The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 13, 1961, Section Two, Image 12

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    Dorsey News
Ity Mix. Harold Osborn
Mrs. Krugman
Honored April 8
Mrs. Rex Carson entertained at
a shower for Mrs. Eddie Krug
man Saturday.
Mrs. Clayton Miller of Creigh
ton called at the Osborn home
Thursday and h;«l lunch with the
Mr. and Mrs. George Barta
helped at the Gordon Barta home
Friday and Evelyn returned to
Lynch with her grandparents to
spend the night.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruzicka
md family, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
vin Ruzicka anil family, Mr. ami
Mrs. Joe Pavlik and son and Mr. '
and Mrs. Frank Ruzicka and son
visited at the Otto Ruzicka home
Easter Sunday guests at the
.John Derickson home were Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Scranton and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Der
ickson and family.
John Derickson accompanied
Harold Osborn to Wayne Monday
afternoon. They were taking Ruth
Osborn back to her college work.
Students who spent a few days
with their parents over Easter
vacation were Rodrick Hughes,
Betty Maschino, June Carson
and Ruth Osborn.
Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene and
Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber were
visitors at the Harold Osborn
home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruzicka
of Omaha arrived at the Otto
Ruzicka home to visit with his
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta
were Sunday dinner guests at the
George Barta home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber
were dinner and supper guests at
the Harold Osborn home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells and
boys were Sunday visitors at the
Howard Slack home also Mr. and
Mrs. William Canard and Neta
and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells.
The eighth graders from this
community went to O’Neill Mon
day for their examinations.
Eddie Hrbek and son, Larry,
were business callers at the Os
born home Saturday.
John Derickson took Art Ellis
to Lynch Friday and were ac
companied home by his grand
son, Bobby.
9adie Derickson is living at her
home on Steel Creek again.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marston
arrived back in this community
after spending the winter in Ca
Howard Slack has been on the
sick list the past week. Friends
hope he gets to feeling better
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Svatos were
Thursday dinner guests at the
Harold Osborn home.
Ewing News
By Mrs. Harold Harris
Eight members of the No
Thank Tops club of Ewing and
Inman attended the sixth Annual
State Recognition Day at Oma
ha April 8. The “queen of the
year” in the Ewing-Inman dub
was Mrs. Vera Harte, who wore
a hat that evening, made by Mrs.
Lewis Carter.
Mrs. Florence Hahlbeck, a
Tops who had previously gradu
ated, took part in the “Celebri
ties on Parade” in the afternoon.
Mrs. Burtwistle and Mrs. Car
ter furnished transportation for
the members. Mrs. J. L. Pruden
and Lewis Carter accompanied
the group and spent the day vi
siting relatives in Omaha.
Mrs. Agnes Bartak of Plain
view was a guest at the home of
Mrs. Bertha Archer from Thurs
day to Sunday.
Mrs. Scott Bowers and Floyd
Wilson of Ncligh, accompanied by
Mrs. Howard Dunlap of Casper,
Wyo., were guests Sunday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs.
Bertha Archer.
Beer Beer
KRaZy D»y
Lay in a supply for warm weather
Joe Langan's Tavern
krAzY (|Ay Sp3JiA|s
We Aren't Really Krazy
It's These Krazy Prices That Make Us Look That Way
Rexall Fast
Regular, Gentle, Super, Little Girls'
Reg. Price $2
On this Krazy Day you can have one
FREE when you buy one
2 for $2
Black and White - 120, 127 or 620
Usually you pay 55c each
for these sizes
It sounds krazy,
But Friday you can get
3 for 88c
These tissues sell for 15s regularly
If you're krazy too,
You can take home
8 boxes for $1
Plastic, 1 qt. size for mixing and
storing your 900 calorie diet.
(Other krazy uses too)
Regularly priced at 69c
You can have one of these krazy
things for just a krazy
Half Dollar
Also many other krazy bargains. Join the krazy
crowd in O'Neill Friday and come to Devoy's Rexa11
Drug to see these Krazy Secials.
We Give S&H Green StaiYips on all Purchases
Phone 87 Robert T. Devoy, Pharmacist O'Neill
Douglas Ryan celebrated his
third birthday Saturday. In honor
of the occasion, his mother, Mrs.
G. D. Ryan, entertained 12 boys
and girls and their mothers at
an afternoon party. The snowy
weather kept all indoors where
playing with toys provided
amusement. Ice cream and the
birthday cake were served for
refreshments by Mrs. Ryan.
