The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 06, 1961, Image 7

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    THIS TOP TEAM in the Sioux City Invitational Livestock Judging contests held at Sioux City
rMrently includes these Verdigre students. Shown are (bottom row left to right) Hiirry Pavlik, Wallace
Tuch, (top row left to right) Ted Ward, vocational agriculture instructor, Dallas Tuch and Ronald Pavlik.
Not present for the picture were Gene Marshall who tied lor 21st place and David Hrbek who tied for
7th place, Itoth in the junior division. These students participated also in the Niobrara Valley Hereford
Field Day judging contests at Butte March 13. Wallace Tuch was high individual for Verdigre and
placed 8th in the senior division judging event.
And Community
Dolores Tunender
Easter dinner guests of Mrs.
Joe Ramokl, Hubert and John
■were, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Toncn
der and family, Mr. and Mrs.
John Scbaaf and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Ramold and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Timmer
man and family. The afternoon
callers were Mr. and Mrs. George
Ramold and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Deermer and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ramold and
sons and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ra
mold and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus
and family were Friday night cal
lers of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hav
ranek and family of O’Neill.
The Rev. Ralph O’Donnell spent
Easter in Omaha visiting his re
Easter dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and
family were Mrs. Will Grutsch,
Pat Grutsch, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
McNulty, and La Donna, Walter
Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lans
worth and Joanne, Tom Langan,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Veguist and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Grutsch and family.
Leisure* Hour Pinochle club
met March 26 at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Weichman.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Beckwith, Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Hitchcock, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Ries, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs.
Eli McConnell, Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Ullrich and Mr. and Mrs.
John Weichman of Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcel
lus and family were Easter din
i ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Marcellus and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Renchler and family.
Dolores and Francis Tunender
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Deermer and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Tunender and family.
Mr. and Mrs Don Marcellus and
family were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Anton Jirak Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramold
and family of O’Neill called at
the home of Mrs. Joe Ramold
Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schmitz and
family of Omaha were Easter
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Babl of Emmet.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Holz and
daughter were Easter dinner
guests of Mr .and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wiechman
and family of Stuart were Sun
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Winkler of Emmet.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek were
Easter Sunday dinner guests of
Mrs. Barbara Dvorak.
- I
Old Empty Pockets is a sad sight indeed. One time he was a leading bus
inessman. and he tried his damdest to make things work .. . but he never
did make the grade. He tried to cut corners, buy right, and sell for a profit.
But he flunked on the transportation test — he just never learned that to
get his merchandise quickly, safely and economically he should ORDER
BY TRUCK Yup, he’s a sad, sorry sight
One of a Sanaa of Adrertiaementa Prepared by
This Space Paid For By
JOHN TURNER Daily Service O'Neill-Omaha PHONE 578
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Richard
and family were Easter Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. O’Donnell of O’Neill.
Linda Serck is spending the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Serck of Em-met.
Morris Pongratz spent Easter
vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and
family. He returned to Creighton
University in Omaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dusat
ko and family were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Peter and George.
Mr. and Mrs. John Babl and
family were Easter Sunday din
ner guests of Mrs. Agnes Heeb
of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Engler and
family of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs.
Wendell Babl and family of Em
met, Jimmy Dusatko, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Bazelman and son of
O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Schmitz and family were Eas
ter dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Babl of Emmet.
Meek News
By Mrs. Fred Lindberg
If the old “weather tradition’’
holds true our new Easter bon
nets are in for several sprink
lings: “If it rains on Easter Sun
day it will rain every Sunday for
seven consecutive Sundays’’ We
got our shower in the morning
and several sprinklings in the
afternoon Easter Sunday.
Saturday afternoon callers at
Allen Walters were Mrs. Merlin
Anderson and girls, Mrs. Gene
Libby and Mrs. Henry Walters
and Norma.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sanders
and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blake were
Friday evening visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Dobrovolny.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Borg and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Borg and Debbie of St. Paul,
Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Borg of O’Neill were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Axel Borg Saturday eve
The Green Thumb Flower club
met at the home of Mrs. George
Nelson March 29. Roll call was
answered by an Easter seed ex
change. The lesson on “Fertiliz
ing Gardens, Flowers and Lawns’’
was presented by Opal Miller.
