FOR SALE FOR SALK Hampshire Fa 11 Boars, ready for service, rug ged long bodied with deep hams. Farmer prices, double vac cinated, guaranteed breeders. John Raster, Clearwater, Nebr., Phone Hunter 53360. 47-2p FOR SAIJ*: Choice Holstein, Swiss and Guernsey heifer calves also good beef calves to put on your cow. Gerald O’ Connor, Atkinson, Phone 2194. 50-51 p FOR SALE State tested Brome grass, 92 germination; also, Sandlove, Switchgrass, Redtop, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa, Indian and Bluestiem. Lawrence Skrd la, Stuart. 4&-5p MAKE PATTON'S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc FOR SALE Two buildings to be moved or tom down. Hog house, 42 x 22 and chicken house, 10 x 36. Albert Anthony, Inman, Phono 15-W. 51p FOR SALE Singer sewing ma chine 5 months old with a button holer. Buy it for 7 payments of $5.35 each. Can be seen in this area. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr. 51-52c FOR SALE—John Deere No. 400 11 3-4 tractor disc plow; 1 regi stered Hereford bull, coming 2 yrs. old; and 1 4 row MM pull type lister. A. E- Fosterman, Verdigre, Nebr. 50-51c BABY ClHCKS—Straight run $12.00; Pullets $26.00; Hybrids $17.00 and $36.00. Two hatches weekly. Book your order now to insure delivery at time wanted. Corkle’s Hatchery, Inc., O’Neill. 44-1 p tnrtTJ PAT T7* ir_____„L1., AT Jk v/iw tjriijij » v.i j i cuouiiuuij , * lis Chalmers D-14 tractor. Like new with wide front end. Would trade for cattle. S. R. Robertson, O’Neill. 48 tfc FOR SALE 1 1953 super M; 18 black cows, springing heavy; 6 calves at side now; barbed wire, $7.70; cable rack tires, all sizes, guaranteed; hickory sweep teeth, $1.25.—HOERLE STATION. Ph. IV 2-2642, Chambers. 41-10p FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire brod gilts and sows to farrow in February, March and April.— John Sojka, 1% North and 4 East of Page. 43 tfc DAIRY CALVES Top quality dairy heifer calves, all breeds. Also bull calves and cross bred calves. Livability Guaranteed Will deliver. Springers on hand at all times. Call or write for information and prices. Jake or Jack Reutter Phone 5027 Gregory, So. Dak. 49-52c Stop in and see our large selec tion of New & Used Mobile Homes. We will show you how we sell for less. New Models Just In. In O’Neill vicinity see Clarence Johnson, O'Neill, Nebr. We Trade—Finance—Deliver Open Every Day MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Albion, Nebr. Phone EX 5-2170 50 tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. W’rite or phone Contois Motor Co.. Neligh. 30tf IDW COST INSURANCE—And prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O’Neill. mtfc IF YOU WANT A lower rate of interest than you are now pay ing, see me at my office in O’ Neill, Nebr. R. H. Parker. 50tf. AERMOTOR mills, towers, new and used, parts, tanks. Cliff Sobotka, Phone 435, Inman. 49 51 lc For rent rotary stalk cutter 48 Farmall C 40 John Deere B 40 Farmall H Farmall 300 Farmall 350 D Farmall 230 Farmall 450 47 Farmall M IHC 3-14 plow IHC 3-16 plow IHC 2-14 plow 2-14 plow for Farmall C Oliver 2-16 plow New Holland forage cutter Clark Hydro harrow. 4 sections Duall loader with tilt hay head Mounted planter for Farmall C APPLIANCES Combination refrigerator-freezer Apartment size gas range New RCA Whirlpool appliances SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’NEILL. NEBR IHC - Gehl - RCA Whirlpool 51c FARM LOANS, See R. II Parker. 50tf SALT FOR SALE Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE OR TRADE 24 x 40 Belle City thresher. Good belts, ready to run. No junker.—Elwin Hutton, Newport, Nebr. 50-51p FOR SALE 1930 Model A 2 door coupe. Less than 1,000 miles on reconditioned motor. Excellent Ixxly. Contact Frontier, Phone 788. 50-51c FOR SALE—Fancy locally grown blue grass seed, new crop. Lloyd Gibson, first place east of trailer court, Highway 20. 48-2 FOR SALE Choice Hampshire bred Gilts, bred to registered Hampshire boars for April and May farrow. Vaccinated and Clean 20c per lb. New Deal Oil Co. O’Neill, Nebraska FOR SALE—12 foot John Deere windrower, used very little.