Friends and relatives gathered
at the annex of the United Pres
byterian church Saturday eve
ning to honor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Shrader on their silver wedding
“This Is Your Life,” was the
theme of the evening's program
with Mrs. Wayne Shrader, mis
tress of ceremonies. The follow
ing persons took part: Mrs. Ora
Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt
Hoke, Lynn Napier, Loretta
Shrader, Janell Lautenschlager,
Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, who attend
ed the wedding 25 years ago, Mrs.
Richard Chadwick, of Fort
Dodge, la., sister of the bride
who was ringbearer at the wed
ding: Gordon Shrader, Diana
Shrader and Archie Johnston.
Many gifts were placed on the
silvered money tree arranged
by Mrs. Wayne Lautenschlager
of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Shra
der were assisted in opening the
gifts by their daughter, Diana,
and son, Gordon. Karen Napier
was in charge of the guest book.
The three tier anniversary
cake was baked and decorated
by Mrs. Willard Napier. The
ladies of the church were in
charge of the refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Berg
strom and their weekend
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Bergstrom of Omaha, attended
the wedding of Gwendolyn
Charf and Larry McDaniel at
Royal Saturday afternoon.
Jerry Jefferies and Joe Bart
lett of Cherokee, la., were week
end guests at the parental home
of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jefferies.
Both boys are freshmen at the
at Wayne.
Mrs. Edna Lolquest of Ewing
and her granddaughter, Cathy,
were honored guests at a birth
day dinner at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Lofquest Sun
day. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Reuben Meyer and Beverly
of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Mer
lyn Meyer.and Mark of Ewing.
Slides were shown by Mr. and
Mrs. Reuben Meyer, taken in
New Orleans and others by Mar
lyn Meyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock re
turned home Sunday from Oma
ha where they had spent a few
days on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Billings
of Neligh and Charles Jones of
Loretto were Thursday guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Supt. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan en
tertained at dinner Friday eve
ning honoring the third birthday
anniversary of their son, Doug
las. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ryan, the
grandparents from Niobrara,
brought the birthday cake. Other
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter
P. Scott and Laurie Lee.
Mrs. John A. Wood is a patient
at the Antelope Memorial hospi
tal, which she entered Friday
suffering from pnuemonia. At this
writing (Monday) she is showing
some improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood of
Lingle, Wyo., were guests Mon
day at the home of his sister,
Vina Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack
were hosts to their Pitch Club
Thursday evening at their home.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Rotherham and Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Pollock. Prizes were won
by Mrs. Ralph Munn. Mr. Pol
lock, Mr. Munn, Mrs. R. H.
Shain and Mrs. Pollock. Refresh
ments were served by the hosts.
The members of the Ewing- "
Clearwater Pinochle cluh gather
ed at Ihe Hi-Way cafe at Clear- {
water Sunday evening for a din
ner. Later the group went to the
home of Mrs. Inez Jaake to play
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beelaert and *
family of Page were Saturday
dinner guests at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett
‘‘The Home and the Church,”
was the theme of the lesson pre
sented Friday evening to the
Forum group when they met at
the United Presbyterian church.
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ross
were leaders for the devotional
period preceeding the lesson. Ed
dy and Alice Shrader served the
Duane Horde came home Fri
day from Syracuse to spend the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Roland Horde and other
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde
were Thursday evening guests
at the Lionel Gunter home.
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Dierks
and son of Manhattan, Kans., ar
rived Monday to spend a few
days at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks at
tended the Soil Conservation
meeting and banquet at O'Neill
Tuesday evening.
Officers were elected at the
Wednesday meeting of the Wo
mens Society of Christian Ser
vice at the parlors of the Ewing
Methodist church. Re-elected
were: Mrs. Willis Rockey, presi
dent; Mrs. James Tinsley, vice
president; Mrs. Harry Van Horn,
recording secretary; Hazel Ruby,
treasurer; and the following
secretaries, Mrs. Ray Sedivy,
Mrs. Dewitt Hoke, Mrs. H. R.
Harris, Mrs. Jessie Angus, Mrs.
Earl Van Ostrand, Mrs. Henry
Fleming and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs.
Newly elected officials are
Mrs. Earl Billings and Mrs. J. L.
Pruden replacing Mrs. W. W.
Elliott and Mrs. Anna Pollock.
Mrs. Frank Schmidt conducted
the devotional period. The lesson
was presented by Mrs. Ray
Sedivy, assisted by Mesdames
Ben Larsen, J. L. Pruden, Willis
Rockey and Earl Billings. The
date for the officer’s meeting
was changed from May 5 to April
Appointed for the April visiting
committee are Mrs. Schmidt and
Mrs. Van Horn. Cards were sent
to Theresa Bauer, Mrs. Noffke,
George Jefferies of Ewing and
Mrs. Darlene Dietz, sister of
Mrs. Tinsley.
