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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1961)
Lynch News By Mrs. Fred King The following teachers are at tending summer school at Wayne this year: Jim Chvala, Joe Walsh, Harold Wente, Mrs. Robert Whet ham, Miss Isla Ruda, Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer, Mrs. E d w a r d Streit, Miss Irene Stenger, Mrs. Donald Jokumsen and Mrs. Henry Vonasek. Ivan Potter left Wednesday morning for a visit with his brother, Clarence Potter and family at Burke. Arthur Retzloff was admitted to the Lynch hospital Wednesday night. His parents from Cham bers came Friday to transfer him to the I^utheran hospital at Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moody left Monday for Sioux Cily where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Beri Moody and family. From there they went to Manning, la., to visit Mrs. C. C. Chamberlain, Mrs. Moody's mother, and her brother, Cleo. They stayed with her sister, Mrs. Marvin Hill and husband while there. Mary Jo Stenger six-nt last week at the Fred King home while the Moodys are on vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred King and L>ys left this weekend for a week's vacation in Minnesota at the lakes. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Moody visited from Friday until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moody and twins of Wheaton, Minn. They accompanied the Kings to the lakes for another week s vacation. All were dinner guests at the Earl Moody’s Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. <’. If. Mills id Riverton, Wyo., were honored at open house at the D-ginn hall in Lynch on their (iOth wedding anniversary Sunday, June II from 1 to 4 p.m. The Altar Society of the As sumption BVM Catholic church met at the church basement June 1 in the afternoon. Mrs. Ed Meiser and Mrs. Jim Maly were hostesses. Leo Farran and grandson, Douglas Far run, were dinner guests at the Leslie Stewart home ' Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cozine re- ; turned from the Black Hills Mon- I day. Mr and Mrs. Laurence Hoy and Marion Ruth visited relatives in Hastings Tuesday and Wednes day. They attended the gradua tion exercises of his niece. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christen sen were in Neligh and Creighton 1 Thursday. « Dr. Guttery left the Lynch hospital May 28 to go to Pilger to he with his sister. Ho accompa nied Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Court ney on their way to Omaha. He will later visit another sister at North Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Compton left June 4 for California for a two-week’s visit with relatives. They will visit Mr. Compton’s mother, Mrs. J ilia Hasenpflug accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Courtney 1 sr.. called at the Jtick Tarr home I Friday afternoon. Mr. Courtney • is still a patient at the Lynch hospital but is able to be up part J of tlr> time now. The Rural Progressive club I mot Thursday afternoon at the -:-— -1 < It *s lemon ice cream as you like it—by Meadow r Gold, of course—with flakes of lemon stick candy and a delicate lemon flavor that filters through on every spoonful. Dandy! Ask for it everywhere. lack Tarr home. Mr. Marvin Schindler of Mis soula, Mont., arrived last week end to be here for a few week’s risit. Work ha* started on the street* in preparation for oiling several more blocks. Main street was oiled two years ago. The Lutheran Bible school was teld last week and a program vas presented Friday night. Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst anti Mrs. Henry Vonasek and daught ers visited Mr. and Mrs. Berl doody in Sioux City from Thurs lay until Sunday. A family dinner, honoring Mr. tnd Mrs. Donald Jokumsen, was teld at the Cora Lee home June I. They were married recently. Y wedding cake was baked by Foyce’s aunt, Mrs. Orville Holz. rhose attending were Mr. and drs. Donald Jokumsen, Mr. and nirs. Harlan Holz and family, dr. and Mrs. Gerald Lee and amily, Mr. and Mrs. Joe YVest >ver and David and Mrs. Dennis JeBlau called in the afternoon Gordon Tonner is among 157 to receive degrees at the filth annual commencement exer cises on the campus of Southern State Teachers