The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 15, 1961, Image 6

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Term* of Subscription: In Nebraska, $2.50 per
year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year,
rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip
tions payable in advance.
Entered at the postoffice in O’NeilJ, Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under
the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news
paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso
ciation, National Editorial Association and the Audit
Bureau of Circulations.
■r*^' l_|
Church Notes
All ministers are invited to send their church notes to
The Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the notes are
in our office by Saturday, one week prior to the services.
8t. Patrick’s Catholic Church
(Msgr. Timothy O’Sullivan and
Father Robert Duffy, assistant!
Sunday: Masses, 7:30, 9 and
10:30 a.m.
Saturday: Confessions from 4
until 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30
p.m. until 9 p.m.
Masses in the church every
day at 7:45 a.m.
Church of Epiphany
(Father Ralph O’Donnell)
Sunday, June 18: Mass 8 a.m.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
(The Rev. William Roten!
Sunday: Sunday school and Bi
ble class, 9 a.m.; worship, 10 a.m.
Monday: Bible study, 2:30
Methodist Church
(The Rev. Charles Cox)
Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.;
worship, 11 a.m.
Page Methodist Church
(The Rev. Robert Linder)
Sunday: Church school, 10 a.m.;
worship, 11 a.m.; MYF, 8 p.m.
Thursday: WSCS, 2 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
(The Rev. John Hart)
Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45
a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.
Bethany Presbyterian Church
(The Rev. John Hart)
Sunday: Worship 9:30 a.m.;
Sunday school, 10:30 a.m.
Wesleyan Methodist Church
(The Rev. Don Olmsted)
Sunday: Sunday school, 10 axn.;
morning worship 11 a.m.; Bible
school program, 7:30 p.m., re
viewing the work done by the
children in the Bible school.
Wednesday: Mid-week prayer
hour, 8 p.m.
Inman Methodist Church
(The Rev. Robert Linder)
Sunday: Church school, 8:40
a.m.; worship, 9:40 a.m.
Wednesday: Choir and MYF, 8
Immanuel Lutheran Church
The Rev. A. S. Gedwillo)
Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45
a.m.; worship 11 aun.
Tuesday: 8 p.m., Lutheran Wo
men’s Missionary League.
Sunday: Bible school, 10 a.m.,
Worship, 11 a.m. Guest minister
will be C. L. Holz of Norfolk.
Assembly of God Church
(The Rev. Ivan Christoffersen)
Sunday: Sunday school, 10
a.m.; morning worship and Jun
ior church, 11 a.m. Young peo
ple’s service, 7 p.m.; Evangelis
tic service, 8 pun.
Monday: Teen camp begins at
Wednesday: Prayer and Bible
study. 8 p.m.
Dorsey Presbyterian Church
Lee Hicks, Intern Pastor
Sunday: Church school, 9:30
a.m., worship, 10:30 a.m. Ser
mon: “Our Promise of Glory”
June 18: There will be a con
gregational meeting at the church
with the Rev. John Hart at 8
June 20-25: There will be a Jun
ior Camp at the Cleveland Bible
Christ Lutheran Church
(The Rev. A. S. Gedwillo)
Sunday: Worship, 9 a.m.; Sun
day school and Bible classes,
10:15 a.m.
I :<W P.M.
Real and Personal Property
3-Koom Horae on Main Street, just north of Jansen’s Market
1958 Chevrolet Black ImpaJa Sport Coupe — Many Extras
1951 Model 24-ft. Iron wood Trailer House—In Top-Notch Condition
Cafe Equipment
1 Freex-Klng Ice (’ream Machine. 1 Richardson Root Beer Bar
rel, 1 Hockey Game, 2 Malted Milk Mixers, 3 French Fryers, 1
Window Fan. 1 Soup-making Machine — Plus many more items.
Some Household Goods & Personal Effects
TERMS: CASH Or make arrangements with Clerk prior to sale.
All property must be settled for before being removed
Estate of Bertha 'Grandma' Huff
Center Union Church
(The Rev. Don Olmsted)
Sunday: Morning worship, 10
ajn.; Sunday school, 11 a.m.,
and Christian Endeavor, 7:30
Wednesday: Cottage prayer ser
vice, 8 pjn.
Friday: Missionary service, 8
p.m., with the Rev. Mrs. Green
as speaker.
