FOR SALE FOR SALE Hampshire Fall Boars, ready for service, rug ged long bodied with deep hams. Farmer prices, double vac cinated, guaranteed breeders. John Raster, Clearwater, Nebr., Phone Hunter 53360. 47-2p TOR SALE State tested Brome grass, 92 germination; also, Sandlove, Switchgrass, Redtop, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa, Indian and Bluestiem. Lawrence Skrd la, Stuart. 48-5p MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc TOR SALE - Medicated chick starter and grower.—Ray Law rence, Phone 174, O’Neill. 52-2p TOR SALE 38 ft. Mobile Home, 1 ought new, pulled only 3 blocks. Used 2% years. Price when bought $4,400. Save 60% find buy now at only $1,760 with many extras free. -Clarence E. Potter, Box 526, O’Neill. 2-3p TOR SALE 1954 Chevrolet, 4-dr. deluxe with automatic transmis sion. Reason for selling, in the air force and going overseas.— Paul E. Gunter, Ewing, Phone 9F 02. 2c TOR SALE Very reasonably, Al lis Chalmers D-14 tractor. Like new with wide front end. Would trade for cattle. S. R. Robertson, O'Neill. 48 tfc TOR SALE IIIC 2 row lister, pull type with power lift.— P. J. Frost, Phone 6895, Atkinson. l-2p TOR SALE Dearborn sweep head for Ford tractor. A-l shape.— Stanley Sojka, Ewing, Nebr. TOR SAIF 1 1953 super M; 18 black cows, springing heavy; 6 calves at side now; barbed wire, $7.70; cable rack tires, all sizes, guaranteed; hickory sweep teeth, $1.25.—HOERLE STATION. Ph IV 2-2642, Chambers. 41-10p NEBR. NO. 28 CERTIFIED SWITCH GRASS SEED Recommended for entire state. Germination 80%, purity, 99%. Buy direct from grower and save $$$. Del Faeh & Sons, Central City, Nebr. Ph. 516 52-2c AS I HAVE SOIL BANKED my hind I will sell or trade for live stock my sprinkler irrigation equipment.—C. G. Pratt, Bris tow, Nebr. l-2-3p FOR SALE—Fancy locally grown blue grass seed, new crop. Lloyd Gibson, first place east of trailer court. Highway 20. 48-2 FOR SAIF Ranger alfalfa seed, state tested, 99.65% pure. —Wer ner Poessnecker, Atkinson, Ph. 6027. 2-4p SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co.. Nellgh. 30tf IDW COST INSURANCE—And prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O'Neill. lOtfc IF YOU WANT A lower rate of interest than you are now pay ing, see me at my office in O’ Neill, Nebr. R. H. Parker. 50tf. FOR SALE—Wood tanks, cattle, sheep, storage. One used 8 ft tank. Cliff Sobotka, Phone 435, Inman. 48 50 52 2c FOR SALE 16 ft- Aluma Craft Boat. 40 H.P. Mercury' motor, complete with trailer, skis, life jackets. All in A-l condition, motor has less than 75 hours on. Tliis is a fast outfit and is excel lent for siding Priced for quick sale. First $625.00 takes.—A1 Stracke, Atkinson, Nebr., Ph. 6211. 2-3c TANKS Now for the first time you can buy 11 ft. stock tanks with bot tom. Also on hand — 10, 8 & 7’ tanks and 15 & 20 ft. bottom KELLY'S PLUMBING 5 Blks South of the New Deal Oil Station 45tfc Special 55W Baler with motor, $750 55T Baler PTO Gehl stalk cutter Fast hitch for Farmall 300 Clark hydraulic harrow with 4 sections 3-row Rotary hoe Dual with tilt hay head John Deere mounted lister Hammermills, all makes & models Knoedler Burr mills IHC 2-14 Plow Oliver 2-16 Plow me 3-14 Plow me 3-i6 Plow 3-14 Plow to fit Ford me 4-row Planter Farmall 20 Farmall 300 Utility 300 with fast hitch 42 Farmall M 47 Farmall M Farmall 450 Sweep to fit H or M SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’NEILL. NEBR IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool I FOR SALE 2 Cooker Spaniel pup pies, 8 weeks old, male and fe male, $10 each.—Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi, Rt. 1, O’Neill, Phone 663. 2c — FOR SALE - Ironrite Ironer No. 85. All white deluxe cabinet and Ironrite health chair. Will teach buyer how to iron.—Mrs. Marie Crook, Box 120, O'Neill. 2-4c FARM I/)ANS, See R. H. Parker. 50tf SALT FOR SALE K a n a p o 1 i s $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O’Neill. 51tf BARN FOR SALE -This lumber is all clear, no knots. It is covered on north and west of grain bins with aluminum roofing. Located 11% miles east of O’Neill sale barn or 3% north and 3/4 of Page. Look it over and offer what it is worth to you.—Frank P. Snyder, Ph. 2568, Page. l-4c FOR SALE—1947 M fflC tractor. Has MW gears, power mowers, rear mower is hydraulic driven. In very good condition.—See at I Shaw Texaco Station, Emmet. 2-5e Real Estate for Sale TOR SALE—Barrett home quarter | section 3 miles west of Emmet, j Includes pasture, meadow and building s.—Charles L. and Blanche Havranek, O’Neill. 