Refreshment hostesses were
Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. L. A.
Hobbs. Mrs. Don Ruroede and
Mrs. Fred Bollwitt, guests, joined
the Society.
Soloist were Supt. G. D. Ryan,
Karen Mlnarik, Miss Frances Ro
therham. Instead of the Ewing
High school triple trio the follow
ing presented numbers: the
Girls Sextet: Kay Bergstrom, Pat
ty Hobbs, Glenellon McDaniels,
Linda Larson, Ardis Parks, Judy
Spangler; the Girls Trio, Patty
Hobbs, Ardis Parks and Linda
Larson. Mrs. Wilbur Spangler
was accompanist for Ewing se
lections. ,
The Thursday Night Pitch
club was entertained the evening
of April 6 at tthe home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Spence at O’
Neill. Guests were Mr. , and Mrs.
Everett Ruby of Ewing and the
host’s brother and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Spence of Atkinson.
Mrs. Grace Briggs accompa
nied her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy
Vaughn, who had been her guest
since Easter, back to Omaha Fri
All members were present at
the meeting of the Facts and Fun
Home Extension club when they
were entertained at the H. R.
Harris home Thursday afternoon.
“Our Senior Citizens,” was the
theme of the lesson presented by
Mrs. Ray Tucker and Mrs. C. C.
Hahlbeck. Refreshments were
served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snyder
and son were Thursday guests at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Marcus Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorrence
Hobbs brought their five month
old daughter, Natalie, home
from the Antelope Memorial
hospital Friday after she had
spent three weeks there for a
heart ailment.
Mrs. Edna Lofquest attended
the Elkhom Valley Prayer con
ference held at the Wesleyan
Methodist church in Page Satur
Orchard News
Mrs. Wilbur Mahood
Phone TW 3-3185
Mrs. R. Stevens
Co. Chairman
For Cancer Drive
Mrs. Raymond Stevens is An
telope County Cancer Fund chair
man. Mrs. Zola Herring is chair
man of Royal; Mrs. John Shan
non at Brunswick; Mrs. Darrel
Kinnan at Oakdale; Mrs. Wayne
Switzer at Clearwater; Mrs. Ivan
Bergstrom at Elgin, and Mrs.
Bernard Reinke at Neligh.
The Orchard cheese factory has
installed a 5,000 gallon storage
tank. The tank will keep the milk
at a certain temperature and will
keep the milk fresh at all times.
Mr. and Mrs George Montgom
ery of Ewing were Sunday visitors
in the J. W. Mahood home.
Ted Berry entered the Veter
ans hospital at Grand Island Mon
day for medical treatment.
Mrs. Gertrude Cleveland enter
ed the the Plainview hospital last
Mrs. C. E. Everhart went to
Tilden Friday to visit her grand
daughter, Marlene Voorhies who
is hospitalized in the Tilden hos
The Busy Dozen club met
Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Floyd Menning. The lesson “Win
dow Treatment” was presented
by Mrs. Duard Dempster and Mrs.
Johnny Eley. The next meeting
will be with Mrs. Marvin Nelson
April 27.
A “coffee hour” was held for
Mrs. Ernie Gudenschwager at
Mrs. Leon Mitchell’s home Mon
day afternoon. Those present
were Mesdames Henry Drayton,
Gordon Drayton, Wilber Mahood,
Homer Barton, James Clifton jr.,
Gerald Burney, Sandra Wragge,
Kenneth Bruce, Bus Napier and
Wayne Holiday.
Mrs. Gary Koeister and Terry
of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Tomlinson of Spencer, Arlene Kil
Patrick of O’Neill and Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Hill wptp Flatter Sun.
day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Hill and Warren.
Mrs. Allen Hill is spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs.
Nadene Johnson of Norfolk this
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bradstreet
returned home last week after a
month vacationing in California
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sawyer
and family of Norfolk were Sun
day guests in the Lon Sawyer
Mike Goiter of Lincoln spent
Easter weekend with his mother,
Mrs. Joanne Goiter.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Kloppen
borg and family of Cozad spent
last weekend in the Dick Knapp
Mrs. Gary Koester and Terry of
Omaha spent last week visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Anson
and family of Council Bluffs, la.,
were Easter Sunday guests in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Sukup and Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson were
Sunday dinner guests in the Al
vin Wolf home at Wausa.
