I JADE CARVER—E. B. Bo mar of Tucson, Arizona has a fascinating hobby, carving jade. At the left, he uses a homemade saw to cut a large chunk of jade from which he will carve a beautiful dinner set. At the right, he polishes a piece to bring out jade's amaz ing colors. 5 UNHAPPY HANSI. Hansi, a baby zebra born at the zoo in Austria, seems worried about his lack of black stripes on his hindquarters. Zoo officials consider his missing colors a rare exception and so does poor Hansi who asked: "Why do my stripes stop at the most important place?" Slice yourself some Essex Cervelat; Plump, Firm, Delicious! Slow-cured, fully-smoked, seasoned to a "T" for TASTE. Try this favorite tonight! Made our own slow, sure, old-fashioned way with selected meats and country seasoning! ■ I I I