrees during the intiatory ceremony. Other chapters as guests were Butte and Stuart. Guests were present from Colum bus and Spencer. Lunch was served by the O’Neill chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn, accompanied by Miss Bertha Harris, attended the Ne braska Stock Growers convention held in Norfolk Thursday and Friday. While Mrs. J. Aubrey Wood was visiting her sister, Mrs. Cora Johnson at Newcastle, Wyo., last week, the women took a trip through the Black Hills. On Wed nesday Mrs. Johnson took Mrs. Wood to Chadron, where she met Mr. Wood, both returning to Ew ing Thursday. Mrs. Edna Lofquest spent Tuesday to Friday visiting Mrs. Mike Philben at West Point and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lofquest and family and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fink at Fremont. She at tended a play held at the city auditorium in Fremont Wednes day in which Billy Harris, a member of the high school graduating class, took part. Mrs. Glen Anderson and children ac companied Mrs. Lofquest to Oak land where she spent the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle had as their dinner and evening guests Thursday, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen of Ew ing, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Malone arid Mr. and Mrs. David Kester from California. Lyle Larson, who recently graduated from the Norfolk Junior college, went to Lincoln this week where he will be eni ployed at the First National bank. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and a graduate of the F^wing high school. Mr. and Mrs. Dorrence Hobbs took their daughter, Natalie, to Omaha Wednesday for a checkup. For the first time since her birth she showed improvement accord ing to the family. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller and Mark of Grand Island visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Dorrence Hobbs and family went to Central City Sunday where they spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snyder and family. Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle and Mrs. J. L. Pruden returned home Tues day from the Nebraska annual conference held in Omaha. Mrs. R. S. Brion and Mrs. J. L. Pruden attended the Garden club meeting held Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. John Walter at Chambers. Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle, a member, was sur prised with a “pink and blue” shower. Sharon Kropp, accompanied by Mrs. Marie Clark and daughter, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies were Friday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johansen at Plainview. Dr. William H. Ross, Richard Napier and Dale Napier attended a meeting of the Men's organiza tion of the United Presbyterian church held at the Hotel Madi son in Norfolk Saturday. Attending the Junior High Youth camp at Camp Cleveland this week from the United Pres byterian church are Joan and Judy Spangler, Marilyn Johnston, and Sandra Tellander. Dr. Wil liam H. Ross and Sharon Johns ton will be counselors for the junior high at Camp Cleveland. Plans are being made for the following juniors to attend Camp Cleveland next week: David Shrader, Steve Miller, Gwen Spangler and Glenda Napier. The Rev. Herbert Young of Stuart and Cleveland United Presbyterian and Dr. William H. Ross of the United Presbyterian of Ewing will exchange pulpits Sunday morning for the worship hour. Dr. Ross will conduct the evening service at Ewing as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allemang and son mo von to Norfolk this week. Mr. Allemang will be employed at