Emmet Methodist Church
(The Rev. Glenn Kennicott)
Sunday: Opening worship and
children’s sermon, 9:30 a.m.;
children’s classes and adult ser
mon, 10 a.m.
First Methodist Church
The Rev. Glenn Kennicott)
Thursday: Vacation Bible school
program and open house, 7:30
p.m. An Offering will be taken.
Friday: Vacation Bible school
Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45
a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m.
Monday: Wesleyan Service
guild, 8 p.m.
And Community
Dolores Tunender
Help Is Given
On New House
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold jr.
and family called at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender and
family Monday and Tuesday af
ternoon. Hubert and John and An
drew Ramold also called and
helped Ray with the building of
a new house, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Deermer and Carla of Atkinson
were dinner guests of»the Tunen
der family Thursday evening.
Mrs. John Steskal ,Ewing, and
Mrs. L. H. Farewell, Judy and
Sharon Klinger, Atkinson, drove
to Omaha Sunday to see Mrs. Ed
Steskal. They returned home
Tuesday. Sherry Steskal, who had
been staying with her grandmoth
er the past two weeks, returned
home with them.
Bill Steskal and Terry, Atkin
son, had supper with Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Steskal and family
Tuesday. The Elmer Steskal fam
ily called at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Mike Bauer and family
Wednesday evening. Dolores Tun
ender called at the home of Mrs.
Elmer Steskal and family Fri
day afternoon.
Emmet Little League baseball
team played at Emmet with
Chambers. The game ended in
a tie, 10-10.
Mrs. Georgia McGinnis had a
birthday dinner in honor of John
Conard Sunday. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. John Conard
and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tro
shynski and family of Atkinson.
The South Side club had a
guest tea at the home of Mrs.
Georgis McGinnis Tuesday af
ternoon. Mrs . Van Voorhies
gave a book review. Mrs. Wal
ter Puckett gave a liistory of
the club's founding until its pre
sent time.
Mrs. Elmer Schaaf and family
attended the wedding reception
of Rita Braun Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz
and family attended the golden
wedding celebration of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Vequist in O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler and
Mary Alice returned home Sun
day from a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Winkler and family
in Denver, Colo. They also visit
ed Romanus Kaup and family and
other friends.
Mrs. Georgis McGinnis attend
ed the funeral of John Sullivan
Thursday morning in O’Neill. She
also attended the Golden Rod i
Garden club at Mrs. J. Dobrovo
ly south of Atkinson Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Deermer and
family of Atkinson and Mr. and ;
Mrs. Joe Ramold and family of ]
O’Neill called at the home of Mr. i
and Mrs. Ray Tunender and fam- 1
ily Friday night. i
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz i
spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. 1
Art Givens at Atkinson hospital. 1
They also visited Mr. and Mrs.
August Troshynski. ]
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- 1
nard Pongratz and family recent- I
ly were the Rev. Mr. O’Donnell I
of Emmet, Mrs. Jim Schmitz and c
sons of Omaha, Jim and Jerry I
Dusatko, Mrs. Joe Babl and £
Elizabeth Ann Babl. ^ \
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ramold and (
family were surprised on their /
third wedding anniversary Sun- I
day evening. Present were Mrs.
Joe Ramold sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Tunender, Bob and Gene, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Deemer and
family, Mrs. Ray Schaaf and
family of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Ramold and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Ramold and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Peters
and family of OWeill.
Mrs. E. Cavanaugh and Pamela
Kay, Mrs. Joe Pongratz, Mr. and
Mrs. John Edwin Babl, Colleen,
Curtis and Cathy Lynn were vis
itors of Mrs. Agnes Heeb in O’
Neill Thursday.
Mrs. Duane Pongratz and Dew
ey and Duane spent Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz.
Mrs. John Babl, Mrs. Joe Babl,
Mrs. James Conway, Mrs Ivan
Wayman , Ervin and Erdean call
ed on Mrs. Homer Ernst of O’
Neill Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman
of Stuart were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wink
Hubert and John Ramold, Mari
an Deermer and Dolores Tunen
der attended the wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Schmitz of Om
aha at the Immaculate Concep
tion Catholic church Saturday.
