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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1961)
yVj./. » y a,m' ! f//A j FOR SALE MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc SALT FOR SAI K a n a p o 1 i s $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c -Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE My Chevrolet 1 ton truck or will trade. This is a good one. 1949 model. Sewell John son, Phone 6981, Atkinson. 8-9p MONEY TO LOAN $50 to $3,000 Small Monthly Payments O'NEILL LOAN CO. Virg Laursen 38tf FOR SALE 58 model Nashua trai-' ler house. 45 ft. by 10 ft. wide. Two bedrooms. Also 4x6 ft. porch attached. One location since new. Priced to sell.—See Bud Stewart, Lynch, Nebr. 8-1 lp FOR SALE—Golf clubs, bag and cart. Practically new. Phone 754, O'Neill. 5tf FOR LOW COST Hail insurance see Kieth Abart. 7tfc I AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 50tf FOR SALE 2-wheel, 2-horse trai ler. Also a good gentle saddle mare.—Clint Ruegge, O'Neill. 8p FOR SALE 25 Hampshire Bred Gilts Bred to Registered Hampshire Boars for August farrow Vaccinated and clean $57.00 each in lots of 5 or more. New Deal Oil Co. O'Neill, Nebr. S-9c FOR SALE—1 1953 super M; 18 black cows, springing heavy; 6 calves at side now; barbed wire, $7.70; cable rack tires, all sizes, guaranteed; hickory sweep teeth, $1.25.— 110ERLE STATION. Ph. IV 2-2642, Chambers. 41-10p FARM LOANS, See R. H. Parker. 50tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf LOW COST INSURANCE—And prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O’Neill. lOtfc IF YOU WANT A lower rate ofi interest than you are now pay ing, see me at my office in O’ Neill, Nebr. R. H. Parker. 50tf. MOBILE HOMES New — Used — Parts Large Discount on all Units All Sizes and Models We Trade—Finance—Deliver In O’Neill vicinity see Clarance Johnson, O’Neill MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Open Every Day EX 5-2179 Albion, Nebr. 5tfc MlUKfjS lArttl DAIRY CATTLE Holsteins, Guernseys, Swiss Fresh Springers Yearlings, Calves Reasonably Priced Selected by Shores, Neligh Phone Tl 7-4060I FOR SALE A. C. Roto-baler, good condition; McCormick trail mower, good.—Norman Grothe, Neligh. Phone TU 7-4020. 7-9c FOR SALE—12 A John Deere com bine, with motor and pickup, good condition. Always shedded. William Grothe, Emmet, Phone 905 Jll, O’Neill. 7-8c FOR SALE—1959 Chevrolet V-8, 4-dr., Impala, automatic trans mission, 2-tone, radio and heater. A-l condition.—Gerhard Mom msen, phone 6827. Atkinson. 7-8c TANKS Now for the first time you can buy 11 ft. stock tanks with bot tom. Also on hand — 10, 8 & 7’ tanks and 15 & 20 ft. bottom less. KELLY’S PLUMBING 5 Blks South of the New Deal Oil Station 45tfc FOR SALE Baler and Binder Twine at Lowest Prices in Nebr. New Deal Oil Co. O'Neill, Nebr. - ; S-9c Real Estate for Sale ■ - ACREAGE FOR SALE 3 acres, 3 lots under cultivation. Windmill and storage tank for garden irrigation. Strawberries and rhubarb. Apple, apricot and mulberry trees. Garden is planted * in potatoes, radishes, peas, lettuce, etc. Completely modem insulated three bedroom home. Many outbuildings. Must sett because of health. Priced at 55,000 for quick sale. Early possession.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Small, Butte, Nebr. For further information, call 9261. 6-8c CITY LOANS, See R. H. Parker. 50tf I FOR SALE -6 room modern resi- j dence joining the new additions I in north O’Neill. 3 lots with it. I See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. Ttfc REAL ESTATE Just recently listed 2 and 3 bed-! room homes. Excellent terms, j Virg Laursen, O’Neill, Nebr. j Phone 434 38tf FOR SALE -Elegant big 7 room and bath house, barn 50x28 twoj story high. Several other build-i ings, and 8 acres of land joining town of Ewing, Nebr. Write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 7tfc MONEY TO LOAN -On homes, farms and ranches. Low interest, prompt service. Virgil Laursen. O’Neill lOtfc FOR SALE OR RENT The O’Neill Hotel in West O’ Neill. 17 beds beside apartment to live in. All equipped ready to use. Tony Asimus Phone 510 8-9c REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home. Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Real Estate Broker Ph. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. 