2-4p FOR SALE—Priced reasonable our property in Butte, Nebr., in cluding modern three bedroom home, insulated, with acreage and windmill and storage lank for irrigating garden, straw berries and lawn. Also have ap pie, cipnctu ciihi inuiui'ii^ ucca and rhubarb. Reason for selling — poor health.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Small, Butte. 2-4p FOR SALE—Acreage in south west O’ N e i 11.—Mrs. Tillie Schwindt, O’Neill. l-3p GOOD INCOME Property for Sale—If you are interested in Buying property that will make you money see Paul Beha, Phone 188-J, 308 West Douglas. 52-3p MONEY TO LOAN—On homes, farms and ranches. Low interest, prompt service. Virgil Laursen. O'Neill. lOtfc REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home, Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page i Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Real Estate Broker Ph. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. _38tf FINE LARGE HOME On 125 East Clay St. New Gas Furnace and Garage. Good Income Property, Priced right and terms. Phone 324-R or see Herman J. Janzinq ltfc CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker. _ 50tf REAL ESTATE Just recently listed 2 and 3 bed room homes. Excellent terms. Virg Laursen, O’Neill. Nebr. Phone 434 38tf FOR RENT FOR RENT—Nice 5 room home, 2 bedrooms. Nicely decorated. O. E. Davidson, phone 126. 52tfc FOR RENT—Furnished apart ment, close in.—Call 440-J, O’ Neill. 50tfc WANTED WANTED—Janitor for the Clear water public schools. Apply Cas per Englehaupt, superintendent, Clearwater. 2-3c WANTED—Waitress at the M and M Bakery and Cafe, O’Neill. 51tf WANTED—Two elementary teac hers for the Clearwater public s c h o o 1.—Casper Englehaupt, superintendent, Clearwater. 2-3c SALESMAN WANTED-WantetTat once man or woman to supply families with Rawleigh Pro-j ducts in O’Neill. Many dealers earn $50 weekly part time—$100 and up full time. Write Raw leigh's. Dept. NBE-101-1, Free port, 111. 2 & 4c "WE" DON’T WANT “ALL” THE BUSINESS We just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN 23 tl WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50 tf I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H. Parker, O'Neil], Nebr. 50tf WANTED Sober, serious party in terested army surplus, sporting goods line. Average 100% mark up everything from sox to boats. Requires $50041,000 capi tal, we furnish rest. —Army Sports, 620 W. 17th Kearney, Nebr., Phone 7-3007. l-3c WAN 1 ED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf SALESMAN WANTED—Apply in person at Ideal Lockers, Ewing, Nebr. 2tfc LARGE SELECTION of used furni ture. Cal’s Furniture, Tilden on Highway 275. 35tfc WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St. Phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O'Neill 3 blks. W. & 3Vfe blks. N. stoplight. L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo — Clinton. E. J, (Skip) Shane Dragline Work Sewer, Drainage, Clam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work Atkinson, Nebr. 50-21p NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. 21tfc DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—SCOOP—DOZER Domor Elevated Grading John E. Donohoe, Phone 447-W O’NEILL, NEBRASKA MISCELLANEOUS I AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf NEW DAIRY CREDIT 14 or 1/3 down, balance month ly. Finance a new herd or double your old herd Shores’ fancy quality closeup Wisconsin springers. Reasonable prices. Vaccinated. Delivered. Shadow Lawn Farms, Neligh, Nebr. Ph. TU 7-4060. 46tf MONEY TO LOAN 550 to 53,000 Small Monthly Payments O’NEILL LOAN CO. Virg Laursen 38tf YOU CAN PAY MORE, BUT YOU CAN’T BUY BETTER. See us or call 710 at O’Neill be fore you renew your Insurance policies. —SPECIAL COVERAGES— 1. Farmers Blanket Personal In surance, $10,000.00 only $29.00 per year. 2. Health and Accident Insur ance, you pay the first $25.00 and the Company takes over and pays up to $5,000.00. Cost $12.48 on male assured quar terly. Women some higher. 