I_I Marjorie Ann McElhaney Weds John Schneider In Salt Lake City Miss Marjorie Ann McElhaney of Denver, Colo., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney of O’ Neill, and John R. Schneider, son of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Schnei der of Denver, were united in marriage March 3 at 8:30 p.m. in the Temple in Salt Lake City. The ceremony was performed by Elder J. Percy Goddard, and the couple was attended by Bish op and Mrs. Edwin D. Reed of Denver. The bride wore a waltz length gown with scalloped neck and long pointed sleeves. The bodice was Chantilly lace over taffeta, and the bouffant skirt was Chan tilly lace with tier effect over net. Her veil was a fingertip il lusion nylon net caught in a juliet cap of seed pearls and matching chantilly lace. Her corsage was a white orchid. A reception was held for over 300 friends and relatives at the Denver Second Ward in Denver March 18 at 7:30 p.m. The re ception line was headed by the bride and bridegroom and all immediate members of the cou ple’s families. The room was de corated in pink and white and the bride’s table was centered by a three-tier wedding cake. The bride is a graduate of O’ Neill high school and attended the University of Nebraska before moving to Denver. Mr. Schneider graduated from Brigham Young university at Provo, Utah, and is currently em ployed as a sales representative of the Hallack & Howard Lumber company of Denver. The couple spent a week’s hon eymoon in Las Vegas, Nev. They are at home at 2437 West 36th Avenue, Denver, Colo. Dianne Herley Weds Denton Kent Mar. 19 At Clearwater CLEARWATER — Miss Dianne Herley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Herley, and Denton Kent, son of Mrs. James Denny, were married March 19 in the Concordia Lutheran church. The Rev. D. L. Bra'anersreuther officiated. The bride was gowned in a white dress with scalloped sa brina neckline, embroidered flow ers and sequins and pearls which accented the fitted bodice. The long sleeves came to bridal points. Her skirt worn over a hoop, had tiers of net and fea tured a large butterfly bow in the back. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Kerwin Kent of Omaha. A reception was held in the church parlors following the cer emony which was attended by members of the immediate fam ilies. The couple is residing in Nor folk. VERDIGRE — Barbara Ann Uska, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Otto Uska, has been selected to represent Verdigre at Girls State in Lincoln and is spon sored by the American Legion auxiliary here. Miss Uska ranks in the upper 10 percent of her class, is active in school work, is a member of the band, chorus, Pep club and of the annual staff of the student council. Royal Couple Plan Observance On Anniversary ROYAL—Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Curtis, lifelong residents of Roy al township, will observe their golden wedding anniversary by holding open house April 16 at the new auditorium in Royal from 2 to 5 p.m. Their children, Wilson of Min neapolis, Fremont of Royal, Mrs. William Redenbo of Stapleton and Keith of Omaha, are arrang ing the affair. Clarence Curtis and Mary Voor hies were married at Neligh Ap ril 15, 1911 by Judge Robert Wil son. G. H. Holm of Royal and Forna Curtis attended the cou ple. The wedding dinner was served at the home of his bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Voorhies. Both have been active in Royal community life. Mr. Curtis is a 50-year member of the IOOF, and Mrs. Curtis has been a Rebekah for 47 years. Mr. Curtis served on the Royal school board 14 years, was a member of the Co op Elevator board for 12 years and was a member of the Royal band about 15 years. ■ k m INMAN — Miss Carolyn Rei mers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reimers of Inman, was one of the 19 students of St. Vin cent Hospital School of Nurs ing in Sioux City who received her cap at the capping cere monies March 12. The affair was held in the St. Joseph Parish Center at Sioux City. Engagements .. • EMMET — Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry of Emmet announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Betty June, to Jim Keim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Keim of Chadron. The wedding date has been set for June t. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Tonner of Aberdeen, S. D., announce the engagement of their daughter, Marsha, to Jim Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Johnson of O’Neill. Miss Tonner is a junior at the University of South Dakota. Mr. Johnson received his bachelor of science degree from Kansas State University in June of 1960. He will complete his master of arts degree from the University of South Dakota in August. Mr. Johnson is affiliated with Alpha Tau Oinega social fraternity. An August wedding is plan ned. Town Teachers Will Present Scholarship The executive committee of the Holt County Town Teachers as sociation have established the standard for issuing a $100 scholarship for a student from Holt county who plans to make a career of teaching. A candidate will be selected April £0 by a committee made up of one teacher from each town school in the county. Hospital Auxiliary to Hold an Essay Contest St. Anthony’s Hospital Auxili ary is sponsoring an essay con test during April. All former and present patients of the hospital who are 15 years of age or older are eligible to enter with an essay of not over 200 words on the subject, “What do you think about our hospital?” Essays must be in before April 30. First prize will be $10, second prize, $5, and third prize, $3. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during National Hospital Week in May. Be sure to put your name and address on your entry and mail it to St. Anthony’s Hospital Auxili ary, P. O. Box 331, O’Neill. CLEARWATER — Marie An derson, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Russell Anderson, lias been selected by the Legion auxiliary as the Clearwater representative at Girls State to be held in Lin coln during June. Miss Ander son is a junior in the Clearwater high school. Another Good Farm Sale Advertised This Week Another good farm sale is listed in this week’s Frontier. Al fred and Jessie Ehrhardt are selling 51 head of good Holstein and Hereford cattle along with a full line of good machinery. A complete listing of the sale will be found elsewhere in this issue. This is another sale advertised in The Frontier’s one-stop weather-insured farm sale ser vice. Mrs. Burgess Submits To Surgery March 21 Mrs. L. A. Burgess underwent major surgery March 21 at Ro chester, Minn., and is reported to be recovering satisfactorily. Dr. Burgess accompanied her to Rochester about 10 days ago and returned to his home Tues day evening. Friends wishing to send cards to Mrs. Burgess may address them to the Rochester Methodist hospital, Room 206, Rochester, Minn. During their absence from O’ Neill, Dr. Burgess’ dental of fices were redecorated. Verdigre Firemen Help Out on Three Fires VERDIGRE—Members of the Volunteer Fire department were called out to three fires on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. The first was a weed fire two miles south of Verdigre. The sec ond was a chimney fire at the Virgil Larsen farm seven miles northeast of town, and the third was a weed fire at the city dump. Athletic Banquet Held Recently at Verdigre VERDIGRE — At the recent Athletic banquet at the Verdigre high school, Ken McElhose and JoEllen Famik were crowned king and queen. Thirty students received letters in basketball, football and track, and Coaches Mr. Harder and Gene Nott congratulated the boys on their participation. Supt. Ro bert G. Scheckler and Esther Deitchmann, band instructor, also presented talks. Sharon Son der, president of the Pep club, gave the welcome. Dancing fol lowed the banquet. Page Senior Selected For Northeast Team PAGE — Fred Cronk, six-foot, one-inch senior from Page, has been selected on the All North east Nebraska Class D team by the Norfolk Daily News. Randy Anderson of Butte and Keith Kivett of Inman were named on the second team. Atkinson Woman Has Major Surgery Mar. 24 ATKINSON — Mrs. F. E. Skrdla is showing excellent im provement following major sur gery Thursday in the Methodist hospital at Rochester. Minn. Mr. Skrdla accompanied her to Rochester prior to her surgery, and then returned home following her operation. He will join her there this week and bring her home the end of the week. Incorporation Filed For Bassett Rest Home BASSETT — Articles of in corporation were filed by the Goscor Corporation of