Gillette’s Dairy. - ——-—— m Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL. NEBR Insurance of All Kinds Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined—Classes Kitted Contact Lenses Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr. Hour* 1) 5—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Care Contact Lenses By Appointment Phone 2161 Spencer, Nebraska Ronald Wright, U. S. Army, who spent the last two years of his service in Germany, was met in Omaha by his brother, Dick Wright, June 2 and is now at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mildred Wright. He has received his separation from the army. A sewing bee is planned in the near future by the WSCS of the Ewing Methodist church as a result of the lesson "Home for the Homeless,” Wednesday af ternoon when the group met at the church parlors. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke was the leader assisted by Mrs. Willis Rockey, Mrs. James Tinsley, Mrs. Henry Fleming and Mrs. Fred Bollwitt. It was agreed to purchase four kits containing ready-cut articles to be sewed. Individual kits will be made for men and women; kits for children containing school materials. The finished products will be sent to the World Church Service at St. Louis, Mo., the distribution center for this sec tion of the United States. Mrs. Rockey presided at the business meeting. Reports were given by Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. Mabel Boies. Mrs. Tinsley, chair man, Miss Hazel Ruby and Mrs. Harry Van Horn were appointed as committee to study a new lighting system and make in vestigations as to the cost. A thank you card was read from Miss Bertha Harris expressing her appreciation for the financial gift to attend Camp Fontanelle. Cards were sent to Mrs. William T T„U1- If_ C* XT’ T >-J ~ _ A/r_w. ! HOLIDAY IN OMAHA MEET ENDS TUESDAY JULY 4th 8—RACES DAILY—8 9-RACES SATURDAYS-9 i AND HOLIDAYS ADMISSION 75c (Including State and Federal Tax) LADIES' DAYS TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS EXCEPT TUESDAY, JULY 4TH Admission for Ladies S5c NO CHILDREN ADMITTED I Don't Miss the $15,000 Ak-Sar-Ben Handicap July 4th Install Air Conditioning Now! Complete Comfort Bryant means cool refreshing air in every comer of your home. Bryant cools silently, without drafts. No hot spots ... no cold spots. Fresh Air Circulation Bryant Gas Air Conditioning surrounds you with an even flow of air, filtering out pollen and dust No matter how high the outside tempera ture goes, inside Bryant keeps you comfortably cool. Easy Installation The air cooled Bryant unit goes outdoors. Use no house space, no expensive wiring, no water tower. Add Bryant cooling to your present heat ing system. The cool air is transmitted through the existing heating ductwork. GET THE FACTS ON AIR CONDITIONING NOW! For Dependable GAS Service mmmmmm free.. ♦ at your ever^dependable Safeway! "Cook-out ideas" from Lyle’s Patio. Get this weeks free copy of Lyle’s novel and mouth-watering suggestions that will help make your outdoor barbeque a banquet! " ■ »*>**-» S »»■ S i, i . JA f ~l~ ' .. chock! STEAKS 7-Bone Cut J Lb. 49c f c. juiciness and flavor Yn„ f*St3' I l SafewaJ meats will provS finer i j more delicious eating for your fJSy. j j Lamb Chops 39c 49. j | Jamb Chops .SSu 79e..Su 59c j Ugo Lamb?;-.59c I J™* Cakes ganfsssr:.. hs 39C j Fresh, U♦ S. D. A. Qrctde'A, U. S» Inspected Fryers *. Full-bodied chickens.. lb« x "U.S.D.A. Government Grade-A”—the highest grade. And every /" bird is “U.S. Inspected” for wholesomeness. You’re assured of \^poqX the very finest when you buy frying chickens at Safeway! \ ' v Wing and Breast Portion.tb 29c * Leg and Thigh Cut-up or Split Fryers.u, 29c Wings.u,25c BIGOT Legs or Thighs....u>.39c IET 3 £ C j You can be sure itfs first quality when you shop at your ever-dependable Safeway! j Pork & Beans .