3. Dread Disease Policy, pays up to $10,000 dollars on nine dis ases and $2,500.00 on cancer. Total cost for your family only $18.00 per year. Stop and see us or call us at O’Neill. R. F. GASKILL INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance and Farm Loans O’Neill, Nebraska (No membership fees to pay) 51tfc CURTIS BREEDING SERVICE Offers you the best half of your herd in dairy and beef breeds. It costs less to raise a good one. Call 470, Duane Gray, O'Neill. _41tfc AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THOR IN PHONE 207 O’NEILL I-Legal Notices NOTICE In compliance with the City Code of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, all persons are prohibited from burning trash or rubbish within the City limits until after 3:00 o’ clock P. M. Persons violating this section of the City Code will be prosecuted. By order of the Chief of Police Chris McGinn, Chief 2-3c (First pjb. May 4, 1961) Elmer C. Rakow, Attorney No. 4476 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JAMES D. MC CLUNG, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of Pete Cooper as Executor there of, which will be for hearing in this court on May 25, 1961, at 10 o’clock A. M. (COUNTY Louis W Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge First pub. May 4, 1961) Cronin & Hannon, Attorneys Estate No. 4469 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MAY 1, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CECELIA T. ER RETT, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is August 25, 1961, and for the payment of debts is May 1, 1962 and that on May 25, 1961, and on August 28, 1961, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (COUNTY Louis \V. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 2-4c (First pub. April 20, 1961) Griffin & Mounts, Attorneys Estate No. 4465 NOTICE OF CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, APRIL 13, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY ROSE HAR VEY, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are nereoy nounea tnat tne time li mited for presenting claims against said estate is August 18, 1961, and for the payment of debts is April 13, 1962, and that on May 18, 1961, and on August 21, 1961, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly filed. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 52-2c (First pub. April 27, 1961) Cronin & Hannon, Attorneys No. 4474 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF RALPH R. FFHT TON. DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of James Ralph FYitton as Ad ministrator with Will Annexed thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on May 18, 1961, at 10 o’clock A.M. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge l-3c (First pub. May 4, 1961) NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the City Council of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, will receive sealed bids at the office of the under signed City Clerk in O’Neill, Ne braska until the hour of 8:00 o’ clock P.M., on the 6th day of June, 1961, at which time said bids will be opened for the pur chase of the below specified materials, to-wit: 650 foot of 30 inch- corrugated, galvanized pipe, 16 gauge, flat, 16 foot lengths, including con rmr*finer Kanric The Mayor and Council of said City reserve the right to reject any and all bids and waive technicalities. O. D. French City Clerk 2-6c (First pub. May 4, 1961) (Norman Gonderinger, Attorney) NOTICE OF SUIT To: Silas Young; the heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal repre-j sentatives and all other persons; interested in the estate of Silas Young, Deceased, real names un known ; the Showalter Mortgage Company; Maggie B. Young; the heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Maggie B. Young, De ceased, real names unknown; Roy Young; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Roy Young, De ceased, real names unknown; Ro bert Young; Ethel Young, wife of Robert Young; the heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal repre sentatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Robert Young, Deceased, real names unknown; all persons having or claiming any interest in the East Halt of Section 19, Township 30, North, Range 10, West of the 6th P.M., Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants. You are hereby notified that on April 25, 1961, Walter C. Young and Margaret Amelia ■ Young, as plaintiffs, filed their petition in die District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you and others, the object and prayer of which is to quiet title to the above described real estate in said plaintiffs and for such other and further relief as may be deemed equitable. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of June, 1961, or the al legations thereof will be taken as true. Walter C. Young and Margaret Amelia Young, Plaintiffs. 