— Rudolph Prokop, Bristow, Nebr. 50-52p FOR SALE—Yearling stud colt. Spotted half Shetland also two Shorthorn purebred bulls, long yearlings.—Dean Stevens, Atkin son. 50-51p FOR SALE—1961 White zig zag Sewing machine does not need attachments to sew on buttons, buttonholes, appliques, blind hems and fancy designs. New guarantee. Can be seen in this area. Buy it for 9 payment of $6.10 each or will discout for cash. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr. 51-52c fur SAi.r.: lireeding stock--501) head choice and fancy young Angus heifers, one-half with calves; 600 choice and fancy Hereford cows and heifers, part with calves; 25 fancy registered Hereford cows; 350 choice and fancy Hereford and Angus year ling heifers, open; Also replace ment and feeder cattle in small or large numbers. Dayle Hewett Box 533, Telephone 195 O’Neill, Nebr. 51c TANKS Now for the first time you can buy 11 ft. stock tanks with bot tom. Also on hand — 10, 8 & 7’ tanks and 15 & 20 ft. bottom less. KELLY’S PLUMBING 5 Blks South of the New Deal Oil Station 45tfc FOR SALE—1949 M Farmall, good tires and new paint; 1 Allis Chalmers model C tractor, new tires and good condition; 1 regular Farmall tractor, near new, 11x36 tires with good hydraulic loader. All items priced for quick sale.—Vern Gorgen, 50 rds. east of Drive-In theatre. 51c Spring is just aroQnd the comer See your NORCO Dealer Tompkins Livestock Headquarters Inman, Nebr. Phone 11-W or 34 FOR Norco Pig Yummy Norco Pig Starter Norco Chick Starter and receive a FREE set of 6 screw drivers free with each 500 lbs. of the above feed. CHICK DAY Friday, April 21 You receive 100 NORFOLK HATCHERY Cockrells with the purchase of 300 lbs Norco Chic Starter. Place your order for top quality Norfolk Hatchery chicks with us now. 47-52c Real Estate for Sale MONEY TO LOAN—On homes, farms and ranches. Low interest, prompt service. Virgil Laursen. O’Neill. lOtfo REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home. Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Real Estate Broker PH. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. _._38tf PUBLIC AUCTION — Saturday. April 29, 2:00 p.m., Municipal Auditorium, Gregory, S. D. 4,920-acre ranch in Gregory county, S. D., 2 artesian wells, 11 dams. Will carry 600 head cattle. Will be offered in one unit or divided in half or fourths. Terms can be arranged. For further particulars call or write B. M. Kratzer, Care of the Greg ory Bank, Gregory', S. D. 51-52c FOR SALE—Priced reasonable our property in Butte, Nebr., in cluding modem three bedroom home, insulated, with acreage and windmill and storage tank for irrigating garden, straw berries and lawn. Also have ap ple, apricot and mulberry trees and rhubarb. Reason for selling —poor health.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Small, Butte. 50-52p CITY IXJANS, See R. H. Parker. _ 50tf FOR SALE—Priced to sell. Im mediate possession. Modern 3 bedroom house at 517 E. Clay, ideally located to schools and stores. Full basement with finished bedroom and bath. Pavement paid.—Contact Edwin A Sevcik, Ainsworth, Nebr. Ph. 4W11. 46tf REAL ESTATE Just recently listed 2 and 3 bed room homes. Excellent terms. Virg Laursen, O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 434 38tf FOR SALE—Two one bedroom houses—will sell separate or together.—Kieth Abart, 321 West Clay, O’Neill. 12tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished apart ment, close in.—Call 440-J, O’ Neill. 50tfc FOR RENT—Nice one bedroom home.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 51tfc FOR RENT—2 bedroom apart ment, close in. Phone 139, O’ Neill. 46tfc WANTED WANTED—Waitress at the M and M Bakery and Cafe, O’Neill. 51tf I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50 tf TTTT’T r» tit A XTfTTarv Ta_i *•_ 1 , nfiiMuu i uu Lime: dalers work in O’Neill for one man ] 25-45. Add to your present in come. For information write: Elwood E. Asay, Box 406, Madi son, Nebr. 51-lc WANTED—A good single hired man. Must be good around ma chinery.