Bassett to operate a rest home. Incorporators were listed as Charles R. Turner and Beulah M. Turner, both of Burton, and Far rell E. Jencks of Bassett. The Goscor Corporation is a non-pro fit organization. I Mrs. Delia Harrison and Nancy Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Anderson, celebrate their birthdays on the same day, March 21. This year Nancy was unable to keep her date with Mrs. Harrison as the measles kept Nancy at home. This picture was taken last year—they are now 83 and 3 years of age, respectively. Mrs. Axel Borg entertained ha honor of Mrs. Harrison Tuesday afternoon at her home. Special Services Set in O'Neill For Holy Week Special Holy Week services have been arranged for this week in most of the O’Neill churches. Maundy Thursday will foe ob served at the First Presbyterian church with communion services at 8 pjm.; Holy Thursday mass and procession at 8 p.m., St Patrick’s Catholic church; Maun dy Thursday communion, 8 p.m., at the First Methodist church. Union Good Friday services, sponsored by the O’Neill Minis terial association, will be held at the Assembly of God church at 3:30 p.m. The Wesleyan Metho dist, First Methodist, First Pres byterian and Assembly of God churches will participate in this service. St. Patrick’s church will hold a Good Friday service at 3:30 p.m. and there will be Good Friday worship and holy com munion at the Christ Lutheran church at 8 p.m. There will be special blessings and mass at 8 p.m. Holy Satur day at St. Patrick’s church. Easter services will be as fol lows: Wesleyan Methodist, 11 a.m., worship and special music by the youth choir; St. Patrick’ church, masses at 7:30, 9 and and 10:30 a.m.; Assembly of God, 11 a.m., with Evangelist Olive Johnson speaking; First Metho dist, sunrise service and break fast, 6 a.m., at Presbyterian church and worship services at the Methodist church at 8 and 11 a.m. q First Presbyterian, sunrise ser vice and breakfast at 6 a.m. for youths in seventh through col lege, 6 a.m., worship service at 8 and 11 a.m.; Christ Lutheran, 11 a.m., Easter Day worship. New Grocery Store Is Opened at Chambers CHAMBERS — The grand opening of the new Miller Grocery store was held Friday and Saturday and was well at- - tended. Business firms and friends pre sented the Millers with many floral arrangements the day of the opening. The visitors at the store were given orchids which had been flown from Hawaii. Winners of prizes were: C. V. Robertson, Mrs. W. H. Ren ninger, Mrs. Don Strong, Mrs. William Ritterbush, Mrs. William Jutte, Mrs. Ron Haake, Mrs. Fred DeHart, Mrs. Merle Peter son, Mrs. Emma Stewart, Mrs. Ernest Chambers, Mrs. L. V. Cooper, Mrs. Bill Rickard, Mrs. William Fryce, Mrs. Vem Sageser, Mrs. Cordea Smith. Mrs. Joe Ollindick, Mrs. Glen Grimes, Mrs. Harry Scott, Mrs. Leonard Swanson, Mrs. Clarenc Fry, Mrs. Ray Shoemaker, Mrs.. Floyd Adams, Mrs. Glen White, Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mrs. Edwin Hoerle, Mrs. Louis Neilson, Carol Fluckey, Leonard Burge, Paul Roten and Leslie Green. Farm Bureau Members Take Part in Meeting Five members of the Antelope County Farm Bureau were in Lin coln Thursday and Friday to par ticipate in the first Nebraska Farm Bureau Economic confer ence. The members attending were Mrs. Marvin Stauffer of Page, Ralph Schrader of Orchard, and Robert Martin, Lavern Hauptman and Mrs. Gordon Hughes, all of Neligh. KRUGMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Ed die Krugman of Lynch, daugh ter, Christee Lea, 7 pounds ounces, March 21. BABL—Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Babl of Emmet, daughter, Eliz abeth Ann, 7 pounds 12 ounces. March 24. KINNISON—Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kinnison of Verdigre. daughter, 9 pounds, March 25. The couple now has two daughters and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kinni son of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. August Block of Mitchell, S. D. are the grandparents. OSBORNE—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osborne of O’Neill, son, Scott Dwayne, 9 pounds, March 26. ATKINSON MEMORIAL WALTON—Mr. and Mrs, Don ald Walton of Atkinson, daughter, Donna Rae, 6 pounds 10 ounces, March 20. ARP—Mr. and Mrs. Gary Arp of Spencer, daughter , Keyla Marie, 7 pounds 10 ounces, March 