2-5c Monowi News By Mrs. Mike Piklapp LOcust 9-2520 Esther Christensen of Omaha came Friday evening to spend the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Levi, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiser met her in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ertz jr. and family of O'Neill visited in the Frank Ertz sr. home Sunday. Helen Hickman and Mrs. Vir gil Sherman and family of Sioux City and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ei ler and family and Mrs. Piklapp were Sunday dinner guests in the Robert Zach home in Verdel. Don Marshall and Elaine Miller called at the Piklapp home Dan day evening. John Stroh’s spent the weekend with relatives at Osmond. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Will Burger in Spencer Saturday afternoon. Lois Genser and Mrs. Frank Ertz visited in Verdigre Saturday. Ed and Dwayne May drove to Winner, S. D., Monday to at tend a bull sale. Mrs. Leman Huber visited Mrs. M. Piklapp Friday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bobus Svatos are busy getting moved into town. Anna Wells was a weekend guest in the Ertz home here. Mrs. Harold Micanek of Lynch was a business caller here Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leaonons and Frankie were Verdel visitors Monday afternoon. Fort Randall News Janice Kirwan Piano Recital Held Friday in Bristow Mary Jane Kirwan and Vir ginia Cassidy were among those who played in a piano recital held in Bristow Friday evening. The recital was put on by Mrs. Chore of Bristow who is their music teacher. Those taking part were her students. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kirwan sr., were Sunday dinner guests at the Romain Kocer home in rural Wagner, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cassidy and Virginia spent Sunday visiting with Mrs. Cassidy’s mother, Mrs. Levi, who is a patient at the Lynch hospital and Mr. Cassidy’s mother, Mrs. John Cassidy sr., who lives in Spencer. Janice Kirwan was a Friday overnight guest at the George Jacoby home in Pickstown. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hausmann attended a surprise party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haus mann to celebrate their 20th wed ding anniversary Sunday evening in their home in Bonesteel. Ed and Harry are brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kocer jr., of rural Wagner, S. D., were Sat urday supper guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kirwan sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Donlin and son spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Donlin. Terry Donlin returned to Brookings where he attends college. Mrs. Donlin and Terry jr., remained to spend the week to visit here and with her mother, Mrs. Engle haupt of Fairfax. Mrs. Melvin Kirwan and Susan were Fairfax and Butte callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kirwan sr., cuiu unii ami i»u. aiiu mis. xuiii : Kocer jr., of rural Wagner, were Saturday evening visitors at the Joe Loock home in Spencer. Also Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wyers and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oseroot and daughter, all of Lincoln. Mrs. Loock. Mrs. Wyers and Mrs. Ose root are nieces of Mrs. Kirwan. Mrs. Gus Adams and Sharon collected money from the com munity for the Cancer Fund this week. G. R. Kirwan returned home Monday after a week’s stay in the hospital in Omaha. Mrs. Kir wan and Mrs. Bill Jonas, who were with him during his stay also came home. They were guests at the home of Mrs. Mur tle Kirwan. John Jonas and Mike Cavanaugh of Gregory came Monday evening to take Mrs. Jonas home who lives in Rapid City. Mr. Kirwan is reported to be feeling much better now. Mrs. Melvin Kirwan. who was a patient in the Sacred Heart hospital in Yankton, returned home this week after an extended stay in the hospital following surgery. She has returned from the hospital feeling somewhat better. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kirwan vi sited at the Melvin Kirwan home one day this week. Duane Kirwan and Jim Kir wan were Tuesday callers at the G. R. Kirwan home. Norman Olson, of rural Fair fax and Kay and Jeanne Jacoby of Pickstown were Sunday after noon callers at the G. R. Kir- i wan home. Inman News By Mrs. Janies McMahan Mrs. Leon Tompkins entered St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill Monday evening for medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull of Red bird were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family. Mrs. Albert Anthony, Mrs. Leo Harte, Mrs. T. G. Hutton and Mrs. Walter Fick attended a TOPS party Thursday evening at the Clay Johnson home at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong left Monday for Gordon to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Fairbanks. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harte and family were Mr. and Mrs. Albert An- j thony and Gaylene, Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and Bob of Inman, Mrs. Mernon Chase of Porterville, Calif., Charles Schollmeyer of O’Neill and Douglas Matschullat of Page. The occasion was the birthday anni versary of Leo Harte. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gaug henbaugh and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gaughenbaugh left Wednesday for Hot Springs, S.D. to visit Mrs. Minnie Gaughen baugh. Woodrow and Clark left Saturday for Seattle, Washington, on business and the women re turned to Inman Sunday. WSC9 met Thursday afternoon at the church annex for the re gular meeting. Election of officers was held with the following of ficers being elected for the com ing year: president, Eleanor Gaughenbaugh; vice president, Elsie Keyes; secretary, Ruth Wat son; treasurer, Rosara Kopecky, and recording secretary, Ethel Tompkins. It was decided to have a child luncheon at noon at the next meeting. Mrs. Dorothy Rey nolds served lunch at the close of the meeting. Arbutus Rebekah lodge met Wednesday evening at the IOOF hall for the regular session. Mrs. Ruth Watson and Mrs. Gertrude Youngs served lunch at the close of the evening at the Watson home. Mrs. Ira Watson showed pic tures of the European Trip the Watsons took a year ago, at the Women’s club meeting at the Methodist church in O’Neill Tues day evening. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher of Valentine visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson Saturday evening. The Slushers were enroute to Fremont to attend an Optometry Conven tion. Mrs . Kenneth Coventry and Mrs. Leo Harte spent Tuesday in Norfolk and Neligh on business. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tompkins entered St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill Monday evening for med ical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds Mrs. Bert Reynolds at Neligh and daughters visited Mr. and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull at Red bird Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vera Wrede and family of O’Neill were Inman vis itors Monday evening. About twenty attended the Cemetery meeting Monday eve ning at the RLDS church an nex. The busings meeting was conducted by Kenneth Smith, president. Several matters of business were discussed. Elec tion of officers was held with the following officers being held over from last year: pres held over from last year: pres ident, Kenneth Smith; secre tary, Earl L. Watson; treasurer, Mrs. James McMahan, and trustees, David Morsbach and Mildred Keyes. Mrs. Blanche Rouse is spending a few days visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton McKathnie and family at At kinson. NOTICE Inman Dog Owners Dog licenses are due on or be fore May 31, 1961. Get your license from I. L. Watson, Village Clerk. 2-Jc The Frontier— TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ALL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 716 O’Neill, Nebr. Cooper Tires I they’re guaranteed ® M Cooper tires are so strong, so safe that we guarantee them in writing: (1) For up to 3 years against accidental road hazard damage. (2) For life of tire tread against defects in work manship and materials. No hrnit on time or mileage. We think our prices are the lowest in town. See us today. Seger Oil Co. Phone 345, O’Neill Royal Will Entertain at Concert To Be Given by Five Bands Friday Interest is centered this week in the forthcoming mass band concert to be held Friday evening when the five bands, directed by instructor L. H. Sawyer of Royal, will be presented in Royal for the first time. Practice will be held in the afternoon. The hill billy show presented by Royal talent for the Cancer Benefit last week may be presented in the late afternoon for the bands. The Royal Band Mothers club is making arrangements for serv ing food to the visitors. Royal News By Mrs. R. J. Hering Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Dodds went to Erickson Saturday to remain until Sunday afternoon with Mi's. Dodd’s sister. Mrs. W. J. Reefe, Jolene Pick and Mrs. R. J. Hering accompa nied Mrs. Zola Hering to Bruns wick Sunday. Bible School in ItoyaJ will be held for five days, from May 22-26, and will be all day ses sions. Teachers selected thus far are Mrs. Warren Holm, Mrs. Edna Johnston and Mrs. M. M. Colson. Mrs. Edna Johnston