BILL RICHARDSON. Publisher BRUCE J. REHBERG, Editor Terms of HubscrlpUon: In Nebraska, $2.50 per year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year, rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip tions payable in advance. Entered at the postoffice in O’Neill, Holt coun ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under die Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso ciation, National Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations. national ioitorial |A5^)C0iTI0N Church Notes All ministers are invited to send their church notes to The Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the notes are In our office by Saturday, one week prior to the services. 8t. Patrick’s Catholic Church (Msgr. Timothy O’Sullivan and Father Robert Duffy, assistant) Sunday: Masses, 7:30, 9 and 10:30 a.m. Saturday: Confessions from 4 until 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. Masses in the church every day at 7:45 a.m. Church of Epiphany Emmet (Father Ralph O’Donnell) Sunday, May 28: Mass 10 a.m. Assembly of God Church (The Rev. Ivan Christoffersem Thursday: Women’s Missionary Council, 10 am. Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morning worship and Jun ior church, 11 a.m. Young peo ple’s service, 7 p.m.; Evangelis tic service, 8 pun. Wednesday: Prayer and Bible stu dy, 8 p.m Wesleyan Methodist Church (The Rev. Don Olmsted) Sunday: Sunday school, 10 ajn.; morning worship 11 a.m.; Bible study, 7:30 p.m., and evening wor ship, 8 p.m. Monday: Wesleyan Youth, 8 p.m. Wednesday: Mid-week prayer hour, 8 p. m. p.m. Wednesday: Junior Youth fel lowship and adult choir, 7 p.m. senior youth, 8 p.m. 8t- Paul’s Lutheran Church Chambers (The Rev. William Roten i Sunday: Sunday school and Bi ble class, 9 a.m.; worship, 10 a.m. Monday: Bible study, 2:30 Methodist Church Chambers (The Rev. Charles Cox) Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. ATTENTION MEN! Learn To Operate HEAVY EQUIPMENT • SCRAPER • GRADER • DRAGLINE • BULL DOZER • PI LL SHOVEL • C3.AM SHELL Trained Men Are Earning Over $165 per week Complete training gives you Actual experience on machines at our resident training center, with employment assistance upon completion. Mail coupon for complete information. QUALIFY NOW For the many high paying jobs in heavy construc tion, building roads, bridges, dams, pipe lines, air fields, office buildings, etc. Local and foreign em ployment opportunities. You can start now with out leaving your present job. • UNIVERSAL, EQUIPMENT I OPERATORS SCHOOL 1 mi W. O. W. Bldg. • Omaha, Nebr. ' Name . Age .. > Street . I City . State. . Ph.Hrs. at Home CONTRACTORS: Information about our trained operators avail able upon request. Center Union Church (The Rev. Don Olmsted) Sunday: Morning worship, 10 aon.; Sunday school, 11 a.m., and Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Cottage prayer ser vice, 8 pan. First Presbyterian Church (The Rev. John Hart) Sunday: Sunday school, 945 aon.; worship, 11 a.m. Emmet Methodist Church (The Rev. Glenn KennicotO Friday: Vacation Bible school closing, 8 p.m. with coffee hour following. Sunday: Opening worship and children’s sermon, 9:30 a.m.; children’s classes and adult ser mon, 10 a.m. Bethany Presbyterian Church (The Rev. John Hart) Sunday: Worship 9:36 am.; Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. Inman Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Under) Sunday: Church school, 8:40 a.m.; worship, 9:40 a.m. Wednesday: Choir and MYF, 8 P Thursday: WSCS, 2:30 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church Atkinson The Rev. A. S. Gedwillo) Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m., Lutheran Hour Rally at Norfolk, 3 p.m. Wednesday: 9:30 a.m., Vaca tion Bible school begins. Sessions will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Monday and Tuesday of next week. Page Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder) Sunday: Church school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; MYF, 8 p.m. Thursday: WSCS, 2 p.m. First Methodist Church The Rev. Glenn Kennicott) Thursday: Prayer Circle, 10 a.m., Dorcas, 2 p.m. Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m. Atkinson Methodist church’s cor nerstone laying service, 3 p.m.. with open house in the new build ing. Neighboring churches invit ed. Monday: Senior Youth camp op ens at Camp Fantanelle, 3 p.m. p.m. Tuesday: Choir, 7:15 p.m. Dorsey Presbyterian Church Lee' Hicks, Intern Pastor i Sunday: Church school, 7:30 p.m., worship, 8:30 p.m. Sermon, “Beyond Death”. Wednesday: Dorsey Youth fel lowship, 7 p.m., at church. Christ Lutheran Church (The Rev. A. S. Gedwillo) Sunday: Worship, 9 a.m.; Sun day school and Bible classes. 