college, Spring field, S. I). Gordon received a certificate for completing train ing in the body and tender de The Lutheran Ladies aid met donday afternoon instead of Phursday as the church was iecorated for Ihe Schindler-Fis ler wedding to bo held Friday at 1:30 p.m. The Lions club held their regu ar- monthly meeting at the Frank rhompson cafe Thursday at 7 i.m. A free show was given Thurs iay night at the Lynch Theater by Vlr. and Mrs. Merritt Dodson vho were recently married at the -"irst Methodist church. Roy Lynn Spragg is spending i few weeks in Omaha with rela ives. Lynch Coming Events June 15 The First Methodist Women's Society will meet in the iftcrnoon at the home of Mrs. "rank Mulhair. Mrs. Albert Schindler will be co-hostess. June 18 Open house at the lew Catholic rectory from 2 to i p.m. June 19 — American Legion Auxiliary will meet at the home >f Mrs. Kenneth McMeen. Mrs. L E. Kriz will be co-hostess. June 20 — Lynch volunteer ireman meeting, 8 p.m. June 20 — Star lodge meeting 1 p.m. June 24 Alumni banquet. 6:30 >.m.. at the new Lynch audi orium. June 27 — Rebokah lodge meet ng, 8 p.m. ——^^| DRAPERY Jew samples just arrived, ’riced by the yard or custom nade at— AR>1 GARDES DRAPERY 108 No. 4th St- Phone 195 O'Neill 7-10c NOW AT CONSUMERS A —HMf?VsV• *•«?!»*■* ... „ ^,v., Buy a Westinghouse major appliance and get three additional appli ances without paying an extra cent. Great for your home or to give as gifts, they’re all included in the low price of any Westinghouse 1961 refrigerator, freezer, range, dishwasher, Laundromat®, dryer, wash-’n’-dry combination, or room air conditioner. Offer good until June 30, 1961. You can be sure... if it’s Westinghouse. Look for this symbol of quality whenever you shop for appliances. ► feGET ALL THREE OF THESE APPLIANCES FREE OF EXTRA COST WHEN YOU BUY ANY 1961WESTIN6H0USE MAJOR APPLIANCE^ Orchard News Mrs. Wilbur Mahood Phone TW 3-3185 Tom Drayton, son of Mr and Mrs. Gurney Drayton has return ed to Orchard after the comple tion of his service in the Navy. He will assist his father this Sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sivesind and family of O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests in the Kenneth Bruce home. Mrs. Waldo Davis has spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Louise Beals, the past week. Linda Barton and Rozann Dray ton attended a birthday party for Joan Drayton at O’Neill Wednes day. Terry Drayton has been visit ing for a short time with his par ents, Mr. ;ind Mrs. Gurney Dray ton. He is attending Louisianna university at Baton Rouge, La. He returned by plane Thursday to attend summer school. Oetett bridge met with Mrs. Loren Wilson Tuesday afernoon. Mrs. Lyle Schleusener was a guest. Mrs. Loren Wilson anil Mrs. Cecil Lee won prizes. Mrs. Millie Mahood was a Ne ligh visitor Thursday. M-s. C. E. Everhart, Mrs. H.H. Drayton and Mrs. Harlon Miller attended a Republican meeting at Neligh Friday Mrs. Hannah Johnson returned home from Omaha Friday eve ning, after a two weeks visit. Mrs. Jim O’Neill came last Sat urday from Holyoke, Colo., to spend several days with her fa ther, T. A. Drayton. Gertrude Gribbie returned Sat urday from vacationing in the Ozarks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bearing of Clearwater and Mrs. Grace Smyth of Denver were callers in the Mrs. J. W. Mahood home re A prenuptial shower honoring Miss Karen Napier was held Fri day evening in the basement of the EUB church with mothers of the graduating class of Orcard high school 1961 as hostesses. Miss Elaine Rang was at the gift book. The bride was assisted in open ing the gifts by the Misses Rang, Loretta Shrader, Diane Shrader and Janice Steinberg. The. program was in charge of Loretta Shrader and consisted of a vocal solo by Miss Marlene Hurtig; accordian solo by Miss Jane Schwager; a skit by Mrs. Ralph Shrader and several girls of the graduating class of 1961 of Orchard High school. A scrap book was displayed depicting the life history of the honoree and her husband-to-be. Miss Karen Napier and Kenneth Hurtig were married at the EUB church June 11. Both are graduates of Orchard High school. Mr. Hurtig is em ployed at the Orchard Cheese factory. Mrs Alex Browning spent the past week