Mr. and Mrs. James Withee
were Easter Sunday guests in
the Wilbur Brown home of O’
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Skalberg
and family were Monday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Maple . The Skalberg
family moved Monday to Tank
ton, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Marshall
and family of Verdigre were Sun
day guests in the R. A. Willats
Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNabb of
Omaha visited the Easter week
end with Mrs. McNabb’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Stelling.
The Highlanders Extension club
met recently with Mrs. Harvy
Holbrook jr. with 12 members
present. The club served the
lunch for the Bloodmobile. Mrs.
George Hamil and Mrs. Harvy
Holbrook sr. had the lesson “Win
dow Treatment.”
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Trease and
family were Easter weekend vis
itors of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reed
and Mr. and Mrs. Josh Trease.
Sunrise Easter service at the
EUB church was attended by 70
youth from the junior high and
senior high fellowships. A dia
logue, “The Other Desciple” was
given. Karen Napier was the
leader in worship and Renalda
Wehenkel, Karen Napier, Lynn
Napier, Diana Goakey, Richard
Hamil took part in the dialoque.
Following the service a break
fast was served. Gregory Wayne,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wal
mer, was baptized at the 11 a.m.
services, by the Rev. Duane Lenz.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Holbrook
sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hol
brook jr. were Siaux City busi
ness visitors Monday.
Mrs. Gerald Berney is employ
ed at the Orchard News office.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hender
son spent the Easter weekend in
Weeping Water, helping their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Leiding, get settled
in their new home.
Orchard Garden club met with
Mrs. Duane Lenz Monday after
noon with 15 members present.
Mrs. Hoyt Sirek, president, con
ducted the business meeting. Roll
call was answered by each mem
ber naming “A Garden Tool”.
The lesson leader, Mr. Henry
Drayton, gave a lesson on “Care
and Pruning Foundation Plants”.
After the lesson, a round table
discussion was held. Mrs. Lenz
served lunch in keeping with the
“Easter Theme”. Easter hats
were presented to each guest by
Mrs. Lenz. The next meeting will
be with Mrs. Ted Berry May 1.
Heart Fund dirve here has
netted $192.55. Mrs. Marvin
Haswell was chairman for Or
Young Couples pitch club met
with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ash
Sunday evening, with 11 mem
bers present. Lyle Schleusener,
T O^Ll-.-TT /-»
Hill won prizes. Mrs. John Eley
won traveling. Mrs. Archie Wal
ton assisted Mrs. Ash with the
Bridge Club met with Mrs. E.E.
Bruce Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
Waldo Rodgers, Mrs. Jim Clif
ton and Mrs. Hannah Johnson
were guests. Prizes were won by
Mrs. Lester Withee, Mrs. Gor
don Drayton and Mrs. Waldo Rod
FLT club met Tuesday with
Mrs. Keith Thelander with seven
member and one visitor, Mrs.
Willard Anson, present. Mrs.
Pete Cooper had charge of the
contest games. Mrs. Thelander
served lunch and was assisted
by Mrs. Ralph Shrader.
And Community
Dolores Tunender
Birthday Party
Held Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Soukup, Mir. and Mrs. Anton
Jirak, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Souk
up and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Havranek, Francis and Mar
ty Mullen were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCart and
family Wednesday night in hon
or of Jimmy’s 12th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Jansen
and family of Minnesota and Mr.
and Mrs. A1 Havranek were Tues
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Havranek and Larry.
Delores Tunender was hostess
krAzy DaYs
10% off
„ .....
» r,
Phone 197-W O'Neill
at a party Friday afternoon with
eight guests attending.
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Jansen
and family of Minnesota were
Monday callers at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Schaaf and
Mr and Mrs. Donald Marcellus
and Nancy were Tuesday callers
at the home of Mr. and Mrs
D. B. Marcellus of Stuart.
Dewey Pongrntz stayed a
week with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe PongPatz,
while his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Duane Pongratz, went to Cali
fornia to attend the wedding of
1-arry McConnell to Beverly Mc
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Peter and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Ramold jr. and family were Sun
day afternoon callers at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tun
ender and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steskal
and family spent Easter Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al
vin Walnofer in Neligh.
School District 159, grades
from third through the eighth
grade, attended the music festival
in O’Neill Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold jr.
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Ramold sr. and Hubert call
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Ramold and family Wed
nosday evening in honor of Mrs.
George Ramold’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler, Mrs
Mike Bonenberger, .ban and
Joan. Mrs. Kathryn Johnson, Bon
nie and Bob Gokie spent Monday
afternoon with Mrs. Joe Pon
Mrs. Joe Ramold sr. and Hu
bert were Sunday visitors of the
Kohle sisters at Long Pine.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steskal,
Randy, Kathy and Roddy called
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ner
wyn Parks of O’Neill Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rnuter and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Billie Marcellus and family, all
of O'Neill, called at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcel
lus and family Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold and
family called at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Cyril Peter and fam
ily Friday night.