They spent Sunday at Nebraska
City, returning home Monday
Chambers News
By Sirs. E. R. Carpenter
Lt. Col. Jutte
At USAR School
Lt. Col. Lloyd L. Jutte is at
the USAR school in Ft. Sam Hous
ton, Tex., for two weeks. He tra- i
veled by jet plane.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik
drove to Omaha June 5 on busi
Everett Jarman and son, j
Douglas, attended the Nebras
ka Stock Growers Meeting in
Norfolk last weekend. They
plan to attend the National
Hereford Association Clinic at
Lincoln this weekend.
Mrs. Lucile Elkins and daugh
ter, Luree, Norfolk, were Sunday
visitors at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wright, and with other relatives.
Beverly Elkins has been staying
with her grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Blair of
Omaha came Sunday to visit her
mother, Mrs. Ralph Blair, and
grandmother, Mrs. Whidden.
They returned to Omaha Mon
day, accompanied by their two
children who had spent a week
here with their grandmoters.
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Schman
and family of Wyoming came last
Monday and are visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schip
man, and brother, Neil; his
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Haake and son, and
other relatives and friends.
Mrs. James Platt arrived
home Sunday from Anchorage,
Alaska where she had spent
several weeks visiting her son
in-law and daughter, Pvt. and
Mrs. Larry Lieswald and baby
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
enjoyed a picnic dinner with
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr and Mrs. Dean Stevens,
Cherlyn and Terry at the Atkin
son State Park Sunday.
Mrs. Jim Newhouse, Pratt, Kan.
came Saturday to visit her hus
band’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. E. Newhouse, and to get her
two sons, Rickey and James, who
has spent two weeks with their
Those from Chambers attend
ng the wedding ceremony of Glo
ria Grimes and Roger Hoppe at
die Methodist church in Milford
June 11 were Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Beed and Judy, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Winings, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Halsey and Kieth,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes, Mr.
md Mrs. Ralph Adams, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Grimes, Kenneth Cool
dge, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Maas, Mr.
tnd Mrs Ralph Maas and fami
ly, Shirley Svatos, Mr and Mrs.
[enneth Adams and Roseanne
Recent guests in the W. H.
)avid home were Mr. and Mrs. I
lay David of Newport, Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy David, Mr. and i
Irs. Earl David and Lyle David
f Riverton, Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs.
llmer Ervin of California; Mr.
nd Mrs. Dean Welch of Kenni
rick, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs.
1 are nee Logeman of Brunswick,
ill were dinner guests at the
►avid home June 4.
-— ,
O'Neill's Big
JUNE 16, 17, 18
6 Main Events-Carnival on Grounds
Fri. and Sat. Evening 8 P.M.-Sunday 2 P.M.
Admission $1.25 Adults — 50c Children
Steve Conley of Montrose, Colo.,
is spending his vacation with his
grandmother, Mrs. James Grimes
and Mr. Grimes.
Dan Coday returned June 11
from Norfolk where he spent a
week with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Fry.
Mrs. Raymond Shoemaker
lrft Tuesday for Dallas, Tex.,
for a few days visit with rela
tives. She accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Dulick of Dal
las in their plane. The Dulieks
had been here on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wintermote
and girls visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Thorin at Dun
can, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Everette Stan
dage and family of Valley were
weekend guests of her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Edd Coday and Dan.
The Rev. Charles Cox attended
the Methodist conference in Om
aha a couple days last week. He
spent Friday night with his son
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cox
and daughter in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ott and ba
by of Columbus were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin
Rjbeck and Kathy. On Sunday
the Rubecks had as guests be
sides the Ott family, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Lenz and family, and
in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie McManus and family of
Phone Your News To
The Frontier
Phone 783
Riverside News
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
The neighbors took lunch bas
kets and gifts Friday evening to
the Melvin Scheer home to help
Edith and Melvin celebrate their
25th wedding anniversary.
David Hegr is visiting his
grandmother, Mrs. Keith Biddle
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson
visited Tuesday afternoon at the
Dave Pollock home.
Irene Ahlers has completed her
term of teaching in Wichita,
Kan., and is spending her vaca
tion at the Rudy Ahlers home.
Mrs. G. D. Ryan and Sheila
visited Thursday afternoon at the
Alfred Napier home.