—Phone HUnter 5-3281, Clearwater, Harold Michael, Clearwater, Nebr. 51c HELP WANTED—Farm and ranch hand.—Axel Borg, O’Neill. 51-52c NOW HIRING Men and women are needed im mediately in this area to ser vice our growing number of cus tomers. Earn $125 a week and more. No age limit. No experi ence necessary. $1,000 worth of samples furnished FREE. We are a National Co. Write TODAY to Northwestern, Inc., 403 Nicol let Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. 51c Avon Territory Open At Inman Customers waiting to be served. Housewives can qualify. WRITE Box 365 North Platte, Nebr. 51c WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St. Phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 blks. W. & ZVi blks. N. stoplight. L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo — Clinton. "WE" DON’T WANT “ALL,” THE BUSINESS We just want “YOUBS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN _230 WELL DRILLING DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—SCOOP—DOZER Domor Elevated Grading John E. Donohoe, Phone 447-W O’NEILL, NEBRASKA NOTICES NOTICE I will not be responsible for any bills (debts) other than my own.— Art Pelletier, Ewing, Nebr. 51p MISCELLANEOUS I AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf NEW DAIRY CREDIT Vt or 1/3 down, balance month ly. Finance a new herd or double your old herd Shores’ fancy quality closeup Wisconsin springers. Reasonable prices. Vaccinated. Delivered. Shadow Lawn Farms, Neligh, Nebr. Ph. TU 7-4060. 46tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O’NEILL ...... CURTIS BREEDING SERVICE Offers you the best half of your herd in dairy and beef breeds. It costs less to raise a good one. Call 470, Duane Gray, O’Neill. _ 41tfc MONEY TO LOAN $50 to $3,000 Small Monthly Payments O’NEILL LOAN CO. Virg Laursen _ 38tf YOU CAN PAY MORE, BUT YOU CAN’T BUY BETTER. See us or call 710 at O’Neill be fore you renew your Insurance policies. —SPECIAL COVERAGES— 1. Farmers Blanket Personal In surance, $10,000.00 only $29.00 per year. 2. Health and Accident Insur ance, you pay the first $25.00 and the Company takes over and pays up to $5,000 00. Cost $12.48 on male assured quar terly. Women some higher. 3. Dread Disease Policy, pays up to $10,000 dollars on nine dis ases and $2,500.00 on cancer. Total cost for your family only $18.00 per year. Stop and see us or call us at O’Neill. R. F. GASKTT.t. INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance and Farm Loans O’Neill, Nebraska (No membership fees to pay) 51tfc CARDS OF THANKS I WISH TO THANK each and everyone for the nice cards, letters, gifts, flowers and prayers that were sent to me while I was in Eden hospital in Hayward, Calif. They were so much appreciated and helped pass the time away for me. Thanks to all of you nice people. May God bless you all. Mildred Fink Oakland, Calif. 51p I WISH TO EXPRESS my most sincere thanks to the many friends and relatives for their lovely cards and messages, the beautiful flowers, your pleasant visits and other expressions of kindness and sympathy while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital and I wish especially to commend the hospital staff, Dr. Waters, Mr. Hammond and Mr. Tennis for the promptness of their contacts and the almost unbelievable speed with which Dr. Waters and the ambulance arrived at my home in response to a totally unexpected call in the middle of the most i stormy night of the winter. My special thanks to Dr. Waters and Wilson and the hospital staff for their wonderful care; to Sister Delores, Rev. Kennicott and Father Kucera for the many pleasant and comforting visits to my room. To you all who showed such kind I ness and sympathy in so many I ways I shall be forever grateful. ! I hope I may be able to return your friendship or to pass it on to help others as it has helped me to recover. Gratefully yours, Mrs. J. C. Parker 51c WE WISH TO EXPRESS our sin cere thanks to our friends for their many kind expressions of sym pathy extended us at the time of the death of our father and grand father. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Knoell and family Bartlett, Nebr. 51p | —Legal Notices--! (First pub. April 6, 1961) LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, I am re quired to make the following de scribed change in school district boundaries; To detach the SWy4 of NEy4, the NEy4 of NW%, the of NWy4 and 6.36 acres in the N% of NE% of Section 2, Township 28, Range 11 from Dis trict Number 174 and to attach the same to District Number 7. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room of the Court House at O’Neill, Ne braska, April 17, 3 p.m. to de termine the validity and suffici ency of the petitions. ALICE L. FRENCH County Superintendent 50-51 c ► (First pub. March 30, 1961) Rice and Raymond, Attorneys Estate No. 4454 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MARCH 23, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EMMA K. FLEM ING, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is July 20, 1961, and for the payment of debts is March 23, 1962 and that on April 20, 1961, and on July 21, 1961, at 10 o’clock A.M. each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 49-51 c (First pub. April 6, 1961 LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, I am required to make the following described change in school district bound aries: To dissolve School Dis trict No. 108 and to annex the territory thereof to School Dis trict No. 29. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room of the Court House at O’Neill, Ne braska, April 17, 2 p.m. to de termine the validity and suffici ency of the petitions. ALICE L. FRENCH County Superintendent 50-51 c (First pub. April 6, 1961) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4459 William W. Griffin IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MARCH 30, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANK BELIK, DE CEASED. Creditors of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against .said estate is July 27, 1961, and for the payment of debts is March 30, 1962 and that on April 27, 1961, and on July 28, 1961, at 10 o’clock a.m., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said Coun ty to receive, examine, hear, al low, or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filed. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge >0-5 2c (First pub. March 30, 1961) Cronin and Hannon, Attorneys ORDER FIXING DAY FOR HEARING ON PETITION FOR PROBATE OF FOREIGN WILL IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CECELIA T. ER RETT, DECEASED. Now, on this 28th day of March, A. D., 1961, Marjorie R. Holder filed a petition in this Court and presented to this Court an authenticated copy of the Last Will and Testament of Cecelia T. Errett, Deceased, late of Pima County, State of Arizona, the prayer of said petition being that a date be fixed by this Court for the purpose of approving and al iuwmy scuu j-kisi win ana ltsia ment and causing the same to be filed for record in this Court. IT IS, THEREFORE, HERE BY ORDERED that said petition come on for hearing before this Court on 20th day of April, A. D., 19®, at ten o’clock A.M. when all persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause why the prayer of said petition should not be granted; that notice of the pendency and filing of said petition, and of the day and place fixed for hearing thereon, be given all persons in terested in said estate by publish ing a copy of this Order in “The Frontier” a weekly newspaper printed, published, and of general circulation in Holt County, Ne braska, for three weeks prior to said date of hearing. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 49- 51c (First pub. April 6, 1961) Griffin & Mounts, Attorneys Estate No. 4455 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. APRIL 4, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELMER BUTTER FIELD, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is July 27, 1961, and for the payment of debts is April 4, 1962 and that on April 27, 1961, and on July 28, 19®., at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer' COURT County SEAL) Judge 50- 52c Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: April 5—Mrs. Ter ry Wanser of Ewing; Mrs. Char les Boyle of O’Neill and Mrs. Car ol Leiding of Orchard. 