38tf — FINE LARGE HOME On 125 East Clay St. New Gas Furnace and Garage. Good Income Property, Priced right ar*d terms. Phone 324-R or see Herman J. Janzinq ltfc FOR SALE OR TRADE The lots adjoining Hunts Bowl ing building on east. Size of lots 70 feet by 170 feet. Very Reasonable Terms TONY ASIMUS Phone 510, O’Neill Gtfc FOR RENT FOR RENT—3 bedroom house. Two blocks from school.—John Kersenbrock, Phone 443, O’Neill. , 8p WANTED HELP WANTED—Office girl. : Typing and bookkeeping re quired.—Central Finance Corp. O’Neill, Nebraska. 8c WILL SHARPEN sickles all season at August Kramer residence in Stuart, Nebraska. 7-10p I WANTED—Waitress at the M and M Bakery and Cafe, O’Neill. 51tf WANTED TO BUY—Angus or Pol led Hereford bull.—Floyd Kaasa, Lynch. 8p SCHMITZ DIGGING SERVICE— Ditching for sewers, water lines and basements. Also general digging. Latest model backhoe. Phone 4811 or write Bonesteel, S. D. 3-10c SALESMAN WANTED—Apply in person at Ideal Lockers, Ewing, Nebr. 2tfc MEN - WOMEN We establish you in your own business on our, capital. No investment. No ex- , perience necessary to start. Part or full time.—Winona Monument Co., Winona, Minn. 8p WANTED—Custom baling, roto ; baler.—Gary Beckwith, 1M> miles ( north Sunset Motel, Phone , 587 RU, O’Neill. 7tfc WANTED TO BUY—25 to 35 good 1 young Hereford fall calving ' cows.—Contact Terry Wilson, ' Stuart, Nebr. 7-8p WANTED AT ONCE Man or wo man to supply families with Rawleigh products in O’Neill.! Many dealers earn $50 weekly ' part time—$100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh’s Dept., Free- 1 port. 111. 7-8p 1 ------| i LARGE SELECTION of used fumi ture. Cal’s Furniture, Tilden on s Highway 275. 35tfc 1 I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. - See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. I ] _~ - _50tf ; WELL DRILLING and well and j windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St. Phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill i 3 blks. W. & 314 blks. N. stoplight. , L. Guthmiller ! Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of ] automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene wielding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo ] — Clinton. WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading •lays, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf "WE" DON’T WANT • ALL” THE BUSINESS We just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN __23d_ E. J, (Skip) Shane Dragline Work Sewer, Drainage, Clam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work Atkinson, Nebr. _50-21p WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’NeiU Stiff NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Centra! Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. 21tfc DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—SCOOP—DOZER Domor Elevated Grading John E. Donohoe, Phone 447-W O’NEILL, NEBRASKA _______________ j MISCELLANEOUS j AT STUD Appaloosa Missoula Hunting Grounds No. T-3611. Beautiful white with black spots over loin and hips.— Merle Pease, southeast of Em met. 7-8p CURTIS BREEDING SERVICE Offers you the best half of your herd in dairy and beef breeds. It costs less to raise a good one. Call 470, Duane Gray, O’Neill. 41tfc fOU CAN PAY MORE, BUT YOU CAN’T BUY BETTER. See us or call 710 at O’Neill be fore you renew your Insurance policies. -SPECIAL COVERAGES L. Farmers Blanket Personal In surance, $10,000.00 only $29.00 per year. !. Health and Accident Insur ance, you pay the first $25.00 and the Company takes over and pays up to $5,000.00. Cost $12.48 on male assured quar terly. Women some higher. !. Dread Disease Policy, pays up to $10,000 dollars on nine dis ases and $2,500.00 on cancer Total cost for your family only $18.00 per year. stop and see us or call us at O’Neill. R. F. GASKILL INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance and Farm Loans O’Neill, Nebraska (No membership fees to pay) 51tfc AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O’NEILL - CARDS OF THANKS iVE WISH TO THANK our rev ives, friends and neighbors for heir messages of sympathy, the loral tributes and all other acts >f kindness shown us at the time )f the death of Mrs. Gina Cronk. Uso thanks to Dr. Carstens and he Sisters at the hospital for their :are. Your thoughtfulness helped ;o much in our time of sadness. The James H. Cronk family John Cronk Mrs. Mae Hetrick Mr. and Mrs. George Hartford 8p VE WISH TO THANK all the riends and relatives who paid me isits, sent cards, etc., during my ecent stay in the hospital. A pecial thanks also goes to the taff at St. Anthony’s and Doctors Vilson and Waters for the wonder ul care I received. Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson 8p WISH TO THANK my relatives md friends for the cards, letters md gifts I received while I was lospitalized. And a special thanks o the blood donors, James Mc Nulty, Wayne Barnes and Robert .lowery. Also thanks to Dr. Waters ind Wilson, the Sisters and hos )ital staff for the fine care I re :eived and Father Duffy for his isits. Mrs. John Wallen jr. 8p WISH TO THANK all those who lent cards, letters or visited me md for all other acts of kindness shown me while I was hospitalized, am truly grateful. Mrs. Owen Parks 8c WE WISH TO THANK our neigh-1 hors, friends and relatives for their cards, gifts and presence at our 45th wedding anniversary obser vance. May the Lord bless each one. Bob and Ina Worth 8p f-Legal Notices i First pub. June 1, 196D Cronin & Hannon, Attorneys Estate No. 4489 NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MAY 31, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICK J. BURK, A/K/A PAT BURK, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Marilyn M. Burk as Admini stratrix of said estate, and will j be heard June 22, 1961, at 10 o’ clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 6-8c (First pub. June 1, 1961) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4476 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MAY 25, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF JAMES D. MCCLUNG, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against; said estate is September 22, 1961, and for the payment of debts is May 25, 1962 and that on June 22, 1961, and on September 25, 1961, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, exam ine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (County Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 6-8c (First pub. June 8, 1961) NOTICE OF SUIT To: Sam R. Killham; All persons having or claiming any interest in the real estate described as: Lot 13 and West 5 feet of Lot 14, in Block 24, Original Town of O’-1 Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown; The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal re presentatives and all other per sons interested in the Estate of Sam R. Killham, Deceased, real names unknown, Defendants, You and each of you are here by notified that on the 31st day of May, 1961, the Holt County Board of Public Welfare as Plain tiff, filed a petition and com menced an action against you and each of you in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to have the plaintiff and the County of Holt decreed to be the holder of a lien for old age as sistance grants under the laws of Nebraska to Sam R. Killham totaling the sum of $3125.48, and to have said lien impressed upon the real estate above described, and to have said lien adjudged ana decreed to be a first, para mount, and prior lien upon said described premises, against the interests, rights or titleof any and all of the defendants herein, and to order said real estate sold at judicial sale for the satisfaction of said lien, interest, and court costs, and including a statutory attorney fee; that each and all of the defendants herein be found j and decreed to have no right, title j or interest in or to said described! real estate, paramount to the lien j of the plaintiff, and for such other j relief as may be required for the satisfaction of said lien. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of July 1961, or judg ment will be rendered against you accordingly. Holt County Board of Public Welfare Plaintiff. 7-10c Proceedings of The Board of Education June 1961. Omaha World Herald, pa per 3.10 Milton J. Baach, mileage interviewing teachers 26.30 Frontier, board proceed ings . 4.97 j Hammond & Stephens Co., Bks order . 26.89 Salary, Secretaries 245.00 Merna Butterfield, Help Mr. Carpenter . 7.50 Social Security . 295.08I Salary of HS Teachers 4533.34 Salary of E Teachers .. 3969.72 . Salary of Subs. Teachers . 241.00 John C Winston Co., sup plies . 34.88 Johnson Drugs, supplies . 29.74 Webster Publishing Co., Statistics . 1.37 Schmoller & Mueller, mu sic . 57 Johnson Drugs, supplies . 24.861 Hospe Piano Co., music 1.10 Dietze Music House, Inc., Music . 1.44 Gamble Hinged Music Co., Inc., supplies, Music 2.89 Vernon Carpenter, mile age . 10.85 Marcellus Implement Co., steel, welding rod . 14.90 Kelly’s Well 9ervice, pipe 6.72 Ole Larson, repair mow ers —'. 6.96 Commercial Award Pin Co., pins . 