0 c r-f • • _FOR SALE FOR SALE Hampshire Fall Boars, ready for service, rug ged long bodied with deep hams. Farmer prices, double vac cinated, guaranteed breeders. John Raster, Clearwater, Nebr., Phone Hunter 53360. 47-2p FOR SALE—State tested Brome grass, 92 germination; also, Sandlove, Switchgrass, Redtop, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa, Indian and Bluestiem. Lawrence Skrd la, Stuart. 48-5p FOR SALE Purebred Yorkshire boar, serviceable age. Two Angus heifers, 2 yrs. old to calve soon. Richard Hill. Box 511, Phone 564 R-11, O’Neill 52-lp MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc FOR SALE Singer sewing ma chine 5 months old with a button holer. Buy it for 7 payments of $5.35 each. Can be seen in this area. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr. 51-52c FOR SALE Medicated chick starter and grower.—Ray Law \ rence, Phone 174, O’Neill. 52-2p BABY CHICKS-S t r a i g h t run $12.00; Pullets $26.00; Hybrids $17.00 and $36.00. Two hatches weekly. Book your order now to insure delivery at time wanted. Corkle’s Hatchery, Inc., O’Neill. 44-1 p FOR SALE Bearcat 4A Ham mermill with traveling feed table. Belt driven.—Phone 902 R31, O’Neill. Jim Puckett, Em met. 52c FOR SALE -Very reasonably, Al lis Chalmers D-14 tractor. Like new with wide front end. Would trade for cattle. S. R. Rol>ertson, O’Neill 48 tfc FOR SALE 1 1953 super M; 18 black cows, springing heavy; 6 calves at side now; barbed wire, $7.70; cable rack tires, all sizes, guaranteed; hickory sweep teeth, $1.25 —HOERLE STATION. Ph. IV 2-2642, Chambers. 41-10p NEBR. NO. 28 CERTIFIED SWITCH GRASS SEED Recommended for entire state. Germination 80%, purity, 99%. Buy direct from grower and save $$$. Del Faeh & Sons, Central City, Nebr. Ph. 516 52-2c DAIRY CALVES Top quality dairy heifer calves, all breeds. Also bull calves and cross bred calves. Livability Guaranteed Will deliver. Springers on hand at all times. Call or write for information and prices. Jake or Jack Reutter Phone 5027 Gregory, So. Dak. 49-52c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co.. Neligh. 30tf LOW COST INSURANCE—And prompt claim sendee. Virgil Laursen Agy., O’Neill. lOtfc IF YOU WANT A lower rate of interest than you are now pay ing, see me at my office in O’ Neill, Nebr. R. H. Parker. 50tf. FOR SALE—Wood tanks, cattle, sheep, storage. One used 8 ft. tank. Cliff Sobotka, Phone 435, Inman. 48 50 52 2c FARM LOANS, See R. H. Parker. 50 tf SALT FOR SALE—Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O'Neill. 51tf TANKS Now for the first time you can buy 11 ft. stock tanks with bot tom. Also on hand — 10, 8 & 7’ tanks and 15 & 20 ft. bottom less. KELLY'S PLUMBING 5 Blks South of the New Deal Oil Station 45tfc FOR SALE—1961 White zig zag Sewing machine does not need attachments to sew on buttons, buttonholes, appliques, blind hems and fancy designs. New guarantee- Can be seen in this area. Buy it for 9 payment of $6.10 each or will discout for cash. Write Credit Manager. Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr. 51-52c Spring is just around the comer See your NORCO Dealer Tompkins Livestock Headquarters Inman, Nebr. Phone 11-W or St • ‘ ‘ v FOR -Norco Pig Yummy Norco Pig Starter Norco Chick Starter and receive a FREE set of 6 screw drivers free with each 500 lbs. of the above feed. CHICK DAY Friday, April 21 You receive 100 NORFOLK HATCHERY Cockrells with the purchase of 300 lbs Norco Chic Starter. Place your order for top quality Norfolk Hatchery chicks with us now _ 47-52c FOK SALE—One registered Here ford polled bull^CIint Ruegge, O’Neill Nebraska 52p FOR SAIJC -Fancy locally grown blue grass seed, new crop. Lloyd Gibson, first place east of trailer court. Highway 20. 48-2 TOR SALE—12 foot John Deere windrower, used very little.— Rudolph Prokop, Bristow, Nebr. 50-52p Real Estate for Sale GOOD INCOME Property for Sale If you are interested in Buying property that will m«ake you money see Paul Beha, Phone 188-J, 308 West Douglas. 52-3p MONEY TO LOAN -On homes, farms and ranches. Low interest, prompt service. Virgil Laursen. O’Neill. lOtfc REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home. Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Real Estate Broker Ph. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. _ 38tf PUBLIC AUCTION — Saturday. April 29 . 2:00 p.m., Municipal Auditorium, Gregory, S. D. 4,920-acre ranch in Gregory county, S. D., 2 artesian wells, 11 dams. Will carry 600 head cattle. Will be offered in one unit or divided in half or fourths. Terms can be arranged. For further particulars call or write B. M. Kratzer, Care of the Greg ory Bank, Gregory, S. D. 51-52c FOR SALE -Priced reasonable our property in Butte, Nebr., in cluding modem three bedroom home, insulated, with acreage and windmill and storage tank for irrigating garden, straw berries and lawn. Also have ap ple, apricot and mulberry trees and rhubarb. Reason for selling -poor health.—Mr and Mrs. Frank Small, Butte. 