6—W. J. Meuscn of Atkinson and Bernard J. Cavanaugh of Chambers. 7— Mrs . Lyle Davis and Michael Fletcher, both of O'Neill. 8—Mrs. Joe Biglin, Sarah Lou Moss and Mary Margaret Howard, all of O’Neill and George Jefferies of Ewing. 9—Mrs. William MacKin lay of O’Neill. ID—Mrs. Mary Newton and Mrs. Robert Gart ner, jr., both of Chambers; Mrs. Ray Schuchman and Mrs. John Harrington, sr., both of O'Neill and Mrs. Charles Kalina jr. of Inman. 11—Mrs. W. James Gal lagher of Inman and Mrs. Victor C. Johnson of O’Neill. 12—Mrs. Bertha Reed of Page and Mrs. Robert McGill of O’Neill. DISMISSED: April 5—Mrs. Paul Lidgett of Chambers. 6—Mrs. D. R. Mounts (transferred to At kinson Memorial) and Mrs. Ho ward Newton and baby girl, all of O’Neill; Mrs. Theo Moss of Chambers and Suzette Schroeder of Butte. 7—Donald Younie of O’ Neill and Mrs. Carol Leiding of Orchard. 19—Mrs. James Luft and baby boy and Mrs. Joe Biglin, all of O’Neill; Mrs. Car] Chmiel and baby girl of Ewing and Bernard J. Cavanaugh of Chambers. 11— Mrs. Terry Wanser and baby boy and George Jefferies, both of Ew ing; Mrs. Charles Kalina, jr. of Inman and Thomas Stewart and Mrs. Mary Newton, both of Chambers. 12—Mrs. William Mac Kinlay, Michael Fletcher and Mrs. Lyle Davis, all of O'Neill and Mrs. W. James Gallagher of Inman. EXPIRED: April 8—Mrs. Alta Locksmon of Stuart. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Ar. 3-Alan Str acke of Atkinson. 4—Carol Mc Kenny of Mills; Mrs. Elizabeth Watson of Amelia; Mrs. Olive Ja cox of Long Pine and Mrs. John Kenny, Frank Weber and Irven Parsons, all of Atkinson. 5—Mrs. Harlan Kubart of Amelia; Mrs. Thilo Poessnecker of Atkinson, and Myrna King of Stuart. 6— Mrs. D. R. Mounts and Mrs. Don McClellan, both of O’Neill and Mrs. Frank Schneider of Stuart. 7—Dorothy Scott of Atkinson; Del Fischer of Naper; Welby Ashley of Stuart and Jerome and Lee Ann Pribil, both of O’Neill. 9— Ed Desieve of Atkinson and Mrs. Rueben Williamson of Bassett. 10—Mrs. Calvin McClurg of Stu art. | DISMISSED: April 3 — Mrs. i Linus Judge and son of Atkinson. | 4—Mrs. Fred Neibauer of At kinson. 5—William Herring of Ainsworth; Carol McKenny of Mills and Alan Stracke and Irven Parsons, both of Atkinson. 6— Richard S. Wright of Atkinson. 7—Mrs. Don Gordon and daugh ter of Newport. 9—Frank Weber and Mrs. John Kenny, both of At kinson. 10—Mrs. Don McClellan of O’Neill and Mrs. Thilo Poessneck er and son of Atkinson. SACRED HEART PRESENT: Lee Barnes, Frank Cranford, Dr. John Guttery and Mrs. Inger Levi, all of Lynch; Henry Maly and John Schom mer, both of Spencer; Daniel Klein, Baby Timothy Reiser and R. H. Zink, all of Butte; Erick Ohman of Anoka; Mrs. Kenneth Stoltenberg of Naper. Mrs. Jan nettie Nelson of Center. Mrs. Ma mie O’Neill of O’Neill and Mrs. Christina Frasch of Fairfax, S.D. DISMISSALS: Apr. 5 — Mrs. Myrtle McQuistan of Bristow and Ernest Schoenrogge of Fair fax, S. D. 7—Duane Filsinger of Spencer. 8—Debra Hall of Spen cer, Mrs. William Zeisler of Naper and Thomas Pistulka of Herrick, S. D. 9—Jerry Lynn Kaczor of Spenc*r and Calvin Conklin of Lynch. 10—Mrs. Tho mas Pistulka of Herrick; Mrs. Joe Katzer of Butte; Joe Opst of Niobrara and Mrs. William Wells of Lynch. ■ i I ST. ANTHONY’ S LUFT—Mr. and Mrs. James Luft of O’Neill, son, Steven James, 7 pounds 4 ounces, April 5. DAVIS—Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Da vis of O’Neill, daughter, Connie Joe, 7 pounds 4 ounces, April 7. WANSER—Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wanser of Ewing, son, Daniel John, 7 pounds 3 ounces, April 5. Mr. ad Mrs. Max Wanser are the paternal grandparents. It is their first grandchild. GARTNER—Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Gartner, jr. of Chambers, son, Ronald Lee, 9 pounds 6 ounces, April 10. SCHUCHMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Schuchman of O'Neill, daughter, 7 pounds 15% ounces. Mrs. Fred Holsclaw of O’Neill is the maternal grandmother. SACRED HEART STOLTENBERG—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stoltenberg of Naper, son, April 10. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stolten berg and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schenefeld, all of Naper. ATKINSON MEMORIAL POESSNECKER—Mr. and Mrs. Thilo Possnecker of Atkinson, son, Mark Richard, 8 pounds 7 oun ces, April 6. KUBART—Mr. and Mrs. Har lan Kubart of Amelia, son, Da vid Alan, 7 pounds 1 ounce, Ap ril 6. ELSEWHERE HELENBOLT—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helenbolt of Naper, daugh ter, Burke hospital. The little one has two sisters. MOORE—Mr. and Mrs. Paul - Moore of Rapid City, 9. D, daughter, Patricia Maria, April 4. Mrs. Moore is the former Mary Lou Spath of Amelia. NIELSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen of Omaha, son, Bradley, April 4. Mrs. Nielsen is the for mer Carol Burge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge of Amelia. The couple has another son, Rodney Paul. BUXTON—Lt and Mrs. Richard Buxton of Omaha, daughter, Jan et Marie, 5 pounds 14 ounces, Ap ril 10, Methodist hospital. Lt. Bux ton is serving in the armed forces in Germany. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton of Page. Mrs. Buxton is the former Audry Braddr>ck. She is staying with her parents in Omaha. They are former residents of Page. GRUBBS—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grubbs of Orchard, daughter, 8 pounds 5 ounces, April 1. SCHLEUSENER—Mr. and Mrs. 9tuart Schleusener of Cedar Rap ids. Ia., daughter,. Julie Lynn, 7 pounds 6 ounces, March 20. PAVELKA—Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Pavelka, son, 7 pounds 7Va ounces, March 27. Charles Pav elka of Verdigre and Mr. and Mrs. William Slechta of Verdel are the grandparents. SOKOL—Mr. and Mrs. Lumir Sokol of Royal Oak, Mich., daughter, Victoria Clara, 8 pounds 7 ounces, March 18. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sokol of Ver digre and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dysarcya of Detroit, Mich, are the grandparents. The couple now has five daughters and a son. MILLER—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller of the Venus community, by adoption, daughter, Pamela Martha. She was born Febru ary 12. The Millers also have a son by adaption. He is two years old. CIHLAR—Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cihlar of Council Bluffs, la., son, James Jay, 10 pounds 7 ounces, March 24. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cihlar of Verdigre are the pa ternal grandparents. The little boy has two sisters. STREETER — Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter of Lincoln, son, Thomas G., 8 pounds 3 ounces, April 8. The maternal grand mo ther is Mrs. Mary Rotherham of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter are the paternal grand parents. IMWr I - .. .* Sick and Injured C HAM BERS^-Kieth“ Halsey af ter a short stay at home return ed to St. Anthony’s hospital Ap ril 6 for more medical care. Kieth is having a severe bout with a throat infection. . .Tommy Stewart is a patient in St. Antho ny’s hospital having been severe ly burned when a stove exploded at his home early last week. . . Henry Durre returned home re cently from the Veterans hos pital in Grand Island. . .Bob Beed drove to Grand Island April 6 to bring his father-in-law, George Porter, home from the Veteran’s hospital but found that Mr, Por ter wa§ pot well enough to be re leased. He will remain at least two weeks. . .Mrs. Theodore Moss returned April (> from St. Anthony’s hospital where she had been a patient for • several days to the home of her daughter Mrs. Charles Grimes. . .Mrs. Ronald Haake and small daughter, La Donna and Mrs. Haake’s mother, Mrs. William Ermer, returned Friday from Rochester, Minn, where they had taken the little girl for medical care. . .Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hanna went to Omaha Sunday where they Irud an ap pointment Monday morning for medical care for Mrs. Hanna. Mr. Hanna expected to return Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wilkin son were doing the chores at the Hanna place. . .Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Campbell took their small daughter, Patty, to Omaha April 5 for a medical check-up. They returned Friday. O'Neill Locals Mrs. John Jackson, sons, Don ald and Brett and daughter, Sheryl of Evanswille, Wyo. ar rived last week and are visiting in the homes of Mrs. Elsie Uhl and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brad ley and with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Caclwell of Fremont and Mr. und Mrs. Vernon Hoxsie of Blair. Presbyterian Ladies rummage sale April 27 in the old Frontier i—:t.a: u 41. i.’ 1. ..4 ei.. Saturday guests of Mrs. Juliana Kamphaus and boys were Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw and girls, Anthony Kamphaus of Lynch, Carl, Bernard and John Kamp haus of Bartlett and Lavern Whitcomb of Amelia. Dinner guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw ;ind girls and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus and family of Lynch. Sunday evening Mrs. Kamphaus and sons, Mike, Paul, Francis and Carl were sup per guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Theland er and Larry spent the weekend in Kearney visiting the Bill Park family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dumper! and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sau ser visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cleary and family of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Langan vis ited over the weekend in Colum bus with their daughter, Mrs. Bud Schneider and family and with Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham. STUART—Mrs. Norris Coats of Stuart arrived home last week af ter a three-month visit and tour of Europe. She visited in France at the Etain Air Base at Verdun with a daughter, Mrs. Gary Claussen whose husband, First Lt. Gary Claussen is leaving the service this month. She visited Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Ger many. Enroute both ways she visited in the home of her other daugh ter, Mrs. Pahl Kirschbaum in Long Island, N. Y. FINE LARGE HOME On 125 East Clay St New Gas Furnace and Garage. Good Income Property, Priced right and terms. Phone 324-R or see Herman J. Janzing 48 tfc Special Sale — Tuesday, April 18 800—1,000 Head of Choice Cattle — Featuring Lightweight, Green Calves and Light Yearlings. ANGUS CALVES: 3a Choice Angus steer calves — 475 lbs. 24 High choice Angford calves — 350 lbs. 25 Good to choice Angus calves — 400-550 lbs. YEARLINGS: 24 Angus and Angford steers — 600 lbs. 44 High choice Angford yearling heifers — 600 lbs. (open) HEREFORD CALVES: 90 Choice WF steer calves — 475 lbs. (green) 50 Choice WF steer calves — 475 lbs. (green) 50 Good to choice WF calves — 500 lbs. 31 Fly-weight WF heifer calves — 350 lbs. 85 WF and mixed calves — 350-500 lbs. YEARLING STEERS AND HEIFERS: to Strictly choice WF steers — 600 lbs. 60 Choice WF heifers — 550 lbs. (open) 31 Good WF steers — 800 lbs. 15 Good WF heifers — 525 lbs. (open) COWS: 14 flood WF cows — some with calves at side (tested) DAIRY COWS AND CALVES: 4 Springing cows and heifers. (Guernsey and Holstein) 6 Dairy heifer calves — 6 mos. old 5 Yearling dairy heifers (open) _ALL FROM ONE CONSIGNOR BULLS: 2 Purebred Shorthorn bulls — 3 yrs. old (papers) On Wednesday, April 5 Had a Large Run of Good Quality Butcher Hogs — Top Hit $18.00 Good prices paid for all weights and classes throughout the sale. • Many have asked If heavy butcher* sell good the “Auction Way.” Look at these prices — 240-270 lbs. mostly 17.25 to an extreme top of of 17.65. — 270-300 lbs. from 16.55 to 17.30. We ask you to follow the markets closely—then compare the Wednesday sale at this auction with any other market in the Territory. PROFIT WITH ACTION — AT AUCTION “NATIONALLY CERTIFIED” - -* rnirnmrrr ~m ,ar ^