The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 30, 1961, FARM and HOME section, Image 26

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Torte Circles:
3 egg whites & teaspoon salt
% cup light brown sugar, 2 cups blanched almonds,
firmly packed finely chopped
Beat egg whites and salt until stiff, but not dry. Grad
ually add sugar and beat until very stiff. Fold in ground
nuts. Cut 4 8-inch circles from brown paper; place on bak
ing sheets. Spread each circle with 11 of the mixture. Dec
orate 1 circle with additional whole almonds, maraschino
cherries and pieces of citron. Bake in slow oven (300°F.)
35 minutes. Cool; peel off paper.
1 6-ounce package semi- H cup water
sweet chocolate morsels % teaspoon peppermint
3 egg yolks flavoring
1 jar (7% ounces) 1 cup heavy cream,
marshmallow cream whipped
Melt semi-sweet chocolate morsels over hot, not boiling,
water. Beat egg yolks until thick; gradually add melted
chocolate, stirring rapidly. Combine marshmallow cream,
water and peppermint flavoring; stir in chocolate mixture.
Chill until mixture mounds when dropped from a spoon,
about 20 minutes. Fold in heavy cream. Spread X cup of
the mixture on each undecorated circle. Top with decorated
circle; frost sides with remaining filling. Chill several hours,
or overnight. Yield: 10 servings.
Illinois Cook used this Recipe
to win Gold Ribbon at County Fair
Kane County Coffeecake
“I entered my cake for the very first time
at the Kane County Fair. And I'm so glad
I did,” says Mrs. Edward Strope. “Because
I walked away with the Gold Ribbon for
the best yeast baking. Now my recipe’s
become a favorite around these parts,
and I think you'll like it, too. Just be
sure to use Fleischmann's Active Dry
Yeast, the kind we prize-winning
cooks like best. Fleischmann's is so
fast rising and easy to use, your
baking’s bound to come out perfect.
Kane County Coffeecake (Makes 2 Rings)
Va cup milk
Va cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 packages Fleischmann’s Active
Dry Yeast
Vi cup very warm water
2 eggs
Vi cup Fleischmann’s Margarine
5 to 6 cups sifted flour
■ 1 cup sugar
Va cup raisins
1 Vi teaspoons cinnamon
I Scald milk. Stir in sugar and salt,
j Cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in
very warm water. Stir in lukewarm
| milk mixture, eggs, margarine, and
■ about 2 cups flour. Beat until smooth.
Add enough remaining flour to make
a soft dough. Tum out on a lightly
j floured board and knead until smooth
and elastic. Place in a greased bowl.
Brush top with soft margarine. Cover
and let rise in a warm place, free from
J draft until doubled in bulk, about
\ 1 hour,
Punch down and let rise another
20 minutes. Divide dough in half.
Roll out into rectangle 7 x 16 inches.
Spread with soft margarine. Sprinkle |
with mixture of sugar, raisins and
cinnamon. Roll up lengthwise as for |
jelly roll. Seal edges. Place sealed j
edge down in circle on greased bak
ing sheets. Seal ends together firmly. I
Cut way into ring with scissors at
1 -inch intervals. Turn each section on
its side. Cover and let rise until
doubled in bulk, about 45 minutes.
Bake in a moderate oven (375°F.)
20 to 25 minutes. Frost, while warm,
with confectioners’ sugar icing. Deco
rate with cherries and nuts.
Pastry for 2-crust 9-inch pie
£ cup sugar 2% cups crushed pineapple, undrained0
4 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter
Roll half of the pastry and line the bottom of a 9-inch pie pan. Roll remaining pastry
for top crust, cut into long strips Ji-inch wide. Weave lattice design on waxed paper
and set aside. Mix sugar, flour and undrained pineapple. Cook over moderate heat, stir
ring constantly, until mixture thickens and boils. Pour into pastry lined pan and dot
with butter. Quickly flip waxed paper with lattice crust over top of pie and press edges
together firmly. Place immediately in hot oven (450°F.) for 10 minutes, reduce heat to
moderate (350°F.) and continue baking for 30 minutes longer. Serves 6.
° 1 cup sliced canned peaches, apricots or rhubarb may be used with 1 cup crushed pine
apple for an intriguing two-fruit pie.