10:15 a.m., 7:30 p.m., Walther Inter-League fellowship. Thursday: (June 1) Men’s Club. INSURANCE Hospitalization Mutual of Omaha LIFE United of Omaha Oscar Spitzenberger Box 667 Telephone 888 O'Neill, Nebr. Office at 429 North 3rd Street 38tf Orchard News Mrs. Wilbur Mahood Phone TW 3-8185 OES had a stated meeting Thursday evening with 24 mem bers and two visitors, Mrs. Grace Smith, Denver, and Mrs. Ada Smgley, Wiliwalke, Ore. Mrs. H. Drayton, worthy matron, and Gordon Johnson, worthy patron, presided. Mrs. Drayton gave a report on the grand chapter at Lincoln. Mrs. Elmond Holbrook, Liver more, Calif., is visiting for sever al days in the J. W. Mahood home. Mrs. Grace Smyth is al so a guest in the Mahood home for a few days. The three women were Friday luncheon guests in the Richard Napier home. Mrs. J. W. Mahood, Mrs. El mond Holbrook, Mrs. F. W. Fry, Mrs. Dale Napier and Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery attend ed Bob Wicket’s funeral at 9ioux City Saturday. Bridge club met with Mrs. Ted Berry Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Hannah Johnson and Mrs. Olive Everhart were guests. Mrs. E. Bright, Mrs. Gordon Drayton and Mrs. Mabel Drayton won prizes. The Rebekah Mother and Daughter Tea was held May 13 at the IOOF hall. The table was decorated with lace cloths and flowers. Ruth Ann Shrader an nounced the program as follows: solo, Mrs. Don Willats; accordion duet, Jane Schwager and Karen Wehenkel; reading, Rita Thelan der; duet vocal, Loretta Shrader and Janelle Lautenschlager and poem, Mrs. Ralph Shrader. Mrs. Bertha Grove wjas the oldest mother present and Mrs. Blanche Fletcher, next oldest mother. Youngest mother was Sharon Boelter and the mother with most grandchildren present was Mrs. John Stelling and mo there with most daughters pre sent were Tillie Stevens and Mary Anson. A pre-nuptial shower for Jan ice Steinberg was held at the EUB church basement May 12. About 100 people were present. The gift table was decorated in blue and white. Assisting the hon oree with the gifts were, Mrs. Dean Clyde, O'Neill, Mrs. Bruce Buxton, Clearwater, Mrs. Carol Leiding, Mrs. Wayne Strope and Miss Doris Leiding. The co-hos tesses were Mesdames Wayne Henderson, John Deines, Henry Leiding, Glen Robertson. Ethel Cooper, Lewis Shrader, Fern Morsett, Irvin Held, Orval Au man, Alvin Walnofer, Roy Young, George Bonge, Leon Mitchell and Homer Barton. Miss Steinberg and Wayne Hoffman of Chambers will be married June 4 at the EUB church, Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell spent a few days visiting in the Harold Butterfield home in Lin coln. Mrs. William Ffly of Ewing spent several days in the J. W. Mahood home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fraim and daughter, Mrs. Don Prefriet of Liberal, Kan., visited in the J. W. Mahood home a few days last week. The Ladies Aid of St. Peter’s English Lutheran church met May 6 in the church basement The meeting opened with a hymn followed by scripture read ing, prayer, and a discussion ol the Third Article led by Pastoi Seefeldt. The creed was recitec in unison. Thank you cards were read from Mrs. Groeling, Fred Scherr Mildred Ennen, and Esther Zim merman. A donation was made to the Dakota Boys Ranch. Coun try Store will be in June. Plan: for the Alumni Banquet were dis I cussed. The Aid will buy treat! for the final day of Vacation Bible School which will be held the week of May 22. Honored at the birthday table were Louise Stelling and Mes dames William Mitteis, Harlan Miller, Lorenz Riege and Harry Lamp ext. Lunch was served to the 28 members present by Mrs. Dale Petti john, Mrs. George Rang, aixi Mrs. Ed Richards. Dorsey News By Mrs. Harold Osborn Several from this community attended the wedding dance of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Femau held in Lynch Sunday evening. Congrat ulations are extended to the new lyweds from their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham, Marilyn and Mrs. L. J. Graham were O’Neill visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Marvin Richter was a business caller at the Harold Os born home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene visited at the Edward Carson home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn were Verdigre visit ors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar at tended the commencement exer cises Wednesday evening in Ver digre. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn were O’Neill visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard and children were overnight guests at the Harold Osborn home Saturday evening, returning home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe are visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Wolfe, and unnk Thpv fku Moll day to go to Odessa, N. Y., to visit the Warren Beatties and attend the graduation exercis es of a daughter of the Beat ties. Mrs. Anna Carson plans to accompany them to attend her granddaughter’s graduation. David Oleson, Janice Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene visited at the Osborn home Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Derickson and family visited at the John Derickson home Sunday. Sadie Derickson called on Mrs. Albert Ellis Monday. Mrs. Ellis is feeling improved. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber and little granddaughter, Lynette Elasser of Cheyenne, Wyo., call ed at the Harold Osborn home Friday evening. Sadie Derickson visited at the Merle Spangler home Tuesday. The Dorsey church was a scene of activity this week as Bible School was held there all week. A program and refreshments closed the school Friday evening. Inman News , By Mrs. James McMahan Mr. and Mrs. John Buhlmann jr. and son of Bartlett visited Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and Ro ger Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach visited Mr. and Mrs. Fay Brit tell and daughter at Atkinson Sun day evening. Dale Lines and Bert Smith, who are emploed at Curtis, spent the weekend at their homes here. Inman Workers The Inman Workers Project club met Wednesday afternoon May L7th at the home of Mrs. Karl Keyes. Ten members and a i visitor were present. Mrs. Twila Sobotka, president presided at the business session. Mrs. James Mc Mahan gave the lesson on “Ouick and Easy Meals”, when she dem onstrated a Lemon Cream Cheese Pie, Stickey Buns, Au Gratin Po tatoes, and Salmon Patties. The next meeting will be at the coun try home of Mrs. Kenneth Cov entry. Mrs. Keyes served a lovely lunch at the close of the after noon. Charles Young, James Sholes and Bill Stamp, who are employ ed at Sutton, spent the weekend at their homes. Robert Ruther and Bill DeLong, who attend college at Grand Is land, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert W. Ruther and Mr. and Mrs. Merle DeLong. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney were in Norfolk Friday evening. They were met there by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly and family of Wis ner. Mrs. Charles Luben returned Sunday from Fremont and Om aha where she has been with her son, Raymond Luben, who was hurt a few weeks ago and has been a patient in an Omaha hos pital. Raymond was able to re turn to his home in Fremont Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. George Colman jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Brunckhorst Thursday eve ning. Mrs. James McMahan enter tained Circle H of the Presbyter ian church in O’Neill Thursday af ternoon. There were 20 ladies pre sent. Mrs. Ann Gatz presided at the business session and Mrs. usuici iiuuti wuu gave lilC ICO son. Mrs. Arlo Hiatt was assis tant hostess. Lunch was served. Mrs. Blanche Mossman enter tained the Y M Club and their husbands Sunday evening at her home. Cards furnished the eve nings entertainment. Mrs. Moss man served lunch at the close of: the evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach took Mrs. Jim Ries and daugh ters to Atkinson Sunday evening where they will spend a week vis-j iting Mr. and Mrs. George Ries. Ruth Ann Hansen was an ov ernight guest of Mary Morsbach j in the David Morsbach home Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach of Neligh visited Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Morsbach Sunday afternoon. Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown and Kar on were Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ware and Marilyn Friend, Grand Is land, Mr. and Mrs. Enar Johann sen, Plainview, Jan Withee, Or chard, and Rev. and Mrs. Jesse Withee, Merna. They attended Karon’s graduation Thursday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Don Withee and children of Sioux City, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Brown Thursday and attend ed graduation exercises Thursday evening. Willow Lake School closed Thursday and a picnic was held at the school Sunday. Mrs. Jim Kelley is the teacher. Inman school picnic will be Thursday at the school house. j Tina Sanders of O’Neill spent a few days last week with her j grandmother, Mrs. Joe Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ohrmund of Seneca visited Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Ohrmund Sunday. Mrs. Ermand Keyes and Don na of Newport visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keyes Wednesday. Ralph Dean Keyes who has been visiting here returned to Newport with his mother. Ernest Trowbridge left Monday for Saratoga, Wyo., where he will visit Mr. and Mrs. Elton Trowbridge before going on to Bphrata, Wash., where he will spend some time visiting Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith and family. Mrs. Shirley Coventry and Joe visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and Bob a few days last week. Mrs. Gordon Sholes and son of Fullerton came Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs Har ry Moore. Mr. Sholes spent the weekend in the Moore home and Mr. and Mrs. Sholes and son re turned to Fullerton Sunday LEMON MIST IC_ CREAM It’s lemon ice cream as you like it—by Meadow Gold, of course—with flakes of lemon stick candy and a delicate lemon flavor that filters through on every spoonful. Dandy! Ask for it everywhere. ANNOUNCING . . . CARROLL RAYMER Registered Representative Tinstman & Co., Inc., a Nebraska investment firm, is proud of its association with Mr. Carroll Raymer of Atkinson. Experienced in the investment field, Mr. Raymer brings to people in Atkin son and vicinity an excellent investment portfolio including Cor porate Stocks and Ronds, Municipal Ronds, and Mutual Invest ment Funds. Contact Mr. Raymer by phone at 6.'1!>1 in Atkinson. TINSTMAN & CO., INC. Stuart Bldg. ‘ Lincoln, Ncbr. i FILL OUT AND RETURN ) " Mr. Carroll Raymer ) | Atkinson. 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