35.661 Custodians Salary 588.33' ■ Stanley Schmeichel, labor 47.50 Curt Larson, labor 47 50 Harry Graham, communi ty Concerts . 55.00 Arnie Mace, • Community Concerts 55.00 Kansas Nebraska Nat. Gas, gas 24205 Consumers, lights and Power 129.04 Northwestern Telephone, Telephone bill. 37.20 Foree Tire & Supply Co., repair 15.90 Huntington Laboratories, supplies .65 Coyne Hardware, supplies 30.86 Gambles, supplies . 12.97 Certified Electric Division, bulbs . 64.12 Bosn D-X Service, gas . 12.46 Gillespie’s Appliance, sup plies . 5.75 Hoover Brothers Inc., Belt .98 Spelts-Ray Lumber Co., supplies 25.42 Lindberg Home & Auto, supplies . 51.79 BILLS PAID BY SCHOOL ACTIV ITY ACCOUNT TO BE REIM BURSED. J erry Kilcoin, custodial help . 18.00 j Stanley Schmeichel, Jerry custodial help . 6.00 Jack McGinn, custodial help . 6.00 Jim Larson, custodial help 3.00 Jerry, Ron Schmeichel, building stage for con test . 8.00 Jerry, Ron Schmeichel, tearing down stage after contest . 8.00 Post Office, Postage .... 10.00 Post Office, Postage _ 10.00 Post Office, Postage ... 10.00 Post Office, Postage .... 10.00 O'Neill Transfer, freight . 10.36 Safeway Store, Groc, Home Ec . 11.99 New Outlaw Store, Gro cery . 5.13 Fourth Street Market, Gro cery for Home Ec. 4.78 Safeway, Grocery for Home Ec. 11.11 Safeway, Grocery for Home Ec. 5.32 Safeway, Grocery for Home Ec . 3.50 New Outlaw, Grocery for Home Ec. 4.99 Edwin Rech, mileage to Kearney . 21.00 Marv Miller, mileage to Kearney . 46.50 Larson, Annuals for Drs, Hosp., Library . 18.00 Harvey Colfack & Don Skopec, mileage to Creighton FFA . 10.00 Harvey Colfack & Don Skopec, mileage to Creighton FFA . 8-20 Jack McGinn, Jerry Kil coin, labor on track . . 10.00 Stan, Jack, Curt, Jerry, Mr. Hawley, broad jump runway and high jump asphalt take off . 30.50 Fuller Gravel, Gravel east side of school . 5.50 Koldroc Asphalt Co., As phalt for high jump and runways. 71.10 Gillespie’s, repair on on tape recorder . 7.90 Ermer, Dexter, Kurtz, Donlin, Blackboard in stallation . 7.00 Weslie Meierhenry, Com mencemen t Speaker . 50.00 Gambles, paint, brushes 3.07 434.95 Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Visitors Will Make Home In California Mr. and Mrs. David Baker and son of Ardmore, Pa., and Mrs. Lou Small and son, Harry, of De troit arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser June 9. Mrs. Small is Mrs. Brook houser’s sister, and Mrs. Baker, a niece. Friday evening Mrs. E. Bartos and Keith, Janice and Emily visited with the guests at the Brookhouser home. Mr. and Mrs. Baker and son and Harry Small left for San Francisco, Saturday morning where the Ba kers will make their home. Mr. and Airs. Duane Finch and daughter visited her parents, Mr. and Airs. Henry Gerdes at Os mond June 4. Airs. Ralph Brookhouser visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Kenneth Waring entertain ed the Help-U Club at her home June 7 with 11 members and one visitor, Airs. Clarence Finch jr. present. The hostess served a 1 p.m. luncheon. The afternoon was spent in sewing carpet rags for the hostess. Airs. Alta Finch received the door prize. Airs. STOCK CAR RACES Sunday, June 18 Stuart, Nebr. 8:00 P.M. 12-20 Oars 8 Races — OTHER RACE DATES — July 4 . 7:00 p.m. Ju,y 23 . 8:00 p.m. August13 .. 8:00 pjn. September 3 . 2;00 p m September 17 . 2:00 p.m. ADMMISSION — Adults, $1.00; High School' Age, 50c Children, 12 & uder — FREE, accompanied by parents ----I Sidney Faulhaber will have the June 21 meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rice of Fairbury spent Memorial day visiting her sister, Mrs. Edna Boelter. Mrs. Roy Siveisnd, Or chard, a sister of the women was also a visitor. On Wednesday Mrs. Elmer Ko cina and son, Marlin, visited with her mother, Mrs. Edna Boelter. Mr. and Mis. Lon Pitchier and family of Norfolk were Saturday and Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch. Frank Murray was a dinner guest at the Ralph Brookhouser home Friday. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Brookhouser and Mrs. Lou Small were dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanneman home of Brunswick. Other visit ors there were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hirsh and Clarence, Bloom field, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sokol, Verdigre, Mrs. Charles Curtis and Chuck and Annie, Omaha, Susan Sokol, Royal Oak, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Merle Christensen, Plainview, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brookhouser and sons. Saturday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bar tos were Mrs. Lou Small and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. The folks called at the Edward Tusha home that afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brookhouser, Grand Island spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser and Mrs. Lou Small of Detroit. Stuart News By Mrs. Herb Skala Daughter Is Baptised Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Murphy’s daughter, Cathie Ann, was bap tised Sunday with Mrs. Bob Tiel ke and Connie Murphy as spon sors. They entertained Mr. and hMrs. Bob Tielke and family and Mr. and Mrs. Connie Murphy and family at breakfast. Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Don Myers and family were Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hytrek and family. Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cadwallader and family were Mel Carr of Hold rege, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heaps and family of Carthage, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hoffman, Ronnie and Rayme drove to Oak land Sunday morning and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schmaderer and family. Monday morning they drove to Sioux City to meet Father John Hoffman of Chicago who will spend the week at the home of his bro ther, Bill Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Gamble of Omaha spent last week vis iting Mrs. Anna Chaney. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brem mer of Boise, Ida. were Tuesday and Wednesday guests of Mrs. Clara Baum, Jerry and Del. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinslage and boys of Elgin were Sunday din ner guests of Mrs. Clara Baum, Jerry and Del, and also attend ed the ice cream social Sun day evening. Mrs. Malinda Siebkens of Om * aha was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Murphy and daughter. Judy Babl entertained five girl friends at a slumber party Sunday evening, the occasion being her birthday. The girls enjoyed lunch and refreshments. Those present were Marilyn Goebel, Carolyn Givens, Donna Hamik, Diane Olberding, and Jean Obermire. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Otele of Hillsboro, Ore., spent Friday un til Sunday evening visiting Mrs. Clara Baum, Jerry and Del. Mr. anrl A/Trc family enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green field to help Judy Babl celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schneider and Robert were Sunday morn ing callers of Mr. and Mrs. Vic I Kaup and family. Mrs. Paul Babl and children of Newport were Wednesday after noon callers at the Vic Kaup home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Seger and Frank Bigelow of Atkinson were Wednesday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bogelow and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brayton and family spent June 3-4 visiting Bob’s mother, Mrs. Blanche Bray ton at Red Oak, la. Mrs. Leo Slachetka spent Sun day afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Maude Mahin of Newport to help her celebrate her birth day. Tom and Dana Bigelow and Russ Cobb returned from school and left June 9 for California where they have employment. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Preston and family of Freeport. 111., spent last week visiting Mrs. Emma Kunz, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bigelow and ' other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Flannigan i and daughter, Pat, of Sutherland were last week visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bigelow and fam ily. —■ ■ ■ __ I Atkinson News Keith Keating Suffers Injury In Fall Tuesday Keith Keating of Denver, Colo., was taken to the Atkinson Mem orial hospital last Tuesday eve ning after receiving a concussion when he fell while working in the yard of his mother, Mrs. Opal Keating. Keith had been visiting his mother and friends in Atkin son and was helping his mother with some yard work when he fell, striking his head and pulling some ligaments in his back. The two had planned to go to Den ver Wednesday. He was taken to the Veterans hospital in Omaha Saturday morning for further treatment. Mrs. Edna Wood of Mears, Mich., and Miss Buswell were Friday dinner gjests of Mrs. Frank Skrdla. The women were enroute to their respective homes after spending the past few months teaching in the Indian School at Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Wood plans to make her home at Mears where she will have an apartment near her daughter. Mrs. Ruth Wearne of Bloom field and Mrs. Wilbur Kirkland of O’Neill were last Monday ov ernight guests of Mrs. Wearne’s hrothpr-in-l:iiW nnH cictar Mr anrl Mrs. Frank Skrdla. The women came to attend the Alumni ban quet in Atkinson. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith in Atkinson were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith jr. and family of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Le Munyan and family and Lawrence Pacha. Gerald Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes of Ft. Collins, Colo., came Sunday to visit rela tivse and spend the summer. He plans to work for his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shane. He accompanied his great uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Nachtman of O’Neill. They were returning to their home after visiting their daugh ter, Genevieve Nachtman who lives at Ft. Collins also. Mrs. Lawrence Pacha, Mrs. J E. V. Hickok, Mrs. Hazel Furt-1 zer and Mrs. Fred Juracek re-1 turned to Atkinson Sunday eve-1 ning after spending the weekend in Lincoln. They attended the Ne- j braska University graduation ex ercises Saturday morning. They also attended the wedding of Don ald Frickel Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shane, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Puckett and Mr and Mrs. Max Karo were among the many picnickers at Valentine last Sunday who spent the day sightseeing and viewing the progress of the new road. The Shane children spent the' day with their grandparents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Carl Smith, in Atkinson. i The Atkinson Civic Improve ment Garden club met Wednes-1 day at the home of Mrs. Will iam Wefso for the regular meet ing. Roll call was answered with, "How I combat Crab Grass.” Mrs. Carl Smith and Mrs. Doro thy Olson had charge of the les son on “Home Landscaping, Lawn Care and Annuals". The Atkinson swimming pool has opened and everyday one can see a continuous proces sion to and from the north end of the eity park. Mr and Mrs. Elmer McClurg returned Sunday evening after at tending graduation exercises at the University of Nebraska Sat urday morning. Mrs. John Beck and children returned to Atkinson Sunday eve ning after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer 9mith at Winner. Little Karen Beck, who had spent the past two weeks in Winner visiting her grandparents, returned to Atkinson with her mo ther. Rose Mary remained in Win ner to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. Francis Stuart of Lincoln is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Brown in O'Neill. The Merry Mixers Extension club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Alois Mlnarik with ten members and three guests, Mrs. Alois Mlnarik jr., Mrs. Ger ald Upton and Mrs. Pat Charf of Denver, present. Mrs. Charf is a daughter of Mrs. Mlnarik. Mrs. Harvey Wahl assisted the hostess. The hostesses conducted contests which were won by Mrs. Gerald Upton and Mrs. Pat Charf. The next meeting will bo a family pic nic which will be held at the State Park west of Atkinson. The hos tess served a lunch and the group adjourned at a late hour. Mrs. Violet Ashcroft and Mrs. Vera Planck returned Monday af ternoon after spending a few days visiting in Auburn. Phone Your News To The Frontier Phone 788 Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Phone 1041 Golden Bldg Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding Call 243 W — 24 hr. Service Northwest Electric O’Neill TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ALL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 716 O’Neill, Nebr. Choose his from our wide selection of FATHER’S DAY Gifts Cotton Argyle HOSE 59C mgratulate Dad with several pair. Combed cotton with nylon heel. toe. Washfast colors. 10-13. FATHER'S DAY JUNE 18th I Matched tie-hand- I Narrow width Popular styled kerchief sets. I ties P°Pular Pat* belts of genuine terns. leather. Boxed j Boxed $j Choice $■« Western Styled Ties 98c T*C Ra<k 98c Rayon ties. 59r T<>t> Rrain Qq Popular patterns. ** belts. Sizes 32 to 42 #OC Nylon stretch socks. | | r Pkg. of two pairs I • I 3 FATHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS Many to 1(M Choose to 25c Choose from our wide as sortment of cards. One sure to please your Dad. Patton's_O'Neill