% v: 43« i i HIGHWAY PORK and BEANS .... 2, No. 21/2 Cans 39c Charcoal Briquets *£,*119 j Fine quality, slow burning, adds flavor and zest to all meats... a terrific buy at this low, low Safeway price! | _ _ I Tide Detergent 59c ; Gets clothes really clean, retains its cleaning power, use it and see the difference. J I White R»aii Skylark—fresh, 20-oz. nnilC Hi enriched flavor.Loaf C<JC Black Bread SSSffSS?.£5 19c Protein Bread %S2?gm ..£5 19c Frnran Ppac Bel-air; Premium 2-lb. JQ. IIU4CII 'Cap quality, tender ..Poly Bag *»“C Plum Jelly SrsSL.‘”2 19c Orange Drink SS£23& *S 29e Cleroi Bleach 35c tia Rare SuPreme—^h. 12-oe. Afl. I *g uai» ideal With ..Pkg. £9C Nabisco Cookies SS39c Strawberry Quik Nesues.p^: 49c Pillsbury Flour 55c Waxed Paper cuw*..^ 31c Yel Beauty Bar..2R<^f39e Toilet Tissue 23HE? 2 65c X Potato Chips Kitty Clover_Pkg 39c j Canned Pop ££ 49o Grape Drink iST29c English Walnuts I9C Qsiira Cranberry, Ocean Spray— No. 300 uuUUC delicious with chicken.Can awC Niagara Starch £?£* ....55 2le Cigarettes SZS’i*.!SS£ $129 1 B Take advantage of Safeway’s lour, low price on tender, fresh Sweet Corn 12 EARS 49c - | T*__• * - *-*»*'* j '-<XL *=> xaiicu min juicy, muKy Kernels. Serve your family a steaming platter of golden sweet corn this week .,. from Safeway. New PotatoesS^TcSiT?'. .p0iyBig 39c Cantaloupes ses™..*** 25c Fresh Apricots .u 19c Crisp Carrots £»££-.....**!£ 25c _O Bttmj Stmrt Int. m A* >ric*« cffcai" thn, Saturday, June it, ai O’Neill, Nebraska M H Crisco nQ | All-purpose vegetable shortening. .1-Ib. Can Reynolds Wrap White Magic CQ, Mr. Clean 77, Cleaner, 15-oz. Bottle 41c ... .28-0*. Bottle " OC Zest Bar Deodorant, feel really clean Mm Cakes w I% Fab Detergent on. 19-oc. Pkg. 35e.47-0*. Pkg. OJC •n __ 1 l Fruit Cocktail ) 3No.2V,QQ J Cans C S {L Town House—Choice quality Fruit Cocktail... Highway 2 Standard quality Pears ... stock your cupboards a | Stuffed Olives Manzanilla.Ref. Jar 39c 1 | CoHonseed Oil ZZttZ**).b££ 49c | I Salad Dressing 23SXS?.". 43c f White Vinegar ideal for dressings .. Bottle 23c I Martrarino su™yb'™k—colored, 9 1-lb. M M malgailllC quartered, easy-to-spread fc Ctns. *WC |- Pick your favorite Kraft salad dressing! M f Kraft Dressing SSSST.bou^: 39c f I Kraft Miracle French Dressing 27c € Kraft French Dressing.£Z;- 27c j Kraft Italian Dressing.59c Kraft Casino Dressing.39c 1 [ Kraft Cheese Dressing SU ...££ 43c j [ Kraft Catalina Dressing.ZZ- 39c 1 Kraft Italian Dressing ..b^;39c J Kraft 1000 Island Dressing.. 33c J \ Kraft Low Calorie Dressing .. 39c I \ Low Calorie Dressing £S£r... £££ 39c I a>*,*-*,>‘**fc^^**^M 1 r ■■ * s is Ts-tu-iu-nrus nru sun.^ii 1 i ‘ t < I < f Just cut out the above emblem (U.S. outline map) and 1 attach it with Safeway"* store name and address to your Pillsbury i Grand National entry blank. If you win the Grand Prize in PiUsbury"s BEST 12th Grand National Bake-Off. you l will receive this special prize worth *2,500 from Safeway. , tSend in your favorite recipe ( and enter this tremendous National Pillsbury Bake-off i contest. It’s easy to enter ... mail yours in today. ; ijBjBl Prescut Crystal ; Early American-Anchor Glass if 9 */» -Inch Gondola Dish 0^ 0^ 0 if 7y4-Inch Round Bowl 0 V if 6%.inch 3-Toad Bowl m_■_ if 9-inch Oval Bawl ^ Vel Liquid . flj Detergent, 12-oz. Btl. 39e.22-0*. Btl. M » , Ajax Cleanser 714.n 7 ' Bleaches out stains and spots ... .Mm Pjm 0 09t I ^ SNOW Gal. STAR Ctn.