The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 15, 1961, Section Two, Image 10
Allan Haynes Observe Their 62nd Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Allan Haynes quietly observed their 62nd wed ding anniversary at their home Tuesday. The Haynes’ were mar ried Juno 6, 1899 at the home of the bride’s parents on a farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bee laert. With the exception of three years they have spent all of their married life near or close to Page. The couple received cards, gifts and visits from their many friends. Page News By Mrs. Ben Asher Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat were Saturday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Par ker, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pearson and family of Columbus were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Dwindell of Vordigre join ed them for Sunday dinner. The Wes. Methodist mission ary society met Wednesday with Mrs. Otto Terrill. Mrs. Mabel Smith had the devotion. The af ternoon was spent working on Genie GAS Lite Now enjoy constant, dusk to-dawn, soft-as-moonlight illumination which does not attract bugs. Low op erating cost, dependable light that never fails . . . parts last indefinitely. Only 51oo per month on your gas bill with no down payment, no carrying charge. Full price of S36.00 includes installation. mmittliMnY; for Dependable GAS Service quilts to be sent to the Brainard Indian school at Hot Springs, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clouse, O’Neill were Thursday guests at the Emmitl Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sukup of Council Bluffs and Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer and Douglas were Friday night guests in the Ben Asher home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyndley Crumly and family, Jim Hartman and Debbie Asher, who was an over night guest of Patty Jo. were Friday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Goeke of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and family and Mrs. Hester Ed minsten were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher Saturday night in honor of Chuckie Asher’s fourth birthday. The Adult Sunday school class held their annual get-to-gether at the Page park Sunday. A covered dish luncheon was held. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and •boys and Jimmy Sorensen and Alvin Heiss attended a corn deal er’s picnic at Norfolk Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge called on the William Ho well’s Sunday night, who have just moved into their new home in Page. Mr. Howell has retired after many years working for I the railroad. Mrs. Evelyn Gray was hostess to members of the SOS club when they met with her Friday night for an evening of playing cards. Mrs. Alta Finch won the mystery prize. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill, Mrs. Alma Tegeler and Mrs. Ce lia Terrill went to Lincoln Fri day. They were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jer : ry Terrill and Kimberly Sue and Miss Marilyn Terrill. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Nissen and family took theii daughter, Dixie, to Hastings where she will continue her nurs ing career. Linda Harrison left Saturdaj morning for her home in Lincolr after being here visiting her sis '■11 ' ■——— WANTED I Representative to sell our hos pital, medical, surgical, lost time and life protection plans and service our policy holders in Holt and Boyd counties. WRITE TO District Manager Bankers Life and Casualty Company 4951 Leavenworth Omaha, Nebr. 8-9c Father's Day June 18th FATHER'S DAY GIFT SUGGESTIONS FROM DEVOY'S REXALL DRUG Billfolds and Key Cases by Amity Electric Shavers Trip-o-Kit Travel Kits Shaving Accessories * Men's Toiletries Timex and Westclox Watches Cigars Pipes Lighters Tobacco Pouches Remember, Dad likes candy too. We suggest Pangburn’s candy for Dad in special Father’s Day packages. Don't forget to greet Dad on his day with an appropriate Father s Day Card. We have a wide selection of Father’s Day Cards by American Greetings on display. Get one for Dad today. GARDEN INSECTICIDES AND WEED KILLERS We carry a complete line of insecticides and weed killers both liquids and dusts—for your garden. Don’t let weeds and insects take over in your garden. Get a good weed killer and insecticide today at DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG. MOSQUITOES! Since the recent rains the mosquitoes have been coming out in ever increasing numbers. Don’t let these pests interfere with your outdoor work or fun. We have several good brands of mos quito repellent—in liquid, lotion, stick, and spray forms. Get a good mosquito repellent today at DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG. VETERINARY SUPPLIES Make DEVOYS REXALL DRUG your headquarters for all your Animal Health Needs. Now that the fly season is here it’s time to get a good fly repellent for your stock. We ha\e several good brands in stock. We also carry a full line of vaccines, peni cillin. penicillin-dihydrostreptomycin, and other medicinal pro ducts. _ _ _ ___ PRESCRIPTIONS Health is priceless! Guard it carefully! Choose your Phar macist as carefully as you chose your family doctor. The next time vour doctor wants to telephone a prescription to a Drug Store ask him to call DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG. There your ni.0scription will be filled by a trained specialist in prescription work Ask your doctor to call 87, DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG. DEVOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy, Pharmacist Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings O'Neill, Nebr. ter, Mrs. Dale Matsehullat and family. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ot to Terrill, Mrs. Alma Tegeler, Mrs. Celia Terrill and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Terrill attended com mencement exercises at the Uni versity coliseum at Lincoln for Marilyn Terrill. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker of O’Neill were Wednesday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matsehullat. Mrs. Otto Matsehullat requests that all members be present at the Auxiliary meeing Monday night, as she would like to have new officers who are to be elect ed that night also installed. Billy Hartigan returned home Saturday night after spending two weeks with his dad at Waver ly, la. He accompanied Dick Cork here. Mrs. Paul Hartigan had a sur prise slumber party Tuesday night for her daughter, Donelle, on her ninth birthday. The guests included Patricia and Nadine Ru ther, Joie and Debbie Allen, Glor ia Shaw, Janet Lamport, Trudy Rutherford and Terrie Ickes. Connie Sorensen returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen She had been spending a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ho ward Holliday and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen at Grand Island. Devon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kemper, left for Blair Sunday to take care of Mrs. Don Parks children while she is attending summer school. Viola Haynes returned home Monday for her Summer vaca tion. She had been teaching this lastlast year at Hastings. Tri F’s held their family pic nic at the Page Park Sunday with 12 families being represented. Their was a discussion on their farming project. They also de cided to continue supporting a Korean orphan. Their next meet ing will be a picnic at Grove’s Lake July 9. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mina Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Stauffer met Sunday evening at the Dale 9tauffer home for a family get-to-gether. Ice Cream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer left early Monday morning for Portland, Ore. Enroute they in tend to visit relatives in Aber deen, Ida. They intend to be gone about a month. Mr. and Mrs. David Durre and family of Ewing were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes. Mrs. Robert Nissen visited in Omaha and was a Wednesday night supper guest of Mr and Mrs. Roy Hansen former Page ites On Thursday she was join ed by Mr. Nissen and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and Debbie were Monday callers at the Charles Switzer home in O’ Neill. Mrs. Harvey Hixson, sis ter of Mrs. Switzer, has been visiting her a few days from Crookston. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart anti Mickie returned home Sat urday night after spending a week in Kearney where Mr. Stewart attended custodian school. On Wednesday night they visited with Mr. and Mrs. ■ Lonnie Woods and family at Elm Creek. Thursday night they enjoyed a picnic supper with Louis Bernholtz and Bon nie at Kearney. They used to live in Page. On Saturday be fore returning home they vis ited Pioneer village at Minden. Mrs. Kenneth Waring of O’Neill was hostess to 11 members and one guest when the Help-U-club met with her for a noon-day luncheon. The members present ed a gift to Willis Waring, who was recently married. Fifteen members were present when the R. N. A. lodge met Wed nesday night at the IOOF hall for their regular meeting. Mrs. Ger ald Lamason and Mrs. Lee Tay lor were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronk en tertained the members of the j Couples club when it met with them for an evening of bridge Thursday night. Mrs. Melvin Car son and Mr. Dan Troshynski wor prizes. On Wednesday Mesdames Har old and Raymond Heiss, Altor