visiting her sons in Omaha. Mrs. Ray Hill and son, Warren, and Mrs. Hill’s sisters, Arlene Kilpatrick of O’Neill, and Mrs. Glen Tomlinson of Spencer, spent the weekend in Omaha. The Rev. and Mrs. Roger With ee and family of St. Francis, Kan., visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Withee, Wednesday. Claudia Mitchell, Stan Jacob sen, Bob Hill and Robert Raff left for Denver Thursday. Claudia left by plane that evening for Pres cott Ariz., where she will spend the summer in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Joyce Mitchell. The boys will work in Colorado this summer. Mrs. Ray Marr of Los Angeles, Calif., is visiting in the home of her son, Mill Thelander and fam ily. Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Fletcher of New York City came by plane to visit in the homes of Dr. W. Fletcher and Dr. D L. Fletcher and Mrs. Olive Bennie of Clear water. Captain and Mrs. Robert La Frenz and Captain and Mrs. Ed gar DaMoris and daughter of Ames, la., spent Memorial week end visiting in the Walt La Frenz and Roy Goakey homes. Meek News By Mrs. Fred IJndberg An old-fashioned charivari was held for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Devall Friday night. The new ly weds settled with an ice cream feed on Saturday night at the Walter Devall home. A large crowd attended. Paddock Union Missionary Society will meet this week on Thursday with Mrs. Howard Rouse. The day has been changed due to the fact that tho Midway Ranchers and Ranchette 4-H club is planning on entering a float in the parade at the rodeo. Mrs. Mamie O’Neill returned to the hospital at Lynch Wednes day. Charlene Larson was a week end guest of Joyce Krogh. Sam Watsons were Friday eve ning visitors at the Joe Kamp haus home Elsie Wilson Prinzing ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogh to Faribault, Minn., Fri day where they will visit Carl’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Krogh, and other relatives. Dur ing their absence, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus are helping with the farm chores. They plan to j rpturn SJunHav Martha Johring, Henry Stor-1 johann and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil; Hubby were Wednesday night vi- j sitors at Dave Jensens. Martha Johring visited Mrs. Delia Harrison Tuesday and was a dinner guest at Melvin Johrings Thursday. Mrs. Lela Risor and Mable De rail came home over the week end. They are attending school at Blair. Levi Hull left Thursday for Crookston where he will visit his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Hull. He also plans to visit his sister, Mrs. Cecil Haynes at Parmalee, S. D. Paddock Community Aid met at the home of Mrs. Paul Nel son Wednesday. Mrs. Luber had charge of the scripture reading. Diane Devall, Susie Nelson and Sharon Anson en tertained the group with two musical numbers. Lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the business session. Next meeting will be at the home of Louise Robertson. Mrs. Russell Borg and daugh ter, Debbie, arrived Wednesday night from St. Paul, Minn., for an extended visit with relatives. Jerry Schmitz is helping with the hay at Ken Hustons of Em met. Mildred Schmitz left Satur day. She plans to help this week also. Sunday dinner guests at George | Nelsons were Mr. and Mrs. De wayne Anson and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nelson of Lynch, Mrs. Bernice Ruff and son Lyle and Clifton Nelson of Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dobrovolny attended the Nebras ka Stock Growers convention at Norfolk Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Libby of Omaha were weekend visitors at Johnson Drug Store Phone 118 O'Neill, Nebraska FATHER’S DAY SPECIALS For Sunday, June 18 Hallmark Father's Day Cards Be sure to enclose a Hallmark Father's Day card along with Dad's gift Sunday. June the 18. Let Dad know that, "You care enough to send the very best,” and send a Hallmark Father’s Day card. The selection is out standing this year so be sure to stop in early and select your gift and card for Dad. Timex Wrist Watches Waterproof, shock resistant and dust proof. Guaranteed for one year. Priced from $9.95 up to $15.95 They also feature the self-wind Timex at the low price of $14.95 