The Rev. and Mrs. Ernst Cham
bers and girls were dinner guests
Sunday at the Dave Pollock
The Marcus Pierson family
were dinner guests Sunday at the
Earl Pierson home.
The hard wind Saturday night
blew the roof off the eattie shed
at the Earl Pierson place.
Verl Gunter, Judy, Johnny
juhI Jamey Mead came Monday
morning and took Mrs. Martha
Shrader home with them. The
Gunters plan to move to Blair
this w'eek.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs
and Bobby of Omaha arrived
Saturday evening at the Dewitt
Hoke home for a few days of
Susan Napier visited Sheila Fry
Friday and her parents came
after her in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader
entertained the Forum group
Thursday evening. Mrs. Lynn Fry
helped with the lunch.
The Jolly Workers club met
with Mrs. Carrie Cililts Thurs
day afternoon. The afternoon
was spent in visiting. Ten mem
bers were present. As none «t
the officers were present they
held no business meeting. They
will meet with Algenin lion! in
July for an afternoon meeting.
Ardis McDaniel, tieorgie W^ie
gands itnd Lovenla Switzer
served the lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgo
mery visited Howard and Lor
raine Montgomery Thursday eve
Mrs. Earl Pierson visited Fri
day afternoon at the Keith Rid
dlecome home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr.
and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and the Lynn
Fry family were dinner guests
Sunday at the Floyd Napier
home in honor of Betty Napier’s
birthday anniversary.
Jacqie, Kerry- and Zelena
Barnhart of Neligh spent Wednes
day to Saturday at (he Grant
Mott home.
Mrs. Melvin Soheer took a
earload of MYF to a theater
party at the drive-in at O’Neill
Thursday. It wjus a farewell for
Sandra Elliott.
Mrs. Darrel Switzer brought
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer home
from Omaha Wednesday and she
returned to her home in Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry at
tended the Janice Steinberg
Wayne Hoffman wedding last
Sunday evening in the United
Brethren church in Orchard.
Mrs. Bert Fnk assisted with
the Vacation Bible school in the
Riverside Free Methodist; church
this past week.
Johannye Rutledge spent
Thursday night with Julie and
Jody Fry and Friday evening the
John Rutledge family came for
Mr. and Mrs. Vorhis Mott, and
family, Sioux City, la., were’ sup
per guests Tuesday at the Grant
Mott homo. Charles stayed for a
longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cary and
Jerome Teigen, Watson, Minn.,
visited Wednesday evening at the
Lionel Gunter homo.
Mrs. John Napier was guest at
a coffee hour Thursday after
noon at tho Harry Lampert home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgo
mery were overnight guests
Thursday at the S. S. Schlotman
home and dinner guests Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Mont
General Repairing of
Locks of All Kinds
Cars - Homos - Businesses
Joseph P. Shanner
112 So. 4th O’Neill
Ha to t
Reward Dad's wishful thinking with the
gift he’d appreciate most on Father’s
Day ... a handsome suit, chosen from
our eye-taking selection of right-for
every-occasion numbers. Our stock has
never been better and everyone knows
that McCarvilles pride themselves on a
perfect fit on every garment sold.
As seen on the
Jack Parr Show
$£50 up
O'Neill's Big Rodeo
June 16, 17, 18
Make McCarville's Your
Western Wear Headquarters
Rain Proof
Summer Straw
Hats from 2.95
I Men's and Children's
Western Shirts
4.95 and 5.95
Levi Jeans — All Sizes
If There's A Golfer in
Your Family He Will
Love One of These
And McCarville’s are featuring these pro-designed knit
goif shirls for the Dad on your list. Par shooter or duf
fer he’ll look and feel like a pro in one of these cool
The Grand Siam
I Golf Shirt by
The Van Torch
Knit Shirt by
Van Huesen
Suit Bags
Slack Hangers
Help Pop beat a hasty retreat
from the heat in these cool com
fortable Wash ’n Wear slacks.
Just wash ’em, hang ’em up to
Iry and they’re ready to go.
Available in new colors in com
plete sizes including shorts,
nediums and longs. Get several
pairs for Father today.
095 up
Wellington Boots A 95 Hw;
Lined-Welt Construction Headquarters
Oak Bend Soles n -
Dress - Sporty - Western
"Shoes for the Whole Family" O'Neill