21. RITTS—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ritts of O’Neill, daughter, 6 pounds 7 ounces, March 24. SACRED HEART WILSON—Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wilson of Lynch, son, 8 pounds 3 ounces, March 25. GRAY—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray of Fairfax, S. D., daughter, Laoreen Gail. ELSEWHERE VROOMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Vrooman of Norfolk, daugh ter, Vicki, 8 pounds 4 ounces, March 25. This is the couple’s first child. Mr. and Mrs. William Vrooman of Orchard are the pa ternal grandparents. SAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sage jr. of Crofton, son, 8 pounds 12 ounces, March 20. Mrs. Sage is the former Donna Jerman of Niobrara. STROPE—Mr. and Mrs. Mer win Strope jr. of Orchard, daugh ter, Yvonne Kay, 7 pounds 3 Ounces, March 20. The little girl has two brothers. ANDERSON—Mr. and Mrs. Per cy Anderson of Columbus, son, Gregory Mark, 7 pounds 8 oun ces, March 20. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searles of Denver, Colo, and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson of Atkinson. ALLEMANG — Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Allemang of Clearwater, son, Mark Albert, 7 pounds 6 ounces, March 15. Mr. and Mrs. William Allemang of Clearwater are the paternal grandparents. LAU—Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Lau of North Platte, son. The mater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Johnson of Clear water and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lau of Norfolk are the paternal grandparents. MITTEIS—Mr. and Mrs. Mer lin Mitteis of Wayne, son, Doug las Dale, 8 pounds 2% ounces, Wayne hospital. He is the couple’s first child. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brock man of Center and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mitteis of Orchard. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMISSIONS: Mar. 21—Loren Boelter of Page and Mrs. Don ald Dobrovolny of Atkinson. 22— Charles Coats of O’Neill. 23—Joe Cizek of Spencer and Patty Lou Gill of Stuart. 24—Mrs. Wendell Babl and Lynn Menkens, both of Emmet; Mrs. Edith McClenahan of Chambers; Mrs. Lloyd Kin nison of Verdigre and Mrs. Katie Snell of Page. 25—Mrs. Jack Os borne and Mrs. Fred Babutzke, both of O’Neill and Mrs. W. A. Ellis of Lynch. 26—Mrs. Robert Pruden and Russell Myer, both of Page. 27—Mrs. John Gallag her of Inman; Mrs. Louis Zahrad nicek of Atkinson and Walt Stew art and Bernadette Borg, both of O’Neill. 28—Mrs. Clayton C. Johnson of Verdigre; Ralph Sto well and Mrs. Stanley Watson, both of O’Neill; William Kipple of Inman and Mrs. Paul Lidgett of Chambers. 29—George Jeffer ies of Ewing. DISMISSED: Mar. 22—Mrs. Dora Doyle and Mrs. Vernon Lor enz, both of O'Neill; David Roth erham of Ewing and Keith (Hal sey of Chambers. Mar. 23—Lor en Boelter of Page; Mrs. Carrie Heise and Mrs. Robert Lawrence, both of O’Neill. 24—Charles Coats of O’Neill; Richard Kropp of Ewing; Mrs. Eddie Krugman of Lynch; Fred Ferguson of Stuart and Mrs. Donald Dobro volny of Atkinson. 25—Joe Cizek of Spencer; Patty Lou Gill of Stuart and Henry Wood of Ew ing. 27—Mrs. Robert Pruden of Page; Lynn Menkens and Mrs. Wendell Babl, both of Emmet. 28—Mrs. Edith McClenahan of Chambers. 29—Bernadette Borg of O’Neill. EXPIRED: Mar. 28—Margaret Gorman of O’Neill and Mrs. Rol lie Snell of Page. 29—William Kipple of Inman. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Mar. 20 — Mrs. Donald Walton of Atkinson; Mrs. Henry Grunke of Emmet and Mrs. Gary Arp of Spencer. 21— Neal and Lyle Addison, both of Atkinson; Mrs. Earl Cadwallader, Mrs. Mainard Kramer, Jolene Weichman and John Alderman, all of Stuart. 22—Mrs. Bemie Wilson of Atkinson. 23—Michael Nilson of Atkinson; Mrs. Pete Engler and LaVem Engler, both of Stuart. 24—Brian Dusatko of Emmet; Mrs. Delsia Crommett of Bassett and Mrs. Ed Ritts of O’Neill. 25—Mrs. Joe Stoecker of Amelia. 26—Mrs. Darel Wie gand of Atkinson. 27—Mrs. Alice Hill of Atkinson. DISMISSED: Mar. 20—Marvin Schrader of Gregory, S. D. 21— Mrs. Merlyn Shaw of O’Neill; Joe Gans, Mrs. Wilbur Nickless, Mrs. Earl Cadwallader and Mrs. August Kramer, all of Stuart; Lloyd and Lyle Addison, both of Atkinson and Mrs. Henry Grunke of Emmet. 23—Diana Nekolite of O’Neill; Gary Inglett of Lucas, S. D. and Mrs. Bernie Wilson of Atkinson. 