Birthdays of Delia Harrison, Eu
nice Mann, Marjorie McNulty and
a belated one of Louise Robert
son were remembered. Entertain
ment was given by Nellie Bosharl
Door prize was won by Lotfise
Robertson. Lunch was served at
the close of the entertainment,
The next meeting will be helc
with Mary Hansen April 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Ansor
and girls were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. ad Mrs. Oliver
Anson of Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson
arrived home Friday. He ha-s
been attending the legislature
session at Lincoln and she has
been visiting relatives and
friends at Ft. Calhoun. They re
turned Tuesday. During their
short stay here several dinner
parties have been held in their
honor. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nel
son entertained Easter Sunday
at dinner for the Nelsons and
Mrs. Row and Nancy. Mrs. Ed
Kaczor entertained Saturday
evening at dinner and Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Nelson were also
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Craw
ford and family from Sundance
Wyo., were visitors Thursdaj
evening at the home of his bro
ther. Ted Crawford.
Thursday night dinner guests oi
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Johring were
Martha Johring, Mrs. Christine
Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Walters and Norma. The oc
casion was for Sharleen’s birth
day. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne An
son and girls were dinner guests
at Benny Johrings Saturday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walt
ers, Norma and Mrs. Gene Libby
were evening callers.
Kenny Wrede came from Om
aha Saturday to spend Easter va
cation with his family and rela
tives. Mrs. Wrede and boys ac
companied him home Monday.
They have spent the past week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Dobrovolny.
If it's o color you want to
match, our Electronic Color Ma
chine will do it perfectly IN
electronically in a few seconds;
no extra cost.
To match your appliances,
draperies, wallpaper... House
and garden colors and thou
sands of others.
Aid Sn
KrMHEi !IH Iroia
S co vies
O’Neill, Nebraska
Mrs. Elsie Eppenbach visited
her daughters over Easter va
cation. Mrs. Walter Devall, Mrs.
zor helped with the care of
zor by helping with the care of
Grandma Hull.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby,
Jessie Kaczor and Miss Selina
Hebner, Supertindent of Boyd
county schools, were Easter Sun
day dinner guests at Dave Jen
Mr. and Reynaldo Gomez
accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lindberg home from Om
aha Tuesday. On Wednesday
they took them to Friend
where they were to have a
service that night. They are
missioniaries and had been
broadcasting religious services
on the radio in Africa until the
field was recently closed. They
are planning on returning to
Uruguay, South America in the
fall. Mrs. Gomez is a cousin of
the Lindbergs.
Mrs. Marvin Reuse accompan
ied Garold Risor and Art Risor to
Omaha Thursday. Edith Risor re
turned with them. She has been
in Omaha for medical attention.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Watson and
Danny and Gordon Slaight were
Easter Sunday dinner guests at
Emmet Slaights and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim McNulty were Tuesday eve
ning visitors.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Walters were
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Johring and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wal
ters and boys and Mr. and Mrs.
Merlin Anderson and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wabs
and Chucky were Saturday visit
ors of Elmer Devalls.
Mrs. Delia Harrison visited her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Peterson Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Schmitz
and family came from Omaha
Friday and have been spending
their vacation with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl of Em
met. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmitz
entertained for them Sunday eve
ning at dinner. Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Pierson and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Huston and
family were also present.
Mrs. Viola Hall was a Sunday
dinner guest at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Dobrovolny.
Don Borg helped his father,
Axel Borg several days last week
moving and repairing a building
to be used on the farm.
Science Fair
Winners Named
A Science Fair for grades fifth
through eighth, sponsored by the
Holt County Rural Teachers as
sociation, was held at the exhibit
hall in O'Neill Saturday.
There were approximately 325
entries from 59 rural schools. The
exhibits were grouped according
to grades, and first, second and
third places were given in each
grade. There was also a division
for group projects which were
judged in the same way.
The judging was done in the
morning by George Keller of
Ewing and William Schipman of
Chambers. At 1 p m. the exhibit
hall was opened for viewing.
Following are the winning en
tries: Grade 5—first, Daniel
Ziska, No. 168, second, Mary El
len Krobot, No. 205, and third,
Douglas Roberts, No. 80; Grade 6
—first, Marcia Ziska, No. 168,
second, Donnie Wells, No. 3, and
third, Duane Shaw, No. 88; Grade
7—first, Andy Riffey, No. 8,
second, Neil Donohoe, No. 9, and
third, Mary Timmerman, No. 206.