Braddock, John Steinberg, John * Gray and Dan Troshynski visited in the home of Mrs. Joe Babl. ( NOK club met Thursday with Mrs. Emmitt Thompson. The wo men did their own work. A pic nic was discussed and further plans will be made at the next ’ meeting. Making a layette to be sent to a Children’s home was discussed also. The club will meet next with Mrs. Ben Asher. Airman 2/c Leroy Clasey left Wednesday night for Arizona af ter being here visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Clas ey. He also visited with his sis ters, Mrs. William Baum and Mrs. William Plautz and families, both of Lincoln. Roberta Asher was a Thurs day overnight guest of Linda Thompson. On Friday the girls joined Andrea Wettlaufer, Con nie Summers and Seal Luebcke at the Art Grass home for sup per in honor of Jolene Grass’s 13th birthday. After supper Mr. Grass took them to the movies in O’Neill. David Terrill Hall of Lincoln is spending a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ot to Terrill. Mrs. Gerald Snyder invited friends to a surprise birthday supper for Mr. Snyder the guests included Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer, Page, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sukup, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Juracek, both of Or chard, Mr. and Mrs. William Hibbs, Mrs. Ethel Siders and Marilyn, Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunningham, Mrs. Marvin Hawk and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Schleusner. Mrs Ethel Waring was a rnctay overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch. On Saturday morn ing Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch and Dori attended the wedding at Niobrara of Willis Waring to Jan ice Bergman. Also there from the Page area were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss, Janice and Mick ie. Arlee Waring, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring, is home on a three week leave from Ft. Ord, Calif. He attended the wedding of his brother, Willis. Robert L. Sorensen was one of 417 students to graduate from Creighton university of Omaha June 7. Bob earned his science degree in the Department of Business Administration and re ceived a citation with member ship in Beta Alpha Psi Nation al honorary fraternity for ex cellence in scholarship. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr., all of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen, jr., Ash Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Sorensen of Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Galloway and Connie of Fairmont, Nebr. were weekend guests of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al lan Haynes. Mrs. Galloway is the former Evalda Haynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Chavet and Rex of Plainview were Sunday visitors in the George Wettlaufer home. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wellman and Sharon of Venus were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy. Ronnie Weinrich of Plainview is spending a coup le of weeks with the Kennedys. The Nifty Needlers 4-H club met at Laurie and Roberta Sch einost’s home June 7. The mem bers answered roll call by telling “Hew I can Improve my Groom ing’’. The Let’s Sew girls played a sewing tool game. The girls brought their finished tools and studied the sewing pledge. The Skirt and Blouse girls were tolc to have their skirts completed by the next meeting. The Loung ing and Sleeping girls studied pockets. They are supposed tc bring handiwork to the next meet ing. The Beginning Meal Plan ning made plans for a demon stration on fruit cups. The Cakej and Pies girls talked about then projects and what they made last week. The girls listened tc records for music. Jolene Gras; had charge of games. The nex meeting will be at Jolene Grass’: home June 21. Andrea Wettlaufe will have games. Mrs. Scheinos served lunch. Roberta Asher, re porter. Ilearwater New; Mrs. Charles ('urtright HUnter 5-3290 Mrs. Dwight Hoffman and in fant daughter, Julie Rae, re turned Tuesday from the Ti\den Community hospital. Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Fletcher of New York City are visiting in the home of the former’s sister. Mrs. Olive Bennie. A covered dish dinner was held Sunday at the Methodist church as a farewell for the Rev. and Mrs. Woodrow Elliott and daugh ter. The Saints Circle of the RLDS church is planning a bake sale to be held this Saturday at the Brodersen meat market in Ne ligh. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Cary of Messa, Ore., are visiting Mrs. Cary’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soderstein, and other relatives. Relatives here have received word of the marriage of Leon ard Miller a former resident, now of Cheynne, Wyo. Leonard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller. The newlyweds will re side in Cheyenne where the bridegroom is employed by the Frontier plumbing company Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cary of Watson, Minn., are visiting friends and relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Luben re turned Saturday from North Platte, where they had spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanks. Mr. and Mrs. Loon AUeamang have moved to Norfolk from the Georgia Wiegand farm in the Frenchtown community. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dufphey left the past week for Dennison, Colo., where Mr. Dufphey enrol led in Western college for the summer course. Deloit News By Mrs. H. Reinier The HEO club met Thursday at the Mayhard Stearns home. Mrs. Ralph Tom jack gave a demonstration on cake decorat ing. Mrs. Melvin Rexin and Mrs. Henry Reimer were guests. Next meeting will be at the Ewald Spahn home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon left Thursday for Denver, They wiU return to their home in Mid land, Tex., Sunday after a five day visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmi ser visited Mr. and Mrs. Upton in Arkansas the past week Mrs. Fred Harpster and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster at tended the Bible school program in Ewing Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fritz and family were O'Neill visitors Sat urday. L. L. Bartak reported .X5 ins. rain at Deloit in June. We've had about .25 here. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Clement oi Worland, Wyo., were suppei guests Thursday at Bill Gibbs and overnight guests at L. L Bartaks. Their three children re mair.od at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bartak, West Point for three vvecKs vacation. Jodie and Vicky Ray of Oma ha are visiting their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tom jack. Dick Zahm of Sioux City is employed at the Ralph Tomjuck farm for the summer. He ac companied his parents to South Dakota where they attended a wedding Saturday. ~ Mrs. Mary Stearns has been staying with Mrs. Martha Kinney in Elgin since Mrs. Kinney re turned home from the hospital. Judy Hunter of Pheonix, Ariz.. spent Wednesday night with Madine Stearns. Mrs. Dwaine Borg and family, * Minneapolis, Minn., and guests from Deadwood, S. D., are visit ing in the Johnny Bauer home. Mrs. Otto Itelmer of Lincoln under went surgery for re moval of the pin In her hip Monday. She is much improved Mr and Mrs. H. Reimer were Burwell visitors Monday. IJttle David Legate was treated in Tllden for a dog bite Thursday. He will suffer no ill effects. __ Alice's Beauty Shop 325 E. Douglas St. Phone 268 Complete Beauty Service Slimliner Reducing Machine now you can rent the marvelous GLAMORENE ELECTRIC RUG BRUSH at only $2°°for the day and professionally dry clean your rugs in ^esy minutes! So easy! Just guide it as you would your vacuum! It's the only appli ance that gives you professional results at home; really deep-cleans your carpets fresh as new ... with out wetting ... using famous DRY CLEANER Gallon size...only $3.98 tor two y j 1Z carpet areas) NEED MORE FREEZING SPACE? SEE page 5 of today's Farm and Horn® Section. Then See Us I Consumers Public Power District O'NEILL, NEBRASKA c DONALD'S J. M. MCDONALD CO. Great Gifts For Dad Fathers Day June 18th Neat New Sport Shirts The Choice Dad Would Make for Himself! 2f| Q 2 for 5.75 This intimate blend of 55% combed cotton and 45% Cupioni>«' Rayon creates a handsome texture, and more important, cool comfort for hot summer days. Smart novelty styling. Drip dry. Sizes S-M-L-XL. * Sweater Shirt The Most Comfort-Loving Shirt of the Season! This superbly cool shirt is knit of 1007c superfine cotton in an open mesh pineapple 0% stitch. The convertible collar can be worn in or out Hand washable. S-M-L. A Favorite with Dad .. * I 2 for 7 75 Bud Berma Dress Shirts ) Cool Short Sleeve Styling Regular or Button-down Collars Dad will like the faultless styling that goes with the cool comfort of short sleeved Bud Berma dress shirts. Tailored in white skip-dent cotton. Convertible collar can be worn buttoned for dress, opened for casual wear. 14/17. __ _ O'NEILL RODEO JUNE 16-17-18 i i,.&.* YTf •' ; One-Size Socks Guaranteed! 79 c pr. Guaranteed to wear five years, or you get a new pair free! Stretch nylon. New Donfield Belts Many Styles ^ 50 Wide choice of smooth and grained leather belts. Vi to 1 inch wide. Sizes 28/46. Ibfc One-In-HandWindsor Pre-tied! -J50 Saves time and keeps Dad look ing neat! Made to fit all shirts . ... quick and easy to clip on. Wide variety of handsome colors and patterns. •Mk