50-52p CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker. 50tf FOR SALE—Priced to sell. Im mediate possession. Modem 3 bedroom house at 517 E. Clay, ideally located to schools and stores. Full basement with finished bedroom and bath. Pavement paid.—Contact Edwin A. Sevcik, Ainsworth, Nebr. Ph. 4W11. 46tf REAL ESTATE Just recently listed 2 and 3 bed room homes. Excellent terms. Virg Laursen, O’Neill. Nebr. Phone 434 38tf FOR SALE—Two one bedroom houses—will sell separate or together.—Kieth Abart, 321 West Clay, O’Neill. 12tfc FOR RENT LADIES FOR TELEPHONE sur vey and deliveries. Phone Elms Motel Thursday after 6 p m. or Friday a.m. 52c FOR RENT—Nice 5 room home, 2 bedrooms. Nicely decorated. O. E. Davidson, phone 126. 52tfc FOR RENT—Furnished apart ment, close in.—Call 440-J, O’ Neill. 50tfc FOR RENT—Nice one bedroom home.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 51tfc FOR RENT—2 bedroom apart ment. close in. Phone 139, O’ Neill. 46tfc WANTED WANTED—Waitress at the M and M Bakery and Cafe, O’Neill. 51tf WANTED TO BUY—2 small dis play cases, on-counter type. Pre fer type that locks. Call Mike Burney, 833, or at Country Club 582-J11. 52c I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf HELP WANTED—Part time sales work in O’Neill for one man 25-45. Add to your present in come. For information write: Elwood E. Asay, Box 406. Madi son, Nebr. 51-lc HELP WANTED—Farm and ranch hand.—Axel Borg, O’Neill. 51-52c NATIONAL CONCERN OFFERS opportunity. Married man above: 30 preferred. Must have late model car, knowledge of trac ' tors and machinery helpful. Sales experience not necessary. We train if hired. Drawing ac count when qualified. For per sonal interview, write qualifica tions, address, and phone num ber to Warren Garrett, Dept. A 41. P. O. Box 392, Dallas. Texas. 52p WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon. Stuart, ph. 3741. tf WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair —403 N. 1st St. Phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO.. O’Neill 3 blks. W. & 3Vfe blks. N. stoplight. L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo — Clinton. FARM WIVES INMAN TOWNSHIP Make Avon available in your community. Excellent Earnings Possible. WRITE Box 365 North Platte, Nebr. 52c "WE" DON’T WANT “ALL” THE BUSINES8 We just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN _23 tl WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf LARGE SELECTION of used furni ture. Cal’s Furniture, Tilden on Highway 275. 35tfc E, J. (Skip) Shane Dragline Work Sewer, Drainage, Clam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work Atkinson, Nebr. 50-21p NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. _21tfc DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—SCOOP—DOZER Domor Elevated Grading John E. Donohoe, Phone 447-W O’NEILL, NEBRASKA LOST & FOUND LOST—Gold Helbross watch with gold expansion band. Finder con tact Bill Artus, Phone 542, O’ Neill. 52c MISCELLANEOUS I AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf NEW DAIRY CREDIT Vi or 1/3 down, balance month ly. Finance a new herd or double your old herd Shores’ fancy quality closeup Wisconsin springers. Reasonable prices. Vaccinated. Delivered. Shadow Lawn Farms, Neligh, Nebr. Ph. TU 7-4060. 46tf WHEN YOUR PHONE RINGS— Just answer the question cor rectly and you will receive over $13 in Service and Merchandise for only $4.95. You will also re ceive a bealutiful gift when the girl delivers your service card.— Hamik’s Standard Service, 503 E Douglas, O’Neill, Phone 379. 52c MONEY TO LOAN $50 to $3,000 Small Monthly Payments O'NEILL LOAN CO. Virg Laursen 38tf YOU CAN PAY MORE, BUT YOU CAN’T BUY BETTER. See us or call 710 at O’Neill be fore you renew your Insurance policies. —SPECIAL COVERAGES— 1. Farmers Blanket Personal In surance, $10,000.00 only $29.00 per year. 2. Health and Accident Insur ance, you pay the first $25.00 and the Company takes over and pays up to $5,000.00. Cost $12.48 on male assured quar terly. Women some higher. 3. Dread Disease Policy, pays up to $10,000 dollars on nine dis ases and $2,500.00 on cancer. Total cost for your family only $18.00 per year. Stop and see us or call us at O’Neill. R. F. GASKILL INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance and Farm Loans O’Neill, Nebraska (No membership fees to pay) 51tfc CURTIS BREEDING SERVICE Offers you the best half of your herd in dairy and beef breeds. It costs less to raise a good one. Call 470. Duane Gray, O’Neill. 41tfc AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O’NEILL CARDS OF THANKS THANKS TO ALL who came to visit me and sent cards while I was ill. A special thanks to Grosse Bros., Lester Waterman and Ralph Brookhouser. Your thought fulness will always be remem bered. George Jeffrey 52c WE WISH TO THANK our many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and condolence during the illness and death of our beloved father and grandfather. We also wish to thank those who gave flowers, the choir, who so ably rendered their services, Rev. W. W. Elliott, The American Le gion and those who brought food. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Buxton and family Mr. and Mrs. Emory Buxton Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schinke and family Mr and Mrs. Charles Hancock and family Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Buxton and family Mr. and Mrs. Amott Buxton and family Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buxton and family 52p WE WISH TO THANK the Page! Fire Department, friends and | neighbors and all who assisted in putting out the fire on our place. Clara, Arthur and Lester Waterman 52c A SINCERE THANKS to my friends and neighbors for the cards, visits and kindness shown while I was hospitalized at the Methodist hospital in Omaha. A special thanks to Melvin Klingler and Lyle McKim. Your kindness will always be re membered. Harry Jolley 52p |--Legal Notice$--| (First pub. April 6, 1961) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4459 William W. Griffin IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MARCH 30, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANK BELIK, DE CEASED. Creditors of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is July 27, 1961, and for the payment of debts is March 30, 1962 and that on April 27, 1961, and on July 28, 1961, at 10 o’clock a.m., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said Coun ty to receive, examine, hear, al low, or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filed. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 50-52c (First pub. April 6, 1961) Griffin & Mounts, Attorneys Estate No. 4455 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, APRIL 4, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELMER BUTTER FIELD, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is July 27, 1961, and for the payment of debts is April 4, 1962 and that on April 27, 1961, and on July 28, 1961, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 50-52c (First pub. April 20, 1961) Griffin & Mounts, Attorneys Estate No. 4465 '«■ NOTICE OF CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, APRIL 13, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY ROSE HAR VEY, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time li mited for presenting claims against said estate is August 18, 1961. and for the payment of debts is April 13, 1962, and that on May 18, 1961, and on August 21, 1961, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly filed. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge, 52-1 c I (First pub. April 20. 1961) LEGAL. NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, the following described change of district boundaries is requested: To dis solve Dist. No. 125 and to annex the territory thereof to School Dist. No. 29. A hearing of said matter will he held in the Assembly Room of the Court House at O’Neill, Ne braska on May 3, 1961 at 9:00 p.m. when all interested may ap pear and be heard. HOLT COUNTY REORGANI ZATION COMMITTEE By: Alice L. French, Sec. 52-lc (First pub. April 20, 19611 LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, the following described change of district boundaries is requested: To dissolve School Districts numbered 56 and 122 and to an nex the territory thereof to School District No. 49. It is recommended that the school house be located on the South East corner of Section 33, Township 1, Range 9. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room of the Court House at O’Neill, Ne braska on May 3, 1961 at 8:30 p.m. when all interested may ap pear and be heard. HOLT COUNTY REORGANI ZATION COMMITTEE By: Alice L. French, Sec. 52-lc Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Ewing Chamber Sets Date for Celebration The Ewing Chamber of Com merce have made plans fcr the annual summer celebration, June 10-11. Festivities will begin on Sat urday with a parade, sports event and a pancake feed. Sunday’s amusement will feature a talent show, games and a drawing. Alex Thramer, president ap pointed the following committees: pancake feed, Alfred Napier, Mark Thramer and Weldon Alex ander; talent show, Alex Thram er, G. D. Ryan, Wilbur Spangler; sports events, Herb Kirschmer, George Keller, Deem Pofahl; par ade, Cletus Thramer, Don Par sons and Max Wanser. Don Par sons is in charge of the booster trip. "ITie Chamber of Commerce is now accepting reservations for en trants in the talent show. Anyone interested in participating are re quested to write the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Terry Wanser and Daniel John came home Wednesday from St. Anthony’s hospital in O’ Neill. Young Matrons The Young Matron’s Pinochle club was entertained at the Gail Boies home Thursday evening. Mrs. George Keller and Mrs. Jer ry Tomjack were guests. Prize winners were Mrs. Kermit Jef feries, Mrs. Rose Bauer and Mrs. Keller. Mrs. Boies and Mrs. Ray Funk served refreshments. Facts and Fun Members of the Facts and Fun Home Extension club surprised Mrs. Jessie Angus Wednesday af ternoon when they arrived at her home to join in celebrating her birthday anniversary. Games pro vided entertainment. The birth day cake made and decorated by Mrs. Benjamin Larsen was a part of the luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson at tended a family gathering at the Oscar Wilson home Sunday. Ot hers present were Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Olson and family of Clearwater and Mr. and Mrs. Greer Clark of Stanton. i r _J ■» r a 1. . . aiivi iui a. miui cw vyiouu spent Thursday afternoon at the home of her brother, Wallace Strope in the Venus community. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson were dinner and evening guests at the Merwin Olson home near Clearwater Saturday. Mrs. Grover Shaw and children of Ainsworth are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner and Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery were Sunday evening guests at the Dewitt Gunter home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson re ceived word of .the serious ill ness of their oldest son, Leonard Larson of Lincoln, who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage last week. He is hospitalized at Lin coln. - „ . The members of the St. Rose's Circle of the Christian Mothers of St. Peters church are making plans for a card party April 23 to be held at St. Dominic’s Hall., Debbie ,Buxton, Aiwho made her home fop a nujnber of years with her grabdparth#, Mr. and Mrs. John LabelJbi/Ewing, now with her pareriW at^Palispell, Mont., underwent heart surgery April 11 art Seattle Wa$h. This heart con dition was discovered when she took a physical to join the Girl Scouts. Doctors informed the par ents and stated that the condi tion would become more serious as she grew older and advised surgery as soon as possible. Her address is: 591 Fourth Ave. W. N. Kahspel. Mont. Ina Bennett was hostess at a family dinner party Sunday at ■ her home. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and family. Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Bennett of Ewing, Mrs. Paul Kropp and children of Sunnyvale, Calif., Mrs. Flora Young, James Bennett, Mr. and Mrs Roger Bennett and son of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. May nard Morrow and family of O’ Neill. Friday evening guests at the Charles Rotherham home were Mr. and Mrs. William Lofquest and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunaway and family of Hastings were weekend guests at the parental homes of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bill ing and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dana way. James Mlnarik was the honor ed guest Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Itwight Schroeder to celebrate his birthday anniver sary. Others present were Mrs. Mlnarik, Karen and Larry of Ew ing and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mack el and son of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunaway of Ew ing and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dun away and family of Hastings were Saturday evening guests at the Wilmer Mosel home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood, who were guests at the Vina Wood home, left Thursday for Lingle, Wyo., to attend the funeral of a friend. The Woods were detained at Rushville due to the heavy snowfall and waited some time for roads to be opened. Attending the District Youth Rally of the Methodist Youth Fellowship at Plainview Sunday from the Ewing Methodist church were Bertha Harris, Ma rie Davis, Sandra Elliott, Flor ene Black, Robert and Karen Wdeppel. The group was ac companied by Rev W. W. El liott. LEGION MEETING The American Legion and Aux iliary Sanders Post No. 214 held tlieir regular meeting Thursday evening at the Legion club. Commander Leo Hawk presided at the business meeting. A report was given on the wrestling match held Wednesday evening. There was a capacity crowd in attend ance and the event was pronouc ed successful. The summer celebration for Ewing June 10-11 was discussed and plans are in the making for the Legion to participate. Mrs. R. H. Shain, president, conducted the business meeting for the Aux iliary. Unit 214 received a Nation al Citation for meritorious ser vice in recognition of enrolling a 1961 membership equal or extend ing its 1960 membership by Jan uary 1, 1961. Mrs. Eula Eppenbach reported that a gift had been sent to a hospitalized nurse. Also, that the hospital assignment of five hos pital bibs have been completed and sent to the Veterans hospital at Omaha. The following members were appointed for the activities of Memorial Day: Mrs. Jerry Roth erham, chairman; Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck and Mrs. Earl Van Os trand will make four wreaths to be used at the cemetery on the graves of deceased auxiliary members and poppy corsages for the gold star mothers. A framed charter of Unit 214 was given to the Unit by Mrs. Everett Ruby, past president, commemorating the 20th anniver sary of the local unit. Mrs. Mabel Boies, one of the eldest members, was presented a gift and a decorated cake, made by Mrs. Jerry Rotherham, in hon or of her birthday this month. The group agreed to make this a regular feature each month honoring the birthdays of the members who celebrated an anni versary. Refreshment hostesses were Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Ruby as sisted by Mrs. Josephine Elston and Mrs. C. C. Halbeck in serv ing. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jefferies met their son, Jerry, a student at Wayne State Teachers college, at Norfolk Sunday, then went on to Omaha to spend the day with re latives. Their daughter, Mrs. John Blumel and daughters, ac companied them home to be their guests for the week. Mr. Blumel plans to come after them Sunday. Supt. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan went to Neligh Thursday evening to attend the Fine Arts club. Supt Ryan sang two solos on the pro gram with Mrs. William Spang ler accompanist. A demonstra tion was given by the Neligh Flo wer Shop on flower arrangement. Mrs. Minnie Miller and son, James, of Omaha called at the Adolph Koenig and Adolph Lat zel families Saturday and Sun day. The Ludwig Tagel family at tended a birthday dinner in hon or of Joe Thramer at the Cletus Thramer home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Gene Koenig Thursday. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koenig were their grandchildren, John, Debbie and Sandy Adamson of O’Neill and Danny Koenig of Chambers. The John Tagels, Adolph Koe nigs and Ewald Spahns attended a card party at the Ben Weming home in Elgin Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bollwitt went to Grand Island Sunday to spend the day at the Elvin Walt er home. Mrs. Stanley Davis and son, Donald Dean, came home Satur day from Antelope Memorial hos pital at Neligh. Her mother. Mrs. I THE FRONTIER. O’Neill. Nebraska. Thursday, April SO, I lei I Van Crager, was a weekend guest at the Davis home. She re turned to her home at Meadow Grave Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pollock and family of Neligh visited Sun day at the home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Pollock. Gary Eacker of Omaha is sending a few days at the par ental home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eacker. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and family of Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tucker and son of Ew ing were guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tjcker. Mrs. Ray Tucker attended a meeting of the Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Mon day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lewis Wray of O’Neill where the group made May Day tray favors for St. Anthony’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carter en tertained a group of friends at their home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. Carter were dinner guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cram at Neligh. The Crams, former resi dents of Ewing, care for the Country club at Neligh. Callers at the George Jefferies home last week were Larry Drey of Omaha, Rudy 9pangler, A. E. Spittler, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Re gan and family, Mrs. Laura Spit tler, Roy Rotherham of Ewing and Cla/ude Rotherham of Madi son. Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cram of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Magwire and family of Grand Island, Mi', and Mrs. Elmo Mc Kamy of Norfolk, Mrs. Mark Muff of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers of Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lydon of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Muff, Eddie and Margaret of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. James Schindler and family were callers at the Martin VanConet home Monday. They were enroute to their home in Omaha after attending the funeral of Mrs. Homer Davis in O’Neill the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hurtig of Orchard were dinner guests Sun day at the Roy Tuttle home. Dr. William H. Ross and Ralph Shrader attended the Niobrara Presbytery held at South Sioux City Monday. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Shrader and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle accompanied them and attended the Presbyterial the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Buxton of Orchard were callers Monday eve ning at the H. R. Harris home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler spent Sunday visiting at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Worden ai Elgin. Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Butler went to Grand Island Wednesday, guests at the Ray Magwire home. The Pony League, made up of boys 13 and 14 years ot age, will hold a practice at the Ew ing bail |»ark Sunday afternoon, beginning at 2:30 p.m. I Kean Poialil will be in charge. Mrs. Carol C