24—LaVem Engler and James Deming, both of Stuart. 25—Michael Nilson and Mrs. Don ald Walton and baby, all of At kinson. 26—Mrs. Stella Sparks of Chambers and Mrs. Gary Arp and baby of Spencer. 27—Brian Dusatko of Emmet. SACRED HEART PRESENT: Mar. 27—Calvin Conklin, Frank Cranford, Mrs. Mary Fusch, Dr. J. A. Guttery, Mrs. Leman Huber, Mrs. Inger Levi, Master James Joseph Slech ta, Mrs. William Wells, Mrs. Gary Wilson and baby boy, Rog er Sixta, Mrs. Glen Stewart and Eddie Mulhair, all of Lynch; Mrs. Phoebe Barto of Butte; Os car Carmichael, Mrs. Emma Fi ala and John Schommer, all of Spencer; Mrs. Dave Fischer of Naper; E. M. Guthmiller and Er ick Ohman, both of Anoka; Mrs. Hollie Hopkins of Niobrara; Thomas Minarik of Verdel and Mrs. Mamie O’Neill of O’Neill. DISMISSED: Mar. 21—Baby Mark Weidner of Fairfax, S. D. 23—Bennet Sanders of O’Neill and Mrs. Clyde Beckner of Bristow. 25—Mrs. Robert Gray and baby girl of Fairfax, S. D. Letters to Uie Editor To Voters of District 7 Dear Voters: Next Tuesday, April 4, is Election Day! Casting one’s bal lot is a true American tradition; a priceless privilege which every good American citizen should cherish and use. Among other city officers to be filled this election day are two memberships for School Board of District 7. The names of four candidates for these posi tions will appear on the ballot. Each voter may select only two of these candidates and cast his vote for them. If you have been completely satisfied with the present admin istration management and future plans of the present School Board of District 7, vote for the incumbent candidates whose names will appear on the ballot. If, however, you have not ap proved, nor been pleased, with the above plans, past performan ces, and present management of the existing School Board and Administration, now is the time to voice your disapproval. This can be done by casting your votes for the two new candidates whose names will appear on the ballot, also. These new candi dates stand ready, and willing to serve you, your school and your community as carefully and wise ly as they know how. You voters are duty-bound to express your opinions, hopes, de sires and judgement on communi ty issues and problems. This is a call to duty! Choose the candidates of your choice, but get out and vote! Will U Vote? JUSTICE COURT March 27—Harold Rauer of Kil gore, overweight on axle, fined $70 and costs; arresting officer, Donald Richardson. March 27—Doyle E. Johnson of Rushville, night speeding, fined $10 and costs; officer, R. L. Gude. March 28—Neil Daniels of Whit ney, overweight on axle and ov erweight on capacity plate, fined $100 and costs; officer, Clifford Kizzire. March 28—Nere Olson of Chi cago, driver for Consolidated Freightways, no reciprocity, fin ed $10 and costs; Officer Richard son. March 28—Conrad Jahries of Dubuque, la., overweight interior group of axles and over gross, fin ed $120 and costs; Officer Kizzire. March 28—Clarence Hahne of Sioux City, no reciprocity, fined $10 and costs; Officer Kizzire. March 29—Howard Franklin of Chadron, overweight, fined $10 and costs; Officer Kizzire. March 29—Feme Davis, driver for Galyen Motor company of At kinson, overweight on interior group of axles, fined $50 and costs; officer Richardson. At The Courthouse COUNTY COURT March 23—Edward Ethington, 17, of Atkinson, night speeding and possesion of alcholic liquor by a minor, fined $25 on each count and costs, officer E. M. j Hastreiter. March 23—Everett B. Hale, 15, of Atkinson, minor in possession to alcholic beverage, fined $25 and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei ter. March 23—Douglas H. Spence, 15, of Atkinson, minor in posses sion of alcholic beverage, fined $25 and costs, officer E. M. Hast reiter. March 23—Buck Hayden, 16, of Atkinson, minor in possession of alcholic beverage, fined $25 and costs, officer E. M. Hastreiter. March 23—William R. Milner, 16, of Atkinson, minor in posses sion of alcholic beverage, fined $25 and costs, officer E. M. Hast reiter. March 27—Clayton A. Quinn of Lincoln, day seeding, fined $25 and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei ter. March 21—Hazel B. Wilroy of Kansas City. Mo., night speed ing, fined $25 and costs, officer Donald J. Fiala. ; ■ Mrs. Clara Schaffer of