and her sister, Mrs. Blanche Lingenfel ter of Brunswick, went to Hay Springs Thursday to lie present at a class play sponsored by their niece, Mrs. Elinor Jentges. The Highland club met April 23 with Mrs. Harvey Holbrook sr. The lesson on “Adolescence to Adult” was given by Violet Gibbs. Sonia Holbrook assisted the hostess in serving. The next meeting will be held one week earlier, May 23 at the home of Dee Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burch, Mrs. Glenn Rundquist and Mrs Darrell Anson went to Merna Sat urday to attend the funeral of an uncle, Ernest Butterfield, a one time resident in the Royal vicini ty, who died in Long Beach, Calif. Seven children of the de-1 ceased were present, one coming j from Spokane, Wash., four from ^aniomia. UIIU livt.-* ui muna, | the former home of the family and where the mother is buried. Mr. and Mrs. Earl EHsbury went to Neligh Sunday to attend j the wedding of Miss Janice Jen sen and Richard Klug at the Methodist church. The bride, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jensen, is a niece of Mrs. Ells bury. The Homemakers club met with Mrs. Kenneth Colson Friday for a social afternoon. A part of the time was spent in a pre mothers’ day program, and in hemming tea towels for a ba zaar to be held later. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Fre mont Curtis in June. Mrs. William Mitteis enter tained at dinner Saturday eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Jan Curtis of Royal and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mitteis of Verdigre. Guests on Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hildreth and daugh ters of Verdigre. On the occasion of his 15th birthday Danny Beutler was the honor guest at a dinner at the home of his aunt, Mrs. LaVem Held of north of Orchard, Sun day. His parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beutler and Connie, and his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Kirby, were present. Mrs. Walter Beutler was in Neligh Saturday to meet with others to judge the 124 posters sent in by various schools over the county in a contest sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary. The decision will be made known Sun day at the Hospital Day meeting at the Antelope Memorial hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. r remont Curlis, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Curtis. Mrs. Tina Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shaw and daughter at tended the King-Jensen nuptials in Neligh at the Methodist church Sunday. The bride is a niece of Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. F. Curtis and a granddaughter of Mrs. Warner. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keith of Flint, Mich., who had been vacationing in Florida, were weekend guests of Mrs. Keith’s father, Fred Woodard, her sister, Mrs. August Nelson, and of her nieces, Mrs. Ervin Sawyer and Mrs. Keith Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Meisner and family were S.inday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brookhouse. Mrs. Mae Davis of Butte, cousin of M. M. Colson, visited relatives at Royal Sunday having accompanied Mr. and Mrs. El mer Holm who visited relative* in the vicinity. At the Methodist church ser vice Sunday morning. In the absence of the pastor, The Rev. Duane Lenz who is hospitalized his sermon was heard via tape recording which he made be fore entering the hospital. The pastor I* expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Billings of Neligh were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hall Tuesday. Attending the lecture on the “Leper Colony in Hawaii” by Mrs. Cora Canncnburg Wednes day were Mrs. Hans Hofer, Mrs. T. R. Dodds, Mrs. Clarence Weber and Mrs. Albert Johnson of Plainview. Mrs. Canncnburg, as Cora Van Ostrand, was a teacher in the grammar depart ment of the Royal schools a number of years i«o. Mr. and Mi's. L. H. Sawyer attended the junior-senior ban quet at Page Friday night. The theme was "Stairway to the Stars." Mr. and Mrs. Allx'rt Dallmen of Hartington were Sunday after noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sawyer. Harvest Time is raronFiiME i fesTl |pEKAI-B A. M. Beelaert, Orchard Emmet >Iummert, Clearwater Itobert Strong, Chambers Ben Engler, Stuart Virgil Pinkerman, Lynch Otto Terrill, Page Eautensehljiger & Ziegenbetn Orchard “At your service!” 7 Wo'r. always in ■ hurry to holp you with your wator sys tom problems. No mattor what brand of pomp yoa own, wo havo tho tools and wcporlon