and $15.95 with the luminous dial. Looks like any 50 or 75 dollar watch and performs with the best. — Electric Razors Special Prices Remington Norelco plain Norelco new floating head Sunbeam Schick New low priced Schick Old Spice Toilet Articles After shave lotion After shave powder Body powder Shower soap with face Deodorant spray and stick Shampoo and cologne Hair tonic and butch cut Sets priced from $1.00 up to $7.50 with many combinations 4 Father's Day Miscellaneous Gift Items Tie racks Cigarette lighters Pipes by Yellow Bowl and Medico Bar mixing sets Ballpoint pens, Papermate, Sheaffer, etc. Tobacco pouches Thermometers and Barometers Men’s and boys’ hair brushes Leather toilet article kits Men’s and boys’ billfolds Eastman cameras, projectors, film and other supplies Manicure sets Truckers billfolds WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS the homes of Henry Walters and Loran Libby of Page. Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby came Monday from Naponee to help his mother, Mrs. Carrie Borg, celebrate her birthday Tuesday. Mrs. Howard Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby also called. Sunday visitors at “Grandma" Hulls and Bill were Mrs. Elmer Devall and Diane and Delia Har rison, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mel lor and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaczor. Elsie Wilson, Ruth Krogh, Della Harding and Doris Fernau were Tuesday visitors at Dick Fernaus. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding were dinner guests Sunday at the Frank Benash home. Mrs. Clarence Risor and her grandson, Ricky Emmons of Eugene, Ore., arrived Sunday to! be with her husband, and to make a visit with Garold Risor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck attendee the wedding of Mrs. Woidneck’s cousin., Dennis Bowers in Norfolk Saturday eve ning. Bert Perry of Canton, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and Norma and Debra Anderson were overnight guests at the Gene Lib by home Tuesday in Omaha. The men attended a convention at the Church of God. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse, Ronnie, Daryl and Ralene and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Perry were supper guests at the Allen Wal lers home Saturday night The Perrys art planning on leaving Monday for their home in Canton, Ohio. The Paddock Union Daily Vaca tion Bible school closed Friday. The attendance totaled 17 pupils. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse, Rulene Kay was dedicated at the As sembly of tiod Church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson and Eddie Benson of Spencer were Friday night visitors at Martha Johrings. Martha Johring and Henry Storjohann went to Clearwater Sunday to visit Donald Johrings. Gale Johring, who had been vi siting at Clearwater, returned home with them. Shirley Armfield of Herrick, S. !>., spent the week with Janice Risor. Just Say "Charge It!" O'Neill PHONE 8 Shop 8:00 - 5:30 Saturday 8:30 - 9:00 fytfrfiiDtdDuf/ Cotton Knits! Mesh! New Rayon Challis! Broadcloth Prints! Many Wash 'n Wear! SPORT SHIRTS OTHERS . 1.49 to 2.98 Show Dad he's appreciated! Wrap up a sport shirt in his favorite fabric and color. Dool, casual, comfortable—short sleeves, /ery well made Wide choice of pattern, color. S-M-L. MESH SHIRTS . White, green, gold or blue cotton knit. Monogram. S-M-L. DRESS SHIRTS ~M mm Handsomely tailored white cotton broad cloth. Wash ’n wear Values! Wash 'n Wear Random Cord Jackets ONLY! 398 Easy-going jacket for sports-minded Dads. Sanforized cotton cord- wash ’n wear finish. Unlined. Sizes S-M-E XL. POPLIN JACKETS Style standout! Sharp new Barracuda jackets feature plaid Chromspun rayon lining, knit trim. Tan cotton poplin; 36-48. 795 Gifts Dad Wants—at Low, Low Prices! \ tie for every taste in this beautiful collection! Wide choice of pattern and fabric—every tie wrinkle-re sistant. LEATHER BELTS.$*| Thrifty gift! Handsomely styled in good quality leather—plain or embossed surface. Blacks, browns, greys. 30-42. DRESS SOCKS BUY! Lights, darks—classic argyles and fancy patterns. Cottons and neat-fitting Bai> Ion stretchies. - 59' ■friew mi o9m opptr to ol OmUi WmJ tforw. GcmbU tototoil Dmhr* ml Mr ownpricu mi tom:*