O’ Neill announces the engage ment and approaching marriage of her daughter, Rose Ann to Carroll F. Grenier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier of O’ Neill. Miss Schitffer is a graduate of St. Mary’s academy and Sacred Heart School of Nursing in Yankton, S. D. For the past year she has Ims-ii employed at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. Mr. Grenier is a graduate of O’Neill public school and ha/t served four years In the navy. He is employed as assistant manager for the Ilested com pany and is presently stationed in Grand Island. A May 27 wedding is being planned. March 27—LeRoy L. Miller of Jameson, Mo., night speeding, fined $70 and costs, officer Ro bert Gude. March 27—Arthur P. Pelletit r of Ewing, expired plates, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hast reiter. March 28—Daniel G. Kozier of Ainsworth, night speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer Robert Gude. March 28—Michael E. Hitch cock of Ainsworth, day speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer (Don ald J. Fiala. March 28—Robert J. Jenkins of O’Neill, failure to stop at stop sign, fined $10 and costs, officer Donald J. Fiala. March 29th—Richard L. Gud gel of Springview, night speed ing, fined $10 and costs, officer Donald J. Fiala. March 29—‘Harriet Masters of Arlington, Nebr., day speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer Ro bert Gude. Mar. 29—Mabel A. Thomas of O’Neill, night speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer Donald J. Fiala. Sister M. Elaine Is Awarded Highest Honor The Freshman Chemistry Award for the highest achieve ment in the subject among her college classmates , was pre sented to Sister M. Elaine, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Arbuth not of O’Neill, at the honors con vocation at Regis college in Den ver. The Rev. Richard F. Ryan, SJ, president of the College, made the award. Sister Elaine also re ceived a chemistry handbook and the right to participate in a writ ten contest this spring for regional honors among freshmen chemists. Sister Elaine, the former Ceci lia Ann Arbuthnot, graduated from St. Mary’s academy at O’ Neill in 1958. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 SPECIAL EASTER DINNER Noon to 2 p.m. and 5:30-10 p.m. SPECIAL EASTER MENUS CHILD'S PORTIONS IF DESIRED THE TOWN HOUSE AAA Approved O'Neill, Nebr. SPECIAL SPRING SALE Tuesday, April 4 1,000 — 1,200 Head of the finest cattle you'll ever see — light weight calves for pasture — heavier calves and light yearlings to feed on grass, and for the dry lot. FEATURING: 170 Reputation Hereford calves from the Dwyer Bros., ranch— high choice and fancy—130 steers — 475 lbs. 40 heifers — 425 lbs. All are Dehorned, Vaccinated, sprayed, and heifers guaranteed open and bangs vaccinated. 95 Choice WF steers — 525-575 lbs. The right kind. 75 Good to choice WF light yearlings — 500-600 lbs. 63 Hight choice Angus calves — 550 lbs. 55 Choice WF heifer calves — 450-550 lbs. 47 Choice Shorthorn calves — 450 lbs. 40 Angus, WF & Shorthorn steers — 725 lbs. 40 Extra green, choice WF heifer calves — .'150 lbs. 30 Angford & WF calves & light yearlings — 400-600 lbs. 35 Choice WF light yearlings heifers — 575 lbs. (open) 30 Choice WF calves — 475 lbs. (very green) 30 Good WF light yearlings — 525 lbs. 23 Purebred WT calves & light yearlings — 400-600 lbs. 19 Choice Angford heifers — 600 lbs. (open) A Purebred WF bull—3 yrs. old—papers furnished. We have been selling 300-500 good quality feeder pigs every week and estimate a good run for this sale. Earl consignment: 40 White feeder pigs — 50 lbs. Hog Market Report: Wednesday, March 22 Draft after draft of butcher hogs brought from $17.00 to an extreme top of $17.90—well over the top paid at the nearest ter minal. Here’s proof that heavy butchers also sell good at this auction market—had a set of 329 lb. butchers selling at *16.05. Join the many satisfied hog producers and sell your hogs the “Auction Way” at the Creighton Livestock Market. You’ll like the idea of open, competitive bidding on each consignment— you’ll like Wednesday above any other day of the week for marketing. This auction has better facilities than any other market In V. E. Nebraska for handling your consignments properly. _~_ "THlBlSr Safa Bam a Northeast Nebraska _