Grade 8—first, Nelda Cuatt,
No. 142, second, Carolyn Gold
General Repairing of
Locks of All Kinds
Cars • Homes - Businesses
Jas. P. Shanner
112 So. 4th O’Neill
fuss. No. 102, and third. Sherry
Hansen. No. 228. Group- first,
Dist. 168, Christine Krysl, teac
her; second, Dist. 4, Iva G.
Brady, teacher, and third, Dist.
196, Lela Harkins, teacher.
Science Fair winners will be
awarded ribbons at the Music
Festival April 7 at 9:30 a.m. in
the O'Neill public school. At this
time winners of the written con
tests will be awarded also. The
written contests were held Satur
day morning and the subject area
covered by the contestants in
cluded arithmetic, language,
spelling and reading. The stu
dents from fifth through eighth
grades selected their subjects.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays !
New Funeral Home Is
Planned for Clearwater
CLEARWATER — There will
soon lx1 a new funeral home here
as Walter Snider, local funeral
director, completed a business
transaction the past week at
which time he purchased the
large rooming house just west
of main street from Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Hank.
The buildmg will be completty
remedied in a modem style. Mr.
Snider has also purchased the
building east of the rooming
house recently from Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Luben and this will
be connected with the larger
Mr. and Mrs. Hank will hold
an auction of their personal pro
perty in the near future. Their
plans have not been completed
hut they do plan to leave Clear
to trade up
to a new
A. O. Smith
Fernta las
Don't miss your opportunity to trade for a new Permaglas
v glass-lined modem water heater. If you act before Satur
day, April 8, 1961, we will give you a fair and liberal al
lowance in trade for a new Permaglas water heater. Don’t
miss your chance for the trade of the year. Even a tea
kettle is worth big dollars in trade. But you must act be
fore Saturday.
Permaglas water heaters may alio bo purchased through your
favorite gai appliance dealer.
For Dependable GAS Service
For assistance in making out your 1960
Income Tax Return, see—
Golden Hotel Corner
Phone 106 — O'Neill
Please Make Appointments
Did you know Gasoline
is Taxed at a Rate
5 Times as High
as Diami >nds?
Gasoline taxes will be lowered —
if the latest temporary
Federal gasoline tax increase
expires on June 30th as scheduled by
the 1959 Federal Highway Act.
Along with all good citizens, we are in favor of
building the roads that the motoring public needs.
But. in the last 10 years alone. Fede'ral and State taxes
nationwide on gasoline have skyrocketed 51% — sky
rocketed to a point where gasoline, a basic commodity,
is actually taxed at a rate five times as high as luxuries
like diamonds and mink coats.
Must gasoline taxes be so high? Most people believe
that gasoline taxes are high because the money is needed
to pay for our national highway program. This is not so.
The fact is that out of every' highway-user tax dollar
collected last yearly the Federal government, more than
40 cents was diverted to non-highway purposes.
If these highway-user tax revenues were spent for high
ways—as they should be—gasoline taxes could be lowered,
and the highway program given a boost.
In fact, the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1959 provides
that when the added temporary Federal gasoline tax ex
pires on June 30th. 1961. as scheduled, some S802 mil
lion a year in highway-user taxes —now diverted to the
U. S. Treasury’s general fund—will instead be deposited
in the Highway Trust Fund.
As a result, if the latest Federal temporary gasoline tax
increase expires on June 30th a-. scheduled the national
highway program will actualh get S225 million more
each year than it now receives from the latest Federal
temporary gasoline tax increase.
In January of this year, after an exhaustive 2-year sur
vey of national transportation pojicv, a special U. S.
Senate study group confirmed the wisdom o' this decision.
This will be good news for you. You will be able to
enjoy a steadily improving highway system, at a lower
gasoline tax-rate.
• In Nebraska, you pay $1.10 tax on 10 gal
lons of gasoline.
• You pay 11 f tax a gallon—4( in Federal faxes
plus 7< in State taxes.
• Gasoline is taxed at a rate 5 times os high as
• The average Nebraska motor vehicle owner
pays $87 a year in gasoline taxes.
• Since 1951 there have been three increases
in the Federal gasoline fax alone.
• In the last 10 years, gasoline taxes nation
wide have skyrocketed 51 %—yet the nationol
average price of gasoline itself has risen only
5.5% during the same period.
The Gasoline You Buy Is Taxed Too High!
Presented in the public interest by the Gasoline Tax Education Committee, 575 Lexington Avenue, New York 22, N. Y.