Mrs. Joe Babl called at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Ben
Bazelman Thursday afternoon.
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
and Bonds
Phone IQfi_Golden Bldg.
"Special Bull Sale" this Friday at Verdigre . . .
APRIL 14 — 1:00 P.M.
Herefords, Angus, Shorthorns, Big Bulls. Little Bulls, Old Bulls,
Young Bulls, Horned Bulls, Polled Bulls, Good Bulls, Common
Bulls- in fact, no matter what kind of a bull you need, you’ll
find it at the Verdigre Bull Sale. Bring in your bulls that you
can no longer use and trade them at this sale. Many 4 and 5 yr.
old tried herd sires at this auction. We feel this could Ik1 an out
standing Annual Event. Following are advance listings . . .
Frank Dohriehovsky 5 (3 yr. old) Homed Hereford IiiiIIh (Verdl
gre), 1 (2 yr. old) Horned Hereford bull; Adolpt liruse <! (2 yr.
old) Angus bulls (Verdigre); Jim Podany 1 yearling Shorthorn
bull (O’Neill), 1 (2 yr. old) Shorthorn bull; Vern lllx I (2 yr. old)
Horned Hereford bull (Butte), 1 (3 yr. old) Horned Hereford bull;
Arden I'hlir 1 (2 yr. old) Hereford bull (Verdigre): Rudv Julis
1 (coming 3 yrs old) Hereford bull (Verdigre); Henry Moeller I
(4 yr. old) Shorthorn bull (Bloomfield); Paul Sukup I (2 yr. old)
Polled Hereford bull (Verdlgre); Bernard Sukup 1 <« yr. old)
Polled Hereford bull (Verdlgre); Allen Henderson 1 (7 yr. old)
Horned Hereford bull (Verdel); Leonard Sukup 3 (2, 3, 5 yrs. old)
Polled Hereford bulls (Verdigre); Gerald Snyder I (3 yr. old)
Angus bull (O’Neill); Snowden Farms I (2 yr.) Hereford hull
(Niobrara); Harry W. Birch & Sons 2 Long yearling Hereford
bulls (Pierce); Edward Schrempp 2 (2 yr. old) Hereford bulls
(Hartington); Watke Hereford Farms 1 (2 yr. old) Polled Here
ford bull (Columbus); Udel Brown 3 Shorthorn bulls (Mills,
Nebr.); Joe Vitema I Polled Shorthorn bull (Verdlgre); Webb
Tilton 1 (3 yr. old) Hereford bull (Hartington).
"Cattle Sale" Friday, April 21, 1961 11.00 A.M.
Advance listings include over 1,000 head of cattle from: Rudy
Elis, Glen Elis, Ludvig Elis, Joe Forman, W. D. Nelson, Henry
& Glen Ruzicka, Bill Vesely, Frank Dobrichovsky, Ed Tush a,
Art Hrbek, Tom McClellan, Billy Koclin, Gall Peterson, Milford
Cameron, V. Hanzlik, Adolph Knopasek.
Watch for the big red and white sale bills and complete list
ings in next week’s paper. If you have cattle for sale, consign
them to April Special.
(List your horses early)
Receipts above thal of one week ago with an extreme top of
$18.25. The bulk of the good to choice hogs sold from $17.75 to
$18.10. Sows sold from $15.50 to $10.85. Some real good bred sows
listed for next week’s sale.
Don Jensen, Mgr. Phone 8G-W in Verdigre
" .. .. — —1 I
Kra^y D»y Specials
We are combining our Spring Clearance and Krazy Day. Clearance will
start Thursday, April 13 . . . and we will have other extra-special values for
Krazy Day on Friday, April 14.
Juniors — Misses — Half Sizes
In Nationally Known Brands
Newest Fabrics, Colors and Silhouettes
NOW $0 to *17
Reg. Priced from 14.98 to 29.98
One Rack of
Broken Sizes
Values to 24.98
No Try-Ons-Please
All Wools — All Weather
Values to 49.98
now $19 to $35
Sizes 8 to 14
Early Spring Styles
All Going At
1 /2 of the Regular Price
Values to 12.98
NOW J99 to 649
We will have many other extra
values for you on our Krazy Day
Sale. Come early for best selections,
best values.
O'Neill, Nebr. Winnie Barger, Owner Phone 89